Jaksot 13


Line of Departure

6 maaliskuu 201144m

Denise is about to meet her daughter-in-law but things don't go smoothly. Denise is meeting with Tonya gets off to a rocky start because Molly isn't feeling too well. They meet again for the second time Tonya doesn't trust Denise is medical training and isn't sure the diagnosis of colic isn't the right one for Molly. Emmalin goes to college while Frank, Michael, Trevor, and Jeremy are all in Afghanistan fighting the war.

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Command Presence

13 maaliskuu 201144m

Pamela makes a decision on whether to join the Atlanta PD or stay at fort Marshall as an army war wife. And Claudia joy graduates law school Professor Chandler offers her a job at a law firm. Joan tackles a new job and deals with the stresses of that. Roland tries to see if he can find time for his wife in her busy schedule.

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Movement to Contact

20 maaliskuu 201144m

Claudia Joy begins her first day working an associate to professor chandler in his law firm, but today takes an unexpected turn planned Claudia Joy is yelled at. Roxy feels that Pamela may not want to be friends with her anymore. Roland and Joan have to figure out where their daughter will go for preschool. A wedding shower is planned for Jeremy's fiancée Tonya.

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On Behalf Of a Grateful Nation

27 maaliskuu 201144m

The tribe leans on each other as they cope with the loss of a loved one.

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Soldier On

3 huhtikuu 201144m

The aftermath of an unexpected loss leads to life-changing decisions for the wives.

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Walking Wounded

10 huhtikuu 201144m

Episode Synopsis: Claudia Joy copes with memories of Amanda; Roxy considers expanding her business; Pamela and Chase monitor their behavior in front of their kids; and Roland doubts his professional skills.

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Strategic Alliances

Mid-Season Finale
17 huhtikuu 201144m

An Army wife facing deportation gets help from Claudia Joy and Chandler; Roxy makes headway with her plans for a truck stop; and Roland and Joan babysit Molly when Denise gets the flu.

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Supporting Arms

1 toukokuu 201144m

Medical issues arise for Claudia Joy. Pamela is concerned about Finn and TJ’s relationship with Roxy’s ex, Whit. Roland and Joan move forward with plans to add to their family.

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8 toukokuu 201144m

Despite the sadness that she feels, Denise finds the strength to be there for Jeremy’s friends when they need her most. Things are tense between Roxy and Trevor as she struggles to find a way to tell him about the truck stop. Roland and Joan are determined to do whatever they have to do to adopt a baby, but a situation with one of Roland's patients leads them to consider other options.

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Battle buddies

15 toukokuu 201144m

Trevor allows his marital issues to affect his work, and Roxy looks to Denise for help. Meanwhile, Joan and Roland consider adopting a child with health issues.

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Drop Zone

22 toukokuu 201144m

Claudia Joy is happy to have Emmalin and Michael back under the same roof, but it's clear to Claudia Joy that they both have something else on their minds. An incident on post reminds Denise how much she misses being a nurse. Pamela is worried when Boone is assigned to evaluate her job performance.

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5 kesäkuu 201144m

Emmalin and Michael's disagreement about their futures puts Claudia Joy in the middle. Meanwhile, Denise goes back to work, and Trevor contemplates attending Officer Candidate School.

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Fairwell to Arms

Season Finale
12 kesäkuu 201144m

Claudia Joy has difficulty dealing with the way people are treating her and Michael; Joan finds it tough to bond with David; Roxy's truck stop nears completion; and Denise attempts to help Tanya cope with life without Jeremy.

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