三木眞一郎 como Kojirou (voice)

Episódios 1090

Pokémon, Escolho-te a Ti! 

1 abril 199723m

Depois de acordar tarde no dia em que tinha de escolher o seu Pokémon, Ash Ketchum, com 10 anos de idade, é forçado a ficar com o último: um obstinado Pikachu.

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Emergência Pokémon! 

8 abril 199723m

Viridian City está em alerta por causa dos ladrões Jessie, James e Meowth da Team Rocket, um grupo de bandidos dedicado a roubar os Pokémon mais valiosos.

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Ash Captura um Pokémon

15 abril 199723m

Ash apanha um Caterpie, o primeiro Pokémon que alguma vez apanhou! Mas Misty fica muito incomodada pelas suas tentativas em ser seu amigo.

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O Desafio do Samurai

22 abril 199723m

Quando uma batalha com o Metapod de Ash é interrompida por um enxame de ferozes Beedrill, Ash foge mas acaba por deixar o seu Metapod para trás.

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Confronto na Cidade de Pewter

29 abril 199723m

Jessie, James e Meowth montam uma armadilha para os nossos heróis, mas acabam por ser eles as vítimas do seu plano.

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Clefairy e a Pedra da Lua

6 maio 199723m

Depois de ser salvo por Ash e os seus amigos, um cientista ajuda-os a encontrar a lendária Pedra da Lua, famosa por aumentar o poder dos Pokémon.

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As Nadadoras na Cidade de Cerulean

13 maio 199723m

Em Cerulean City, três campeões recusam o desafio de Ash, mas um quarto e misterioso campeão aceita o desafio para um combate.

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O Caminho para a Liga Pokémon

20 maio 199723m

Ash ouve falar de A.J., um feroz treinador de Pokémon que nunca perdeu um combate. Confiante, Ash dirige-se para a arena de A.J. para enfrentar este novo adversário.

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A Escola das Provações

27 maio 199723m

No Instituto Técnico dos Pokémon, Ash e Misty desafiam uma rapariga arrogante que é líder de um sistema de treino muito agressivo na escola.

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Bulbasaur e a Aldeia Escondida

3 junho 199723m

O grupo descobre uma pequena e sossegada vila habitada por Pokémon que foram feridos em combate ou abandonados pelos seus treinadores.

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Charmander, o Pokémon Extraviado

10 junho 199723m

Depois de salvar um Charmander abandonado de um ataque de um Spearow, os nossos heróis são recompensados pela boa ação quando enfrentam uma situação perigosa.

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Aqui Vem o Pelotão Squirtle

17 junho 199723m

Depois de fazerem um acordo com Meowth, um grupo de Squirtle consegue capturar Ash, Misty, Brock e Pikachu. Este último, ferido, precisa urgentemente de medicamentos.

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Mistério no Farol

24 junho 199723m

O grupo cruza-se com um farol que pertence a um investigador à espera do surgimento de um Pokémon único, nunca antes visto por humanos.

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Confronto Eléctrico

1 julho 199723m

Para Pikachu derrotar Raichu, um Pokémon com um temível poder elétrico, terá de ter mais força de vontade na arena do que nunca.

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Batalha a Bordo do Santa Ana

8 julho 199723m

Jessie e James têm um plano para atrair treinadores de Pokémon, incluindo Ash e os seus amigos, para um moderno navio de cruzeiro, apenas para roubar os seus Pokémon.

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Naufrágio Pokémon

15 julho 199723m

Depois de darem à costa com a Team Rocket, os nossos heróis são obrigados a unir-se aos seus inimigos para sobreviverem a uma situação subaquática e muito pegajosa.

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A Ilha do Pokémon Gigante

22 julho 199723m

Depois de sobreviver ao naufrágio, as equipas são arrastadas para outra situação perigosa quando são atacadas pelo feroz Pokémon Gyarados.

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Férias em Aopulco

29 julho 199723m

Episódio não exibido em Portugal. Título romanizado.

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Tentacool e Tentacruel

5 agosto 199723m

As equipas conhecem uma mulher muito rica que quer transformar o recife de coral de uma ilha numa estância balnear, mas um cardume de Tentacool estraga os seus planos.

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O Fantasma do Pico da Donzela

12 agosto 199723m

As equipas encontram uma vila famosa por uma lenda em que uma rapariga rouba o espírito de um jovem durante um festival de verão local.

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Adeus Butterfree

19 agosto 199723m

Apaixonado por uma Butterfree cor-de-rosa, o Butterfree de Ash enfrenta a Team Rocket com o poder e coragem de um Pokémon enamorado.

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Abra e o Espectáculo Psíquico

26 agosto 199723m

O grupo chega a Saffron City, onde a campeã, Sabrina, comanda Pokémon com poderes psíquicos. Se Ash a conseguir derrotar, ele conquistará o seu quarto crachá.

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A Torre do Terror

2 setembro 199723m

À procura de um Pokémon fantasma, Ash viaja para a Torre de Pokémon em Lavender Town, onde se diz que estes Pokémon se escondem.

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Haunter Contra Kadabra

9 setembro 199723m

Os nossos amigos viajam para Saffron City para lutar contra a poderosa Sabrina, detentora de poderes psíquicos. Ash tem apenas um objetivo: vencer o Crachá Dourado.

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Primeape Fica Maluco

16 setembro 199723m

Os nossos heróis encontram um Pokémon selvagem que, se for ofendido, faz verdadeiras birras. Subestimando o seu temperamento, Ash tenta apanhá-lo.

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A Sensação Pokémon!

23 setembro 199723m

Após criticar um perfume numa loja, Ash descobre que o cheiro é afinal produzido na arena local, onde ele é proibido de entrar por causa dos comentários que fez.

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Hora da Sesta do Hypno

30 setembro 199723m

Os nossos heróis chegam a uma cidade de onde várias crianças desapareceram e onde os Pokémon adoeceram e não respondem ao tratamento no Centro de Pokémon.

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Última Moda Pokémon

7 outubro 199723m

A pedido do insistente Brock, os nossos heróis param em Scissor Street, um local bem conhecido dos criadores de Pokémon pelos salões de beleza para Pokémon.

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O Pokémon Lutador

14 outubro 199723m

Brock e Ash aceitam ajudar a filha de um treinador que abandonou a sua família para treinar noite e dia até conquistar a vitória no Grande Prémio P1.

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Faíscas Voam Pelo Magnemite

21 outubro 199723m

Durante um apagão em Gringey City, Ash e os seus amigos descobrem o Pokémon Magnemite e um exército de Grimer, uma espécie de Pokémon criada a partir de detritos.

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Escavem esse Diglett!

28 outubro 199723m

O encarregado na construção de uma barragem começa a recrutar treinadores de Pokémon quando são detetados vários Pokémon Diglett com tocas na área.

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O Confronto do Pokémon Ninja

4 novembro 199723m

Na arena Fuchsia, a missão de Ash em conquistar o seu próximo crachá é afetada por um sistema de armadilhas. Depois, uma treinadora petulante desafia-o para um combate.

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A Maratona dos Pokémon de Chama!

11 novembro 199723m

Ash substitui a filha do dono de um rancho de Pokémon, ferida pela Team Rocket, numa corrida anual para medir o crescimento dos Pokémon.

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O Rapaz Kangaskhan

18 novembro 199723m

Os nossos heróis acompanham a Agente Jenny até à floresta, apostados em perseguir os caçadores furtivos de Pokémon na região.

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Lenda de Miniryu

25 novembro 199723m

Episódio não exibido em Portugal. Título romanizado.

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O Gangue dos Motoqueiros da Ponte

2 dezembro 199723m

Ash e os outros chegam a uma cidade que apenas pode ser alcançada atravessando uma ponte de bicicleta, mas não têm dinheiro para alugar bicicletas e fazer a travessia.

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A Mansão Misteriosa do Ditto

9 dezembro 199723m

Os nossos heróis abrigam-se numa cabana que afinal é a Casa da Imitação de um treinador que tem um Pikachu que é um Ditto, o Pokémon da Transformação.

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Porygon, o Soldado Eléctrico

16 dezembro 199723m

Episódio não exibido em Portugal. Título romanizado.

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A Despedida do Pikachu

16 abril 199823m

Ash e os outros descobrem um grupo de Pikachu selvagens numa área isolada da floresta. Como se sentirá Pikachu por ver outros da sua espécie em liberdade?

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Os Irmãos Batalhadores Eevee

16 abril 199823m

Um Eevee perdido leva a equipa a uma mansão enorme onde decorre uma festa na qual participam os treinadores de Pokémon que evoluíram com pedras de Evolução.

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Acorda, Snorlax!

23 abril 199823m

Em troca de uma refeição, Ash, Misty e Brock aceitam investigar a misteriosa falta de água numa vila.

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Confronto em Dark City

30 abril 199823m

Os nossos heróis viajam para Dark City, onde os campeões da arena enfrentam qualquer treinador de Pokémon que entre nos limites da cidade.

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A Marcha dos Exeggutor

7 maio 199823m

Após descobrir que existe uma feira ambulante por perto, Ash, Misty e Brock participam na diversão da feira e encontram um espetáculo de magia bastante aborrecido.

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O Problema com Paras

14 maio 199823m

Após adoecer e ser curado por uma rapariga chamada Cassandra, Meowth promete retribuir. Mas estarão os membros da Team Rocket interessados em ajudar?

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A Canção do Jigglypuff

21 maio 199823m

Após encontrar um Jigglypuff com dificuldades a cantar, Misty desiste de o tentar apanhar e, em vez disso, tenta ajudá-lo a lidar com o seu problema.

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Ataque do Pokémon Pré-histórico

28 maio 199823m

Ash decide participar numa escavação de fósseis de Pokémon extintos como uma oportunidade de derrotar Gary, que também está no local da escavação.

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Uma Operação Arriscada

4 junho 199823m

Durante uma visita ao Centro Pokémon para curar Pikachu, Ash é informado pela enfermeira Joy de que houve um acidente e muitos Pokémon estão feridos.

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Santo Matrimónio!

11 junho 199823m

Durante o seu percurso pelo campo, os nossos heróis reparam num poster de pessoas desaparecidas com uma cara familiar: parece mesmo James da Team Rocket.

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Tão Perto Está o Farfetch’d

18 junho 199823m

Ash e Misty juram apanhar um raro Farfetch'd selvagem e rapidamente têm a sua oportunidade, quando o Pokémon Pato selvagem aparece.

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Quem Fica com o Togepi?

25 junho 199823m

Jessie, James e Meowth concentram-se no ovo de Pokémon de Ash e começam a congeminar outro plano arrojado para o roubar.

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O Jardim Misterioso do Bulbasaur

2 julho 199823m

Depois do bolbo de Bulbasaur começar a emitir um brilho estranho, uma enfermeira faz alguns testes e descobre que ele não está doente: está a preparar-se para evoluir!

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Princesa Contra Princesa

9 julho 199823m

Misty and Jessie compete against one another for Queen of the Princess Festival, a day where women rule and the guys have to do whatever the girls tell them.

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O Herói Purr-Feito

9 julho 199823m

It's Kids Day, and Ash and friends help the children at a nearby school celebrate the holiday.

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O Caso do K-9!

16 julho 199823m

Depois encontrar acidentalmente uma arena de treino dos Growlithe da polícia, Ash pergunta se ele e Pikachu podem participar no treino.

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Pokémon Paparazzi

23 julho 199823m

Ash e os seus amigos conhecem o único fotógrafo a conseguir uma imagem de um Aerodactyl real, e afinal é o mesmo que raptou Ash!

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O Teste Derradeiro

30 julho 199823m

Ash inscreve-se no exame para entrar na Liga Pokémon, mas Jessie e James forçam todos a passar um teste muito diferente e inesperado.

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O Segredo do Centro de Criação

6 agosto 199823m

Ash e o grupo descobrem que um novo centro de criação é uma fachada para um esquema dos novos membros da Team Rocket, Butch e Cassidy.

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Adivinhem Lá

13 agosto 199823m

Ash, Brock and Misty travel to Cinnabar Island where Ash hopes to win his Volcano Badge.

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Pânico Vulcânico

20 agosto 199823m

Ash continues his quest to attain his Volcano Badge once he finally locates the gym that is suspended above a pool of molten lava!

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Blastoise na Praia

27 agosto 199823m

As Ash and the gang are rushing to catch the last ferry off of Cinnabar Island, they stumble over a rare Pokémon in trouble.

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A Sereia Misty

3 setembro 199823m

One of Misty's water Pokémon is in desperate need of exercise, so the gang decides to take her Horsea to a gym that's run by her sisters in Cerulean City.

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Lendas da Clefairy

10 setembro 199823m

Ash, Brock and Misty get sidetracked on their way to Viridian City when all of their belongings mysteriously disappear.

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A Batalha pelo Crachá

17 setembro 199823m

Ash and friends finally make their way to Viridian City where Ash hopes to earn his Earth Badge.

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É a Hora do Mr. Mimie

24 setembro 199823m

On their way back to Pallet Town, Ash, Brock and Misty encounter a runaway Mr. Mime.

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Hi-Jynx Natalício

5 outubro 199823m

Ash, Misty, Brock, and their Pokémon must return a lost Jynx to Santa before Christmas, with the help of a Lapras. Meanwhile, Jessie attempts to take revenge on Santa for stealing her favorite doll when she was young.

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Uma Aventura Gelada!

5 outubro 199823m

Pikachu is lost in a snowy mountain forest! Can Ash and the gang stay warm while tracking down their missing pal?

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Espectáculo no Poké Corral

8 outubro 199823m

Back in Pallet Town, Ash finds Gary, already there, waiting to partake in the Pokémon League. Always having a bitter rivalry with Gary, Professor Oak tells them both the meaning of Pokémon. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is trying to get inside the lab to steal the Pokémon.

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A Solução da Evolução

15 outubro 199823m

Ash goes to Seafoam Island to help Professor Oak to discover the mystery of how Slowpoke evolves into Slowbro. There, Professor Westwood V is also trying to solve the mystery. Jessie captures Shellder, and tries to rush a Slowpoke's evolution, forcing Psyduck to stall the evolution.

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O Pi-Kahuna

22 outubro 199823m

Ash and the gang take some time off to go surfing. While surfing, however, Ash passes out, but is thankfully rescued by a surfer named Victor and his blue-eyed Pikachu, Puka. Victor then reveals his plans to surf a tsunami called Humungadunga and become a surfing legend.

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Abram Alas para o Gloom

29 outubro 199823m

Ash goes to a flower garden to get some fertilizer for his mother, but Bulbasaur sniffs the flowers and becomes paralyzed.

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Luzes, Camera, Quack-ção!

5 novembro 199823m

When the gang discovers there is a movie with an all Pokemon cast being made nearby, Ash and his friends put their Pokémon in for an audition. Misty's Psyduck gets the main role while the others get minor roles.

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Vai para Oeste, Jovem Meowth

12 novembro 199823m

Ash and his friends go to Hollywood (although only a small nearby town) to see the premiere of the movie their Pokémon were cast in. Team Rocket follows them to find out that Meowth has history in this town; It is here where he was a member of a gang of street Meowths led by the Persian. He learned to speak and walk upright to win the heart of a female Meowth who was abandoned by her owner. Upon returning, he challenges Persian who was once his mentor for the female Meowth he thought he lost years before.

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Dominar o Onix Desesperado

19 novembro 199823m

After watching Elite Four member Bruno on TV, Ash and his friends decide to do training in the mountains to be as strong as Bruno. However, they meet Bruno and he manipulates them to do some menial tasks for him. Meanwhile, a giant Onix is on a rampage.

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O Antigo Puzzle de Pokémopolis

26 novembro 199823m

While training, Ash and his friends accidentally uncover the ruins of Pokémopolis, an ancient city. After a bit of research, they find a giant Gengar and a giant Alakazam starting to fight. Then, a giant Jigglypuff appears to put them to sleep.

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Ruim Até aos Ossos

3 dezembro 199823m

Ash and his friends offer to help a trainer that is heading for the Pokémon League to retrieve his stolen gym badges from Team Rocket.

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Todo Entusiasmado!

10 dezembro 199823m

Ash finally reaches the Indigo Plateau, home of the Pokémon League conference. Before the tournament begins, they plan on lighting a ceremonial cauldron with the flame of the legendary Pokémon, Moltres. Ash, as a participant, is free to carry the flame but when Team Rocket steals it, the tournament may be cancelled.

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Primeiro Assalto – Começar!

17 dezembro 199823m

Ash enters his first match of the tournament on the water field against Mandi the Astounding. During the battle against Mandi's Exeggutor, Ash's Krabby evolves into Kingler, who he then uses against Mandy's remaining Seadra and Golbat, winning the match and moving onto the next preliminary round.

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Fogo e Gelo

24 dezembro 199823m

For the second round Ash battles in the rock arena. Ash's last Pokémon, Squirtle, defeats his foe's last Pokémon, Nidorino, and he, victorious, moves on to Round 3. In the third round Ash faces a trainer named Pete in the ice arena. Both trainers are left with 2 Pokémon each. Pete uses Cloyster and Arcanine. In the end, Ash is victorious and he moves on to Round 4.

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O Quarto Assalto

1 janeiro 199923m

In the 4th round, Ash faces a trainer named Jeanette, who uses a Beedrill, a Scyther, and a Bellsprout. The match ends with Ash victorious, and he moves on to the 5th round, becoming one of the final sixteen members of the tournament.

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Um Amigo Verdadeiro

7 janeiro 199923m

Ash meets a new trainer named Richie, who is eerily similar to Ash, including owning a Pikachu. However, Team Rocket makes another attempt to steal Ash's and Richie's Pokémon. Ash and Richie prevent Team Rocket from stealing their Pokémon. Ash discovers his next battle is against Richie. Will Ash manage to reach the quarterfinals?

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Amigos e Inimigos

14 janeiro 199923m

A twist of fate pits Ash and his new friend, Richie, against each other in the fifth round of the Pokémon League Competition. Both are determined to triumph, but who will emerge victorious? And, can their friendship survive the struggle?

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Amigos Até ao Fim

Season Finale
21 janeiro 199923m

After losing to Richie in the fifth round, Ash is moping around, annoyed that he lost. He is convinced by Misty that he should support Richie who is now in the quarterfinals. However, when Richie loses, they both have to look inside themselves to see if they are good trainers.

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Pânico na Festa de Pallet

28 janeiro 199923m

After battling in the Pokémon League Tournament, Ash and his friends return to Pallet Town for a hero's welcome.

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O Susto no Ar

4 fevereiro 199923m

Ash, Brock, and Misty prepare for their long journey to Valencia Island to bring back a mysterious Poké Ball for Professor Oak. After discovering that the trip will take a month to get there, Ash manages to win a free blimp ride so it will take only a day! Once on board, they realize the blimp is being powered by Team Rocket! And things only get worse from there!

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Perigo de Pokébola

11 fevereiro 199923m

After making a crash landing onto Valencia Island, our heroes get directions to Professor Ivy's laboratory where the mysterious Pokéball is being held. Once at the laboratory, Brock realizes that Professor Ivy and her group of scientists are Pokémon breeders just like him! Suddenly Brock begins to feel at home and thinks about staying for awhile to continue his studies on Pokémon breeding.

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O Lapras Perdido

18 fevereiro 199923m

After picking up the GS Ball from Professor Ivy, Brock decided to stay on the island so Ash and Misty head back home by blimp. Unfortunately, our duo gets double-crossed by Team Rocket once again, and Jigglypuff puts the whole crew to sleep. After another crash landing in the middle of nowhere they meet a new friend named Tracey while trying to help a Lapras that washed up on the beach.

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Preparado para Onda

25 fevereiro 199923m

Ash, Misty and their new friend, Tracey, are on a new adventure exploring the Orange Islands as Ash sets out to qualify for the Orange League Tournament. After hearing that the Mikan Gym Leader is known as one of the toughest trainers in the Orange Crew, Ash can't wait for the challenge. He learns that Pokémon battles are run a little differently on the Orange Islands, but he can always rely on his Squirtle to pull them through!

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O Pikachu Revolta-se

4 março 199923m

Just as Ash, Misty, and Tracey set foot on Mandarin Island, Pikachu and Togepi turn against them and join a group of other angry Pokémon. When the misbehaving Pokémon disappear, Officer Jenny arrives and informs them that dozens of Pokémon have been reported missing, including Meowth! Everyone fears a Psychic attack is behind this mystery. Will Jessie and James actually join forces with our heroes? Could they possibly win a battle for the first time?

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O Onix de Cristal

11 março 199923m

While riding around the Orange Islands on his Lapras, Ash finds a mysterious message in a bottle, which leads the gang on a new adventure. Ash, Misty and Tracey travel to Sunburst Island, which is famous for its artists and glassblowers. They meet a struggling young shopkeeper who's seeking inspiration from a legendary crystal Onix. Having been unable to find this special Pokémon, the shopkeeper turns to our heroes. With Tracey and his observational Pokémon on board, they set out to fire up a new friend's creative drive!

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Na Ilha Rosa

18 março 199923m

Ash and friends are caught in a whirlpool and swept to an unexplored island where all the Pokémon are pink. It's Pinkan Island, a Pokémon refuge where the Pokémon's diet of Pinkan Berries causes their unique coloration. But the Pokémon aren't all as sweet as they look. Our heroes cross paths with an enraged Nidoking, and end up cornered under a cliff.

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Choque de Concha

25 março 199923m

Aboard Lapras, the group follows a news crew to an uninhabited island, where a scientific expedition is underway after the discovery of a fossilized Kabuto. A series of natural disasters place our heroes in mortal danger, with only the power of their Pokémon to help them. What is the secret of the Kabuto, and who wants that secret to remain hidden?

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Lutem no Palco!

1 abril 199923m

Misty meets another female trainer who also is an expert on water Pokémon. The new trainer notices some signs that Misty's Psyduck may be ready to evolve. As the two prepare for a Pokémon battle, a Golduck springs from the water and battles for Misty. With her powerful new Pokémon, can Misty defeat both her newfound friend and Team Rocket?

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Adeus Psyduck

8 abril 199923m

After stopping on another island to rest, Misty notices her Psyduck's tail is glowing, a nearby trainer says it may mean it is time for it to evolve. So Misty challenges her to battle and when she finds she has a Golduck, she easily beats the trainer. However, Team Rocket has other plans. Later, Golduck turns out to be a wild Pokémon as Misty's Psyduck makes an appearance.

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A Joy dos Pokémon

15 abril 199923m

While riding Ash's Lapras to the next island, Ash and the gang come across a tanned Nurse Joy who insists on healing Wild Water Pokémon on the island. Ash and Tracey decide to help out, but when Team Rocket arrives to stop them, a giant Magikarp arrives.

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Manobras Navais

22 abril 199923m

The group arrive on Navel Island where Ash finds himself up against the Gym Leader, Danny as Ash competes for his second Orange League badge. Misty tries to tempt Ash by showing more caring attitude to Danny. Ash once again gets jealous and sad.

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Ataque à Comida

29 abril 199923m

Arriving on the Grapefruit Islands, Ash discovers that there is a Snorlax going from island to island eating all the grapefruits. Ash is employed to help stop the Snorlax, but the Snorlax proves to be slippery. Later on, Ash captures the Snorlax.

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Um Navio Arrepiante

6 maio 199923m

Arriving on Moro Island, Ash and his friends hear about a long lost Orange League Trophy being found on a sunken ship, but when Team Rocket steals it, Ash and the gang follow them to a ghost ship inhabited by a Gastly and Haunter.

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Meowth Governa!

13 maio 199923m

Meowth finds himself on an island where the inhabitants believe him to be a "Meowth God".

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Os Insectos do Tracey

20 maio 199923m

Arriving on Murcott Island, Ash and his friends discover a wounded Scyther. After capturing it, Tracey must take it to a Pokémon Center. While there, he discovers the Scyther got dethroned from being in charge of his group.

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Um Dia de Descanso Atribulado

27 maio 199923m

Deciding to take a break on a nearby island, Ash, his friends, and all their Pokémon just use the time to relax and get better acquainted. However, Team Rocket has other plans for the Pokémon and intend to steal them.

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O Combate da Ilha Mandarin

3 junho 199923m

The group descend on Mandarin Island where Ash's arrogance emerges due to the fact that he's won every single battle he's had since arriving on the island but upon meeting Prima, a member of the Elite Four and challenging her to a battle, Ash starts to realize that he may have made a grave mistake.

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Onde Estás Tu, Pokemon?

10 junho 199923m

Still on Mandarin Island, Ash and his friends go through Victorian Town where they find two Nidoran who are in love with each other but any possible hint of a relationship is being derailed by the trainers who happen to be childhood rivals.

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Dêem-se Bem Pequenos Pokémon

17 junho 199923m

Ash and his friends discover a man who has troops of Magnemite and has to take them to a town on the island in order to give it power. However, he gets injured, so it is up to Ash to herd up the Magnemite and get to the town.

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A Ameaça Mistério

24 junho 199923m

Heading to the other end of Mandarin Island, Ash and his friends discover there's a monster in the sewer that is causing lots of problems in the town. When the Mayor wants to blow it up, Joy protests and asks Ash and company to help.

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Misty Conhece o seu Par!

1 julho 199923m

Ash arrives on Trovita Island prepared to battle for his third Orange League Gym Badge. However, much to Ash's dismay, the Gym Leader, Rudy has more than just battling on his mind, Rudy develops a crush on Misty, and Ash gets jealous once again. Rudy moves in to court Misty after she helps rescue his younger sister, Mahri. While Ash battles for the Spike Shell Badge, Misty considers the tempting offer to stay on the island with Rudy and Mahri forever.

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Acorrentados em Sarilhos

15 julho 199923m

After getting his 3rd Orange League Badge, Ash and his friends arrive on an island, where Pikachu is soon captured by Team Rocket and is chained to Meowth. But soon after Pikachu and Meowth are taken away by a giant Pidgeot, the trapped rivals eventually learn how to get along.

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O Charizard Arrefece

22 julho 199923m

After hearing about Ash from the Trovita Island gym leader, another trainer seeks him out for a battle. When Pikachu is knocked out during the battle, Ash turns to his Charizard, but he struggles to make the unruly Pokémon listen to him.

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A Guerra de Água dos Pokémon

29 julho 199923m

On the next island, Ash and his friends see a team of firefighters consisting of Squirtles, Wartortles, and Blastoises. Eager to test its skills, Ash's Squirtle get to train with them. But when an actual fire turns up, training has to become reality.

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Luta de Comida dos Pokémon!

5 agosto 199923m

While in a battle, Ash accidentally breaks Snorlax's Pokéball. With the Pokémon Center on the other side of the island, Ash and his friends have to get Snorlax there. And to make matters worse, Team Rocket arrive and are hoarding the island's food ransom until they get Pikachu.

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Duplo Sarilho de Pokémon

12 agosto 199923m

On Kumquat Island, Ash discovers Luana, the final Orange Island Gym Leader, who mistakes him for her son. After defending the island from Team Rocket, they head to the Gym to have a Double Battle where Pikachu and Charizard battle against Marowak and Alakazam but Pikachu's and Charizard's unwillingness to work together might end up costing Ash his chance of qualifying for the Orange League.

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O Observador Maluco

19 agosto 199923m

On Rind Island, Tracey meets Dr. Quackenpoker, a noted Pokémon Watcher who is doing a study on the Magikarp that climb up waterfalls and how they evolve into Gyarados. However, Team Rocket appears to steal the Magikarp and get them to evolve.

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O Desvio do Esporo de Atordoamento

26 agosto 199923m

On Tiny Island, Ash and Tracey get affected by Stun Spore leaving it up to Misty to get an antidote to heal them. Can Misty find it with the help of her new Poliwag?

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Olá Pummelo!

2 setembro 199923m

After winning his way to the final competition for the Orange League Winner's Trophy, victory seems a long shot for Ash as the Gym Leader deploys a powerful Gengar that topples one of Ash's Pokémon after another.

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Entra o Dragonite

9 setembro 199923m

As if a gym battle with a Dragonite isn't challenge enough for one day, Team Rocket secretly surveys the weakened state of Ash's battling Pokémon and plots to turn the situation to their advantage.

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Viva às Lapras

16 setembro 199923m

It's piracy on the open seas and Ash and friends must rescue a local school of Lapras from would-be poachers, but how can they be of help when the Lapras, conditioned to fear humans, shun the young Trainers?

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A Reunião Subterrânea

23 setembro 199923m

Having to travel by boat, Ash and his friends arrive on Hamlin Island, their final stop before returning to Kanto to discover that the town is being attacked by hundreds of Electrode. A man named Poncho is trying to stop them with his Diglett.

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Uma Situação de Tenda

30 setembro 199923m

They’re back in Pallet Town. When they get home, they discover Brock is back and he won’t explain why he left Valencia Island. However, as usual, Team Rocket try to steal all of the Pokémon in Oak’s lab by vacuuming all the Pokéballs, including the GS Ball that Oak was working on. Can they get it back?

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O Renascer da Rivalidade

Season Finale
7 outubro 199923m

An errand of Professor Oak's sets Ash on the road once again, but first he must face his old hometown rival, Gary, in a Pokémon battle.

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Não Toques no “Dile”

14 outubro 199923m

Ash begins his journey in Johto, a largely unexplored region said to be thickly populated with Pokémon entirely new to him and his friends.

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Duplos Sarilhos

21 outubro 199923m

In a Pokémon battle, Ash soundly defeats an ambitious young Trainer, who runs away dejectedly.

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Um Final Suculento

28 outubro 199923m

Ash and friends discover a forest where invading Pinsir are causing heavy deforestation.

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Rola, Pokémon!

4 novembro 199923m

Ash and friends stumble into a small valley where Donphan are used to harvest precious stones.

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Confusão de Ilusão!

11 novembro 199923m

Who would be foolish enough to brave a thick forest in the dead of night without a Hoothoot guide? Certainly not Ash Ketchum...

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Poder de Flores

18 novembro 199923m

Our heroes must help prepare an insecure Bellossom dance troupe for their upcoming exhibition.

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O Ataque do Spinarak

25 novembro 199923m

Ash and friends reach a new town and hear of three mysterious robbers apparently mimicking the crimes of a legendary master thief.

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Snubbull Snobb

2 dezembro 199923m

With pet food prepared by a French chef, rooms of WalkMaster exercise equipment and closets stocked with the latest in Pokémon fashion, life couldn't be much better for a Palm Hills Snubbull.

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O Grande Pequeno Corno

9 dezembro 199923m

Brock saves a lost and frightened Stantler fawn and carefully nurses it back to health before releasing it.

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O Salvamento da Chikorita

16 dezembro 199923m

Ash encounters a wild Chikorita and engages it in battle, thinking to add it to his team.

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Uma Vez na Lua Azul

23 dezembro 199923m

Professor Oak's errand—to deliver the mysterious GS Ball to a Poké Ball expert—is interrupted when a Quagsire with a penchant for spherical objects steals the GS ball for use in a nocturnal ritual.

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A Paragem do Apito

1 janeiro 200023m

When Team Rocket attacks Ash and his friends, a brave young Trainer and her flock of Ledyba come to the rescue.

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Ignorância é Linda

6 janeiro 200023m

Team Rocket can't believe their luck when the Blissey employed in a Pokémon Center willingly gives them the cente's entire food supply.

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Um Roubo com Rebentos

13 janeiro 200023m

Our heroes are recruited as guest instructors at a youth Pokémon Academy.

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Lutar com Fogo contra Voadores

20 janeiro 200023m

With Pikachu's help, Ash is confident that winning the Zephyr badge will be a breeze.

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Um Pokémon Barulhento

27 janeiro 200023m

Cute and cuddly is one thing, but a bawling Marill is too much even for Misty.

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Muito Obrigado!

3 fevereiro 200023m

Team Rocket's most recent super vehicle, the Arbotank, is their ticket to world domination.

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As Ambições Calorosas do Charizard

10 fevereiro 200023m

When Ash hears of the nearby Charicific Valley, he is sure a quick trip would be just the thing to reignite his Charizard's flagging spirits.

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Sorria para Vencer!

17 fevereiro 200023m

The annual Sunflora contest is only a day away and yet our hero's new friend and Sunflora Trainer is unable to convince her star Pokémon to compete.

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A Grande Reviravolta do Chikorita

24 fevereiro 200023m

A severe case of rivalry between Pikachu and Chikorita calls for therapy sessions with Nurse Joy.

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Amigos em Tempo Falso

2 março 200023m

Our heroes chance upon a Hoppip—the fluffy "Cottonweed" Pokémon that is able to drift for miles on a passing wind.

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O Segredo do Super-Herói

9 março 200023m

When Ash and friends wander into town, they bring with them a challenge that threatens to be Gligarman's last—Team Rocket.

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Calmo e de Lã

16 março 200023m

Team Rocket comes in sheep's clothing to relieve a kind Poké-shepherd of her Mareep flock.

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Preparados para a Batalha!

23 março 200023m

When the most promising trainee at a Pokémon dojo abandons battle altogether, it's up to Ash and friends to convince him that battling is more than just a matter of probability.

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Caça ao Cyndaquil

30 março 200023m

With Charizard gone and no fire Pokémon to call his own, Ash is overjoyed to come across a Cyndaquil in the wild.

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Uma Sombra de Seca

6 abril 200023m

Ash carelessly makes enemies of the Slowpoke-worshipping residents of a town.

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Vamos Apricorn!

13 abril 200023m

Ash delivers the mysterious GS Ball to a renowned Pokémon expert, but Team Rocket wreaks trouble when they attempt to harvest the Apricorns essential to local Poké Ball production.

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À Procura dos Insectos

20 abril 200023m

When Ash reaches the Hive Gym, he has just the Pokémon to challenge the Gym Leader's Bug Pokémon.

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Um Conto Rebuscado

27 abril 200023m

An inexperienced young Trainer mistakenly scares off his own Farfetch'd.

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Truques do Ofício

4 maio 200023m

At the Pokémon Swap Meet, our heroes befriend a young Pokémon trainer who's having difficulties finding a trading partner willing to accept his Wobbuffet. When Jessie inadvertently deposits her Poké Ball across from his in the exchanger, this young trainer gets more than he had bargained for.

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O Esquadrão de Fogo!

11 maio 200023m

Rocket attempts to steal all the water Pokémon from the annual Fire and Rescue Grand Prix.

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Nenhum Woop Grande!

18 maio 200023m

Ash and friends enthusiastically volunteer to watch over a troubled trainer's school of Wooper.

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Visão de Túnel

25 maio 200023m

While Ash and friends deliberate on how to pass through a tunnel replete with Onix, two wandering Pokémon arrive on the scene together.

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A Hora do Houndour

1 junho 200023m

Investigating a string of mysterious thefts, our heroes discover a pack of Houndour, struggling to survive in the wild.

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O Duelo dos Totodiles

8 junho 200023m

Ash and Misty's friendly rivalry is tested when they both try to capture a Totodile at the same time. Unable to determine whose Poké Ball had captured the wild Pokémon, the two must battle it out to determine the Totodile's new master.

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Combates Ardentes!

15 junho 200023m

When Ash and friends hear of a virtually undefeatable trainer operating nearby, they seek her out.

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Amor ao Estilo Totodile

22 junho 200023m

Ash's Totodile falls head over tail for a passing Azumarill, but is still unsuccessful in having its feelings requited when Team Rocket kidnap the Pokémon before Totodile's eyes.

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29 junho 200023m

Ash has his sights set on a rare and brightly-colored Noctowl.

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Acidente na Floresta

6 julho 200023m

When an Ursaring attack leaves Team Rocket and our heroes in compromising positions, compromise they do, members of each team being paired with members of the other.

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Os Braços Direitos Psíquicos!

13 julho 200023m

Our heroes come to a town whose residents all raise Psychic Pokémon to repel the Ghost Pokémon that lurk nearby

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Os Caçadores da Sina

Season Finale
27 julho 200023m

A Pokémon Fortune Telling boom turns out to be a Team Rocket plot to steal Pokémon from local trainers.

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Uma Oportunidade em Goldenrod

3 agosto 200023m

Arriving in Goldenrod City, Ash is ready for his next Gym battle, but the Gym appears to be closed. Their plans delayed, our heroes decide to explore the vibrant city.

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Um Fim de Conto de Fadas

10 agosto 200023m

After losing to Whitney at the Goldenrod Gym, Ash is thinking of a rematch with her powerful Miltank. When Whitney suggests a trip to a Miltank dairy, it's just the chance he's is looking for!

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Tempo de Antena!

17 agosto 200023m

With his new Gym badge in hand, Ash is asked to appear on a local radio station. But while he's acting out a radio drama with some "professional actors," the scripted danger becomes all too lifelike!

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O Insecto Pára Aqui

24 agosto 200023m

A Bug Pokémon Catching Contest turns into a hive of activity when Ash goes up against his rival Casey-and it isn't long before the Team Rocket villains swarm the scene, intent on catching a few things for themselves...

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Casting de Tipos

31 agosto 200023m

On the way to Ecruteak City, our heroes are trapped on the wrong side of a river. To get across, they first have to find a Sudowoodo...which, even for an expert, is no easy feat!

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Tolos por Fósseis

7 setembro 200023m

When an ex-student of Professor Oak's discovers some restored Omanyte and Omastar in the wild, our heroes are called into action to save these prehistoric Pokémon from harsh times with Team Rocket!

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14 setembro 200023m

The Pidgey Express courier service is in need of our heroes' helping hands, especially when Team Rocket wants to have the delivery Pidgey signed, sealed, and delivered to the Boss!

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Problemas no Castelo

21 setembro 200023m

Caught in a sudden downpour, our heroes find a castle clinic that uses Pokémon healers to help patients. But when Brock and the doctor end up trapped in the castle's labyrinth, a helping hand is needed to get them out!

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Duas Certas e Uma Errada

28 setembro 200023m

After meeting the elderly owner of a Pokémon dojo, Ash is called upon to replace the man's granddaughter as the chosen heir! But when a vicious challenger approaches, can Ash help defend the dojo from destruction?

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Uma Batalha de Água Quente

5 outubro 200023m

Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile find themselves separated from the group and stuck in a ravine! When Meowth finds himself stuck too, an unlikely partnership forms!

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Bem Pescado!

12 outubro 200023m

Misty is reeled into a rivalry at a local Seaking fishing competition. Can she come out on top?

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A Bela e o Criador

19 outubro 200023m

A Pokémon breeding contest gives our heroes a chance to compete, greet an old friend, and defeat Team Rocket once again!

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Um Remédio Mais Fácil de Engolir

26 outubro 200023m

When Ash comes down with a serious stomach ache far from any hospital, a local healer and his Shuckle companions are on task to set him right!

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Jogada Eléctrica!

2 novembro 200023m

A run-in with his longtime rival Gary leaves Ash in a bad mood. But when Team Rocket's latest weapon starts terrorizing the local Pokémon Center, Ash might have to turn to him for help!

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Hora da Montanha

9 novembro 200023m

After our heroes meet a mountain patrol and their Ledian partners, they'll have to help protect the mountain from a destructive Team Rocket attack!

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Nome Desconhecido

16 novembro 200023m

The peace and quiet of a Wobbuffet festival is interrupted by some hooligans picking a fight. Pokémon battles are banned during the festival, so how can our heroes defend the town?

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Confronto de Imitação

23 novembro 200023m

Ash and the gang are happy to see Duplica again...but not as happy as the Team Rocket trio, when they discover her newest Ditto's tiny transformations!

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Sarilhos Com a Snubbull

30 novembro 200023m

A Snubbull falls into a Team Rocket trap, and the villains try to ransom it back to its wealthy Trainer. But when the Pokémon fights back, Jessie, James, and Meowth might be the ones in trouble!

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Nome Desconhecido

7 dezembro 200023m

On their way to Ecruteak City, our heroes must help a familiar Trainer and her Ariados defend a martial arts center from a rampaging Team Rocket!

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Asas Destruidoras

14 dezembro 200023m

When a young Trainer's Yanma accidentally destroys his father's precious glasswork, it inspires a Team Rocket scheme that will shatter the peace and quiet of the town!

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Nome Desconhecido

21 dezembro 200023m

Hearing of a nearby Grass-type Pokémon tournament, Ash decides to enter...and a rivalry soon begins to bloom amid the heat of battle!

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O Exército das Maçãs

4 janeiro 200123m

Pikachu's in trouble when an orchard owner mistakes it for one of the hungry Pichu that have ransacked her harvests. Ash wants to help, but will the fruits of his labor satisfy both the orchard owner and the Pokémon?

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Howl Of the Houndoom

11 janeiro 200123m

When the smoke clears after their latest run-in with Team Rocket, our heroes quickly realize that Togepi is missing! As they begin the search, Togepi has started making friends in another part of the forest.

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Uma Hipótese Fantasma

18 janeiro 200123m

Finally reaching Ecruteak City, our heroes set out to find the Gym, but wind up inside a decaying tower instead. Suddenly, the tower bursts into flames with our heroes trapped inside! How can they escape?

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De Fantasma a Fantasma

25 janeiro 200123m

It is finally time for Ash's fourth Gym battle! After seeing Morty's powerful Gengar in action, Ash is under no illusions about how tough these Ghost-type Pokémon will be! Can he claim the Fog Badge?

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Nome Desconhecido

1 fevereiro 200123m

When our heroes meet five beautiful sisters in a cultural garden, they are soon challenged to a series of testing battles involving Eevee and some of its evolved forms!

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Nome Desconhecido

8 fevereiro 200123m

A mischievous flock of Murkrow cause trouble for Ash and Team Rocket by stealing some of their most prized possessions! Now, the race is on to get them back!

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A Luz Fantástica

15 fevereiro 200123m

In a harsh desert landscape, a strange light appears, and a city of ruins rises up before our heroes. But how did the city come to be this way? Could it have something to do with the beautiful light show?

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Nome Desconhecido

22 fevereiro 200123m

There's a food thief amongst our heroes...could it have anything to do with the cute and cuddly Teddiursa who has joined them on their journey?

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Nome Desconhecido

1 março 200123m

When our heroes are reunited with Pokémon photographer Todd Snap, he starts them on an adventure to find the Legendary Pokémon Articuno!

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Nome Desconhecido

8 março 200123m

Still searching for Articuno, our heroes are found by a trio of keen-nosed, snuffling Swinub, and Team Rocket are keen on sniffing them out for profit!

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Imagem Congelada

15 março 200123m

Our heroes have finally found Articuno, but they've led Team Rocket right to the Legendary Pokémon as well!

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Nome Desconhecido

22 março 200123m

Ash and the gang are rescued by a courier service of Arcanine and Growlithe, and in turn must rescue them and their cargo of Fire Stones from the burning ambition of Team Rocket!

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Nome Desconhecido

29 março 200123m

Our heroes find themselves in a village that adores Dunsparce and try to help one unlucky Trainer find one of his own!

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O Wobbuffet Perdido

5 abril 200123m

The race is on to find Team Rocket's Wobbuffet when it runs off with the key to an indestructible cage...a cage that holds Ash's Pikachu!

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Loucura Doente

12 abril 200123m

When Brock falls ill, it's up to Ash and Misty to keep the group well and fed. But their inexperience, and the meddling of Team Rocket, makes their new jobs not-so-simple!

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Mestres do Ringue

19 abril 200123m

Ash finds out about a local Pokémon Sumo competition and decides he wants to enter. He has just the Pokémon for the job: the mighty Snorlax!

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O Poké-Intérprete

26 abril 200123m

A supposed Pokémon translator helps an exhausted Pikachu out on the road, but our heroes soon discover he is wanted by the police for fraud. Whose story do they believe?

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Louca por Controlo

3 maio 200123m

Hearing of ancient relics that allow the wearer to control any Pokémon, Jessie, James, and Meowth are preparing to crash an excavation to dig up the treasure of a lifetime!

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A Arte de Pokémon

10 maio 200123m

An aging artist and his Smeargle assistants get in some hot water when they attempt to turn a town into their next great masterpiece!

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O Desgosto Amoroso de Brock

17 maio 200123m

Brock finally meets his match when another Trainer develops a mad crush on him...but with the tables turned, he's not entirely sure how to behave around her!

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Acontecimentos Correntes

24 maio 200123m

After becoming accidentally locked inside an electrical generator, Ash and Chikorita will have to avoid the aggressive security Pokémon and Team Rocket to make it out safely!

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Nome Desconhecido

31 maio 200123m

Bayleef is still getting used to its newly evolved form, and when Ash becomes impatient, it gets upset and runs away. Can our hero find his friend again and make amends?

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Nome Desconhecido

7 junho 200123m

A young Natu fortune-teller learning his craft is lacking confidence in front of an audience. Can Ash help encourage the young artist's talent?

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A Grande Corrida de Balões

14 junho 200123m

Our heroes take part in a high-speed race in a hot air balloon, but the stakes are raised when Team Rocket enters as well, causing chaos in the clouds!

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A Culpa do Actor

21 junho 200123m

When a hooded man leaves a Smoochum with our heroes, it unravels a tale that will take them all the way to the bright lights of the silver screen!

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Nome Desconhecido

28 junho 200123m

Ash and his friends are approached by a civil engineer with a problem: she has a team of Ground-type Pokémon working to build a tunnel, but they're terrified of the water that keeps leaking in! Can our heroes help?

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Nome Desconhecido

5 julho 200123m

Aboard a luxury blimp, Team Rocket are trying to pinch a few valuables from wealthy travelers-but some courageous Kecleon are on hand to get the better of them!

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Nome Desconhecido

12 julho 200123m

Misty finally meets one of her idols, a Nurse Joy who specializes in Water types! But the reality doesn't live up to the dream when Nurse Joy reveals that she doesn't share Misty's love for aquatic Pokémon after all...

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Têm Miltank?

19 julho 200123m

Ash and his friends have one last obstacle before Olivine City: a scorching desert! And when Cyndaquil goes missing, they have more than the heat to deal with!

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Lutar Pela Luz

26 julho 200123m

Ash's next Gym battle is under way, but it's soon called off by Jasmine, the real Olivine Gym Leader, who claims that Ash has been battling an impostor! Will Ash now get the challenge he's been searching for?

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O Homem Machoke

Season Finale
2 agosto 200123m

After receiving the medicine in Cianwood City, our heroes soon discover the Gym Leader training hard with his Machoke. It's only a matter of time before Ash decides to go toe to toe with Chuck's Fighting-type Pokémon!

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As Ilhas Remoinho

9 agosto 200123m

In a scuffle with Team Rocket, Ash and friends are thrown from the ship bearing them to the Whirl Islands! Can they escape the powerful whirlpools that threaten to drag them down?

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Viagem à Lua

16 agosto 200123m

The Pidgey on a protected island don't have to worry about being attacked, so most have lost interest in flying. But one of them still dreams of soaring beyond the stars! Can Ash and friends help?

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Um Desfile Electrizante

23 agosto 200123m

Our heroes pass a small mountain village just in time for the annual Chinchou migration. The village always sends Trainers to protect the Chinchou on their journey-but will they be enough to stop Team Rocket?

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Super Corsola

30 agosto 200123m

When a family's home is threatened by the Corsola who live nearby, it's Ash and friends to the rescue...and maybe Misty can finally catch that Corsola she's been after!

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Em Busca do Tesouro Perdido

6 setembro 200123m

After our heroes miss a ferry, they meet a diver who offers to take them to the next island...but they're soon distracted by tales of treasure aboard a sunken ship!

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Octillery, o Solitário

13 setembro 200123m

When they're not competing in the Whirl Cup, Ash and Misty try to help a young Trainer whose Octillery has been rejected by its Remoraid friends after evolving.

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Duelo Entre Iguais

20 setembro 200123m

After winning their preliminary rounds, Ash and Misty face formidable opponents in the Whirl Cup. Meanwhile, the Team Rocket trio have their eyes on stealing the tournament's prize!

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O Combate Perfeito

27 setembro 200123m

It's the second round of the Whirl Cup, and Ash and Misty have been paired up against each other! Who will come out on top? And will Team Rocket's plan to distract the police be successful?

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Diglett, o Escavador

4 outubro 200123m

Our heroes are asked to help protect a village from marauders who threaten to make off with the Diglett who live there-and thanks to a delicious dinner, Team Rocket offers to help, too!

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Uma Ilha Muito Brilhante

11 outubro 200123m

Our heroes meet a jewelry maker who tells them the legend of the fourth Whirl Island...and who soon finds himself embroiled in a Team Rocket plot!

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Mistério Desvendado

18 outubro 200123m

While two sets of Team Rocket villains set out to capture the Legendary Pokémon Lugia, Ash runs into his old friend Richie and his partner, a Pikachu named Sparky!

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A Armadilha

25 outubro 200123m

The little Lugia named Silver has fallen into the hands of Butch and Cassidy of Team Rocket, and with Richie's help, Ash must win the adult Lugia's trust before it gets caught in the same trap!

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O Prometido é Devido

1 novembro 200123m

While trying to rescue the two Lugia from Team Rocket, Ash and friends have been taken prisoner! Now, they must figure out a way to escape...and to free the captured Pokémon as well!

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Asas ao Vento

8 novembro 200123m

Ash and friends are on a plane back to Olivine City when they get caught in a terrible storm that also sweeps up Team Rocket's balloon! They'll have to work together to land safely...but can they manage it?

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Nervos de Aço

15 novembro 200123m

After several interruptions, including yet another Team Rocket scheme, Ash's battle against Jasmine at the Olivine Gym is finally getting under way!

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Bulbasaur... o Embaixador

22 novembro 200123m

When the Pokémon at Professor Oak's lab in Kanto have a hard time getting along, the professor asks Ash to send his Bulbasaur to the lab so it can help keep the peace.

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Espeon, Não Incluído

29 novembro 200123m

In Ecruteak City, our heroes meet up with their friend Sakura and her newly evolved Espeon. Sakura and her sisters are preparing for a dance competition, but Team Rocket is lurking in the wings, hoping to steal their Pokémon...

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Tocam os Sinos

6 dezembro 200123m

When our heroes investigate a sudden pealing of bells, they discover that the Crystal Bells, which are said to ring only when the Legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh returns, are missing! The researcher Eusine seems to know something...

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Pokémon Supremo

13 dezembro 200123m

When Ash runs into his old rival Gary preparing to enter his Arcanine in a race, he decides to compete as well! But first, he'll have to chase Team Rocket away from the Pokémon Day Care.

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Uma Aventura Ovante

20 dezembro 200123m

When the Pokémon Egg given to Ash goes missing, our heroes call on the help of a hapless Officer Jenny. It isn't long before they realize that if they want the Egg back, they'll have to find it themselves!

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A Chegada Triunfante de Phanpy

27 dezembro 200123m

The moment has finally come: a Phanpy has hatched from Ash's Pokémon Egg! The little Pokémon is full of energy and soon charging off...with our heroes and Team Rocket in tow!

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Fora de Jogo

10 janeiro 200223m

Jessie, James, and Meowth take time to lick their wounds and dream of stealing Pikachu for the glory of Team Rocket. After a chance meeting with a Team Rocket scout, it seems these dreams are blasting off before their eyes!

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À Espera de um Amigo

17 janeiro 200223m

When thick fog interrupts our heroes' journey, a girl and her Ninetales invite them to rest at a nearby mansion...where Brock and their host fall into a romance that could turn out to be ghostly!

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Um Tyrogue Cheio de Problemas

24 janeiro 200223m

Near Mt. Mortar, our heroes run into a Trainer who is trying to curb a Tyrogue's wild ways. But when Team Rocket gets involved, will they be able to save the troublesome Tyrogue from the villains' clutches?

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Xatu, o Futuro

31 janeiro 200223m

Our heroes meet a young girl watching over a group of Xatu, whose psychic powers let them predict the future of a local village. When the villagers begin doubting their warnings, can the Xatu prove the truth of their visions?

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Evolução à Força

7 fevereiro 200223m

Reaching the Lake of Rage, Pikachu and Togepi begin to feel sick, and our heroes are attacked by an enraged red Gyarados. When Team Rocket appears on the scene, things look a lot more dangerous for Ash and friends...

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A Raiva da Inocência

14 fevereiro 200223m

Things look bad for our heroes, who have been captured by Team Rocket at the Lake of Rage. With the fate of the world's Pokémon at stake, can Ash rise to the occasion and save the day?

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Um Milagre Gelado

21 fevereiro 200223m

Finally reaching Mahogany Town, Ash is warming up for his next Gym battle. But after getting the cold shoulder from Gym Leader Pryce, can our hero convince his frosty opponent to give him a chance?

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Uma Batalha Glaciar

28 fevereiro 200223m

Pryce and Ash are about to clash in a cold contest in the Mahogany Town Gym. Will Ash be able to show what he and his Pokémon are made of and earn his seventh Johto region Gym badge?

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E Tudo o Vento Soprou

7 março 200223m

Our heroes encounter battling groups of Bellossom and Vileplume, who have only recently evolved. As each group fights with increasing number and intensity, can our heroes put an end to the quarrelling?

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Quanto Mais Quente Melhor

14 março 200223m

The heat is rising in our heroes' journey when Misty and her Water-type Pokémon go head to head with a willful Fire-type Trainer!

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A Feiticeira de Pokémon

21 março 200223m

Ash and the gang bump into a Pokémon magician, and soon they're on the hunt to find components for her greatest spell yet!

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Claro Como Cristal

28 março 200223m

After yet another close encounter with Team Rocket, Pikachu is left exhausted and weak. Thankfully, a passerby takes our heroes to a nearby lake that helps recharge Electric types...but also hides a great secret!

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Sempre a Mesma Canção

11 abril 200223m

Our heroes take time out to enjoy the entertainment of a young Trainer and her Igglybuff variety act. But it's not long before Team Rocket arrives and tries to steal the show!

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18 abril 200223m

A chance trip to a Slowpoke temple gives our heroes an opportunity to seek enlightenment...and gives Team Rocket the chance to lighten some pockets!

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O Concurso da Verdade

25 abril 200223m

A lavish celebrity event inspires Jessie and James to pretend to be the VIPs and fill their rumbling tummies. But it's not long before their disguises are put to the test by the real guest of honor: Professor Oak!

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Uma Estrela Cadente

2 maio 200223m

When our heroes spot an object falling from the night sky, they rush to investigate. Soon, they find themselves joining forces with a Pokémon mystery club to uncover the secrets shared by the fallen Cleffa and the stars above!

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Um Futuro Violento

9 maio 200223m

Ash and Misty get into an argument over who can take on a powerful Trainer and his Poliwrath. When he accepts both challenges, the tough battles that follow give Misty some ideas for her own Poliwhirl!

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Um Truque Falso

16 maio 200223m

Hearing of a nearby amusement park for battling, Ash is eager to test his skills. But the Team Rocket trio have recently joined the park, and they have a few ideas in store to test this Trainer's mettle!

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A Dança do Politoed

23 maio 200223m

It's a case of mistaken identity for Misty's Politoed when it gets roped into replacing the leader of a Pokémon Cheer team...but where has the other Politoed gone?

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A Caverna de Gelo! (Banido)

30 maio 200223m

Ash and friends enter an ice cave as it's a shortcut to Blackthorn City. After a watery run-in with Team Rocket, Brock catches a cold and the gang finds a Pokémon Center in the cave. While a Jynx working there is taking care of Brock, Nurse Joy tells Ash and Misty that the cave is cold because of a big building working there as a refrigerator. Team Rocket finds the building and they cause trouble by reversing the structure, heating the cave and cooling the jungle outside, and make their attempt to steal the Ice-type Pokémon as well.

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A Lenda do Dente de Dragão

6 junho 200223m

On the outskirts of Blackthorn City, Ash meets Gym Leader Clair, who is busy training her Dratini for a ceremony. But Team Rocket has other plans for the Dragon-type Pokémon, and Ash and Clair must work together to stop them!

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A Terra Sagrada dos Dragões

13 junho 200223m

Facing off against Blackthorn Gym Leader Clair, Ash is finding it difficult to overcome the power of her Dragon-type Pokémon. Things are harder still when Team Rocket shows up to steal Blackthorn City's prized Dragon Fang relic!

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A Fúria do Dragão

20 junho 200223m

Team Rocket has taken the Blackthorn City Dragon Fang and holed up deep within the Dragon's Den. Things look bad for the ancient relic, but help comes in the form of an old friend!

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Em Busca do Crachá Final

27 junho 200223m

Ash and Clair finally face off in a Gym battle that will push Ash's skills as a Trainer to the limit! Can he win his final Johto Gym badge?

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Em Busca do Crachá Perdido

4 julho 200223m

A Team Rocket trick takes all of Ash's hard-earned Johto Gym badges from him, but it's not long before the troublesome trio get a taste of their own medicine. What tricksy Pokémon could have beaten them at their own game?

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É Só Adicionar Água

11 julho 200223m

Discovering a nearby Pokémon synchronized swim team, Misty goes to check it out, and soon finds herself heading below the surface to take on the team's Trainer in an exciting underwater battle!

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A Chegada dos Lapras

18 julho 200223m

Ash barely makes it back to New Bark Town before he is off again, retrieving a Pokémon Egg for Professor Elm. However, things get interesting when he meets an old friend and Team Rocket shows up with more mischief!

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Um Sonho Engenhoso

25 julho 200223m

Professor Elm's Pokémon Egg hatches into a Larvitar! The Pokémon is unresponsive even after being checked over at the Pokémon Center, and Ash tries to cheer it up, but soon Team Rocket arrives to ruin all his hard work.

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Em Busca do Pokémon Mais Querido

1 agosto 200223m

On their way to Mt. Silver, our heroes relax at a hot spring and meet a young Trainer who's tracking the Legendary Pokémon Entei. Trouble arises when Team Rocket follows them with a plan to steal Pikachu and Larvitar!

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A Coroa da Glória

8 agosto 200223m

Our heroes find a group of Slowpoke guarding a dried-up stream and hear the tale of a similar drought long ago, when one Slowpoke took the initiative to evolve into Slowking and save everyone. Can the same thing happen here?

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O Campeonato das Suas Vidas

15 agosto 200223m

A cheeky Elekid starts to bother Larvitar, but soon both Pokémon are in the clutches of Team Rocket. Ash's rival Casey wants to catch Elekid for herself, but can they mount a rescue before the villains get away?

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Larvitar, o Herói

22 agosto 200223m

Our heroes have reached Mt. Silver, and Ash wastes no time starting his training for the Johto League Silver Conference. But all the Trainers around provide the perfect prey for Team Rocket, who arrive to swipe all the rare Pokémon!

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Morada Incerta!

29 agosto 200223m

With Mt. Silver a few yards away, Ash and co. soon spot an Unown, which quickly becomes friends with Larvitar. After which, it was attacked by Team Rocket and soon Ash and friends are swept into another dimension. Where are they now and where is Larvitar? And how did Pikachu and Togepi become giants?

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A Mãe de Todas as Batalhas!

5 setembro 200223m

After finally arriving at Mt. Silver, Ash and co. find the Preserve where Larvitar was born. There they encounter Larvitar's mother, the same Tyranitar that was in Larvitar's visions. The reunion is not a happy one however, even after they get reunited. The three men from Larvitar's visions were also the ones responsible for stealing its Egg and they managed to capture the Tyranitar. Can they get mother and child reunited with the help of Ranger Mason?

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Lá Vai o Sneasel!

12 setembro 200223m

Our heroes are called into action to save the Johto League Silver Conference's opening ceremony from being stopped by a territorial Sneasel!

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Atrás da Chama

19 setembro 200223m

The Johto League Silver Conference has begun, and Ash and his rivals are getting serious about what the future has in store!

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Amor à Moda Pokémon

26 setembro 200223m

As the Johto League Silver Conference heats up, Ash will have to rely on some old friends to fight off the affections of his next opponent!

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3 outubro 200223m

The battle between Ash and Macy is over and Ash wins, but the next battle will determine if he will or will not go to the victory tournament. He faces off against Jackson, a trainer from Twinleaf Town who has a Meganium like Casey. Will Ash be able to win this final battle of the elimination block?

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Laços que Perduram

10 outubro 200223m

It's Ash versus his oldest rival, Gary, in the Johto League Silver Conference, and both Trainers are ready to give it all they've got. But who will come out on top?

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Não se Vence o Calor!

17 outubro 200223m

The ultimate battle continues as Ash and Gary face off. Ash will have to come up with a new plan to beat Gary's Blastoise. Can he do it with the Pokémon he's got, and if Ash beats Gary, who will be his next opponent?

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Brincar com Fogo

24 outubro 200223m

After defeating Gary in the last round, Ash has to take on his new friend Harrison in the Johto League Silver Conference. Will our hero be able to stop the challenger from the Hoenn region?

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Final da Liga Johto

31 outubro 200223m

The scorching battle between Ash and Harrison rages on, with Charizard taking on Blaziken, a Pokémon from the Hoenn region!

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Vemo-nos Mais Tarde!

7 novembro 200223m

With his Johto League adventure behind him, Ash has decided to head back to Pallet Town. But it's all too soon before he has to say goodbye to Brock and Misty, and head out alone for a new adventure!

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Season Finale
14 novembro 200223m

The Hoenn region is on Ash's mind, and he's preparing to board a ship bound there when Team Rocket strikes! With Pikachu missing and time running out before the boat leaves, can Ash get his adventure back on track?

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A Aventura Começa

21 novembro 200223m

Team Rocket's failed attempt to catch Pikachu has left the little yellow Pokémon dangerously ill. Littleroot Town has no Pokémon Center so Ash turns to Professor Birch for help. Professor Birch thinks that Pikachu can be cured—but first they'll have to catch it. Delirious with fever, Pikachu has run off into the forest. Meanwhile, a girl named May is also going to see Professor Birch in order to receive her first Pokémon. She arrives just in time to save the professor from a pack of mad Poochyena. Before he can explain why he's running around in woods, Professor Birch runs off in search of the missing Pikachu. Time is running out and Pikachu is in danger of exploding. In a twisted turn of events, Team Rocket's latest Pikachu-catching contraption ends up saving the day.

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Vista Sobre a Ruína

28 novembro 200223m

Now that Pikachu is feeling better, Ash is ready to head to Oldale Town to sign up for the Hoenn League. May has offered to show Ash the way in exchange for his company to Oldale Town—which is only fair, seeing as Pikachu destroyed May's bike when it was sick! In Oldale Town, May visits her first Pokémon Center and is amazed with all of its services, and by the ancient ruins next door. Things quickly turn sour when Team Magma, a mysterious band of criminals, shut down the electricity at the Pokémon Center and kidnap Professor Alden in order to invade the ruins. With no electricity, all of the Pokémon are in danger—including May's Torchic. It's up to Ash and May to save the day—and in doing so they uncover mysterious, ancient Pokémon.

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Não Há Lugar Como Hoenn

5 dezembro 200223m

Ash and May have made it all the way to Petalburg City—the first city with a gym. Ash is very excited to take on the gym leader. May seems a little uneasy—perhaps it's because she hasn't yet told Ash that her father, Norman, is the gym leader in Petalburg! When Ash first gets to the gym, he meets May's little brother, Max, who is pretending to be the gym leader. Max knows a lot about Pokémon and can't wait until he's old enough to become a trainer. Once Ash finally meets Norman, he learns that he will need three Pokémon in order to battle at the gym. He only has Pikachu with him. When Norman agrees to an unofficial battle, Ash encounters his first Vigoroth. Ash realizes that he will have to train hard in order to win a badge in Petalburg City. After a quick scuffle with Team Rocket, Ash and May are ready to hit the road again. Max has decided to tag along, too!

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Eu Vi Um Taillow

12 dezembro 200223m

Ash, May and May's little brother Max are now en route to Rustboro City—and they're hungry! No one remembered to pack lunch. As they fight over one remaining cookie, Ash remembers how nice it was to have Brock cooking for him and Misty. He's quickly brought back to reality when a Taillow takes off with the cookie. The gang follows Taillow to a grove filled with apple trees. Ash and May eagerly shake the trees, hoping to make the apples drop to the ground. Instead of apples, Ash and May shake loose an angry flock of territorial Taillow. There's too many for Ash, Max, and May to handle alone. Out of nowhere, Brock appears and saves the day with his Forretress—and his incredible soup! They manage to defeat and feed all of the Taillow except the one who took the cookie. Taillow are naturally resilient, but this particular one is especially tough. Ash can't seem to defeat it, so instead he decides to catch it

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Num Piscar de Olhos

19 dezembro 200223m

With his old friend Brock back travelling with him, Ash finds things are returning to normal with all the successful battles. However Ash & Co. see a Zigzagoon and a guy chasing it to capture it. it turns out his name is Nicolai and he is training Pokémon to be able to beat Norman. May & Max dont like this so May challenges him to a battle. Will she win her first battle?

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Um Ego Ferido

26 dezembro 200223m

Our heroes are headed for Rustboro City, where Ash hopes to have his first real gym battle in Hoenn. Team Rocket is making their way along the same path when they stumble upon a cage full of Ekans. Jessie is delighted that their work has been done for them and orders Arbok to attack. Arbok can't manage to attack the helpless Ekans, however, because it remembers when it used to be an Ekans. Jessie is sympathetic. James soon makes a similar concession when they find a cage of Koffing that Wheezing will not hurt. The cages belong to a poacher named Rico who uses his Fearrow and Pupitar to chase off Team Rocket. Team Rocket returns to the scene, now hoping to free the Ekans and Koffing. Things turn dangerous when Rico's Pupitar evolves into a Tyrannitar, and Team Rocket is forced to make the ultimate sacrifice for the Pokémon that they love.

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Três é Demais

9 janeiro 200323m

Deep in the woods, Ash spies a Treecko. He's wanted to catch a Treecko since he first saw one at Professor Birch's laboratory. He follows the Treecko to an enormous tree that seems to be dying. There, Ash's Treecko has an argument with all of the other Treecko. It seems that Ash's Treecko is very attached to the tree and wants to stay with it, while the rest of the clan wants to move on to a new tree. Ash watches as the lone Treecko struggles to save the tree. He and Pikachu feel badly for the Treecko and try to help. In the end, however, the tree dies and falls. Now that its home is gone, Treecko is ready to make a new home with Ash. He and Pikachu battle, and Ash catches his Treecko!

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Um Golpe de Cauda

16 janeiro 200323m

Ash's newly caught Treecko may be a bit standoff-ish, but the little green Pokémon is quite a fighter. When Team Rocket sees Treecko knocked down and hurt by a Seviper, they decide that they must have that Seviper. Jessie is very impressed with its "sneaky, snakey ways." Meanwhile, Treecko escapes from the Pokémon Center where Ash brought it to recover. When the gang finds Treecko, it is practicing its attack moves. Again and again, Treecko jumps from the top of a waterfall and tries to break a rock at the bottom with its tail. Ash is very impressed with the rigor of its training. All of Treecko's hard work appears to have paid off—when Team Rocket attacks and catches Pikachu with the help of their new Seviper, Treecko is able to save the day.

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Domesticar Um Shroomish

23 janeiro 200323m

On the Way to the next gym, Ash & Co. discover a Shroomish, and it turns out none have come to the town for Ages. They appear to be hiding in a Mansion since humans are constantly cruel to them. However Team Rocket want to steal them. Will they?

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Uma Data Deles

30 janeiro 200323m

While Ash and Co. continue their journey, they meet Anthony and his Pelipper, which is said to be the world's most powerful Pokémon. The reason is that his Pelipper knows Fire, Grass and Electric-type moves instead of only Water and Flying-type moves. How is Ash going to defeat Pelipper, and what are Anthony's Bellsprout, Magby, and Magnemite doing in Pelipper's mouth?

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Uma Dentada Inesquecível

6 fevereiro 200323m

Whilst Ash and his friends are relaxing in a forest, three Mightyena and a Poochyena ambush them. While they are trying to protect themselves from the Pokémon, they are rescued by the Ranger of the Forest, Katrina. She wards off the wild Pokémon and takes the group to her house. Meanwhile, Team Rocket overhears that the forest is full of rare Pokémon. Back at Katrina's house, Max creates a bond with her Poochyena and tries to make it evolve, with minimal success. Is Poochyena going to evolve and is Max going to understand the importance of evolution?

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O Meu Amigo Lotad

13 fevereiro 200323m

Ash and co. are having a good time swimming at a lake when a crew of Lotad appeared and threw them out of the pool. Later, they figure out that these Lotad are taken care of three sisters, Nicole, Natalie and Rita, which are holding a flower shop with many kinds of Berries. During this time, Natalie develops a crush on Brock, which leads her to do something risky. At the same time, Brock helps a Lotad that doesn't know how to use Water Gun properly. How will this friendship go and what will happen with Natalie's crush?

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Um Belo Beautifly

20 fevereiro 200323m

Rustboro City is on the horizon, but they're not there yet. Ash, Brock, Max and May have just arrived at a Contest Hall. Janet and Chaz, two experienced Pokémon Coordinators, teach the gang all about Contests. Pokémon Contests are different from battles in that it's not the strength of the attack that matters, but the beauty of its execution. Winners get ribbons instead of badges. The gang decides that they want to try entering today's contest, but they're too late. All is not lost, however, because Chaz offers to teach Pikachu the Iron Tail attack. And Janet lets May assist her with during the contest. During the contest, Chaz and Janet both perform really well and make it to the final round. In the end, Janet's Beautifly steals the show! May is really impressed and she's determined to one day enter a contest herself.

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Dia em Cheio Para Wurmple

27 fevereiro 200323m

As the gang continues to make their way towards Rustboro City, May spots a Wurmple that she's dying to catch—but she's not the only one with her eye on the cute little bug Pokémon. Jessie wants it, too. May ventures off on her own to catch her Wurmple, but Team Rocket follows and gives her trouble. Luckily, she gets some help from a trainer named Franklin. Meanwhile, Ash and Pikachu are practicing Pikachu's Iron Tail attack. A trainer named Franklin sees them practicing and challenges them to a battle. Franklin teaches Ash about double battles, which are common in the Hoenn region. With help from her new friend Franklin, May catches the Wurmple she wanted. When she and Franklin go to meet up with the gang, everyone is really surprised. The Franklins are actually identical twins—Forrest and Forrester Franklin! All is not lost for Team Rocket, however. Jessie manages to snag a Wurmple of her own before Team Rocket blasts off at the end of the episode.

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Vou Ser o Rei da Escola

6 março 200323m

Ash and friends arrive at Rustboro City where he gets silly with souvenirs. Max then notices a Poliwag hiding and soon the gang meets Roxanne, teacher of the Pokémon Training School and Rustboro Gym Leader. Will Ash get his first Gym Battle in Hoenn, and what of May? And how can Max fair against the school bully?

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Vencer um Nosepass

13 março 200323m

Pikachu is getting pretty good at its Iron Tail attack and that's a good thing. Ash is finally about to take on Roxanne, the leader of the Rustboro City Gym. He's going to need all the help he can get to take down her Geodude. May, on the other hand, isn't really looking forward to the battle. In fact, she announces that she's not going to be a trainer anymore. She wants to become a Pokémon Coordinator and compete in contests instead. When the battle begins, it doesn't look like Ash has much of a chance. Roxanne's Geodude knocks out Treecko pretty quickly. It's all up to Pikachu. Electric attacks aren't going to help much against a strong Rock Type—but Ash is very clever and Pikachu not only brings down Geodude, but it wipes out Nosepass with its newly perfected Iron Tail Attack. Ash defeats Roxanne and receives his Stone Badge.

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Subindo a Escada da Corporação

20 março 200323m

After winning the Stone Badge from Roxanne, Ash and co. head out to the next gym, located on Dewford Island. However, Max spills a drink on his PokéNav and rather than suffer her wrath, Max tries to find a quick solution. He sees an old man demonstrating new inventions but before he can go further, a younger man picks him up in a limo. Who is this old man, and can he help Max fix the PokéNav before May finds out it's broken?

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Com um Wingull e uma Oração

27 março 200323m

May may be the new Misty but she is not as smart as she was. And she proves this when she, Ash, Brock and Max head to a pasta restaurant that May read up on the internet. The thing was May forgot to check the date and found that the place was closed. The date was exactly the same day, exactly the same month, ten years ago. Things go from bad to worse when they find the pier on the other side of town. May tries to find help and finds a kind sailor by the name of Mr. Briney. But when she returned with her friends, his personality changed for the worse. Could May have goofed up again? Or is someone else pulling Mr. Briney's strings?

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Ataque Sharpedo

3 abril 200323m

After the incident with the Team Aqua agent and with Peeko safely returned to Mr. Briney, Ash and co set sail for Dewford Island. All is not calm on the way there however as a school of Sharpedo suddenly attack Mr. Briney's boat. Not to mention tear up a part of May's new swimsuit. Now how will Ash and co. get to Dewford with all the Sharpedo in the way? Is this going to be like "Jaws" all over again?

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Enfrentar a Onda

10 abril 200323m

After a night at the Pokémon center, Ash is stoked to have another Gym Battle. He meets the Gym Leader Brawly, who would rather surf than battle, which infuriates Ash. Could there be more to this Gym Leader than meets the eye? And does May even have a shred of decency?

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Afinal Qual é o Wurmple?

17 abril 200323m

After being beaten by Brawly, Ash decides to stay at Dewford Island and do some serious training of one thing he lacks: patience. He does this by practicing the fine art of Fishing. He, along with May, Max and Brock, accidentally hook Team Rocket's Magikarp submarine and after a fierce battle, May notices something different about her Wurmple: it is actually Jessie's. Can the heroes find May's Wurmple before Team Rocket figures it out?

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Muito Sarilho

24 abril 200323m

While exploring Dewford Island, Ash and friends notice a large cave and Max states that it's Granite Cave. They all enter and soon they fall into a pit trap courtesy of Team Rocket. Unfortunately, they fall in as well and the two groups are mixed and separated. This time around, there are three groups: Males being Ash, Brock and James. Females being May and Jessie and the rest being Max, Pikachu and Meowth. Can these groups be brought back to order and who is in Granite Cave along with our heroes and villains?

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À Pesca de um Corphish

1 maio 200323m

A mysterious Pokémon is terrorizing Dewford Town's beach. Ash and friends set many traps for the terror and discover its identity, Corphish. Will Ash and his friends be able to capture the feisty Water-type Pokémon, or will it set them out to dry?

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Um Corphish Fora de Água

8 maio 200323m

With a new Pokémon in tow, Ash continues his training to prepare for his rematch with Brawly. However, Corphish is still a ruffian as it introduced itself by whacking all the other Pokémon on the head. Can it ever be more social with other Pokémon, and why is Jessie's Silcoon purple right after it evolved?

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Uma Missão Para o Mudkip

15 maio 200323m

Get ready for a new episode of May's Expedition as she, Ash, Max and Brock stumble upon a swamp. There they find a swamp full on Mudkip and their caretaker, an elderly man named Old Man Swamp (or Mr. Swampy) who has the same whiskers as a Mudkip's fins. He explains that he gets Mudkip eggs from the Hoenn League and when they hatch they wait until they're old enough to give to Professor Birch. But Team Rocket also has plans for the Mudkip. What evil will they have in store for them, and will Brock get a new friend?

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Virando a Página Com Nuzleaf

22 maio 200323m

While Ash preps up for his rematch with Brawly, Corphish pinches the ears of a Loudred, causing it to scream. Corphish, along with Pikachu, Silcoon, Torchic, Lotad and Mudkip get lost and soon they encounter a tribe of Nuzleaf. Can Ash and co. find their Pokémon before it's too late?

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Um Esquema a Três

29 maio 200323m

As Ash continues his training, he, May, Max and Brock encounter Prof. Birch. Meanwhile, a boy's Nincada was captured by Team Rocket and it digs a hole to a temple. There they encounter the commanders of the teams they encountered before: Team Magma's Harland and Team Aqua's Isabel. How will this clash of Aqua vs. Magma go down, and can Ash and co. help the boy save his Nincada?

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Ver Para Crer

5 junho 200323m

After the ordeal in the last episode, Ash and co. continue training and are joined by Prof. Birch. May is so happy that her Silcoon will soon evolve. Elsewhere, Jessie is still in denial of the fact that her "Silcoon" is really a Cascoon. After a fierce battle, Silcoon evolves into Beautifly and blows away Team Rocket with a Gust attack. How will Jessie get her "Silcoon" to evolve and how will she take it if it doesn't evolve into what she wanted?

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Preparado, Pronto e Sableye

12 junho 200323m

Corphish's bad attitude is showing no signs of improving so Ash plans to humble it a bit by putting a good scare into it deep inside an abandoned mine. Later on, Team Rocket discovers an abandoned gold mine and goes in. Can Ash and co. brave this mine in order to be well prepared for his rematch with Brawly?

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A Luta de Meditite!

19 junho 200323m

As Ash prepares for his rematch with Brawly, he, May, Max and Brock meet a Battle Girl by the name of Shauna, whose reason for battling was to prove she was better than Ash. During their battle, Brock noticed that while Ash's training is paying off Shauna battled like Ash used to. Just as the match was about to be decided Brawly appears with some mondo bad news: A hurricane was approaching which could wipe out the beach. Can our heroes manage to weather the storm, and why is Shauna so nervous around Brawly?

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Mais Um Geyser para Ajudar

26 junho 200323m

It is time for Ash to have his rematch with Brawly. He decides to shake things up a little by using his new Corphish instead of Taillow on a new battlefield. With all the training Ash had to do up to this point, does he have what it takes to beat Brawly, or will he wipe out again and let it be all for nothing?

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Abandonar o Navio

3 julho 200323m

On their way to May's first contest in Slateport City, Ash and gang travel across the sea on a motorboat. After Team Rocket fails in their latest attempt to steal Ash's Pikachu, the boat stops working. Drifting along, they spot a large, abandoned ship and decide to go inside upon seeing a smaller boat off to the side.

Inside, they meet up with Tommy, a trainer who lost his Marshtomp on the ship long ago. He promises to give Ash and company a lift after he is done searching. Several Pokémon start to go missing and soon May, Max and Team Rocket are captured too. A Swampert and a Spinarak reveal themselves as the culprits.

Ash, Brock, Pikachu and Tommy soon come across the Swampert and Tommy recognizes the Swampert as his Marshtomp, but it retreats further into the ship. After saving the others, Tommy reunites with his lost friend and apologizes for leaving it behind. After thwarting another of Team Rocket's schemes, Ash and company leave on Tommy's boat for Slateport.

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O Verdadeiro Poder das Flores!

10 julho 200323m

After arriving in Slateport City, May begins her training for the Contest. However, just as she and Beautifly have some good results, a boy named Drew appears and starts belittling May. May does not give up and has a battle with Ash. Despite losing, a man named Mr. Big appears and teaches May about Contests. He takes them to the shop, where he finds May's Torchic had eaten his Bluk Berry, which is to be used in tonight's firework event. In order to make amends, May goes with her friends in search for the berry.

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Muita Diversão com o Wailord!

17 julho 200323m

May is eagerly preparing her Beautifly for the Pokémon Contest while Max watches her Torchic. He is debating which Pokémon he will begin with when he comes of age. May discovers a beached Wailord and contacts Nurse Joy at the Pokémon Center. Joy and Brock rush to help while Ash and Max are left to take care of the Pokémon Center.

Team Rocket decides to try to steal the Wailord. At the Pokémon Center, Ash, Max and all the Pokémon are having a difficult time capturing a particularly troublesome Torchic. The Torchic evolves into a Combusken, which is an even bigger headache, especially because a new Trainer is coming to choose between a Torchic, Mudkip, or Treecko. Team Rocket tries to steal Wailord, but the newly evolved Combusken foils their plans and sends them blasting off again. The new Trainer chooses Mudkip and Combusken is invited to stay and guard the Pokémon Center.

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Vencer, Perder ou Drew!

24 julho 200323m

May enters Beautifly in the beauty contest, but Team Rocket is too late to enter their Dustox. At the competitions, the person in line right before May is none other than her rival Drew. Drew's Roselia gives an excellent performance, netting him an extremely high score. May is more determined than ever to beat Drew.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is busy holding a "charity drive" scam for PokéBlocks. A little old man stops to talk to them about PokéBlocks. The contest is heating up with a Milotic stealing the show. May is up again in the contest and she and her Beautifly toss a disc back and forth, like they practiced before.

In the next round, she has to battle Drew who defeats her. He then looses to the contestant with the Milotic. May and Drew part on good terms and the scene ends with the old man still intently talking to a slumbering Team Rocket about PokéBlocks.

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Um Spheal Aprovado

31 julho 200323m

While Brock and May go shopping, Ash and Max go to the museum, only to find it closed. Max attempts to go in, but is caught by a boy, who claims they are thieves. Just then, Captain Stern arrives and the confusion is settled. While Ash and Max visit the exhibition, the members of Team Magma try to infiltrate the museum to steal Captain Stern's stone he recently acquired.

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Apoio Para a Joy!

7 agosto 200323m

Oh no! Brock's worst fear has come to pass: A Pokemon Center without a Nurse Joy! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD! (Well, not really.) But Ash and co. did find that strange. Who or what could be behind such a heinous deed, and why?

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Um Nevoiro Diferente!

14 agosto 200323m

Continuing their journey to Mauville City, Ash and co. are starting to get lost by heavy fog. After Team Rocket got taken care of, they notice a lighthouse in the distance by two people and how does it work?

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Uma Festa de Poké-Bloco

21 agosto 200323m

As Ash and co. are a mere stone throw away from Mauville City, they soon notice a poster for the House of Tricks. Anyone who navigates this wacky maze will receive a grand prize of a year's supply of Pokéblock. Along the way, May meets a cute Jigglypuff, but Ash and Brock remember it all too well. Can anyone listen to its song all the way through?

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Qual é a do Wattson?

Season Finale
28 agosto 200323m

The time has come, once again. Ash was super psyched to have another Gym Battle. This time, it was with the elderly, yet hilarious, Wattson. The battle was short as Ash's Pikachu took out Wattson's entire team with just one hit each. Devastated, Wattson gave Ash the Dynamo Badge. Will Wattson recover from this, and what has happened to Pikachu?

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Tu Colhes Aquilo Que Semeias!

4 setembro 200323m

After earning the Dynamo Badge from Wattson, Ash and co. continue their journey. May insists to go to Fallarbor Town while Ash suggests they go to Lavaridge Town. Max suggests they go to both and Brock decides the order. During the trip, they notice some watermelons float down by the river and have some lunch. Ash then comes up with an idea: Teach Treecko to use Bullet Seed like the Shiftry that attacked them a while back, and as practice, they try it by spitting watermelon seeds. Can Treecko learn to master this move, and who do the watermelons belong too?

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Amor ao Primeiro Vôo!

11 setembro 200323m

The heroes spot a pair of Pokémon bowing to one another, as dance partners would, and begin flying around one another in a wide circle. Brock identifies them for what they are (Volbeat and Illumise), prompting May and Ash to pull out their Pokédexes: May's identifies Illumise, and Ash's Volbeat. The two Firefly Pokémon are still dancing about. While watching, a Nurse Joy greets the group, asking of they are here for the May Festival, for the dance performance of Illumise and Volbeat. She notes that it is almost time for the practice runs, and indicated two people standing out on the lake's pier, saying they are Volbeat and Illumise's Trainers, Romeo and Juliet.

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Deixem os Bagons Ser Bagons!

18 setembro 200323m

On the way to Fallarbor Town and May's next contest, Ash and co encounter a rare Bagon and its trainer, a girl named Michelle, who is trying hard to make Bagon's dream of flying high come true. So Ash challenges her to a battle to get it to evolve faster. Will his plan work? And what could Team Rocket do with a Bagon anyway?

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A Princesa e o Togepi

25 setembro 200323m

Ash and co. reunite with their old friend Misty, who is happy to meet May and Max for the first time. Soon, they enter a kingdom dedicated to Togepi and soon meet Sara, princess of the Togepi Kingdom. Team Rocket also teams up with Colonel Hansen, who wants to rule the kingdom with an iron fist. What will happen to Togepi now, and has Max learned a way how to keep Brock from flirting with pretty girls?

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Uma Miragem dos Togepi!

2 outubro 200323m

During the reunion with their old friend Misty, Ash and co. discover Hansen wants to rule the Togepi Kingdom and the Mirage Kingdom. Will they be able to stop him, and will Misty say good-bye to the Pokémon she cared for so long?

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O Desinteressado Camerupt!

9 outubro 200323m

Being exhausted and tired, the heroes collapse in a desert. Soon, they wake up in a lodge, being rescued by the Winstrate family. The heroes ask what could they repay for the family's kindness. The family decides to battle Ash, May, Max and Brock, in honor of their eldest son, Vito, who is watching the battle and wondering what to do, since he gave up on his dream to become the Champion of Hoenn League.

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O Irrequieto Skitty

16 outubro 200323m

While doing her training with Beautifly, May's frisbee flies off. Torchic goes to retrieve the frisbee, but also finds a Skitty, who seems to be ill. May is amused by Skitty's cuteness and goes with her friends to a laboratory, where Skitty would recover through aromatherapy. Team Rocket plans on stealing the fragrances, but Meowth finds Skitty and falls in love with her. The heroes try to get the fragrances back, while Meowth starts wondering what he'll do with Skitty.

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ZigZag Zangoose!

23 outubro 200323m

Traveling on the road, the heroes encounter Nicholai, who had caught a Zangoose. While having a battle with Ash, Nicholai notices Zangoose is acting strange. Just then, Team Rocket appears, whose Seviper starts battling Zangoose and injures it. Due to Zangoose being Seviper's natural enemy, Ash decides to help Nicholai in training, to aid Zangoose in defeating Seviper.

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Max ao Dobro

30 outubro 200323m

Heading to Fallarbor City, the gang meet up with a trainer called Max who looks identical to Max. He is having trouble with his Surskit. However Max doesn't like or trust Max. Team Rocket have their eyes set on Max's Surskit. Can Max & Max protect the Surskit and overcome their differences?

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Artistas, Prós e Contras

6 novembro 200323m

After arriving in Fallarbor Town, May starts doubting herself, seeing a lot of Coordinators that will participate, including Drew. However, the heroes meet Grace, a Coordinator, who gives May advice on the performances. May starts wondering what to do and tries to find an answer.

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Venha o Que Vier

13 novembro 200323m

May reaches the second round of the Contest and defeats Jessica (who is Jessie, in disguise). Seeing Grace had managed to defeat her rival, Drew, May wonders if she could defeat Grace. During the battle, however, May displays new tricks she learned from Grace.

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Alegre Pressão!

20 novembro 200323m

The heroes encounter Thatcher, the boy they helped at the lighthouse, who joined a band of cheerleaders, named Pep Squad. Team Rocket decides to ally themselves with the Pep Squad's leader, Sheridan, who gives them an advantage during their battle with Ash and Brock. However, Max starts having suspicions and goes to check out what is coming from the drums the squad is playing.

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Ganhar com Assistência

27 novembro 200323m

After running away from some Slugma, the heroes find themselves on a ranch, owned by a girl named Julie. The heroes decide to spend some time at the ranch, while Julie offers a battle with May's Skitty, who got them in the trouble with the Slugma. Team Rocket attempts to steal the ranch's Numel and ends up capturing May and Skitty. To get out, May has to awaken Numel and has an idea with Skitty's Assist attack.

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Combate pelo Meteorito!

4 dezembro 200323m

The heroes (and Team Rocket, who hope to catch their enemy, Pikachu) take a cable cart to Mount Chimney. However, the cart suddenly stops and without any technical help, Ash climbs to Mount Chimney to find some help. Instead, he finds Professor Cozmo, who tries to hide the meteorite from Team Magma, who want to use it for ill purposes. Ash and Professor Cozmo make a plan to stop Team Magma's plan and set it into action.

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Agitação Poética!

11 dezembro 200323m

After Ash and Co. reach Lavaridge Town, they meet Flannery, the Gym Leader. Having just inherited the Gym from her grandfather and determined to prove her abilities, she is just as eager as Ash to battle, but the Gym's battlefield is full of holes and therefore cannot be used. Deciding to help, the gang are hard at work filling the holes. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are standing by ready to snatch one of Flannery's Pokémon, a Torkoal that they can give to their boss.

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Toca a Bocejar

18 dezembro 200323m

Ash challenges Flannery to a Gym match. Ash hopes to have an easy fight by using Corphish. Flannery, despite sometimes acting a bit nervous, manages to display some clever moves to thwart Ash's tactics and sends Torkoal, who switches offense and defense, pushing Ash to his limits.

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À Procura do Spinda

25 dezembro 200323m

Ash decides to head to Petalburg City for his next Gym battle. On the road, the gang runs into a group of Spinda. A pretty girl named Claire approaches, and Brock's reaction to her scares all the Spinda away. She is looking for her lucky Spinda, which has a heart-shaped mark on its face. Ash and friends offer to help her.

Team Rocket tries to steal the Spinda using a vacuum, but the lucky Spinda fights back using Hypnosis and all of the Spinda escape. They also try disguising a Teddiursa (and later Meowth) as a Spinda to lure the real Spinda in, but fail.

The kids track the lucky Spinda down to a flower garden, where they are met by the Spinda's owner—Claire's fiancée, Kain. Brock's heart is broken.

Team Rocket shows up in a giant Spinda robot capable of repelling all the attacks of the Spinda. Brock sends out all of his Pokémon, and his Forretress destroys the robot using Explosion.

Ash and friends wish Claire and Cain the best, and depart for Petalburg.

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Torkoal Sem Diversão

8 janeiro 200423m

On their way back to Mauville City, Ash and friends travel through the Valley of Steel, home of many different kinds of Steel Pokémon and a potential shortcut to Mauville City and then Petalburg City. On their way through, they come across a Torkoal being attacked by several Steel Pokémon. After using Pikachu to scare the Pokémon away, the Fire-type hears a noise, also scaring it off. Later, having reunited with Torkoal, Ash and friends become determined to help Torkoal defeat the Steelix that lords over the valley. Will they succeed in cutting through the valley unharmed or will the angry Steel-type block their way?

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Manectric Carregar

15 janeiro 200423m

Ash and friends return to Mauville City, where they encounter a carnival run by Team Rocket. They let all their Pokémon out to enjoy the festivities, and Team Rocket tries to steal them. Wattson and Watt arrive to help fight off the thieves, and after the battle Wattson's Electrike evolves into a Manectric.

Everyone heads to the Mauville Gym for two practice battles. First up, May's Skitty faces off against Watt's Ampharos. Skitty is victorious with Assist, using Quick Attack and Double Slap in quick succession.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket falls into Wattson's new improved Gym traps, eventually encountering a group of robotic Raikou that they mistake for the real thing.

The second battle is Ash's Torkoal versus Wattson's Manectric. Torkoal uses Overheat too many times, and Manectric takes out the Fire-type with a Charge/Thunder Wave combo.

Watt tells May about a Pokémon Contest taking place in Verdanturf Town, so the kids make that their next destination.

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Delcatty Comeu-te a Língua

22 janeiro 200423m

After a battle with Team Rocket, May's Skitty accidentally inhales Torkoal's smoke. To cure her, the heroes go to a Pokémon Clinic, run by Dr. Abby. Abby, who manages to cure Skitty, is recognized by May as the Top Coordinator. Abby confirms this and even gives May some tips for Skitty before the Verdanturf Town's Contest. Team Rocket, however, plans on stealing Jonny, Dr. Abby's Delcatty.

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Que Desastre de Disfarce

29 janeiro 200423m

As the heroes arrive in Verdanturf Town, they meet up with Drew, who cannot participate in the upcoming Contest, since his Roselia has been defeated by the Phantom and his Dusclops. May is surprised and decides to train for the Contest. Just then, the Phantom appears, so Ash challenges him to a battle. However, a woman arrives and starts chasing the Phantom, but fails. In order to find more about the Phantom, the woman requests the heroes to unmask his identity.

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Disfarce ao Limite

5 fevereiro 200423m

With Timmy participating in the Contest, May hopes to win her second ribbon. However, with May's Skitty's Blizzard not working properly, May starts worrying. Timmy, however, gets visited by his own mother, who watches her son's successes.

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Levem o Lombre Para Casa

12 fevereiro 200423m

The heroes, who are thirsty, wander the land. Brock shows them a spring, but it ran out of water. They go to the village, but find it deserted. Just as Lotad falls in a well and gets risen up, it evolves into a Lombre. Much to the heroes' surprise, the villagers start coming out of their houses and pray to Lombre and start cursing a Solrock, believing it is the reason for the local drought. In order to prove them wrong, the heroes decide to investigate.

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Swabul Realmente Azul

19 fevereiro 200423m

The heroes, who got lost in a forest, encounter a Swablu, who has its wing injured. Along with the help of a local ranger, Morita, May spends time with Swablu, who recovers and heals its wing. However, due to its trauma, Swablu cannot fly, so the heroes try certain ways to teach Swablu how to fly once more.

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Gulpin Comilão

26 fevereiro 200423m

During a break, the heroes get their lunch eaten by a Gulpin. They soon find out a group of Gulpin is eating away the food supplies in the city. They contact Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny, who receive help from Professor Jacuzzi, who decides to stop the Gulpin. After driving off the Gulpin, the professor uses a machine to launch Gulpin away. However, the machine malfunctions and oversizes Gulpin and Ash's Treecko, who battled the former.

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Exploud Audível

4 março 200423m

Ash and friends are eating lunch in the woods when they notice that Treecko has wandered off. After failing to convince the Grass-type to come down from a tree, lunch is disrupted by a rampaging Loudred. Its Trainer, Guy finally catches up with his Pokémon and makes it stop.

Ash and Guy decide that both troublesome Pokémon need exercise, so they battle. While battling, both Pokémon evolve at the same time, into Exploud and Grovyle. The battle continues, but Exploud won't listen to Guy. It hits Grovyle hard and runs off.

Grovyle catches up with Exploud at a waterfall, and the two begin to battle again. Exploud still won't listen to Guy. Team Rocket interrupts, trying to capture Exploud, but Guy protects his Pokémon. Pikachu and Exploud send Team Rocket blasting off.

Guy and Exploud reconcile, and Ash and Guy decide to finish the battle.

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Vai, Vai Ludicolo

11 março 200423m

While having sandwiches for lunch, the heroes are visited by a man named Poncho and his Ludicolo. They challenge Ash to a battle, who bets his sandwiches with Poncho, who is to buy cheeseburgers if Poncho loses. Corphish volunteers for the battle, but it seems distracted and eventually loses. This infuriates Corphish even more, who runs off while the heroes try to find out why Corphish is angry.

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Um Duplo Dilema

18 março 200423m

As the heroes arrive to Petalburg City, May and Max are visited by the crowd, who like Norman, Caroline and their children. While Max and May are dealing with the crowd and Ash battles a lot of trainers to prove he is worthy to challenge Norman, Team Rocket decides to disguise themselves to take profit from the situation.

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Amor, ao Estilo de Petalburg

25 março 200423m

Just as the heroes return to Petalburg City, Ash goes to the Pokémon Center to get ready for his Gym match, where he encounters Norman talking with Nurse Joy. Back home, May and Max, along with Brock, meet up with Kenny, who reports trouble. Caroline, Norman's wife, greets them as well, but something troubles her as well. Deciding enough is enough, Caroline goes with her children, as well as Kenny and Brock, to face Norman, who is hiding something. Ash, however, is at the greenhouse with Norman's Pokémon and faces Team Rocket, who want to steal them.

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Equilíbrio de Poderes

1 abril 200423m

Ash faces Norman in a Gym battle. Norman switches offense and defense to baffle Ash, who tries to overcome this trial, having his Pokémon use abilities in the battle. After the battle, however, Max becomes upset over something.

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Um Pacote de Seis

8 abril 200423m

The heroes decide to stop at Professor Birch's lab. Hearing Professor Oak will come to the lab as well, Ash and Brock decide to accompany Birch to escort Oak to the lab. However, Professor Oak arrives by a cart and greets May and Max, the latter being a big fan of his. Once Team Rocket steals Birch and Oak's Pokémon, May, Max and Professor Oak decide to go after them and rescue the Pokémon on their own.

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Quanto Mais Confuso, Melhor

15 abril 200423m

Due to May being late, Ash is outraged, since he wants to go to Fortree City as quickly as possible. May becomes angry as well and soon, Ash and May are challenged by a couple named Oscar and Andi. Even during the battle, Ash and May bicker at each other, causing them to lose. Team Rocket gets challenged as well, causing Jessie and James to annoy each other. Just as they meet up with the twerps, James sides with Ash and Jessie with May to have another Tag Battle, which displeases Brock, Max, Pikachu and Meowth who just want the feud to end.

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Histeria de Erva

22 abril 200423m

The heroes get lost in a forest. Just then, May gets taken away by a Skarmory. As Ash, Brock and Max try to get May out of the forbidden area, May befriends a Bulbasaur, but the other Grass-type Pokémon start attacking her.

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As Pokébolas Desaparecidas

29 abril 200423m

With Bulbasaur being in May's team, Ash decides to call his own Bulbasaur to meet up. However, Team Rocket has modified the transporting machine, causing them to obtain the Poké Balls that are being transported. While Team Rocket blasts off during the battle, they manage to steal the Poké Balls. Fortunately, Ash's Bulbasaur returns and teams up with May's Bulbasaur to find Team Rocket.

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Whiscash and Ash

6 maio 200423m

While resting by a lake with his friends, Ash polishes his Badge Case and remembers all the Gym Battles he's won so far. Suddenly, a wild Whiscash jumps out and eats the case. Ash dives in to go after it to get his badges back, but nearly drowns. He is saved by a Fishing Master named Sullivan who has spent years trying to catch the giant Whiscash. Determined to retrieve the badges, Ash and the others start fishing. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are also trying to get a hold of the same Whiscash.

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Eu, Ela e o Tempo

13 maio 200423m

While separated from his friends, Ash encounters a girl and her Baltoy. He learns they were called to meet someone at a set of ruins, and her Baltoy is a key.

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Uma Fã com um Plano

20 maio 200423m

Arriving in Rubello Town, May finds Drew, who is going to participate in the Contest. She also meets Savannah, a wife, who is going to participate in the Contest. However, Savannah becomes nervous and asks for help from May, who has decided to use Bulbasaur, even if she didn't train it much. Since she can't compete without a ribbon, Jessie plans on stealing some.

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Uma Derrota Surpresa

27 maio 200423m

May, confident in her Pokémon, enters the Rubello Contest with Drew and Savannah. While all three manage to pass the first round, May's Bulbasaur becomes nervous, which shakes May's victory. May tries to get Bulbasaur to battle, but this does not impress the judges or her friends when she takes her wins for granted instead of showing concern for her Pokémon's health.

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Continuing their journey to Fortree City, Ash and friends come across a Spoink, who is upset after losing the Pearl it keeps on the top of its head. After Spoink tries to put on a couple of round Pokémon on its head, the Pearl is found. However, during a Team Rocket encounter, they steal the Pearl. After coming across a fair, James is approached by the same Magikarp Salesman who has made his life miserable in the past and offers to trade a Feebas for the Pearl. After discovering Feebas evolves into Milotic, Team Rocket agrees. However, when they let their new Feebas out to have a swim in a nearby river, they discover the Feebas is just a Magikarp painted with a Feebas' colors, meaning they have been swindled yet again. After Ash and the others find out what happened, they have to get Spoink's Pearl back by finding the Magikarp Salesman before Team Rocket do.

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Mas Que Swellow

10 junho 200423m

As they arrive to Crossgate Town, the heroes learn there is a tournament involving Flying-type Pokémon. May, Ash and, surprisingly, James, enter the competition. Just as James and Ash advance to next rounds, Jessie and Meowth decide to make another attempt at stealing Pokémon.

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Fica com a Casa e o Shuppet

17 junho 200423m

The heroes and Team Rocket, after another clash, have gone to the mansion. There, May argues with Max, who runs off and meets a Shuppet. Due to his fight with his sister, Max decides to play a prank on her, Ash and Brock with Shuppet. However, Team Rocket arrives and stirs trouble.

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Que Confusão de Shroomish

24 junho 200423m

As the heroes have a meal, Torchic and Corphish start fighting. As Ash and May try to calm them down, Team Rocket arrives, and so do some Breloom, from whom they stole some apples from. The Breloom attack and blast everyone away, causing everyone to get separated. Max, Meowth, Torchic and Corphish try to find others and come to dead end, where they face the Breloom once more. Corphish decides to protect Torchic, who gathers all of its bravery to attack.

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Tempo de Poucos Amigos

1 julho 200423m

The heroes spend a day at the Weather Research Institute. Just then, Team Aqua, with Shelly as the commander, arrive to gather information about Legendary Pokémon. The heroes make a plan to protect the data, but an unexpected betrayal is among the scientists.

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Who's Flying Now?

8 julho 200423m

After the events that transpired at the Weather Institute, Ash and co. finally arrive at Fortree City. Ash couldn't wait to challenge the Gym Leader, sadly the Gym Leader is helping with the Feather Carnival. Later they meet the Gym Leader, Winona, who scheduled in Ash's request for a Gym Battle, but in the meantime they should have some fun. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has plans of their own. What sinister plot are they up to this time, and why does the carnival bring back such bad memories for James?

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Um Combate nas Alturas

15 julho 200423m

The time has come once more. Ash is ready to have his Gym Battle with Winona. Before the battle starts she evokes a prayer to all Flying Pokémon to give her strength. And now the battle begins. Will Ash fly high in the sky or will he crash and burn?

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Luzes, Camerupt, Acção

22 julho 200423m

As the heroes continue onwards, they encounter a man pushing his Camerupt. After helping the man, the heroes are told the man, named Elijah, goes around villages and shows movies. The heroes decide to accompany them, while Team Rocket plans on stealing his equipment.

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Louco Como um Lunatone

29 julho 200423m

The heroes arrive in a deserted town and get rejected by Nurse Joy to stay in her Pokémon Center. They soon find out the PMC, Ken and Mary, whom Ash and Brock encountered in Johto, are here after a mysterious Pokémon. Arriving in the Pokémon Center, the heroes encounter Team Rocket, as well as the mysterious Pokémon, Lunatone. They soon find out Lunatone is weak and can be restored if it sees moonlight beams. While the heroes go to the place to heal Lunatone, they encounter the PMC guys again

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O Jardim da Comida

5 agosto 200423m

The heroes come into the Banana Slakoth Garden, a famous tourist spot. However, they find it empty, save for a Snorlax, who is eating away the bananas. Marcel asks for their help and the heroes accept it. However, when they face Snorlax, it uses Yawn, putting everyone to sleep. To battle against such a foe, the heroes speak with Professor Oak, who shares some tips.

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Um Susto a Não Esquecer

12 agosto 200423m

After another encounter with Team Rocket, Ash loses Pikachu. Pikachu, however, has hit his head and suffers from amnesia and is found by Meowth. Meowth takes the opportunity and states Pikachu was one of Team Rocket members. Pikachu starts believing and once Ash comes to him, Pikachu turns his back on him. Ash, however, does not give up on Pikachu and tries to find a way to bring his memories back.

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Pokéblocos, Provisões e Bagas

19 agosto 200423m

As they arrive in Lilycove City, the heroes meet Kelly, a fellow Coordinator, who knows how to make good Pokéblocks. As Max stays with Ash, who wants to teach Swellow Aerial Ace, Brock goes with May, who wants to learn more about Pokéblocks from Kelly.

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Lições em Lilycove

26 agosto 200423m

May's Combusken manages to control the Fire Spin attack it launched. Through luck, May enters the next round with Kelly and fights Josaphine. In the final round, Kelly battles May, who has a tactic to overcome Grumpig's psychic powers. Just as Grumpig and Combusken are to fall down, May makes an honorable gesture. Meanwhile, Ash misses the contest to help his Swellow learn Aerial Ace.

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Dia do Julgamento

Season Finale
2 setembro 200423m

Due to a mistake, the heroes sail away to an island, with their actual destination being Mossdeep City. On the island, they find Jimmy, who trains to become a judge. With teacher Serena's help, Jimmy tries to be the referee of a Double Battle of Ash vs. Brock. After the battle, Jimmy recalls his past before he has to rescue his Pokémon, who were stolen by Team Rocket.

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Magia Clamperl!

9 setembro 200423m

The kids are heading to Maisie Island on a ferry when they spot a Spoink floating on a log. They quickly realize it's the same Spoink they helped before. When they save it and bring it aboard, it trips, dropping its pearl overboard. Ash's Pokémon go looking for the pearl with no luck. When they arrive on the island, they meet a scientist named Isaiah who is doing research on Clamperl and their pearls—which end up as Spoink pearls. The jewel of his collection is a rare blue pearl. Team Rocket sneaks in and tries to steal the blue pearl, only to be beaten out by Spoink stealing it first. Everyone goes looking for the little Psychic-type Pokémon. Meanwhile, the blue pearl accidentally gets switched with the pink pearl from a wild Clamperl. When this fact is discovered, everyone goes looking for the Clamperl and Team Rocket steals it away.

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Um Incrível Relicanth

16 setembro 200423m

The heroes encounter a man named Adam who's searching for treasure. They decide to accompany him to find an old ship, which is told to have lots of treasure on it. Just as they take the submarine down, they also encounter Team Rocket, who is also determined to take the treasure, which is connected to the Relicanth Adam saw earlier.

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A Guerra Evolucionária

23 setembro 200423m

The heroes come to the A-B-C Islands, where they meet up with Professor Birch. The Professor wants to study more about Clamperl's evolutions, Huntail and Gorebyss. They also accompany two children, who are angry at each other, for they want to evolve Clamperl that goes against their principles. Birch, however, finds something that can settle the trouble, and give Team Rocket a new opportunity at stealing Pokémon.

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Treino Intenso

30 setembro 200423m

Since they have to wait for the boat to Mossdeep City, the heroes spend some time with other trainers, who want to get physically fit for the battles. While Brock, May, Max, even Team Rocket exercise, Ash has a Double Battle with the coach, Rocky, who shows how much his Pokémon can be in sync.

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À Conquista de Groudon

7 outubro 200423m

Due to a twist of fate, the heroes get captured by Team Magma and face their leader, Maxie. After Maxie explained his goals, Team Aqua's Shelly frees Kyogre and reports to her leader. In a moment of confusion, Pikachu takes the Blue Orb, which gets absorbed into him. Just as the heroes try to escape, Ash gets captured, while Team Aqua's leader starts controlling Kyogre. However, an unexpected help arrives, a man whom Ash and Brock have met before.

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Uma Disputa Lendária

14 outubro 200423m

Team Aqua has gained control over Kyogre and prepares to unleash its powers over the world's water levels. A Blue Orb-possessed Pikachu releases Groudon from its entrapment and the two prepare to take on Kyogre in a battle to end all battles. Will Groudon and Kyogre destroy the world with their legendary battle or will Lance, Ash and his friends be able to stop the world's imminent destruction?

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It's Still Rocket Roll to Me

21 outubro 200423m

The heroes arrive in Mossdeep City, but learn the Gym Leader Ash wants to battle is at the Mossdeep Research Center. Once they arrive there, the heroes meet up with Tate and Liza, who just had a battle. Learning these two are duo of Gym Leaders, Ash is surprised he has to fight them in a Double Battle. While spending some more time at the space center, Max and Tate go to a space shuttle, only to encounter Team Rocket, who wants to steal the space shuttle.

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Sólido Como Um Solrock

28 outubro 200423m

Once again, the time has come. Ash will have a double battle against the terrific twins, Tate and Liza. As the battle begins, he sees they don't get along very well and the battle could be an easy win for him. That is, until Team Rocket interferes and snatches Lunatone and Solrock. After thwarting their latest plot, Rachel suggest that Ash and Liza and Tate continue their battle, even though the Gym is destroyed they could have it on the cliff. As the rematch begins, Liza and Tate are more in-sync than ever. Will Ash be able to beat them this time? The answer might shock you.

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Vaidade ou Confiança?

4 novembro 200423m

After battling a trainer, Ash, as well as his friends, meet Drake of the Elite Four. Drake is impressed by Ash's skills and invites the heroes to his boat, where Ash will have a battle with him. Just as everyone sees Drake doesn't do much, the latter makes his counterattack and shows Ash where he went wrong.

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Onde Está o Armaldo?

11 novembro 200423m

Arriving on an island, Max encounters a Cradily, an ancient Pokémon that is supposed to be extinct. His friends do not believe him, so Max goes to search for it and finds a building. Ash, May and Brock eventually find a woman and are surprised to see the Cradily Max spoke about. They go to the lab, where they also find an Anorith, which evolves into an Armaldo. Team Rocket barges in and after failing to catch Armaldo, who goes on a rampage.

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Um Cacturne Para o Pior

18 novembro 200423m

As the heroes sail to May's next Contest, May finds a boy named Harley. She speaks to him a bit and meets his Cacturne and eats his cookies. Harley is annoyed at the girl, who becomes his rival that he wants to crush. During the Contest, Harley gives May some false advice, which May accepts, only to find out Harley tricked her. Just as she faces Harley, he uses another trick up his sleeve to deceive May even more, wanting her to be defeated.

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Claydol, o Gigante!

25 novembro 200423m

Continuing their journey across Izabe Island, Ash and friends run into an old man who tells them the legend of the giant Claydol. When Team Rocket hears the legend, they unleash the Claydol that's going on a rampage.

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Era Uma Vez um Mawile

2 dezembro 200423m

While on their journey across Izabe Island, Ash and his friends meet a girl named Samantha, who performs her ribbon dance in various towns, and her Mawile, who develops a crush on Brock's Lombre. In the next town, Team Rocket takes Mawile, but ends up taking Lombre by mistake. Now Ash and his friends must save Lombre and Samantha's show.

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Formigas, Buracos e Ladrões

9 dezembro 200423m

While traveling on Izabe Island, Ash and his friends end up above a Trapinch Labyrinth. They meet up with two people named Elisa and Hal, two of the reserve rangers. After a Team Rocket encounter, they all end up inside of the labyrinth. Will they find a way to get out of this situation?

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Absol-uta Catástrofe

16 dezembro 200423m

Still traveling towards Sootopolis City, Ash and friends arrive in a town where the people hate Absol. They blame Absol for all of the troubles that have in their small town. Ash and friends decide to help a kid named Nicky find his missing brother Gordon, who went to solve the mystery of the appearing Absol, as well as try to solve the mystery of the Pokémon themselves.

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Vai Nevar, Vai Nevar, Vai Snorunt

23 dezembro 200423m

Still heading for Cerosi Town and the ferry to Sootopolis City, Ash and his friends stop at a Pokémon Center to stay warm as a blizzard approaches. At the Center, a wild Snorunt steals all 7 of Ash’s Badges. Will he be able to get them back or will he have to train all over again?

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Será Que Estou a Ouvir Um Ralts?

6 janeiro 200523m

Continuing across Izabe Island, Max finds a sick Ralts. Brock is unable to fully cure it and they must bring it to the Pokémon Center. However, Team Rocket wants to capture the Ralts. Ash, May, and Brock battle Team Rocket while Max rushes to the Pokémon Center as quick as can. However, he must get there before it is too late, and has to deal with Team Rocket again and also Kirlia and Gardevoir.

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O Combate Final

13 janeiro 200523m

The final battle is approaching, Gym Battle that is. Ash and co. arrive in Sootopolis City, home of Ash's final Gym Battle. There they meet Juan, who is not only the Gym Leader but a Grand Festival winner as well. Does Ash have what it takes to beat an accomplished trainer like Juan?

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Oito Não É Suficiente!

20 janeiro 200523m

The final battle for Ash's final badge continues as he has managed to beat Juan's Sealeo and Seaking. Now he must contend with the rest of his Pokémon, like Luvdisc who used Sweet Kiss to confuse Grovyle. With three Pokémon left against Juan's three, will Ash be able to win his final badge or will he be washed away with the tide?

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Um Linoone Especial!

27 janeiro 200523m

While waiting to eat lunch in the woods, a Linoone comes by and steals two of May's Poké Balls. They find out that the Linoone belongs to a boy named Kimmy. Kimmy helps the heroes get the Poké Balls back before Team Rocket gets a hold of them and Linoone.

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Quem? O quê? Quando? Onde? Wynaut?

3 fevereiro 200523m

On the way to Pacifidlog Town, Ash and his friends run into Drew. May challenges him to a practice battle, but they get interrupted by Team Rocket. However, Team Rocket's sub gets sucked into a whirlpool and everybody winds up getting separated on the mysterious Mirage Island. Now, Ash, Max, and Brock must find Drew and May.

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Ansiedade Sem Limites

10 fevereiro 200523m

On their way to Pacifidlog Town, the boat Ash and his friends are riding breaks down, forcing them to make a pit stop on Donto Island. It is currently the Donphan mating season, which they end up being separated from each other. May now has to make the ultimate decision: stay to find Max and miss the final contest before the Grand Festival, or leave alone for Pacifidlog Island trusting that Ash will find Max and come to the Contest for the next morning.

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Roída de Inveja!

17 fevereiro 200523m

After showing up in Pacifidlog Town, May prepares for the upcoming Contest, the one that she's determine to get her final Ribbon to qualify into the Grand Festival. When Skitty chases after an Aipom, May runs into two Coordinators named Joshua and Erika, who are entering the Contest as well. May and Erika don't get along to a good start. At the contest, May, Joshua, Erika, and the Jester (Jessie in another disguise) all make it to the next round.

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Espectáculo em Pacifidlog!

24 fevereiro 200523m

With qualification for the Grand Festival hanging on the line, May is more determined then ever to win the contest to win her final Ribbon. First, Erika faces Jessie and Meowth and the latte somehow uses Transform. When the judges find out the truth, they get disqualified. Then May faces off against Joshua and after some battles, she pulls off a win. Erika finally apologizes to May and together the two have a great battle. After a lucky Fire Spin from Assist, May and Skitty won and the former qualifies for the Grand Festival.

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Bagas Muito Interessantes

3 março 200523m

On their way to the Grand Festival, the gang stops on an island filled with Berries. May decides to make Pokéblocks, but no one except a wild Munchlax likes it. When Munchlax is blamed of eating everyone's Pokéblocks, May decides to prove them wrong and capture Munchlax.

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Quanto Mais, Melhor

10 março 200523m

As Ash is training, he faces a new rival, Morrison, who tries to challenge Ash in any way possible. After having a number of challenges, Ash's Pikachu and Morrison's Beldum get captured. In order to rescue them, Morrison and Ash team up to battle Team Rocket by themselves.

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Onde Está a Taça-Fita?

17 março 200523m

While taking a boat to Slateport City, the heroes encounter Officer Jenny, who warns them of Brodie, an ex-Team Magma member, who came to steal an object of great importance.

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This is a clipshow Unaired outside of Japan of Satoshi's (Ash's) gym battles and Haruka's (May's) contest battles.

The heroes are still on the boat looking towards the Grand Festival. Ash remembers all of his Hoenn Gym Battles with Roxanne, Norman, Brawly, Juan, Tate and Lisa, while May remembers her Contests with Drew, Grace, Kelly, Harley, Erica and Savannah.

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Viva o Vento de Prata!

7 abril 200523m

May has arrived in Slateport City for the Grand Festival. Her mother, Caroline, has come to cheer her on, and her friends sent notes to wish her luck. With 247 competitors in the preliminary matches and only 64 slots in the main competition round, May will need more than just luck—especially when Drew and Harley are among the competitors, too!

Harley is friendly towards May, but her friends are suspicious of the advice he gives her. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has dressed James up as Norman and offers free counseling sessions. When Trainers show up, their Pokémon are stolen! Harley sees this and drags May off to see "Norman." When she and her friends see the false Norman, Team Rocket's number is up.

With Team Rocket's plan foiled, it's back to the competition. May uses Silver Wind just as Harley suggested, and it works great. She advances to the next round along with Harley and Drew. But Drew is still skeptical of Harley's motives as they prepare for the main competition.

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Engano e Assistência!

7 abril 200523m

May continues to take Harley's advice as she advances in the tournament. Drew, however, has his suspicions about Harley and continues to monitor him. Meanwhile, Ash and Max join forces with Officer Jenny to help a Coordinator, Anthony, whose ribbons and contest pass have been stolen.

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Rapsódia com Drew

7 abril 200523m

May faces Harley, her dreadful rival, who aims to take revenge on her. However, May has collected a lot of experience from his previous battles, and uses her tactics to counter Harley. As she wins this battle, she ends up facing her other rival, Drew, in the quarterfinals. Much to her surprise, he sends out a Pokémon he trained just for the Grand Festival.

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Presos na Ilha

14 abril 200523m

Tricked into another of Team Rocket's schemes, the heroes are stranded on an island. They encounter Robin, a former salesman, who was saved by a Wailmer. Like the heroes, Robin, too, wishes to get off the island, but due to the constant whirlpools, he is barred from doing so. With the inevitable teamwork between the heroes and the villains, Team Rocket plan on another sabotage attempt to take the ship everyone is building and snatch the Pokémon at it.

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Como um Meowth Para uma Chama

21 abril 200523m

The heroes arrive at Ever Grande City, the site of the Hoenn League. On May's request, they go around town for a noodle shop, but end up getting assaulted by a group of Murkrow. In that moment, a Meowth, wearing a hat and boots, attacks the Murkrow and disperses them. Its trainer, Tyson, greets the group, and adds that he is also a participant of the League. Moreover, he is also a torchbearer of the Moltres flame, which Team Rocket intends on stealing.

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Salvo Pelo Beldum

28 abril 200523m

Ash's new friend and rival arrives just in time to register for the Championships. Although, Tyson's Meowth has a strong showing as it displays uncharacteristic rage, even attacking its opponent after the battle.

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De Fanfarrões a Ricos

5 maio 200523m

The preliminaries are over and now the Hoenn League Championships begin in earnest. The qualifying round is all double battles and Ash goes to watch Morrison's match against muscleman Gavin.

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Choques e Laços

12 maio 200523m

Ash begins his third battle in the qualifying round of the Hoenn League Championships and knows he's up for a challenge. After getting three victorious in the qualifying round, Ash and his new friends ascend to the victory tournament. In his first victory tournament match, Ash goes up against a trainer famous for her keen strategy.

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Uma Decisão Difícil!

19 maio 200523m

Ash struggles against an opponent whose strategy is a marked contrast to his straightforward style and tries to throw her off with Corphish, one of his spunkiest Pokémon.

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Perder ou Ganhar!

25 maio 200523m

Ash faces his off against newfound friend and rival, Morrison. However, Ash knows how to put friendship aside in battle while Morrison does not and the less experienced trainer is hesitating to battle against him. Will Morrison pull himself together and gives his all against Ash or will the match end in his favor.

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No Final do Combate

16 junho 200523m

With the Hoenn League still underway, Ash and Tyson battle it out to decide which one of them will move on to the final four. Since Glalie and Sceptile are already knocked out of the competition, who will get the upper hand?

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Team Sarilhos

23 junho 200523m

On his way home to Pallet Town after saying goodbye to his friends, Ash meets Scott, Leader of the Battle Frontier. After losing to Elite Four member Agatha, Scott tells Ash about the Battle Frontier. The latter agrees to take the challenge but first he must deal with Team Rocket and return to Pallet Town. After coming home, Ash meets up with his old traveling friend Misty.

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O Sítio Certo e o Mime Certo

30 junho 200523m

Ash and May prepare for the challenge ahead of them in the Kanto region. May left two of her Pokémon with her parents at Petalburg City in Hoenn. However, before their new adventure, Team Rocket shows up to steal all of Ash's Pokémon and the group must fight to stop their dastardly plan. After stopping Team Rocket plans, May leaves one of her Pokémon with Professor Oak but a Squirtle chooses her as its Trainer and accepts it to her team. Ash also leaves two of his Pokémon he caught in Hoenn with Professor Oak as well but one of his from the lab decides to accompany him on his new journey.

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Um Verdadeiro Agrupamento Cleffa

7 julho 200523m

Ash and his friends set out for Mt. Moon, home to the Cleffa family of Pokémon. However, the young Trainers are surprised when they spot a lone, distraught Cleffa.

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Número Um Articuno

21 julho 200523m

The Battle Factory is Ash's next destination—if he can find it, that is. He and his friends have become lost, but they see snow and an Articuno flying overhead, followed by a plane in distress. The group winds up at a Pokémon Center, where Scott gives them a ride to the Battle Factory. There they meet Noland, who's not just the Factory Head but also a bit of a mechanical mastermind, and the pilot of the plane they saw last night.

Ash can pick which of Noland's Pokémon he wants to battle. Noland has befriended an Articuno whom he helped once, and he takes Max and Pikachu up in his plane to fly with the Legendary Pokémon. Team Rocket wants Articuno for themselves, and they show up in their own plane to steal it. It's no match for Articuno, who quickly sends them on their way.

Impressed, Ash decides he wants to battle Articuno. What's more, he wants to battle it with Charizard! It looks like this is shaping up to be quite a match...

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O Símbolo Vida

28 julho 200523m

After surprising everyone by choosing to face the Legendary Pokémon Articuno in his first Battle Frontier battle, Ash calls upon an old friend to battle it as he plans to use fire against ice. Will Ash be victorious in his first Battle Frontier battle.

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Presos Ao Onix

4 agosto 200523m

On their way to the Battle Arena, Ash and his friends take a break to rest. When they run out of water, Ash, May, and Brock go to look for some while Max stays and feeds the Pokémon. When Munchlax eats everyone's food, a battle ensures which angers some nearby Geodude who in return, attack the Pokémon and Pikachu, Corphish, Phanpy, Squirtle and Munchlax got separated from the group. Meanwhile, Team Rocket convinces an Onix, who is the king of the Rock Pokémon, that Ash and the others are evil and Onix sends its Rock-type army to capture them. Unknown to the Rock-types, Team Rocket wanted to use them to help steal Pikachu and the other Pokémon.

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O Rebelde Jigglypuff

11 agosto 200523m

Ash and his friends meet a man that is trying to catch a Jigglypuff for his daughter's birthday. However, this Jigglypuff has proven to be the toughest one in the universe.

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Caça Ao Arcanine

18 agosto 200523m

On their way to the Battle Arena, Ash and friends stop by a cake shop, but the line for it is long. They see an Arcanine come running by, and May decides to catch it. However, Drew returns and he also wants to capture it.

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O Pequeno Psyduck

25 agosto 200523m

Ash and friends save a morose Psyduck from a group of fighting-type Pokémon, Machoke, Machamp and Machop, that are pursuing it. Meanwhile, Team Rocket decides that the Psyduck would make a perfect gift for their boss.

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Salvo o Chefe

1 setembro 200523m

Ash and friends visit a restaurant that has been split in two by feuding sisters. The gang tries to get the two sisters to reconcile and work together as a team.

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O Grande Dilema de Caterpie

8 setembro 200523m

Team Rocket attacks an inventor's laboratory, startling his Caterpie into eating an experimental substance that enlarges it to dreadful proportions. However, the situation gets worse when Caterpie evolves into Metapod and then again into Butterfree.

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O Concurso de Saffron

15 setembro 200523m

Prior to her first Pokémon Contest in the Kanto region, May learns of several new rules designed to make contests and battles more strategically challenging. Also, Max and May are dubious from a warm greeting they receive from Harley.

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Um Desafio Para o Squirtle

22 setembro 200523m

The Saffron City Pokémon Contest begins and with May eager to win her first ever Kanto ribbon, she chooses to enter with her Squirtle. However, May's enemy and rival Harley is determined to make sure that she does not triumph.

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Pasta La Vista!

Season Finale
29 setembro 200523m

Ash and his friends meet the owner of a Pokémon Dojo but they discover he's in a feud with his son. Can Ash and his friends help end the feud between them.

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A Cidade Fantasma

6 outubro 200523m

On the way to the next Battle Frontier facility, Ash and co. are lost. They soon come across a ghost town which is haunted by Ghost Pokémon. They are soon befriended by some friendly Psychic Pokémon who dance the night away. Will Ash and co. stop the ghosts from ruining the town, and does Ash and the rest of the crew sound different to anyone?

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O Pequeno James!

13 outubro 200523m

When May's Munchlax and James' Chimecho both have fallen ill, they seek the Pokémon healing skills of an elderly couple named Nanny and Pop-Pop, who happens to be James grandparents. Team Rocket and the gang call a temporary truce until their Pokémon get better. Meanwhile, James tries to impress Nanny and Pop-Pop by pretending to be a business owner while also hiding his status as a member of Team Rocket.

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Remédio Para Pokémons!

20 outubro 200523m

During a training battle against Ash's Grovyle, Brock's Mudkip evolves into a Marshtomp. However, Brock's new evolved Pokémon accidentally hits a girls Flaaffy but is able to heal her Pokémon through a drug store. While there, Brock and Marshtomp both want to date the girl alongside her Flaaffy. However, little do Brock and Marshtomp know, the girl and her Flaaffy have feelings for someone else.

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O Símbolo da Coragem

27 outubro 200523m

Ash finally arrives at the second Battle Frontier venue where he challenges the Battle Arena Brain Greta to a match. Will Ash be able to defeat Greta and get his second Battle Frontier symbol.

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A Maravilhosa Aventura da May

3 novembro 200523m

After winning the Guts Symbol at the Battle Arena, Ash's next challenge is the Battle Dome. However, before the continue their journey to their next destination, Ash and his friends come across a Pokémon Egg Shop. During their stay, May offers advice to the owner's daughter about Pokémon contest and how to be a coordinator.

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Guerreiro do Fim-de-Semana

10 novembro 200523m

May enters the Silver Town Pokémon Contest and battles Jeremy, an unusual contestant. However, Jeremy shocks May when he appears playing electric guitar and wearing leather.

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Um Lago Antigo

17 novembro 200523m

On the way to the Battle Dome, Ash and the others decide to stop at a famous fishing spot but the lake is deserted. Tiffany, the owner of a fishing house tells them that a company wants to buy the lake and turn the land into a resort. In order to scare people away from the land so Tiffany and her Grandma get no business, the head of the company uses his Crawdaunt to terrorise the lake. Can Ash and his friends help them stop the company from getting the land or will he succeeded.

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Tácticas Teatrais

24 novembro 200523m

Ash finally arrives at the third Battle Frontier location where he challenges the Battle Dome Brain Tucker to a match. The battle begins with Ash using his Swellow and Corphish against Tucker's Arcanine and Swampert. During the battle, Ash learns how to combine his Pokémon's attacks and uses their power to defeat Tucker.

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Trocar as Cargas

1 dezembro 200523m

After Ash wins his third Battle Frontier Symbol, the Tactics Symbol, he and his go to their next Battle Frontier location, the Battle Pike. However, during an encounter with a wild Elekid, May's egg becomes stuck in the Electric Pokémon antenna and runs off. Now Ash and the others must find Elekid and get May's egg back.

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O Guardião Verde

8 dezembro 200523m

On their way to the Battle Pike, Ash and his friends decide to ride along the Cycling Road. However, it is closed and they must go through the forest. After hearing a noise, Pikachu wanders off and finds an wild injured Celebi under some thick vines. Ash and the others then meet a Pokémon Ranger named Solana who agrees to help them find Pikachu. When they finally find Pikachu and Celebi, the reunion is cut short as Team Rocket shows up to steal Celebi.

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Do Berço para o Brock

15 dezembro 200523m

Ash and friends arrive at a Ninja School. There they meet a wild Bonsly who cries a lot and does not get along with the other Pokémon at the school. However, Team Rocket appear and decide to capture all of the Pokémon in the school, including Ash and his friends.

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Viajar no Tempo Faz Bem ao Coração

22 dezembro 200523m

After May's Squirtle runs away, May goes searching for her Pokémon. Once she finds Squirtle, May finds an elderly woman, Edna, waiting for a train. After hearing the sad story about Edna's past, Meowth and May go back in time in order to change history.

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A Rainha Lucy

5 janeiro 200623m

Ash finally arrives at the location of the Battle Pike, ready to battle. Team Rocket tricks him into coming into their own fake Battle Pike where they capture Pikachu. With the help of the real Frontier Brain—Pike Queen Lucy—they save Pikachu. Ash challenges Lucy to a battle, and even though it is her day off, she accepts as she has a crush on Brock. As the two begin their battle, Ash realizes Lucy is no pushover. Can Ash win? And who will Brock cheer for?

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Trabalho de Equipa

12 janeiro 200623m

On their way to the Battle Palace, Ash and friends stop at Potpourri Island where they learn about the Pokémon Orienteering Contest. The contest is a race around the island where a trainer and one Pokémon must go to five different locations and get the special stamps at those locations. The winner will receive a special medal along with a ton of fruit. As the contest begins, Ash goes with Pikachu, May goes with her new Eevee, Brock goes with Bonsly, Max goes with Munchlax (lent to him by May), James with Mime Jr, and Jessie with Meowth. Who will win the contest and win all that fruit? That is if Jessie and Meowth don't succeed in stealing it along with Ash, May and Brock's Pokémon!

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O Harley Está a Rodar Outra Vez

19 janeiro 200623m

Ash and friends finally arrive in Wisteria Town where May prepares for her next contest. However, Harley shows up and this time he is not so friendly with everyone. Harley declares that he will win this contest and his Fourth Ribbon against May. Meanwhile, Team Rocket try to convince Harley to work with them as they'll help him beat May while he helps them get Ash's Pikachu. Will Harley accept Team Rocket's offer for their help or decides to beat May fair and square.

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O Grovyle Apaixona-se

26 janeiro 200623m

While on the way to May's next Pokémon Contest, Ash and friends must stop at a nearby island to switch to ferry to the next island. They let their Pokémon out to play and Donphan, still as playful as ever, tries to play with some Rhyhorn, only to be chased by their parents. After being saved by Nurse Joy and her Meganium, Grovyle gets into a conflict with a wild Tropius and is beaten badly. Meganium heals Grovyle and Grovyle falls in love with the Herb Pokémon. However, it is later revealed that Tropius also has feelings for Meganium. Grovyle decides to have a rematch against Tropius to see who will come out on top.

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Combusken Espontâneo

2 fevereiro 200623m

After losing a ribbon to Harley, May arrives on Chrysanthemum Island, ready to win her third ribbon. Ash is also working hard trying to help Sceptile regain its ability to use Grass-type attacks after breaking its heart. When Drew shows up, May finds out he didn't send her the letter. Later, while training on the beach, she meets a girl named Brianna who reveals that she sent the letter and rose to May. When Brianna finds out May knows Drew, she grows embarrassed as she has a crush on Drew and intended the letter and Rose to be sent to him. When she finally meets Drew, Brianna claims that she will beat May in the contest and win Drew's respect and love! Meanwhile, Jessie also enters the contest with James' Mime Jr.

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Cortar os Laços

9 fevereiro 200623m

Ash & co have arrived on the island of the Battle Palace which happens to be a massive Jungle. Ash, eager to make his upcoming battle with the Brain as good as it can be, decides to put extra emphasis on helping his recently evolved Sceptile to be able to use it's attacks. However in the process, Ash & Sceptile get seperated from the group and meet with the Frontier Brain, Spenser. Will Ash & Spenser get Sceptile to be able to use attacks again?

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Vitória à Vista

16 fevereiro 200623m

Ash finally arrives at the Battle Palace, ready to take on Spenser for the Spirit Symbol. As they head out to the battlefield, Ash learns that he has the entire surrounding jungle to battle in! As the battle begins, May, Brock and Max head up in a balloon with Scott to watch the battle. As the battle begins, Ash pits his newly "revived" Sceptile against Spenser's Shiftry and the battle quickly takes into the forest. Will Ash be able to beat Spenser while battling in a forest? And does he have a secret weapon waiting in the wings?

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Rei e Rainha por um Dia

23 fevereiro 200623m

After a battle with Team Rocket, Pikachu, Meowth, Bonsly & Manene are seperated from their respective trainers. Lost in a town, the four Pokémon decide to team up to find their trainers...however three strange men have their eyes set on Bonsly & Manene. Will the Pokémon get back to their trainers?

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Detendo a Maré Vermelha

2 março 200623m

There's big trouble in the big city when Ash and his friends pay a visit—a mysterious talking Pokémon in a crimson cloak known as Red Lighting has been battling all the Trainers in town, and it acts like a real supervillain when it wins! May's plans for a nice day out are ruined when Red Lightning humiliates her and her Squirtle, so now the heroes are out to uncover who or what is behind its activities.

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O Que Eu Fiz por Amor

9 março 200623m

May finally arrives in Gardenia Town ready to win her fourth ribbon. She gains a nice surprise when she finds out that her Eevee has learned Dig. While May prepares for the contest, Brock meets another Pokémon Breeder named Yuma. After seeing his Pokémon skills, she convinces him to enter the Gardenia Contest. After amazing appeals by Squirtle and Bonsly, both May and Brock make it to the battle rounds. Will May be able to beat her friend to win her fourth Kanto Ribbon?

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Três Jynx e Um Bebé

16 março 200623m

On their way to the Battle Tower, May finds a Smoochum behind a bush. She tries to pick it up, only to be attacked by three Jynx, Smoochum's sisters. After a short battle, Ash and the others leave and head for town. Soon after, Team Rocket take Smoochum and plan to make her a star. The Jynx then begin to attack the town and Ash and May hold them back before luring them to where Smoochum is. However, when they get there, Jessie has no intentions to give Smoochum back to her sisters!

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Combater Sem Falar

23 março 200623m

As Ash and the others finally arrive at the Battle Tower, Ash does some last minute training with Pikachu. He is suddenly attacked by a Beedrill and a girl comes to his rescue. After sending Beedrill away, they are attacked by a Gyarados and she once again talks to it and helps it calm down. Soon, Team Rocket attacks wanting Pikachu and this human who can talk to Pokémon. After fending Team Rocket off, she introduces herself as Anabel. Before Anabel can properly introduce herself, Ash runs off to the Battle Tower only to find out Anabel is the Frontier Brain. As the battle begins, Ash quickly falls behind as Anabel can speak with Pokémon through telepathy. Can Ash manage to get past her special ability and win his sixth Frontier Symbol?

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À Segunda É De Vez

30 março 200623m

After a devastating defeat at the hands of Anabel, Ash is eager to challenge her again, except this time he plans to think with his Pokémon like Anabel instead of rushing in. While training for the rematch, Ash is once again attacked by Beedrill and then Team Rocket after eating their lunch. After sending Team Rocket away, Ash and May try to learn how to talk to their Pokémon just like Anabel, however Corphish and Combusken just look on with blank looks. After finishing his little "lesson", Ash begins his battle with Anabel. Just like the last time, Anabel uses her telepathy ability to fight. Even though Ash is at disadvantage, he surprisingly does better than last time, even managing to win in the first round! Will Anabel prove to be too powerful with her telepathy or will Ash overcome it to win his sixth Frontier Symbol?

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Nem Tudo o Que Brilha é Ouro

20 abril 200623m

Ash and May spot an amazing golden Sudowoodo at the edge of a lake, but it knocks Ash's Poké Ball away when he tries to catch it. Brock and the others don't believe it, until they reach the next town and find a saloon full of locals looking for the golden Sudowoodo. They also meet Keenan, the golden Sudowoodo's Trainer, who can't explain why it's golden or why it ran away from him. Our heroes happily decide to help Keenan find Sudowoodo, yet Keenan doesn't seem to want the help.

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Novo Enredo, Antigo Elenco

27 abril 200623m

May is feeling the pressure at the Mulberry City Pokémon Contest, her last chance to get a fifth ribbon before the Grand Festival. To make things worse, Harley shows up! He has his ribbons already so he doesn't have to compete. But Jessie plans to enter in her Jessebella disguise, so when Harley spots Team Rocket, he offers to loan them his Cacturne and Banette to use against May in the Contest.

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A Persistência

4 maio 200623m

The competition is underway at the Mulberry Town Pokémon Contest, where Harley has teamed up with Team Rocket to plot May's downfall. While May is getting ready for her first opponent, Team Rocket lures her friends into a sealed transport container and sends them up, up and away with a Meowth balloon! But they didn't count on Drew being there to save the day. He frees Ash and the others, only for all them to then fall into one of Team Rocket's old-fashioned pit traps. While James and Meowth gloat, our heroes realize Team Rocket is working with Harley, and they have to get back to the Contest to help May.

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A Zanga do Team Rocket

11 maio 200623m

Team Rocket decides to go their separate ways after yet another foiled Pikachu kidnap attempt. Elsewhere, our heroes come across a one-day Pokémon Battle Tournament secretly run by Butch and Cassidy, who are having their own problems getting along. Ash signs up, unaware that while he's battling, Cassidy is preparing to swipe the competitors' Pokémon! Cassidy runs into Jessie and James, and decides to make James her new team. As for Jessie, she fast-talks her way into a partnership with Butch.

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Visita Atribulada

18 maio 200623m

Our heroes have finally made it back to Pewter City, where Brock once again comes home to find the Pewter Gym looking stranger than ever. When he gets in the door, he discovers that his mom and dad are headed off on a free prize vacation, leaving the Gym in the care of three suspicious Gym remodelers who promised to make the Pewter Gym fashionable. His parents even took his Ludicolo to carry suitcases! Of course, it's all another Team Rocket scheme in disguise.

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Combatendo o Inimigo Interno!

25 maio 200623m

Ash is really excited to get to the Battle Pyramid, but he falls down a hole into a strange ruin. When Team Rocket goes to check it out, they end up falling in as well. As Ash and his friends explore, they set off a trap! They're saved by a man and his Regirock—the man's name is Brandon, and he tells Ash off for messing with the ruins. The ruins, he explains, are where the King of Pokelantis sealed a Ho-Oh. But instead of being careful, Ash gets excited and runs off in search of Ho-Oh. He finds something much more sinister when he awakens the spirit of the King, who possesses him and demands everyone's Pokémon as part of plan to rule the world!

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O Slaking Gigante!

8 junho 200623m

On the way to the Grand Festival, our heroes are swarmed by a group of Aipom who swipe Ash's hat and May's ribbon case! That's not all—the Aipom also cleaned out an orchard belonging to a farmer, Taylor. He says the local Pokémon have started acting strangely, and it might have something to do with a strange monster recently seen in the mountains. Everyone sets out to investigate and get May's ribbons back.

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A Grande Competição da May

15 junho 200623m

May has arrived at the Indigo Plateau Grand Festival, where there are many familiar faces in town. Team Rocket is turning over a new leaf as Contest commentators. And Aipom has followed Ash all the way there, but its latest hat-snatching spree is halted by Drew and another Coordinator, Solidad. Solidad is an experienced Coordinator and an old acquaintance of Drew, so it's no wonder that with all this competition, May is feeling a few butterflies.

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A Competição Continua

22 junho 200623m

May, Drew, Harley, and Solidad are all competing in the Grand Festival, and it's time for their Pokémon to show off their best moves. Only 16 Coordinators will advance to the next round, so the pressure is on! Although Drew and Absol do a great job, he's not at all happy with Absol's performance. May is shocked to see him angry at his Pokémon, and she's even more hurt when he takes some of his frustration out on her. Drew later calms down, but his tension showed how seriously he's taking his rivalry with May.

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Emoção no Grande Festival

29 junho 200623m

May and Drew are in a battle to reach the final four of the Grand Festival, and both Coordinators have some powerful combinations up their sleeve. May even picked up a few tricks from watching Ash's Battle Dome match against Tucker! Her Combusken and Squirtle give it their all against Drew's Flygon and Absol, and nobody in the arena can even predict which way things are going to go.

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A Aventura do Aipom

6 julho 200623m

When Ash's new Aipom plays another prank on him, it leads them both to a village that's preparing to select this year's King. Whoever manages to hang onto the ritual crown until sunset will be King of the village for a year! Ash and Brock meet Hank, who wants to be King, and Brock wants to be King too—King of the village's lovely girls. But as Brock and the villagers race for the crown, Aipom runs away with it and tries it on for size. Once it puts on the crown, it can't get it off again!

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Estratégia Amanhã, Comédia Hoje!

20 julho 200623m

On the way to Fennel Valley and Ash's rematch with Brandon, our heroes meet Chatot, a Pokémon that can imitate anything it hears. However, this Chatot keeps running away from its Trainer, Audrey! After Ash and his friends help Audrey get Chatot back, Audrey explains that she and Chatot are a stand-up comedy duo. The only problem is that Audrey can't travel to perform her act because Chatot keeps flying away.

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Duelos na Floresta

27 julho 200623m

On the way to Fennel Valley, Ash's Aipom scampers away and runs into a Weavile with an attitude. Aipom's up for a battle, but Weavile deals it a harsh defeat! Luckily, Ash and his friends meet a passing wilderness guardian named Kerrigan, who lets Aipom rest at his home. Kerrigan explains that the Weavile belonged to a local group of Weavile and Sneasel, but now it's alone and challenges any Trainer's Pokémon it sees. Ash resolves to help Kerrigan find the stray Weavile before anyone else is hurt.

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3 agosto 200623m

Ash has reached Fennel Valley at last, where he plans to challenge Brandon to an official battle—but Brandon won't be back until tomorrow! Instead, our hero is welcomed by an enthusiastic Nurse Joy. This Nurse Joy loves Pokémon battles and Contests, and she even offers to help Ash train. Her Chansey may look sweet, but once its nurse's hat comes off, so do the gloves! Chansey quickly outpowers Ash's Corphish, teaching Ash a lesson about battle strategy that doesn't make him too happy.

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A Luz Imbatível da Verdade

10 agosto 200623m

Ash is still recovering from his defeat at the Battle Pyramid, while May is also melancholy about her own defeat at the Grand Festival. Professor Oak shows up at the Pokémon Center in Fennel Valley, with a special care package meant to cheer Ash up. It contains a poster with the prints of his Pokémon, a fishing lure from Misty, and food from his mother. There's even a postcard from Gary in Sinnoh, which gets Ash thinking about their rivalry and actually pulls him out of his funk.

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Confusão no Centro

17 agosto 200623m

At the Fennel Valley Pokémon Center, Ash is practicing attacks with his Pokémon while Brock is excited to be cooking with Nurse Joy. His excitement quickly disappears when he finds Nurse Joy unconscious on the floor. They put her in bed, and Professor Oak says she needs rest. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is incredibly lost from when Harley sent them blasting off, and to choose their path, Jessie throws a stick that hits several Pokémon and damages a small bus passing on the road below.

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Juntando o Grupo dos Quatro

24 agosto 200623m

At the Fennel Valley Pokémon Center, Ash gets a special delivery from Oak's Lab—his Bulbasaur. Officer Jenny soon arrives with his Squirtle, and his Charizard flies in too. Ash is going on a retreat with these three Pokémon and Pikachu to train for his upcoming rematch with Brandon. Out in the forest, the four Pokémon work together to build a bed to sleep on, but Charizard hogs it at first and starts a fight. Eventually they calm down and rebuild the bed, get some food, and even practice their moves. That night Charizard lights a campfire, and Ash remembers how he met Pikachu, Charizard, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur.

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O Último Passo

31 agosto 200623m

With Charizard out of the battle for his rematch against Pyramid King Brandon, Ash calls out Bulbasaur. Dusclops performs Mean Look again, while Bulbasaur wraps the Ghost-type with Leech Seed. The two Pokémon are evenly matched, but Bulbasaur takes a beating from the Fire-type move Will-O-Wisp and is affected by Confuse Ray, which causes it to use Vine Whip on itself. Because Leech Seed is taking energy from Dusclops and giving it to Bulbasaur, the Grass-type manages to stay in the fight, using SolarBeam to knock Dusclops out.

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Mais Uma Vez, Com Garra

7 setembro 200623m

The kids are at Terracotta Town, where May and Max will catch a boat back home to Hoenn. The town happens to be hosting a festival, complete with its very own Pokémon Contest. Ash figures it's unofficial, so he wants to compete. Both Ash and May sign up, with Ash using Pikachu and Sceptile, and May using her Eevee and Combusken.

Nurse Joy is the MC, doing her best Lillian impersonation. May goes first, impressing the crowd by having Eevee use Dig and Shadow Ball to create a fireworks display. Ash is equally impressive when Pikachu uses Quick Attack, Thunderbolt, and Iron Tail to create electric rings that buzz around the arena. At the end of the first round, May is in first place with Ash a close second, both of them advancing to the finals against each other.

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Regresso a Casa

Season Finale
14 setembro 200623m

The smoke finally clears at the Terracotta Town Pokémon Contest, and the winner is revealed—it is a tie between May and Ash! Both are declared the winner with only one prize medal between the two, so Sceptile cuts it neatly in half. That night, during dinner, May announces her intention to go to Johto and compete in Pokémon Contests. She doesn't want Max to come, though, because she'd depend on her brother too much. Max is sad, but Ash cheers him up by promising to battle some day.

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A Viagem de Estreia

28 setembro 200623m

It's always exciting when new Pokémon Trainers receives their first Pokémon, but for a girl named Dawn, things will be far more exciting than she'd ever imagined! Here in the Sinnoh region, Trainers receive their Pokémon from Professor Rowan, whose lab is near Sandgem Town—but soon after Dawn leaves her home in Twinleaf Town and heads for the lab, she's hopelessly lost. Fortunately, she runs into Professor Rowan on the street and follows him to the lab. But while the Professor was out, his assistants accidentally let two of the starter Pokémon, Chimchar and Pilplup, break out of the lab.

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Dois Degraus de Separação

28 setembro 200623m

Dawn and Piplup begin their journey, and enter their first attempts to catch some Pokémon. Although, during those attempts, Dawn and Piplup run into Ash's Pikachu, and Team Rocket. Meanwhile, Ash continues looking for Pikachu and meets back up with Brock, and together they go catch up with Dawn.

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Quando os Mundos Pokémon Colidem

28 setembro 200623m

While searching for Pikachu, Ash and Brock run into a new rival named Paul, who challenges Ash to a battle, but Ash can't compete without Pikachu; Dawn and Piplup meet Ash and Brock, and together they try to rescue Pikachu from Team Rocket.

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O Início de Uma Nova Era!

5 outubro 200623m

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

This cannot be more true for Dawn as she now has Ash, a Trainer with many victories, 28 badges and a winner's trophy under his belt and Brock, the Pewter Gym Leader traveling with her now. As she is about to capture a Buneary, she makes mistakes which Ash points out and suddenly she smacks Ash with her Poké Ball. Soon they get into a big fight about it (Doesn't this sound familiar) and (as usual) Brock is in the middle of it. They soon notice the sun being extremely bright and find the cause: A Budew that belongs to a wandering minstrel named Nando, who just started his own journey. As a token of good will he offers Dawn a chance to battle him. How will she fair for her first battle and will she ever get along with Ash?

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Aprender a Lição!

19 outubro 200623m

While heading to the first stop on their journey, Pikachu is captured by Team Rocket and Ash and co. are not far behind. After their balloon popped Team Rocket found Pikachu protected by a Turtwig. When Ash and co. find Pikachu with Turtwig its caretaker, a kindly old lady by the name of Clara, invited them over for lunch. Turns out she's a Pokémon Caretaker and Turtwig (like Bulbasaur before it) is her bodyguard but it really likes Ash. Will Ash accept Turtwig?

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Cada um é para o Que Nasce!

26 outubro 200623m

While en route to Jubilife City, Ash and co. encounter Paul again. He declares a Battle with Ash to see if Ash has gotten stronger since their last battle. Will this battle end differently for Ash, or will Paul have the advantage the second time around?

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Quer Gostes Quer Não!

2 novembro 200623m

The roar of the crowd and the excitement in the air as Dawn prepares to start off her contest debut. Just kidding: it's just Dawn practicing (and failing) her appeals training. Elsewhere, Team Rocket stole some berries that belonged to a Golduck, Wooper, Quagsire and Poliwag. Soon after this group finds Piplup and it agrees to solve the problem. Can this plucky Pokémon settle this dispute diplomatically?

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Mentirosos no Ginásio!

9 novembro 200623m

Still en route to Jubilife City, Ash and co. meet a girl named Minnie who tells the gang about a Gym called the Powerzone Gym. As usual Ash wants in on the Gym Battles so he, Dawn, Brock and Minnie check it out. What kind of Gym is this, and is it authorized by the Sinnoh League?

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O Mundo Inteiro Pelo Buneary

16 novembro 200623m

Early one morning, Ash is awoken by Dawn who is having a "Bad Hair Morning". And anyone who dares see her with bedhead will never see another sunrise again! After a Bubble Beam attack Dawn comes out with her hair silky smooth. Later Dawn spots a Buneary, a Pokémon she has tried so hard to capture, but this one seems to be infatuated by Ash's Pikachu. So she freezes everyone but Pikachu with an Ice Beam attack, but Pikachu did not like this and told her off, which broke her little heart. Can Pikachu be able to mend it, and will this Buneary be a part of Dawn's small Pokémon family?

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Primeiro têm de Passar por Cima de Mim!

30 novembro 200623m

Ash and co. finally arrive at Jubilife City, the first stop in Dawn's quest to be a great coordinator. It is there that she learns of a new fad. It's hip, it's hot, it's happenin' it's the Pokétch and, like all girls, Dawn has to have one. She gets one from three clowns only to find out from a smart little boy named Landis that it is a fake. Will she be able to get a real Pokétch, or will she be a trend loser?

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Preparar o Ataque de um Coordenador!

7 dezembro 200623m

The first of anything can be quite stressful. Dawn has made it to the Jubilife Contest hoping to win her very first ribbon. She meets a girl by the name of Zoey, who has a Glameow just like her mom. She also meet the fabulous Jessilina (Who unbeknownst to her is really Jessie). All eyes focus on newcomer Dawn. Will she have what it takes to make it to the top?

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A Chegada de um Novo Adversário!

14 dezembro 200623m

As the Jubilife contest continues, Ash, Dawn, Zoey and Jessilina (aka Jessie) pass with flying colors. But the tension mounds and pressure is really put on Dawn. Will she manage to win her very first contest, or will Zoey manage to win it all?

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O Nascimento de um Staravia!

21 dezembro 200623m

Ash and the gang find a Pokémon bird-watcher named Rosebay who wonders why the bird Pokémon have been recently disappearing. They decide to investigate at a nearby canyon where they spot Team Rocket capturing multiple bird Pokémon, including Ash's Starly. The gang works together to try and free the bird Pokémon, but will they be able to successfully save Starly from Team Rocket?

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O Brock Resolve!

21 dezembro 200623m

When Ash and his friends discover an injured and displaced Nuzleaf in a forest. Seeing that Nuzleaf is lost, they decided to return it to its home. Unfortunately, Team Rocket captures Nuzleaf and takes Brock along with he tries to stop them. However, Brock's quick thinking and culinary skills thwart their plans and helps Nuzleaf get home safe to its friends.

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Visão do Futuro!

11 janeiro 200723m

Ash, Dawn and Brock arrive at Oreburgh City, where Ash is stoked about getting his first Gym Badge. However, not only did Paul get there first but the Gym Leader isn't there. Apparently Roark, the Gym Leader, went to the mines to dig for coal. When they run to meet him he said that he totally forgot his duties as a Gym Leader. When they go back, Roark decides to challenge Paul first. Will Paul be able to beat Roark?

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Uma Atitude Incorrecta!

18 janeiro 200723m

After Paul dominated the Oreburgh Gym, Ash had to think about what Pokémon he could use. Naturally he chose Turtwig, Aipom and Pikachu to go up against Roark's Rock-type Pokémon. Will this strategy work, or will history for Ash repeat itself?

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Agitação Nas Ruas!

25 janeiro 200723m

After Ash suffered a defeat last time, he doesn't let it bother him as he trains with his Pokémon for his rematch with Roark. Meanwhile, Team Rocket resurrects an Aerodactyl that goes nuts and nearly destroys the city. Can Ash be able to face this ancient Pokémon again? And will Dawn be ready for her next contest?

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Vencer o Rampardos!

1 fevereiro 200723m

Ash returns to Oreburgh Gym, ready to challenge Roark again. As the battle starts, Ash quickly surprises everyone when Pikachu manages to take down Onix. As the second battle begins, Ash pits Aipom against Geodude. After a long struggle, Ash manages to beat Geodude, and loses Pikachu and Aipom before the real test begins, defeating Roark's newly evolved Rampardos.

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Duas Vezes Castigado, Uma Vez Tímido!

8 fevereiro 200723m

Dawn catches a Pachirisu but quickly discovers the cute Pokémon may be too feisty to control. Seeing this, Dawn questions her competence as a trainer. Meanwhile, Team Rocket also wants Pachirisu as they try to lure it with food in order to capture it.

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O Grande Motim!

22 fevereiro 200723m

On the way to Floaroma Town, Ash and the others hear some screaming nearby. At a house, a Pokémon hunter named J has just captured a girl named Melodi and kidnapped her Gardevoir and she quickly flees the scene. Ash gives chase to her, and tries to battle her, only to have Pikachu frozen in stone and stolen just like Gardevoir. They decide to help Officer Jenny and try to help capture J, but eventually she also gets Meowth as well! Before she can take off, Ash, Jessie, and James sneak under her vehicle and follow her to her secret flying base. Now, the reluctant allies must work together to get back their Pokémon from J's clutches.

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Nós Queremos Evolução!

1 março 200723m

While they were walking tiredly, Team Rocket once again encounter the Magikarp salesman, not having forgotten how he tricked James into buy several Magikarp. James tries to take his money back until Magikarp salesman convinces Team Rocket to buy an Evolution Machine. Meanwhile, Ash and co. visit Oralie and Haley, two coordinators that claim to have the strongest Magikarp and Feebas ever. After both Ash and Dawn's defeat by Oralie's Magikarp, Team Rocket steals Magikarp, Feebas and Pikachu and tries to evolve them. Will they succeed?

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Empréstimo Forçado!

8 março 200723m

Aipom takes Ash's hat and playfully runs away, but then finds itself in trouble. However, Aipom is saved by Jessie and then convinces Ash to let her use his Pokémon in an upcoming contest. Although, Ash worries that he may lose his Aipom to Team Rocket.

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When Team Rocket was planning their next pitfall trap, their shovels suddenly got stuck in the ground. When they try to pull them out, a Steelix pops out of the ground with the shovels stuck in its head. It grows angry and begins to chase them. Meanwhile, Ash and his friends discover an injured Bidoof. After healing its injuries, they decide to help it go back to its village. However, Team Rocket and the rampaging Steelix come by, forcing them to run into Bidoof's Village. Lucky for them, the Bidoof Village is surrounded by a huge rock wall, but Steelix will be able to break through. Now Ash and the others must find a way to stop Steelix before it destroys the Bidoof Village.

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Uma História Doce!

29 março 200723m

When a girl named Theresa asks Ash to let Pikachu stand in for her aunt Abigail's lost Pikachu, Sugar, to help her win a baking competition, the ruse seems to work, until Abigail challenges Ash to a Pokémon battle against Pikachu. Will Ash be able to battle his own partner and best friend.

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Conhecem a Receita dos Poffins?

29 março 200723m

Arriving in Floaroma Town, Dawn drags Ash and Brock to a cooking class to learn how to make a special Pokémon snack food called poffins. Meanwhile, Team Rocket hatches a scheme to get rich selling their own poffins, but a shy Roserade upends their plans.

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Nervos Antes da Competição!

5 abril 200723m

While practicing for the Floaroma Town Pokémon Contest, Dawn reunites with her childhood friend, Kenny, who plans to compete against her. Meanwhile, Jessie sends James and Meowth on a mission to steal a strong Pokémon for her contest appearance.

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Acertar Contas Não Muito Antigas!

5 abril 200723m

The day of the Floaroma Pokémon Contest has arrived as Dawn, her childhood friend Kenny, and a disguised Jessie are among the Coordinators vying for the prestigious Floaroma ribbon.

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Drifloon ao Vento!

12 abril 200723m

Ash, Dawn and Brock stop at a Pokémon Center run by a Nurse Joy with two young daughters. When Nurse Joy's younger daughter takes off on a Drifloon to find her sister, Ash sets out to save them before a brewing storm causes tragedy.

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Os Gémeos Campeões!

12 abril 200723m

Ash and Dawn suffer defeat in a tag battle against two gifted Pokémon trainers dubbed "The Champ Twins". However, Team Rocket steals the twins' Croconaw and Quilava before they can get a rematch.

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Doces Encantados!

19 abril 200723m

On their way through Eterna Forest, Ash & Co. meet up with a trainer called Cheryl. She is looking for Sweet Honey so she can get some really rare Pokémon. Having found some Burmy, she learned that it has many different evolved forms. Having obtained three of them, Cheryl is trying to evolve her final Burmy to see what it will become. Team Rocket however have their eyes set on this Worm Family. Will they be stopped?

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After Burmy evolved into Mothim, Ash and co continue through the Eterna Forest where, along the way, they meet Gardenia, an overenthusiastic fan of Grass-type Pokémon. Ash declares a battle with her and she accepts. Will Ash win against this Grass Geek, and could she be the only one?

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Uma "Combeenação" Furiosa!

3 maio 200723m

The quest for the Enchanted Honey concludes when the gang arrives at Amber Castle, which is the home to a hive of Combee and their leader, Queen Vespiquen.

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Vestidos para Brilhar!

10 maio 200723m

Ash, Dawn, Brock and Team Rocket enter one of the most popular contest events in the Sinnoh region, the annual Pokémon Dress-Up Contest, a costume competition. The winner of the Dress-Up contest gets a Pokémon Egg as the grand prize.

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Buizel, Não Consegues Escapar!

17 maio 200723m

After hearing about a powerful Buizel thwarting trainers' attempts at capture, Ash, Dawn and Brock decides to do a round of fishing in hopes of finding it. During their fishing round, Ash and friends are joined by Dawn's contest rival, Zoey.

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Uma Elite Para Conhecer e Admirar!

24 maio 200723m

As our Heroes continue to Eterna City and Ash's second Sinnoh Gym battle challenge, they meet up with Lucian, a member of the Sinnoh Elite 4, who helps Dawn develop her training relationship with her newly caught Buizel.

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Influência Secreta!

31 maio 200723m

Ash and co. finally arrive in Eterna City, where Ash hopes to earn his second badge. However, they are delayed by a trip to the museum where Ash meets not only the Eterna city Officer Jenny, but is reacquainted with the Viridian City Jenny. They also run into Nando and Gardenia, who is Eterna's Gym Leader. They learn that Team Rocket plans to steal the Adamant Orb. Can our heroes stop them, and who is really behind this theft?

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Um Encontro de Pokémon do Tipo Erva!

7 junho 200723m

The time has come again. Ash is now ready for his Gym Battle with Gardenia, and this time, it's official. Knowing what to expect from her after their last battle, will Ash be able to prune Gardenia's team, or will his team be pushing up daisies?

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Uma Família Feliz!

21 junho 200723m

Enroute from Eterna City, Brock's egg starts to glow. Finding a nearby Nurse Joy and await the egg to hatch. Happiny hatches from the egg and immediately takes a shine to Brock. Lacking a White Rock however, Brock goes out to find one. However, Team Rocket have their eyes set on Brock's new Pink Pokémon. Can the new Pokémon be protected?

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Perigo no Barco a Vapor!

5 julho 200723m

On their way to Hearthome City for Dawn's next Pokémon Contest and Ash's next Gym battle, they let their Pokémon play in a steamboat while they go shopping. However, the steamboat ends up running away with only Ash, Brock and Dawn's Pokémon still on board, which presents everyone with a real crisis.

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Treino de Topo!

19 julho 200723m

While Ash and co. are at a Pokémon Center and watch a battle between Cynthia the Sinnoh League Champion and Lucian, member of the Sinnoh's Elite Four, they hear that Cynthia is nearby. When they finally meet her, Paul appears and challenges her to a six-on-six full battle. Cynthia agrees and the battle starts. Will Paul be able to win against Cynthia and her strongest Pokémon, Garchomp?

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Uma Chamada de Atenção!

26 julho 200723m

The gang comes to the aid of Dawn's friend and rival, Zoey, who injured her leg while training. After hearing that the next contest in Hearthome city is gonna be a double performance, where the coordinators must perform with two Pokémon at the same time, Zoey helps Dawn train for the Pokémon Contest.

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A Companhia Electrike

9 agosto 200723m

When the gang comes across a breeder having difficulty training a struggling but gifted Electrike, Brock decides to teach him how to handle electric-type Pokémon. Meanwhile, Jessie wants to steal Electrike, but faces unusual resistance from James and Meowth.

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Malícia no País das Maravilhas!

16 agosto 200723m

What appears to be a Pokémon Center turns out to be a mysterious gate to a world where the gang's dreams all come true. However, they begin to realize that a Pokémon has them in a hypnotic trance.

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Hipó-Teses em Grande!

23 agosto 200723m

Ash, Dawn and Brock discover a lost Hippopotas and set off to return it to its herd. However, they have to fend off Team Rocket's attacks and the Hippopotas' sleep-inducing ability to succeed in their quest.

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A Caça!

30 agosto 200723m

As our Heroes continue towards Hearthome City, Ash reunites with his old friend and rival, Gary Oak. However, they have to work together in order to save a rare Shieldon from the evil clutches of Pokémon Hunter J.

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Corrida no Labirinto!

13 setembro 200723m

Continuing on their way to Hearthome City, Ash and his friends take a side trip to get an upgrade for Dawn's Poketch. Unfortunately, they ended up getting trapped in a dangerous maze, courtesy of Team Rocket.

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Sandshrew Aprisionado!

27 setembro 200723m

A girl named Mira offers to use her Abra to teleport Ash, Dawn and Brock to Hearthome City, but it takes them to a lake instead. Mira explains that she needs their help to retrieve her submerged Sandshrew, which an ornery Gyarados fiercely guards.

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Satoshi e Hikari! Seguindo uma nova jornada!!

27 setembro 200723m

A clip show unaired outside of Japan summarizing the important events of the first 47 Diamond and Pearl episodes, including Satoshi's (Ash's) victories over Hyouta (Roark) and Natane (Gardenia) and the introductions of new rivals Shinji (Paul) and Nozomi (Zoey).

On their way to Hearthome City, Ash, Dawn and Brock recall their adventures together so far.

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Uma Noite Má Para a Dawn!

4 outubro 200723m

Arriving in Hearthome City, Ash and Brock enter a tag battle, after the latter finds out that the Gym Leader isn't there to challenge Trainers to a battle. Meanwhile, Dawn competes against Nando, Zoey and Jessilina in the Hearthome City Pokémon Contest. However, Dawn finds herself in a discouraging situation.

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Combate Total: Vamos a Isto!

4 outubro 200723m

Through a suggestion from Zoey in order to help her recover from her early exist at the Hearthome contest, Dawn participate in the Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition with Ash and Brock. During opening day of the Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition, Ash, Dawn and Brock learn who they will partner with. However, Ash discovers his teammate is his rival Paul.

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A Chama da Glória!

18 outubro 200723m

Paul's abuse on Chimchar becomes dangerous to its health and causes it to collapse from exhausted during training. However, despite everyone's protest and waring to let Chimchar rest, Pauls enters it into the second day of the Hearthome City Tag Battle anyway. The harrowing battle leads to a fateful decision for Chimchar.

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Espírito de Equipa!

Season Finale
25 outubro 200723m

After Paul abandoned Chimchar, Ash offers it a new chance, join his team. Chimchar accepts Ash's invitation to join his team. Ash battles alongside Paul in the tournament semifinals against Brock and Holly. They make it to the finals, where they are matched up against Dawn and Conway.

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O Medo do Sucesso!

8 novembro 200723m

After a practice battle between Ash's Chimchar and Dawn's Piplup, Chimchar begins to cry because Ash was nice to it even though it lost, and Paul wasn't. Things get worse when a trio of Zangoose attack and Chimchar has to face its fear and eventually defeats them and overcomes its fear of Zangoose. Chimchar also receives some unexpected advice from Meowth about the future.

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Verdes São os Campos!

15 novembro 200723m

Gardenia reappears in a town, organizing a special exhibition battle for the town's children. She teams herself with James of Team Rocket in a match against Ash and Dawn. She proposes that James should leave his Cacnea with her to train when he is unable to use it to its full potential. He eventually decides to accept the offer.

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Trocas e Baldrocas!

22 novembro 200723m

Buizel is more interested in Ash's gym training, and Aipom is more interested in Dawn's contest training. Thus, Zoey suggests that Ash and Dawn do a trade.

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A Pedra Angular Vai ao Ar!

29 novembro 200723m

After Ash's Buizel destroys the Hallowed Tower, a Spiritomb is unleashed and attacks Ash, Dawn, Brock and a nearby village. Then Jessie tells it that Ash is a descendant of the Aura Guardian that coincidentally has a Pikachu, that sealed it away. So Ash sets out to stop the Spiritomb and with Pikachu's help, they seal it away in the Hallowed Tower.

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Pedras Moles em Águas Duras!

29 novembro 200723m

Ash's group encounters a Pokémon Breeder working on the construction of a stone bridge. The woman is arguing with the bridge's designer because of their Pokémon assistant Bibarel's refusal to work. After the stone cutter returns, Bibarel begins to construct the bridge, with help from the gang.

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Os Nariguetas da Serra!

6 dezembro 200723m

Ash battles Alan, a trainer that wants his Nosepass to evolve into a Probopass, but it can only evolve if it levels up in Mt. Coronet. When it does, Team Rocket brainwashes it and now Ash & Co. have to get it back.

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A Visão do Luxray!

13 dezembro 200723m

Ash encounter a young Officer Jenny named Marble and her Luxray. Luxray is unable to use its electric moves, so Ash & Co. set out to help it.

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Unown – Aventura Obscura!

20 dezembro 200723m

In Solaceon Town, Ash's group meets up with Dawn's old friend and rival Kenny and his new Pokémon, Breloom. Kenny tells them he is going to the Solaceon Ruins, a place of worship for the legendary Dialga and Palkia, so they tag along, only to get more than they bargained for when the Unown that live in the ruins become furious along with the appearance of the sinister Team Galactic. Among the chaos, Aipom evolves into Ambipom

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O Grande Choque!

20 dezembro 200723m

Dawn competes against Kenny in the Solaceon Town Contest, looking for redemption after her crushing loss in Hearthome City. Jessie of course enters. Dawn loses once again and Kenny and Jessie face-off in the finals. Jessie defeats Kenny and wins her first ribbon. Zoey tells Dawn that the overuse of Swift caused Ambipom to be no longer seen and the point of an Appeal is to show off the Pokémon.

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Obrigado pelas Memórias!

10 janeiro 200823m

On their way to Veilstone City, Ash and his friends stop off at the Mountain Hut Maid Café for a nice drink of Miltank's Milk. However, when they arrive, they learn of the troubles the Café is having, being under-staffed. Ash and his friends offer their services and soon become Maids in the Café. Brock helps Autumn, the youngest of three sisters bond with her Miltank, Ilta. All the while Dawn is trying deal with her feelings of losing a contest for a second time.

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Uma Fuga nas Termas!

17 janeiro 200823m

Ash and his friends stop at a Hot Spring managed by Dawn's childhood friend, Leona. Both girls are happy to meet again, but when Dawn and her friends want to go to the hot springs, they find out that there isn't any water. Because no water is coming from the spring, the group want to investigate, along with Leona and her Swinub.

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Os Ventos da Mudança!

24 janeiro 200823m

Ash and company visit a town where it is plagued with a group of Gligar led by a Gliscor. Ash and friends help Officer Jenny try to remove the flying Pokémon, while Ash's rival Paul sets his eyes on capturing Gliscor. In the end, Paul captures the Gliscor on his team, and Ash captures one of the Gligar that keeps showing up.

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Uma Aventura na Areia!

31 janeiro 200823m

When our heroes' Pokémon are having a fun time in a sandpit, a Hippowdon appears from within. However, the over-curious Pachirisu can't help peeping into the Hippowdon's mouth and accidentally falls into it. The situation gets worse when Hippowdon becomes the target of the Team Rocket duo Butch and Cassidy.

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A Estratégia do Líder Vencido!

7 fevereiro 200823m

In the forest just outside Veilstone City, the group witness a young female martial-artist and a Lucario in a fierce battle. The girl is revealed to be Maylene, the city's Gym Leader, at which point Ash immediately asks for a Gym Battle. However, she recently lost to Ash's rival Paul, and is depressed over her defeat. Further insight into the matter is revealed by Reggie, Paul's older brother. Reggie also helps Ash's Staravia learn Brave Bird.

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Pisando o Risco de Combate!

14 fevereiro 200823m

Dawn challenges the gym leader of Veilstone City, Maylene, in hopes of helping Maylene get over her defeat. Maylene defeats Dawn and she and her Lucario regain their confidence.

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Oportunidade Tripla de Combate!

28 fevereiro 200823m

Maylene finally accepts Ash's challenge. Ash uses Staravia, Chimchar, and Buizel against Machoke, Meditite, and Lucario. The battle between Buizel and Lucario ends up in a tie but Maylene still gives Ash the Cobble Badge.

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A Team Galáctica!

6 março 200823m

With Ash acquiring the Cobble Badge, our heroes decide to spend the night in Veilstone City before heading out. Reggie takes the group to a park with several meteoric stones lie. However, Team Galactic appears and try to steal them for their world domination plans.

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O Canto dos Sinos!

13 março 200823m

While training Gligar, Ash hears singing. When they look to see who is singing, they meet a magician named Francesca and her three Chingling. Francesca is trying to get her spoiled Chingling to have a better attitude.

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On their travels, Ash and his friends meet up with another Pokémon Ranger—Kellyn—and a Riolu. It turns out that Hunter J is after Riolu, due to its ability to use Aura Sphere before evolving. Ash and Riolu start to bond with their shared Aura, but J is insistent on getting it. This episode relates to the secret mission in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, from which the player can transfer a Riolu that knows Aura Sphere to their copy of Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.

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Hunter J has managed to kidnap Riolu. But despite that, Riolu, reveals his whereabouts to Ash, using its Aura. With Rangers Kellyn and Solana joining them, Ash and his friends go to hunt down Hunter J and get Riolu back. However, J is far more formidable than anyone could have anticipated. Will Ash and friends be able to return Riolu back to its kingdom?

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Caminhos Cruzados!

3 abril 200823m

Ash and Co. arrive at a lakeside Pokémon Center. Jessie's Dustox sees a shiny Dustox, and follows it to the lake. Jessie releases her Dustox, allowing it to mate. This is related to the Season 1 episode 21, "Bye Bye Butterfree" where Ash releases his Butterfree so it can mate with a pink Butterfree.

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Pika Contra Golias!

3 abril 200823m

Ash and his friends meet Sho, a boy who has a Pichu and a Raichu. He mistakes Ash's Pikachu for a wild Pokémon. Just like at the Vermillion City Gym, Ash and Pikachu have the option again to evolve Pikachu to Raichu, after a loss to a stronger opponent. Paul witnesses this defeat and scolds Ash for losing to such an opponent, but manages to redeem himself of that defeat in a rematch.

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A Nossa Taça Transborda!

17 abril 200823m

Ash, Brock and Dawn meet the Champion of the Hoenn Region, Wallace. He says he will be holding a Pokémon Contest and the winner receives a ribbon that can be used anywhere. The group spends the day with him, resulting in advice from Wallace for Dawn to play with her Pokémon more and for Ash to enter Buizel in the contest. At the end of the episode, Ash receives a phone call from his friend, May.

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Combate Tag com Todos!

24 abril 200823m

Ash and Brock's old friend May, still training to become a Top Coordinator, visits Sinnoh for the Wallace Cup. Upon arrival at the Seven Stars Restaurant, they find out that only those who win a tag-battle against the restaurant's owners can eat there. Ash partners with Brock and win the double combat with a single move. Before Dawn and May's combat, Team Rockets steals all food from the restaurant. May and Dawn partner up and defeat both the Team Rocket and the restaurant's owners, the later by using Blaziken and Piplup together to create a fantastic fire/water combination. There is a cameo from Drew, Harley, and Max.

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Os Heróis Sobem ao Palco!

8 maio 200823m

Ash and his friends have arrived at the Lake Resort where the Wallace Cup will take place. Zoey also arrives, and competes, too. Right when the contest began, Dawn becomes nervous and has trouble keeping her composure. Meanwhile, May decides to enter with Wartortle, and Ash enters with Buizel. There are cameos of Drew, Harley, Max, Norman, Caroline, and Solidad.

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O Grupo de Amigos Fica Reduzido!

8 maio 200823m

At night, Ash takes a walk near the Lake Valor with Pikachu when suddenly, something in the center of the lake begins to glow, and it turns out that Azelf appears. When Ash tries to approach it, the shadow disappears again. The next day, the second round of the Wallace Cup begins. May's Venusaur is then revealed, and there is a cameo appearance of May's Skitty battling in the second round. Dawn, May and Zoey make it to the semi finals but Ash loses to a tough coordinator called Kyle. After it is Dawn's turn to battle Kyle in the semi-final, she uses Piplup against his Crawdaunt. There are cameos of Norman, Caroline, Max, Kenny and Paul.

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Estratégia Sorridente!

15 maio 200823m

Dawn beats Kyle and May beats Zoey in the semi finals and both have to battle in the finals. In the finals, Dawn faces-off against May in the Wallace Cup. Dawn uses Piplup and May uses her Glaceon. Dawn manages to narrowly defeat May's Glaceon by a fraction. After the contest ends, Dawn earns her second Ribbon! Now that the contest is over, May departs from Ash, Dawn, and Brock once again and goes back to Johto.

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Uma Vez Ladrão Sempre Ladrão!

22 maio 200823m

When on their way to Pastoria City, Ash and friends meet a trainer named Tyler that wants to catch a Yanma. But Team Rocket ends up catching it after he weakened it. After Jessie captures the Yanma and sends it to Giovanni, who rejects it, she decides to train it herself and it quickly evolves into Yanmega.

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29 maio 200823m

Ash and co. are running after Gligar who has been blown away by a gust, and promptly run into Paul. After a huge argument about their different ways of treating Pokémon, Ash challenges Paul to a battle. But when Chimchar is battling Paul's Ursaring, it activates an overpowering blaze. Chimchar also gets confused and starts randomly attacking anyone in its path.

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A Fina Flor dos Croagunk!

5 junho 200823m

After Ash & Co. arrive in Pastoria City, Crasher Wake refuses Ash's request for a battle because he has to take care of something. They tag along and find out there is a Croagunk Festival in the Pastoria Great Marsh.

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O Curso de Potência do Crasher!

19 junho 200823m

At the Pastoria Gym Ash challenges Crasher Wake to a 3-on-3 Gym Battle using Pikachu, Turtwig and Buizel, while Wake uses Gyarados, Quagsire, and Floatzel. However, Pikachu accidentally shocks Buizel and this causes them to argue which makes a difficulty in helping Ash defeat Wake. Suddenly, thanks to that Buizel had rescued Pikachu from the attack; their argument concludes. Ash manages to defeat Wake and he earns the Fen Badge.

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Com Fome de Boa Vida!

3 julho 200823m

A Swinub shows up at Mr. Backlot's mansion and starts to eat all the Poffins. Dawn tries to stop it by making her own Poffins for Swinub. Dawn ends up capturing Swinub at the end of the episode.

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Combatendo o Medo com o Medo!

3 julho 200823m

Ash continues his training with Gligar, but finds out it has become fearful of battles since the battle against Paul's Gliscor. The group meets Gary again, and Ash asks Gary to help him solve the problem with Gligar, and Gary gives Ash a Razor Fang, which makes Gligar evolve into Gliscor.

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Chegando em Grande Estilo!

10 julho 200823m

Ash and friends return to Hearthome City to challenge the Gym Leader who was gone during their last visit. However, they hear that the Gym Leader is still gone, making Ash unable to have his fifth Gym Battle. The group meets Paris, a Pokémon Stylist, and her Lopunny. She suggests that Dawn should enter the Hearthome Collection, a famous fashion show.

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Ninguém Passa Pelos Psyduck!

24 julho 200823m

While traveling through a deep valley, Ash and friends encounter a swarm of Psyduck in the middle of a road. Upon trying to pass them, the Psyduck suddenly start attacking them, and to make things worse, when ash and team try to battle them there are too many to battle so ash sneaks behind them with the help of gliscor only to know that psyduck is trying to protect their families who are waiting to hatch their eggs and doesn't want people to interrupt. when team rocket tries to steal the pokemon with the help of psyduck they manage to blow them away and saves the day. Ash and team goes to check psyduck's home lake they find mug has taken the lake, ash and team fights the group of mug and takes back the lake for psyduck

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Acampamento Escolar!

7 agosto 200823m

When Ash & Co. are invited to attend a Pokémon Academy, they decide to enter it. For their first task, they choose a PokéBall that contains a Pokémon inside. The trainer then has to train the Pokémon and be able to use it in battle. The gang then meets Angie, and meets Conway again.

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Ao Vivo e a Cores!

14 agosto 200823m

While at a Pokémon Academy, Ash, Dawn, Brock, Angie, and Conway find that their Pokémon are becoming hypnotized when they go near a lake. So they decide to go and investigate what's going on.

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Danças com Fantasmas!

21 agosto 200823m

While Ash and friends are training at the Summer Academy, they are taught how to deal with Ghost-Type Pokémon, should they ever run into them. They are then paired up to find a hidden treasure. While searching, Conway has a run-in with a Dusknoir.

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After the Trainers are finished with the training, they must use a Pokémon to bring them across a rigorous track to the finish line. Finally after a tough competition Ash and Pikachu came first, and Angie and Shinx came second which led to the victory of the red team. Everyone is given a certificate. They said good bye, and the team continued their journey.

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Team Rocket - Aquela Máquina!

4 setembro 200823m

On their way to Celestic Town, Ash and his friends have to take Piplup to the Pokémon Center after it collapsed from over-excessive training. Meanwhile, Team Rocket, who were following the group on a slope, decide to have lunch in a luxury restaurant. But then Jessie notices that Meowth's golden charm is buried under rolls of flab. The trio now realizes that, due to them having led a rich and luxurious life ever since they had earned the money at the summer school, they have become lazy and grown a lot in flesh. Wanting to return to their former "sharp and cool" shapes, they start a harsh training session.

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Nivelando Combate e Competição!

11 setembro 200823m

Zoey is facing a critical situation against a very tough coordinator. With her Glameow confused, the battle ends quickly. Ash and co. cheer for Zoey who was defeated by the mysterious trainer. This mysterious trainer is none other than Fantina, who like Hoenn's Juan is a coordinator and the Hearthome Gym Leader. Ash requests that he battle her and she accepts. How will this battle turn out? And can it prepare Ash for his actual Gym Battle?

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Doutor Brock!

25 setembro 200823m

Brock is away on an errand. When they can't handle it, they send Gliscor to bring Brock back. Brock finds he can't carry Gliscor back, as it can't glide in the wind going the opposite direction, and leaves it, promising to return for it. At the end of the episode, the gang comically realizes that they left Gliscor behind, and scene shows a frustrated Gliscor with a long way to go.

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Conflito de Gerações!

25 setembro 200823m

Dawn has entered the latest contest held in Celestic Town. Dawn meets her mother's old rival Yuri, that wants to win this contest. When she and her mom's rival "Lila" (Yuri in Japanese version) come face to face in the Finals of the contest Dawn has to give it all she has to win. Dawn wins the Celestic Town ribbon and her third contest ribbon.

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Perdendo o Brilho!

2 outubro 200823m

Commander Mars and Cyrus (not known yet by Ash and co. that he is a part of Team Galactic) debuted in the anime along with Commander Saturn and the other Galactic grunts . In this episode, they steal the Lustrous Orb and the Adamant Orb from the Celestic Town museum for the power to awake Dialga and Palkia in their future plans.

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Reviravolta na Equipa Dupla!

2 outubro 200823m

In this episode Commander Jupiter is introduced. Ash and the gang are helped by Cynthia to stop Team Galactic from stealing the Lustrous Orb and the Adamant Orb, but they fail because they had no idea how large Team Galactic was.

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Se o Cachecol te Serve, Usa-o!

16 outubro 200823m

Arriving back in Solaceon Town, the gang meet up with Angie at her Parent's Daycare. She tells them her parents are gone for a while, so she leaves the daycare to her for a while. Ash and the gang tell her about the strange monster terrorizing Solaceon Town. She later reveals that the monster is a Lickilicky that she evolved from a Lickitung which she taught it Rollout. So the gang goes out and helps her find the Lickilicky and bring it back. At the end of the episode, it is revealed the Angie may have a crush on Ash.

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A Criança e o Treinador!

23 outubro 200823m

As Ash and the gang are heading back to Hearthome City, they encounter Aaron, a member of the Elite Four. They see that he's training his bug Pokémon, but also himself. He explains to the gang that he's trying to look for a Wurmple he released as a child as he felt it could become stronger on its own, but he wants him back. The gang offers to help Aaron look for his released Wurmple. They find Aaron's Wurmple, but since then it has evolved into Beautifly. The two become a team again. In the end, Aaron happily says thank you and a farewell, and Ash and his friends head on to Hearthome City.

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Ajudando o Inimigo!

30 outubro 200823m

Ash has a battle with Paul. Choosing a one-on-one battle, Paul chooses Honchkrow, and Ash chooses Turtwig. Honchkrow manages to drive Turtwig into a corner, but at the last moment, Turtwig evolves into Grotle. However, Grotle loses all its agility and loses to Honchkrow anyway. Paul then reveals to Ash that he has already obtained the Hearthome City gym badge. Afterwards, Brock confronts Paul that he met his older brother Reggie over a missing Frontier Brain symbol, which in turn, partially reveals Paul's captious nature of becoming strong. Grotle gets up late that night and unsuccessfully tries to regain its agility. Paul's Torterra shows up and comforts Grotle by showing it that speed isn't everything about battles. Torterra tells Grotle that it can also rely on defense. Torterra shows an example with Ash's Gliscor using a Steel Wing straight to the head. Torterra emerges unscathed, and Grotle resumes to its normal behavior.

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O Barry Vai Multar Toda a Gente!

6 novembro 200823m

Upon arriving at the Hearthome Gym, Ash and his friends run into Barry, a trainer from Twinleaf Town. Barry turns out to be an admirer of Paul, whom he saw when watching the Double Battle Tournament. Ash challenges Barry to a Pokémon battle. Ash chooses Chimchar, Gliscor, and Pikachu, against Barry's Staraptor, Roserade, and Empoleon. Ash manages to narrowly defeat Barry, finishing off Empoleon with Pikachu's Volt Tackle.

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A Melhor Defesa é o Ataque!

13 novembro 200823m

The Gym battle between Ash and the Hearthome Gym Leader Fantina has begun. Ash chooses Buizel to battle Gengar, Chimchar to battle Mismagius, and Pikachu to battle Driftblim. Using his new counter-shield strategy Buizel defeats Gengar, Chimchar defeats Mismagius but Pikachu gets defeated by Driftblim when Fantina uses her own strategy against him, Buizel also gets defeated by Driftblim, but Chimchar finally defeats Driftblim, and Ash wins the Relic Badge. Barry, having seen Ash defeat a Gym Leader he lost to, declares that Ash is a rival if Ash can beat the leader of the Canalave Gym. Meanwhile, Jessie, as her alter ego, Jessilina, wins her second ribbon using her Yanmega in the Majolica Town Contest!

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Perdidos e Achados!

20 novembro 200823m

Ash and company, along with Barry, take a ride in a blimp to Canalave City. When they arrive, Team Rocket, disguised as photographers, trick them into taking a picture of all of their Pokémon, which actually turns out to be a net to kidnap them. The Pokémon fight back to attempt to escape, and everyone's Pokémon (including Team Rocket's) gets blown away into the sky in the process and they all get separated. A chase ensues when Team Rocket declares that whomever should find the Pokémon first, gets to keep them all. When Meowth is grouped with Pikachu, Pachirisu, and Mime Jr. after the explosion, he considers leaving Team Rocket for good. Can all of the Pokémon find their trainers?

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O Teu Mal é Sono!

Season Finale
4 dezembro 200823m

The group heads to the Canalave Gym, but they are told that the Gym Leader isn't there right now. At a police station, the group is told by Officer Jenny that all the people in the town are having nightmares, and that the cause of the nightmares seems to be the Pokémon Darkrai. Also, Dawn's Swinub evolves into Piloswine in order to stop Team Rocket from stealing Cresselia.

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Um Rotom Acelarado!

4 dezembro 200823m

Ash and company arrive at the gym, but the gym leader is out training on Iron Island. In the meantime, the town is suffering from nightmares and no one is getting any sleep.

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Ninhada em Debandada!

11 dezembro 200823m

As Ash continues training for his gym battle. Dawn tries to train with her newly evolved Piloswine, and learns that her Pokemon isn't as receptive as its non-evolved form.

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Antigos Assuntos de Família!

18 dezembro 200823m

Ash gets word that the gym leader has returned. Roark, the gym leader from Oreburg City has come to challenge his father, Byron the Canalave City gym leader. With Roark using Rampardos and Byron using Bastiodon, who will win the battle?

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Lidando Com Tipos Defensivos!

25 dezembro 200823m

With Oreburgh Gym Leader Roark as referee, Ash starts his 3-on-3 Gym battle against Byron, Canalave's fossil-loving Gym Leader. Byron's first Pokémon is the Steel-and-Psychic Bronzor, so Ash sends out Chimchar, a Fire-type Pokémon. But Bronzor's Ability, Heatproof, helps protect it against Chimchar's Fire attacks, and then it uses Rain Dance to rain on Chimchar's parade! Chimchar refuses to give up, and uses Flame Wheel in a head-on charge against Bronzor's Gyro Ball—the hit knocks out Bronzor, but Chimchar barely manages to stay on its feet!

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8 janeiro 200923m

A Wailord blockage has trapped the boats in Canalave's harbor, and that means Dawn can't take a ferry to her next Contest. There's nothing to do but sit down for lunch, but a wild Luxio and its Pokémon accomplices steal the food! Pikachu and Piplup give chase, but run straight into Team Rocket. As always, Team Rocket tries to grab Pikachu, but Ash catches up with them and escapes into the sewer with his buddy. Piplup uses Whirlpool to toss Team Rocket, and now it's up to Ash to find his way back to his friends. As he wanders the sewers, he comes across the Luxio and its pals. They stole the food to feed a stranded Wailmer that somehow ended up in the sewer!

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Roubando a Paz de Espírito!

15 janeiro 200923m

On Iron Island, Ash's rival Barry is training with his Empoleon and Heracross when Empoleon suddenly turns on its Trainer. Barry calls Ash and Dawn, who are still in Canalave Town, to tell them what happened—other Pokémon on Iron Island are acting strangely, too! Ash and his friends catch the next ferry to Iron Island, with Team Rocket following them in secret, but Barry has already gone out to explore the island. Whatever is happening, only Steel-type Pokémon are affected, but why?

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Salvando o Mundo das Ruínas!

22 janeiro 200923m

Ash and company continue their struggle to stop Team Galactic's latest scheme, which is somehow affecting steel type Pokemon. They learn this is just part of Team Galactic's overall plan.

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Viva a Ilha dos Náufragos!

29 janeiro 200923m

Pikachu and Piplup get themselves stranded on an island where they discover a Corphish and several Mantykes taking care to a mysterious egg.

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Um Amor de Phione!

5 fevereiro 200923m

As Dawn prepares for the next contest, the adventurers try to spot a rare Phione. One Phione becomes attracted to one of Dawn's Pokemon.

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Uma Jóia de Gabite!

12 fevereiro 200923m

Dawn enters the Chocovine town Pokemon contest and meets a tough trainer named Ursula. Will she win her 4th ribbon?

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O Fala-Barato!

19 fevereiro 200923m

Team Rocket steals Officer Jenny's Chatot.

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O Snorunt Extraviado!

26 fevereiro 200923m

A Froslass holds Meowth and Piplup captive and will only release them when her friend, a Snowrunt is returned.

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O Rei das Massas!

5 março 200923m

Meowth decides to leave Team Rocket to become a Noodle Chef, which prompts the other members to pursue their own goals.

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Voo na Vila Ventosa!

12 março 200923m

Ash enters a Poke Ringer contest with Staravia. Paul also enters the competition.

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Provações e Adulações!

26 março 200923m

Dawn encounters an Agron and become separated from Ash and Brock. When one of her Pokemon is injured fighting the Agron, she must use everything she's learned to heal her Pokemon

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As Criaturas Misteriosas, Pokémon!

26 março 200923m

The friends travel toward Snowpoint City.

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O Snover Solitário!

2 abril 200923m

Ash and company encounter a Snover who longs for companionship.

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Adiado em Nome do Amor!

2 abril 200923m

Piplup seems to be worn out lately. They notice Piplup starts to glow. Everyone is excited by the prospect of Piplup evolving, except for Piplup.

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Velhos Rivais, Novos Truques!

16 abril 200923m

Dawn enters the Sandlestraw contest.

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Sejam Fiéis aos Vossos Pokémon!

23 abril 200923m

Ash and Dawn enter a Pokemon Ping Pong Contest. After the contest, a trainer approaches Dawn and asks if he can train Ambipom for Ping Pong Contests.

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Um Combate Fofo e Comovente!

30 abril 200923m

The group encounters a Pokemon Trainer who doesn't appear to realize what Pokemon battles are about, and try to teach her what's really important.

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Treino Académico!

7 maio 200923m

Ash and company meet up with Zoey in Snowpoint City. The Gym Leader convinces Ash to teach a Pokemon class before their battle.

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A Caminho do Sétimo!

14 maio 200923m

Ash finally arrives at Snowpoint Gym for his battle with Candice. This gym will be different from his previous gym challenges, with each trainer using 4 Pokémon each. Can Ash defeat Candice and win his seventh badge?

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Uma Fúria Piramidal!

21 maio 200923m

Following Ash's victory at the Snowpoint City Gym against the Gym Leader Candice, who should appear out of nowhere but Ash's rival Paul! Asking for a Battle with Candice as well, Paul is told he'll have to wait until the following day. But suddenly Paul's brother Reggie appears, and also - none other than the Kanto Frontier Brain from the Battle Pyramid, Brandon! Knowing that the only challenge Reggie ever made in his career as a Trainer that wasn't successful was when he challenged Brandon, Paul immediately challenges Brandon on the spot, vowing to beat him and ...

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Os Pilares da Amizade!

28 maio 200923m

Some Pokemon hunters attack a Temple and awaken a legendary Pokemon. The Pokemon goes on a rampage. Ash helps Brandon effort to calm the enraged Pokemon.

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Parados na Linha!

4 junho 200923m

The group takes a train to their next destination. The train takes an unexpected stop. Team Rocket tries to take advantage of the situation.

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Super Motivados!

11 junho 200923m

Ash and friends arrive at Lake Acuity, the site where Ash and Paul will have their full 6-vs-6 battle. After healing his Pokémon, Ash meets up with Paul and the two begin their long awaited battle. Who will ultimately be victorious?

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Estratégias de Evolução!

18 junho 200923m

Ash and Paul continue their 6-on-6 battle. With both teams fighting extremely hard it could be anyone's match, so Paul calls out his newly evolved Magmortar, hoping it will secure him victory.

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Nada Está Perdido!

25 junho 200923m

With all of his Pokémon weak and injured from the battle with Paul, Ash rushes to the Pokémon Center in order to get them healed. Nurse Joy does not, however, have the berry needed to properly heal Monferno. Brock decides to help and heads to Lake Acuity to find it. While at the lake, something strange happens.

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A Cura do Tangrowth!

2 julho 200923m

Dawn decides to start training for the next Pokemon Contest with Mamoswine. However, despite overcoming its disobedience, Mamoswine still won't battle. Things turn bad when Mamoswine runs into a forest and Dawn chases after it.

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Vencendo Jogos e Jogadas!

9 julho 200923m

Dawn's favorite television program Pokémon Hustle was employing actors near the group's location, and, naturally, Dawn was eager for the chance to take part and therefore she, Ash and Brock decided to check the program out.

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Um Portal Para a Ruína!

23 julho 200923m

While returning a wild Shellos to its herd, the adventurers encounter Team Galactic as they're trying to unearth some ruins.

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Há Três Lados Para Cada História!

6 agosto 200923m

Piplup and a wild Elekid compete over the affections of a Maril.

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A Estratégia Começa Em Casa!

13 agosto 200923m

The adventurers stay with Dawn's mother as Dawn prepares for the next Pokemon contest. Dawn challenges her mother to a battle.

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O Fim do Falso Oak!

20 agosto 200923m

Professor Oak arrives in Twin Leaf Town to give a lecture. But he gets distracted by some Pokemon, who need his assistance. Team Rocket attempts to take advantage of the situation.

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Viagem Misteriosa à História!

27 agosto 200923m

As the Twin Leaf festival draws to a close, Ash, Dawn and Barry encounter a Xatu and wind up miniaturized and trying to find a way to return to normal.

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Um Grande Feito com o Feitor da Torre!

3 setembro 200923m

The Twin Leaf Town festival draws to a close. Only one person can challenge Palmer, Barry's father, and one of the Battle Frontier Brains from Sinou.

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Um Togepi a Caminho das Estrelas!

10 setembro 200923m

The young adventurers and Team Rocket encounter a mischievous Togepi.

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Uma Salgalhada de Ovos!

17 setembro 200923m

While they are traveling, Ash and friends meet Lyra and Khoury, who are from the Johto region. Dawn and Lyra have a battle in which Dawn wins and gets an egg, which hatches into a Cyndaquil.

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E Tudo As Ventoinhas Levaram!

17 setembro 200923m

Lyra and Khoury have joined Ash, Dawn and Brock on their journey across the Sinnoh region. However, while Dawn trains for the Lilypad Town Pokémon contest with her Cyndaquil battling Ash's Grotle (with Piplup stealing Cyndaquil's poffin and getting into a fight), Lyra loses her Marill, which seems to have gone to the Valley Windworks. The group make for the Windworks immediately, but Magnemite appears out of nowhere and attacks. Then, they find Marill in the basement storage room only to get locked in. After a few unsuccessful attempts to open the locked door, Ash and his friends are finally free after Pikachu cancels the lockdown by using Thunderbolt on Team Rocket and restoring power to the Windworks. Having found Lyra's Marill, Ash and his friends are confronted by Team Rocket and their giant Magcargo Cannon, but Pikachu saves the day by using Thunderbolt. (Piplup pushes Cyndaquil to the side an gets into another fight)

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Todos Querem Um Gible!

1 outubro 200923m

Ash and Khoury compete for a wild Gible, who likes to play tricks on everyone, so Ash with his Buizel and Khoury with Totodile, try to compete to capture the wild Gible. At the end, Khoury catches the Gible as his first Sinnoh Pokémon.

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As the Lilypad Town Contest begins, Jessie gets sick and James takes her place in the contest. Dawn uses Piplup in the first round and James uses Meowth. Dawn and James both make it to the Semi-Final Round and compete for the Suiren Ribbon. Dawn uses Mamoswine for the battle round and James uses Carnivine. Dawn's Mamoswine uses a new strategy with Ice Shard as Grotle swallows energy ball a few episodes ago '(Episode 609)', but still she loses to James. In the final round, James wins the contest and gives the ribbon to Jessie.

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De Malas Feitas e Aviadas!

15 outubro 200923m

Ash and Dawn have a tag battle against Lyra and Khoury. Ash sends out Monferno and Dawn sends out Cyndaquil. Lyra sends out Chikorita and Khoury sends out Totodile. During the battle, Totodile evolves into Croconaw. Ash's Monferno finishes up with Mach Punch and defeats Croconaw and Monferno teams up with Cyndaquil using Flamethrower and Flame Wheel. Ash and Dawn eventually win the battle, and Lyra and Khoury leave the group and go back to Johto, but not before Khoury's father gives Brock the Pokégear as a thanking present to them by showing Lyra and Khoury a little bit of Sinnoh.

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Uma Pedra Familiar!

22 outubro 200923m

A young boy with a Murkrow and a young girl with a Misdreavus compete for a Dusk Stone to evolve their respective Pokémon into either Honchkrow or Mismagius.

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Amigos Inseparáveis!

29 outubro 200923m

A Pokémon scientist creates a love machine which will create a friendship between his water and electric Pokémon (Quagasire and Magnemite) but a flaw in it creates the friendship between the water and electric Pokémon all over that area. Unfortunately, Ash's Pikachu and Dawn's Piplup also comes under this area, thus becoming literally inseparable. The team somehow finds about this machine and helps the scientist to achieve his goal without the machine, thus helping their Pokémon to be free from their trance becoming normal again.

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Uma Corrente Vermelha de Eventos!

5 novembro 200923m

Team Galactic reappears to begin their Red Chain project to achieve Cyrus's goal in capturing the legendary Pokémon of Time and Space, Dialga and Palkia. Their plan was intervened by Looker of the International Police and Team Rocket, thus capturing them. But Meowth of Team Rocket blasts off alone and was saved by Ash, Dawn and Brock. Through Meowth, they came to know about Team Galactic's theme and rescues Looker, James and Jessie, but Team Galactic completes their final plan.

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Três Lendários Em Perigo!

12 novembro 200923m

Team Galactic's plans at capturing the Lake Trio triumph with the help of Pokémon Hunter J and upon being transported to Team Galactic's HQ, Ash, Brock and Dawn find themselves in a tense stand-off with members of Team Galactic while learning that Cyrus, the businessman they met in the past is the leader and founder of Team Galactic. Meanwhile, Hunter J falls to her demise as her ship crashes in Lake Valor when she fails to realise that Future Sight was targeted on her.

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O Combate Final de Uma Lenda!

12 novembro 200923m

As Team Galactic's plan reaches its final stages, Ash, Brock and Dawn along with Cynthia, the Sinnoh Champion race against time to stop Cyrus from carrying out his plan of creating a new world. Will they succeed or will the Sinnoh region as well as the entire Pokémon world fall victim to Cyrus's mad plans?

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O Tesouro É Todo Meu!

26 novembro 200923m

Ash and his friends continue their way to Asatsuki Town for Dawn's next contest when Ash happens to find a treasure chest. However its contents prove surprising to James as he is forced to face his privileged past, his faithful childhood companion and his fiancée!

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Dominando os Acontecimentos!

3 dezembro 200923m

While on the way to Sunyshore City, Ash and his friends meet a gentleman who claims to be the master of air battles. Hoping to improve his Gliscor's flying, Ash decides to have a battle with him and his Scizor, and the results may be more than he expected... In the end, Gliscor learns Giga Impact, but Ash decides to leave it with the air battle master to train.

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Treino em Dose Dupla!

10 dezembro 200923m

Ash, Dawn and Brock meet Zoey and Candice after Zoey's contest win and Dawn is trying to make new sequence and Zoey asks Dawn to battle her in a double battle and Zoey choose her newly captured Kirlia and Leafeon and Dawn chooses Cyndaquil and Mamoswine and makes her new move called 'Flame Ice'. On TV, Paul is revealed to have obtained the Mine Badge, also meaning he had obtained all the 8 badges necessary in order to compete in the Sinnoh League.

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Uma Ascensão Meteórica à Excelência!

17 dezembro 200923m

As our heroes continue toward Daybreak Town and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, they lose their sense of direction in a large forest. Peering into the sky, all of a sudden they see what turns out to be a move called Draco Meteor. The move comes from an Altaria, a Pokémon under the tutelage of an elderly woman who calls herself Grandma Wilma. The team asks if they can watch Grandma Wilma's coaching session with Altaria. Then the whole group is approached by a feisty Gible, which Grandma Wilma says lives in the forest. Gible wants to be able to use Draco Meteor, too, but can't seem to pull it off!

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Há que Ganhar a Gama dos Gible!

Season Finale
24 dezembro 200923m

Ash and friends continue on their way to the next town when they notice that the Gible they helped has been following them. Ash decides to try and catch it, but Barry shows up and wants to catch it too.

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Recuperando o Recinto de Combate

7 janeiro 201023m

The adventurers come across two wild Pokemon, Magnezone and Metagross. The rampaging Pokemon wreak havoc on a nearby town.

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Resumindo e Concluindo

14 janeiro 201023m

Ash and company encounter a martial arts Pokemon trainer. He helps Ash and Weezil learn a new attack.

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Quem Corre Por Gosto Não Cansa

21 janeiro 201023m

The adventurers encounter Daniel, a scientific Pokemon trainer. Daniel and Ash compete in a Pokemon Marathon.

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O Meu Nome é Down

28 janeiro 201023m

Dawn enters the Daybreak Town Pokemon contest. A rival's Pokemon reminds Dawn of a painful childhood experience.

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Outra Vez o Encore

4 fevereiro 201023m

Dawn competes in the finals at the Daybreak Town Contest for her fifth ribbon.

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Onde Há Fumo Há Fulgor

11 fevereiro 201023m

Ash and company encounter Barry and Paul. Barry and Ash have a battle that's interrupted by Team Rocket with a new plan to take their Pokemon.

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O Piplup Vai Partir Outra Vez

18 fevereiro 201023m

Piplup after getting hit by Drago Meteor one too many times by Ash's Gible, Piplup gets frustrated when the adventurers try to boost Gible's confidence, and decides to run away.

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O Flint Dá-lhe Gás

25 fevereiro 201023m

Ash and company arrive at the Sunny Shore Gym. Where they find Voltner, the Gym Leader, has given up on battling.

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A Torre Roubada da Costa do Sol

4 março 201023m

Ash's gym battle with Volkner is interrupted when Team Rocket steals Sunnyshore Tower.

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As Lições da Professora Aluna

11 março 201023m

Dawn's mother is supposed to teach a beginner's Pokemon Coordinator class, but gets called away to judge a nearby contest. The young adventurers teach her class.

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Em Grande Forma

18 março 201023m

As our heroes prepare for Dawn's entry into the Grand Festival and Ash's rematch with Gym Leader Volkner, they meet a mysterious girl with a sick Shaymin who needs help!

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Ranger Pokémon O Resgate do Heatran

18 março 201023m

As our heroes continue their Sinnoh region journey, they come across a determined, upbeat Pokémon Ranger on a mission to capture a rare Heatran!

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Um Disfarce de Elite

1 abril 201023m

The adventurers meet Roland a young trainer who falls victim to Team Rocket's latest ploy. They also meet Bertha, one of the Elite Four.

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Dona Dawn de Sinnoh

1 abril 201023m

A princess asks Dawn to trade places for a day, so that the princess may compete in a Pokemon contest.

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Naturalmente Graciosa

15 abril 201023m

Dawn begins training her new acquired Togekiss.

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Ditto a Dobrar Azar a Dobrar

22 abril 201023m

The adventurers meet Narissa. A trainer who has a lot to learn about Pokemon.

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A Arte do Gelo e do Fogo

29 abril 201023m

Contestants arrive for the Grand Festival. Rivals and friends gather for the competition. One competitor makes an unexpected early exit.

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Os Opostos Interagem

6 maio 201023m

Day 2 of the Grand Festival. Dawn faces off against Ursala.

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Aperta-se o Círculo do Grande Festival

13 maio 201023m

Semi-final battles at the Grand Festival. With Nando vs Zoey. Then Dawn vs Jessilina.

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A Grande Final do Grande Festival

20 maio 201023m

The Grand Festival finals. Dawn vs Zooey in the for title of Top Coordinator.

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Um Amor de Meowht

27 maio 201023m

Meowth meets and falls for a Glameowth. He ready to quit Team Rocket to be with her.

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A Oitava Maravilha de Sinnoh

3 junho 201023m

Ash battles Voltner for his eighth and final badge.

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O Cais dos Quatro Caminhos

10 junho 201023m

The adventurers miss their ship and have to wait a day before continuing their journey. They meet up with old friends. Dawn receives and unexpected invitation, and all of them start to contemplate the next part of their journey.

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A Caça ao Tesouro

17 junho 201023m

The adventurers meet Buck, a treasure hunter, and help him on his latest venture.

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Os Heróis de Kanto Johto e Hoenn

24 junho 201023m

Ash asks Professor Oak to send him some of his old Pokemon for the upcoming competition. Team Rocket intercepts the Pokemon, now Ash must find and recover his Pokemon.

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Os Futuros Vencedores da Liga Sinnoh

1 julho 201023m

Round one of the Sinnoh League Championship. Ash vs Nando.

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Paul Contra Barry

15 julho 201023m

Paul vs Barry in round 3.

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A Sala Secreta das Sombras

22 julho 201023m

Ash vs Conway in Round 3.

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O Início do Fim

5 agosto 201023m

Quarter finals begin. Ash vs Paul, part 1.

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Uma Rivalidade Inesquecível

12 agosto 201023m

After Ash's early lead, Paul begins his counter attack.

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O Combate Quebra Gelo

19 agosto 201023m

Ash vs Paul part 3. The battle of these arch-rivals concludes with the winner advancing to the semi-finals.

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A Penúltima Fronteira

26 agosto 201023m

Ash battles Tobias in the semi-finals. Tobia has only used his Darkrai in all his previous matches. Can Ash find a way to defeat Darkrai and what of the rest of Tobias's Pokemon?

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De Médico e de Louco o Brock Tem um Pouco

2 setembro 201023m

On the way back to Twin Leaf Town, several Pokemon are injured. With no Pokemon Doctor on board, Brock does everything he can to help the Pokemon until support arrives.

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Diamantes e Pérloas Têm Fim As Memórias Não

Season Finale
9 setembro 201023m

Ash and Brock spend the night at Dawn's house as they prepare for their return to their respective homes. It's a time of farewell. Brock makes a surprise announcement. The three friends part to pursue their own individual dreams.

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Na Sombra do Zekrom!

23 setembro 201023m

Ash and his mother take a vacation with Professor Oak to the Unova region. A dark cloud reveals a mysterious Pokemon which affects Pikachu.

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Entram em Cena a Iris e o Axew!

23 setembro 201023m

After being struck by lightning, Pikachu is having trouble using its Electric-type attacks...but a second strange thunderstorm heals the Pokémon just as quickly! Attributing the ordeal to the Legendary Pokémon Zekrom, Professors Oak and Juniper agree that further research is needed.

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Os Sandile e a Corrente da Mudança!

30 setembro 201023m

Ash and Iris try to help the owners of a Hot Sand Resort who are being plagued by Sandile.

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O Clube de Combate e a Escolha do Tepig!

7 outubro 201023m

Ash and Iris stop at a Battle Club for some training. Ash's battle is interrupted by Team Rocket and a mysterious Pokemon.

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Trio de Líderes, Triplo Desafio!

14 outubro 201023m

Ash arrives at the Striaton Gym for his first battle. The three gym leaders offer Ash a choice for the battle. Ash requests a battle with all three leaders.

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O Viveiro de Sonhos!

21 outubro 201023m

Ash's battle concludes. Cilan, impressed with Ash's victory, decides to journey with Ash to become a better connoisseur. Part of Team Rocket's plan is revealed.

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A Snivy Faz-se Difícil de Apanhar!

28 outubro 201023m

Ash and company encounter a wild Snivy with some really powerful attacks. They suspect it left its previous trainer. Ash is determined to catch the Snivy.

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Darmanitan e o Sino da Aldeia!

4 novembro 201023m

Ash and company encounter a pair of Darumakas who steals food. They soon find they're bringing it to their friend who is psychically supporting a bell. Team Rocket's plans continue.

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Axew, Devagar se Vai ao Longe!

11 novembro 201023m

Iris has a training battle with Cilan, and her past is explored.

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Combate de Rivais para Campeão do Clube!

18 novembro 201023m

Ash challenges Trip to a full Pokemon battle.

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Uma Casa para o Dwebble!

2 dezembro 201023m

Ash and company encounter a Dweeble who has his shell stolen from him by other Dweeble. They aide him reclaiming his home.

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O Esquadrão do Trubbish!

9 dezembro 201023m

Ash and company encounter a Dweeble who has his shell stolen from him by other Dweeble. They aide him reclaiming his home.

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Um Minccino, Limpo e Aprumado!

16 dezembro 201023m

Ash and company meet Bianca, Professor Juniper's helper. She gives Ash a badge case, which is promptly stolen by a Minccino. Now the group tries to catch the Pokemon

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Uma Noite no Museu na Cidade de Nacarina!

23 dezembro 201023m

Arriving in Nacrene City, our Heroes discover the Gym has a most unusual location and situation!

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O Combate Segundo Lenora!

6 janeiro 201123m

The day for Ash's Nacrene City Gym Battle challenge is here, and Lenora isn't about to go easy on our Hero!

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Desforra no Ginásio de Nacarina!

13 janeiro 201123m

After some special training, Ash challenges Lenora to re-match.

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Um Scraggy Saído da Casca!

20 janeiro 201123m

Ash's Pokemon egg finally hatches revealing a Scraggy.

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O Sewaddle e o Burgh na Floresta Girândola!

27 janeiro 201123m

Ash and company get lost in Pinwheel Forest and encounter a wild Swaddle and Burgh, the next gym leader Ash wants to challenge.

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Uma Vingança de Perito!

17 fevereiro 201123m

The adventurers encounter a Pokemon Connisuser who insists that Ash replace all his Pokémon. They soon discover she has a past with Cilan. And a Pokemon battle ensues.

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Dança com um Trio de Ducklett!

24 fevereiro 201123m

A previously encountered Sandile wants to battle Ash's Pikachu. But their battle is interrupted by some wild Duckletts.

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O Mundo Perdido da Gothitelle!

3 março 201123m

The adventurers cross a foggy bridge and seemingly into the past where they meet a young girl and her Gotitelle.

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Uma Invasão de Venipede!

10 março 201123m

The adventurers arrive in Castilla City and find that it's overrun with Venipede.

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Combatendo pelo Amor de Tipos Inseto!

17 março 201123m

Ash battles Burgh for his third badge.

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Emolga, a Irresistível!

24 março 201123m

The adventurers try to help Bianca capture an Emolga.

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Emolga e a Nova Troca Elétrica!

31 março 201123m

Iris attempts a training battle with her newly-acquired Emolga. But Emolga has other ideas.

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A Casa Assombrada dos Litwick!

7 abril 201123m

While taking cover from the rain, the adventurers encounter Team Rocket and some seemingly helpful Litwick.

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A Senda da Mestre Dragão!

14 abril 201123m

The adventurers meet Emmy, a trainer who has yet to start her journey. Iris reveals her dream to be a Dragon Master.

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A Concharra Perdida do Oshawott!

21 abril 201123m

During a battle with another trainer, Oshawott loses his scalchop, causing Oshawott to run off to search for it mid-battle.

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O Cottonee Apaixonado!

28 abril 201123m

The adventurers try to help a wild Cottonee who's having during its mating season.

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Um OVNI para o Elgyem!

5 maio 201123m

The adventurers spot a UFO and encounter Professor Icarus, an expert on the subject.

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O Terceiro Combate Entre o Ash e o Trip!

12 maio 201123m

Ash and Trip have a 3-on-3 battle.

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Enfrentando o Medo de Olhos Bem Abertos!

19 maio 201123m

Having learned why Oshuwott is having difficulty with Aquajet, Ash helps Oshuwott through special training.

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A Iris Contra a Caça-Dragões!

26 maio 201123m

Iris is challenged by Georgia - a Dragon Buster. Iris's past with Excadrill is revealed.

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Eu Vou Apanhar um Roggenrola!

2 junho 201123m

Ash attempts to capture a Roggenrola, but the battle is interrupted as they investigate Roggenrola's home and find Team Rocket.

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Onde te Meteste, Audino?

9 junho 201123m

The adventurers encounter an Audino wandering aimlessly through a patch of fog. They soon find out the local town has been losing their Audinos. They offer to help find the missing Pokemon

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Archeops Contemporâneos!

16 junho 201123m

The adventurers meet up with Doctors Juniper and Fennel as they work to bring back an ancient Pokemon from a fossil.

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Um Perito de Pesca numa Grande Peixeirada!

23 junho 201123m

The adventurers enter a fishing competition unaware that the competition is being run by Team Rocket.

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The adventurers make a movie.

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Reencontro no Torneio de Nimbasa!

7 julho 201123m

Day one at the Nimbasa Battle Tournament, a time to meet up with old friends and rivals.

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Trip vs Cilan, Ash vs Georgia!

21 julho 201123m

Day two of the battle tournament.

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Um Combate Apaixonante!

4 agosto 201123m

Round 2 of the competition continues.

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A Final do Torneio!

11 agosto 201123m

The final round of the tournament: Ash vs Iris.

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A Tática do Meowth!

18 agosto 201123m

Axew is kidnapped by a wild Scrafty who demands the adventurers train him for a battle. The get some unexpected help from Meowth who has just been fired from Team Rocket.

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Purrloin - Doce ou Biltre?

25 agosto 201123m

The adventurers encounter a Purrloin who claims it needs their help.

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Beheeyem, Duosion, e o Ladrão de Sonhos!

1 setembro 201123m

The adventurers meet Beheeyem, a Pokemon that can make dreams come true. They soon become trapped in a dream world and must find a way to escape.

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A Contenda dos Beartic da Montanha!

8 setembro 201123m

The adventurers rescue a Cubchew that got separated from its pack. They soon get in the middle of a feud between two groups of Beartic.

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Crise no Subsolo!

15 setembro 201123m

Team Rocket executes their plan. They manage to steal several Pokemon, and use their "Ghost Train" to make their escape.

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O Combate pelo Subsolo!

Season Finale
15 setembro 201123m

The adventurers try to find Team Rocket's Ghost Train, and all the stolen Pokemon. Meanwhile Pikachu and Axchew try to free themselves and the other Pokemon.

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Elesa, uma Líder de Ginásio Eletrizante!

22 setembro 201123m

After meeting the Nimbasa City Gym Leader, Elesa, our heroes encounter an old friend with a surprise guest!

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Deslumbrando o Ginásio de Nimbasa!

29 setembro 201123m

The stakes are high for Ash winning his fourth Unova Gym Badge at the Nimbasa Gym, and our hero's taking no chances!

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Perdidos na Caça ao Selo!

6 outubro 201123m

Spending the day in Nimbasa City after Ash's fourth Unova Gym Badge win, Cilan has a special challenge in mind, while our heroes discover a fellow Trainer in need!

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Ash Contra o Campeão!

13 outubro 201123m

As our heroes prepare to leave Nimbasa City, they bump into Ash's rival Trip, who introduces them to someone they had only dreamed of meeting!

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Um Musical de Maractus!

27 outubro 201123m

On their way to Driftveil City, our heroes meet an enterprising young man with three dedicated friends and a dream!

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As Quatro Estações de Sawsbuck!

3 novembro 201123m

Stopping at a Pokémon Center on their way to Driftveil City, out heroes meet a young Pokémon photographer on the mission of a lifetime!

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Scraggy e a Gothita Exigente!

10 novembro 201123m

On their way to Driftveil City and Ash's next Gym Battle, our heroes meet a demanding Gothita with a crush on Scraggy!

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O Deino Solitário!

24 novembro 201123m

On their way to Driftveil City and Ash's next Gym Battle, our heroes come across some very special Pokémon in a very special place!

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O Grande Accelguarda Entra em Ação!

1 dezembro 201123m

Arriving in Driftveil City, our heroes meet a fascinating hometown resident with a secret!

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Um Apelo ao Amor Fraterno!

8 dezembro 201123m

While Ash prepares for his upcoming Gym Battle with Clay, a surprise visitor with a dilemma offers both Ash and Cilan the opportunity to help!

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Aplacando a Ira das Lendas - 1.ª Parte

15 dezembro 201123m

What started as a trip to Milos Island to find Revival Herbs has turned into a cataclysmic battle of legendary proportions!

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Aplacando a Ira das Lendas - 2.ª Parte

22 dezembro 201123m

In search of scarce Revival Herbs, our heroes are now faced with the potential destruction of Milos Island!

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O Combate Com o Rei das Minas!

5 janeiro 201223m

With a bag full of revival herbs, our heroes have returned to Driftveil City and Ash is raring to battle Gym Leader Clay!

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Crise na Gruta das Eletropedras!

12 janeiro 201223m

Continuing their journey to Mistralton City, our heroes encounter Chargestone Cave and a dilemma for its occupants!

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Uma Troca Evolutiva Emocionante!

19 janeiro 201223m

After witnessing a dramatic Pokémon trade and evolution, Ash and his friends' excitement has just begun!

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Os Exploradores da Ruína do Herói!

26 janeiro 201223m

The elder Professor Juniper has invited our heroes to join him in what he promises will be an exciting adventure...and he keeps his promise!

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O Desafio do Rufia!

2 fevereiro 201223m

An encounter with Pikachu's rival from the past puts our heroes in the middle of a bullying confrontation!

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Baralhando os Bouffalant!

16 fevereiro 201223m

Ash and friends continue their journey to Mistralton City as they head through a forest. They stop for a lunch break when suddenly they get attacked by a Bouffalant. After running away, the gang gets separated.

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O Cilan Manda-se ao Ar!

23 fevereiro 201223m

Ash is surprised to see a long line of Trainers waiting to challenge Skyla, the Mistralton City Gym Leader, and is even more surprised when he’s told he has to make an appointment for their battle!

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Um Alto Combate Aéreo!

1 março 201223m

After some convincing by a group of young challengers and Skyla’s grandfather, Skyla takes Ash up on his Gym Battle challenge.

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A Escalada da Torre do Sucesso!

8 março 201223m

After winning his sixth badge, Ash and friends bump into Stephan. He is in town to compete in the Bell of Wishes Festival that is being held that day. Ash, Iris, and Cilan, after finding out that the winner gets to ring the bell atop Mistralton Tower and get a wish granted, decide to compete in the festival.

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Começa o Clubestrondo!

15 março 201223m

At Ambiga Town, the local Don George holds a tournament called "Clubsplosion" to showcase Fighting-Type Pokémon, but all are welcome. Ash, Stephan, Bianca, Trip, and Georgia all enter the tournament, with Ash using his Scraggy. Ash and Scraggy's first opponent is Angus and his Simisage.

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À Procura de Heróis!

22 março 201223m

The Clubsplosion tournament continues. Iris and Excadrill face off against Burgundy and Dewott. Bianca and Emboar face off against Trip and Conkeldurr. And Dragon Buster Georgia and Bisharp face off against newcomer Gale and her Druddigon.

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Um Estrondo de Clubestrondo!

29 março 201223m

The first round of the Clubsplosion tournament ends with Bianca's and Trip's battle. As the second round gets underway, the remaining contestants battle for the chance to enter the Top 4 in the Clubsplosion semi-finals.

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O Campeão do Clubestrondo!

5 abril 201223m

The Clubsplosion semifinals rage on. Bianca and Emboar battle Stephan and Sawk, while Ash and Scraggy battle Montgomery and his Throh. In the finals, Stephan and Sawk face Montgomery and Throh. Who will win the Clubsplosion Tournament?

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During a practice match against Iris' Emolga, Ash's Swadloon evolves into Leavanny. Leavanny's leaf-sewing process causes it to make costumes for the other Pokémon, but this causes Axew to be accidentally kidnapped by a pair of Durant who are building a den. They stop to think about how they are going to enter the Durant's den, and to be able to rescue Axew.

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Um Confronto Restaurador! - 1.ª Parte

19 abril 201223m

Ash, Cilan, and Iris make their way to Twist Mountain where they come across a fossil dig that has discovered a fossil Tirtouga. However, Team Rocket arrives and steals the fossil.

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Um Confronto Restaurador! - 2.ª Parte

26 abril 201223m

The adventure with Mount Twist, Tirtouga, and Carracosta continues.

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Evolução pelo Fogo!

3 maio 201223m

Stopping at Abtilbe Town's Battle Club, Ash meets his Tepig's former trainer Shamus who abandoned Tepig because he felt he was too weak. Angry, Ash challenges Shamus to a double battle with Snivy and Tepig going up against Shamus's Emboar and Heatmor.

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Guardando o Guardião da Montanha!

10 maio 201223m

Ash, Iris, and Cilan finally arrive in Icirus City. But before Ash can challenge movie star Brycen and his Beartic for his next Gym Badge, they must help Brycen save Volcarona from the Pokémon Hunter Rizzo and his two Jellicent.

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Ash challenges Brycen for the Icicle Badge, putting Scraggy, Krokorok, and Pignite up against Vanillish, Cryogonal, and Beartic.

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Confronto de Peritos!

24 maio 201223m

With only one more badge left, the group heads to Opelucid City so Ash can challenge the Gym Leader. Unfortunately for Ash, the Gym in Opelucid City is closed. When the group stops in Stonesthrow Town, Cilan meets little Marigold who is picking out her first Pokémon today. Cilan offers his skills as a Pokémon Connoisseur, but another A-Class Connoisseur named Ricard Nouveau offers up his services instead of Cilan's, and they have a battle to determine who is the better Connoisseur. All while the S-Class Connoisseur Fauxgundy watches, but they believe they have seen her somewhere before.

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Crise no Centro de Pesquisa Ferroseed!

31 maio 201223m

The group meets up with Dragon Buster Georgia who has a Vanilluxe now. They travel to the Ferroseed Institute to see the Moss Pokémon Ferroseed being studied, but when an accident forces an evacuation, Iris, her Axew, Ash's Oshawott, and Georgia's Vanilluxe are trapped inside. Iris has not yet overcome her crippling phobia of Ice-Types, and she must figure out a way out with Vanilluxe at her side.

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O Incrível Esquadrão de Unova!

7 junho 201223m

After Ash and the gang arrive in Virbank City and Cilan gives them a rundown of the area’s history, they run into their filmmaking friend Luke and his Zorua! Thanks to winning a film festival with the movie our heroes helped him make (The Legend of the Pokémon Knight), Luke is there to attend a preview event for Pokéstar Studios, a theme park opening soon within the film studio lots.

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Ash heads to Virbank City to face off against its Gym Leader, punk rocker Roxie from the band Koffing and the Toxics, in order to obtain his eighth Unova League Gym Badge.

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Ash's battle against Roxie for the Toxic Badge continues.

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Tudo pelo Amor de Meloetta!

21 junho 201223m

After learning the Unova League conference will not be held for three more months, Ash, Iris, and Clian meet up with Cynthia, the Sinnoh Region Champion. She says she has come to Unova to participate in an exhibition match at the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup, held in Lacunosa Town, and Ash learns that the prize of the tournament is a battle with Alder, Unova's reigning Champion. As the four head out of Virbank City for Undella Town, they come across the legendary Melody Pokémon, Meloetta who seems to have fallen ill.

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Upon arriving in Undella Town, Cynthia leads the gang to her villa where Dawn and Piplup are waiting for them. Dawn has come to Unova to perfect her Coordinator skills, and Cilan decides to have a Tasting Battle to see exactly what she can do.

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Expedição à Ilha dos Onix!

5 julho 201223m

While Cynthia is preparing for the Junior Cup, Ash, Cilan, Iris, and Dawn take a trip to an uninhabited island for some relaxation. However, they soon discover the island is home to several Onix that begin to attack them.

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O Mistério do Cubchoo Desaparecido!

19 julho 201223m

While in Undella Town, Cilan helps a boy named Chris track down his missing Cubchoo. However, they instead find a roaming Beartic that might have once been Chris's Cubchoo.

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A Iris e o Dragonite Rufia!

26 julho 201223m

When the power goes out in Undella Town, the gang tries to help out when they discover a rampaging Dragonite may be to blame. When Iris discovers the Dragonite, she believes it is truly not bad but she is soon trapped in the room with the Dragonite along with Ash's Oshawott and Dawn's Piplup.

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Disputando a Taça Júnior!

2 agosto 201223m

The Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup begins, with rivals such as Trip, Georgia, and Burgundy showing up to take part in the tournament. After an exhibition match between Sinnoh Champion Cynthia's Garchomp and Unova Elite Four member Caitlin's Gothitelle ends in a no official winner, the first round begins. Iris is up first against Georgia, with Iris's newly captured Dragonite being pitted up against Georgia's Beartic.

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Continua a Luta Contra a Autoridade!

23 agosto 201223m

The quarter-final matches of the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup take place, and Iris must go up against Dawn, pitting Dragonite against Mammoswine. In another match, Cilan and Crustle take on Trip and Serperior.

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With the semi-finals of the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup underway, and with the grand prize of having a battle with Alder on the line, Ash, Iris, and Trip go all out.

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Adeus Taça Júnior, Olá Aventura!

6 setembro 201223m

After Trip's match against Alder, the Junior Cup draws to a close and the contestants bid each other farewell. Ash, Iris, and Cilan meet Cameron, a young naive trainer who wants to travel with them. Dawn bids farewell as well, but not before having a practice match against Ash.

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O Caminho para Humilau!

13 setembro 201223m

Ash, Iris, and Cilan help Cameron get to Humilau City where he wants to challenge Marlon for his own eighth Unova League Gym Badge. On the way, Ash and Cameron are separated from the group. Ash almost falls off a cliff, but then Cameron saves his life. Cameron has a "great idea" and he gets out what seems to be a "map", which was a table cloth. As they continue heading down a road, it starts to rain and then they take shelter in a nearby cave. Realizing that they didn't have any food, Ash, Cameron and their Pokémon are hungry as Meloetta leaves only to come back with an apple. Meloetta leads them to an apple tree where they harvest the apples to bring them back to the cave to munch on them. After they ate the apples (and Cameron's Riolu hiccups adorably), they decide to stay the night in the cave until the rain stops. Ash and Cameron exchange their goals in life. Ash wanting to a Pokémon Master while Cameron wanting to be the best Pokémon Champion in the world.

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Alvoroço no Infantário!

20 setembro 201223m

While still staying at Cynthia's villa and training for the Unova League conference, Ash and the gang come across a fighting pair of Rufflet and Vullaby. It turns out they have both escaped the inexperienced Day Care Nurse, Layla. Whilst the manager is away, Ash, Iris and Cilan help Layla in the Nursery, but the ongoing conflict between the two Pokémon both craving Layla's attention continues.

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Meloetta e o Templo Subaquático!

27 setembro 201223m

Ash continues to train at Cynthia's villa until Ridley (a member of an ancient civilisation dedicated to protecting Meloetta) and his Golurk hear Meloetta's song and come to take Meloetta back. At first, Ridley assumes Ash is associated with the thieves, but this turns out not to be the case. Before Ridley can take Meloetta home, Team Rocket assaults the group and capture Meloetta and summon up the ancient Abyssal Temple through its power and song. The heroes try to fend off Team Rocket, but with Giovanni himself present they are too strong.

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Crise de Sobrevivência de Unova!

Season Finale
4 outubro 201223m

With Meloetta in their possession, Team Rocket's Giovanni controls Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus in their more powerful Therian Formes though use of the reveal glass unlocked by Meloetta's presence and Meloetta's song. Ash, Cilan, Iris, Cynthia, and Ridley do their best to free Meloetta and save the world from Team Rocket. But forces stronger than Team Rocket are present, and Giovanni soon finds himself not able to control himself and sets Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus on a path to destroy Unova rather than take it over for Team Rocket.

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Beldades Combatem Pela Honra e Pela Glória!

11 outubro 201223m

Learning that the Unova League will be held at Vertress City, Ash and his friends prepare for the tournament, but not before making a detour towards Iris' hometown, the Village of Dragons. But along the way, Iris drags the boys and their Pokémon into competing against a group of women who believe that their Pokémon are not only powerful but more beautiful than anyone else's.

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Uma Equipa de Combate Tag Água-Terra-Ar!

18 outubro 201223m

On the way to the Unova League, Ash and Cilan get challenged to a Tag Battle against the brothers Soren and Rocko who have trained their Braviary (Soldier of the skies) and Drilbur (Warrior of the land) to perform amazing combination attacks.

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Regresso à Terra Natal!

25 outubro 201223m

On the way to Vertress City, Ash, Cilan, and Iris find their way to Iris's hometown: the Village of Dragons. While there, Iris shows Axew to her elder and helps her childhood friend Shannon when one of her Zweilous suddenly evolves into Hydreigon and goes out of control.

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The gang arrives in Opelucid City for Iris' scheduled rematch against the Dragon Master and Gym Leader Drayden, who handed her and Excadrill their first-ever defeat years ago. Upon arrival, Iris remembers her difficult time in going to school there and trying to adjust to urban life. She and the others then travel to the Opelucid Gym for her rematch with Drayden, where she puts her Excadrill and Dragonite to the test, respectively, against Drayden's Haxorus and Druddigon in order for him to evaluate her training and skills.

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Near Vertress City, the gang meets the Pokémon Rescue Squad's Virgil - trainer of Team Eevee - and his brother Davey, whom they decide to assist in helping a group of troubled Cryoganal.

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A Liga Unova vai Começar!

22 novembro 201223m

The Unova League begins, and as the preliminary round matches get underway, Ash finds himself up against Trip.

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Missão Derrotar o Teu Rival!

29 novembro 201223m

Ash's battle against Trip continues, with Pikachu facing Serperior. As the preliminaries end and the first round begins, Bianca pits her Escavalier and Emboar against Cameron's Samurott and Riolu.

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Perdido na Liga!

6 dezembro 201223m

During a break in the competition, Iris's Axew follows a balloon and gets lost in Vertress City. Pikachu manages to track him down, but they are cornered by a group of Trubbish and their Garbodor leader.

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A Força da Perícia Secreta!

13 dezembro 201223m

The third round of battles at the Unova League begins and Ash finds himself up against Stephan, putting Krookodile, Palpitoad, and Leavanny up against Stephan's Liepard, Zebstrika, and Sawk.

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A Arma Secreta do Cameron!

20 dezembro 201223m

In the fourth round of matches, Ash battles against Cameron - who begins the match by revealing his secret weapon, Hydreigon.

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Uma Evolução na Liga Unova!

10 janeiro 201323m

Ash's Snivy and Pikachu must face off against Cameron and his newly evolved Lucario.

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Novos Lugares... Caras Familiares!

17 janeiro 201323m

With the Unova League tournament over, Ash and company return to Nuvema Town to meet up with Professor Juniper and to tell Professor Oak about his results. Along the way, they meet Nanette who is going to see Juniper for her first Pokémon, and eventually chooses Tepig and asks to have her first battle with Ash. However, during the battle, a robot appears and it is piloted by a very familiar trio. Later, Professor Juniper gets a call from her father, who invites Ash and friends to visit him at the White Ruins, located north of Icirrus City.

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O Nome dele é N!

24 janeiro 201323m

On a boat heading to see ruins dedicated to Reshiram, Ash, Iris, and Cilan meet the mysterious boy calling himself N, who quickly befriends their Pokémon. However, when Team Rocket attacks the group once more and James's Amoonguss paralyzes Pikachu with Stun Spore, N's timely intervention helps turn the tide of the fight.

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Há um Novo Líder de Ginásio na Cidade!

31 janeiro 201323m

The group's boat arrives in Aspertia City, and they arrange to meet Cheren, Professor Juniper's acquaintance and the city's new Gym Leader. A teacher at the local Pokémon School, Cheren is lacking in confidence regarding his worth for the title, something Cilan - as a former Gym Leader himself - connects with him over. After misadventures in the Pokémon House on the school grounds - including a series of mishaps between Cilan, Pansage, and a flock of Ducklett - Ash has an unofficial Gym match against Cheren, Oshawott facing off against Herdier.

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When Team Plasma scientist Colress uses his machine to draw out Pokémon strength, the controlled wild Pokémon attack the residents of nearby Floccesy Town. Ash, Iris, and Cilan get caught in the middle of the mayhem when Pikachu and Axew also fall under his control, but when they are saved by Looker, they agree to aid him in his investigation of Team Plasma and Colress's scheme.

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A Luz da Granja de Floccesy!

14 fevereiro 201323m

While stopped at Floccesy Ranch, Iris's Dragonite helps rancher Elly's Ampharos get into the fighting spirit.

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Salvando o Braviary!

21 fevereiro 201323m

Ash and friends once again run into N, who has freed a Braviary held captive by Team Plasma. They help him bring it to a Pokémon Center, but when Braviary is tracked by a pair of Team Plasma Grunts - Nero and Bianco, who respectively use a Seviper and Zangoose in battle - N puts his life on the line. Successfully freeing Braviary, N joins the group on their journey to the White Ruins.

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A Patrulha Portuária Pokémon!

28 fevereiro 201323m

Upon returning to Virbank City, Ash and friends meet Halsey who runs a rescue team consisting of his two Frillish, his Dewott, and his Watchog. Making his personal feelings on the idea of Pokémon putting themselves at risk for the sake of humans known, N's belief that Watchog (who seems ill-suited for the Team's risky endeavours) is being used as a tool causes an ideological clash between Halsey and N, but the two young men must put their enmities aside when a fire breaks out in Virbank City's Industrial Complex.

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Os Fogos de um Encontro ao Rubro!

7 março 201323m

Ash and his friends come across the Kanto Fair, and seeing a Charmander perform on stage reminds him of his old friend Charizard. He tells Iris, Cilan and N about his and Charizard's history, with Misty and Brock making cameos during the tale. Professor Oak sends Charizard over, and after he meets Iris' Dragonite, the two trainers agree to have a friendly match. Ash's offer to let Charizard rejoin his team is met with approval from all parties involved.

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Team Plasma e a Manipulação de Pokémon!

14 março 201323m

Colress appears and tests his newly-advanced machine on Dragon-type Pokémon - first taking over a young trainer's Haxorus, and later Iris's Dragonite. As Ash and Charizard try to stop them, N puts himself in the crossfire, knowing the Pokémon should be friends and not fight.

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Segredos Saídos do Nevoeiro!

21 março 201323m

After N is hurt by Colress's machine, two young women, Anthea and Concordia, come to save him. It is from these two girls that Ash and the others learn the truth about N's life, including his link to the evil Ghetsis.

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Team Plasma's Colress convinces Team Rocket's Jessie and James to use his technology on Meowth to make him stronger, but it is all part of Colress's plans to test his Pokémon controlling device.

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Ash e N: Um Choque de Ideais!

4 abril 201323m

At the ruins dedicated to the Pokémon Reshiram, N steals the Light Stone from Cedric Juniper, and Ash's attempt to stop him ends with them separated from the others. Team Plasma move to attack the White Ruins while Team Rocket watch on in anticipation, and Iris, Cilan and Looker attempt to fight off the enemy forces.

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Team Plasma e a Cerimónia do Despertar!

11 abril 201323m

Ash and N prepare to save Iris, Cilan, and Professor Juniper's father from the clutches of Team Plasma before Ghetsis can revive Reshiram, but their attempts to fight back are hampered by Colress's Pokémon controlling machine, forcing them all to call back their Pokémon. Pikachu gets hit by the machine's beam, which sways N into surrendering the Light Stone in exchange for its freedom just as Ghetsis arrives, ready to begin the ritual.

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O Que Está Além da Verdade e dos Ideais!

18 abril 201323m

As the revived Reshiram quickly falls under Ghetsis' control, Ash and friends try to develop a strategy to stop Team Plasma. Looker convinces Team Rocket to help in the fight against the villains, while Ash and Pikachu aim to destroy the controlling machine, and N hopes to pacify the enraged Reshiram before it destroys the world in a righteous fury - akin to when it burned down Team Plasma's castle in the past.

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Adeus, Unova! Zarpar Para Novas Aventuras!

25 abril 201323m

With Team Plasma defeated once and for all, Ash decides it is time to go back to Kanto. Iris and Cilan decide to go with him to further their skills, and Professor Juniper charters all of them a cruise through the Decolore Islands on a boat with a mysterious crew. Once settled in their cabins, however, Ash finds that they are locked in and their Pokémon are not with them.

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Perigo, Doce Como o Mel!

2 maio 201323m

The cruise makes a stop on Honey Island, known for its colonies of the Honeycomb Pokémon Combee, Pupa Pokémon Kakuna, Stinger Pokémon Beedrill, and its honey-flavored cuisine.

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Cilan e o Caso do Purrloin Testemunha!

9 maio 201323m

As Ash and his friends prepare for the upcoming Marine Cup Tournament on board their new cruise ship, the group learns that Mrs. Ripple, a jewel collector, will display her collection after the tournament, but upon the tournament's conclusion she discovers that her rare Eye of Liepard has been stolen. She suspects Mr. Shaw - a businessman and jewel collector who has been asking to buy the Eye of Liepard from her - even though it was watched over by her Watchog all night. Cilan takes on his detective role once more to discover the thief of the Eye of Liepard.

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Coroação do Rei de Concharra!

16 maio 201323m

On Scalchop Island, Ash's Oshawott goes up against the Dewott named Caesar to see who will win the battle at the Scalchop King Competition.

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A Ilha das Ilusões!

23 maio 201323m

On the way to Mahora Island, the gang's boat passes through fog and they believe they see a familiar shape in it. After avoiding a giant Heatmor when Pikachu's attacks do not work against it, Axew gets poisoned by a Foongus's Mushroom Spore attack, forcing the gang to take him to an old Pokémon Center which they soon discover is operating illegally.

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Apanhar um Rotom!

30 maio 201323m

Ash, Iris, and Cilan catch up with Professor Oak who has come to one of the Decolore Islands to investigate the Plasma Pokémon Rotom and its Forme Change capabilities. However, the Rotom native to the island are more interested in Pikachu, Emolga, and Stunfisk.

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Os Piratas de Decolore!

6 junho 201323m

When Team Rocket tries to ransack the group's cruise ship's food store, they are thwarted by a group of self-styled pirate Pokémon group made up of a Croconaw, an Octillery, an Azumarill, and a Ducklett, leaving Ash to try to get the food back.

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Butterfree e Eu!

13 junho 201323m

On Wayfarer Island, Ash and his friends see the native Metapod and Butterfree, and when they find a Caterpie who has not yet evolved, Ash takes it upon himself to help the very lazy Pokémon join the rest of its friends, remembering the times he had raising his own Butterfree years ago.

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O Caminho que Leva ao Adeus!

20 junho 201323m

On Capacia Island, after a Dunsparce Ash fails to capture and hurts Axew, Iris gets so mad at him that she says she will no longer be Ash's friend and leaves.

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Em Busca de um Desejo!

27 junho 201323m

Ash, Iris, and Cilan take a break on Capacia Island only to discover they have arrived on the one week once every 1000 years when Jirachi awakens and grants a wish. Gemma, a young girl who lives on the island, wants to ask Jirachi to bring prosperity back to the island, but Team Rocket has other plans.

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Ovni na Ilha Extensia!

4 julho 201323m

Ash must find a way to stop Beheeyem from taking over a town on Capacia Island after the townspeople, Iris, Cilan, and even Pikachu are placed under the strange Pokémons' control.

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A Jornalista de Outra Região!

18 julho 201323m

While on Harvest Island, Ash and his friends meet the Pokémon Reporter Alexa, who has come all the way from the Kalos Region with her Gogoat and Helioptile. She has come to investigate Harvest Island's fruit harvest festival, which the others realize has a Pokémon Sumo tournament. Ash, Iris, and Cilan enter Pignite, Pansage, and Dragonite in the tournament to win the grand prize Focus Band.

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Mistério numa Ilha Deserta!

25 julho 201323m

Alexa tells Ash, Iris, and Cilan about Yashi Island, a desert island where a pirate ship crashed years ago, and the ship's treasure has never been found. The group decides to investigate, and Team Rocket follows to get the treasure for themselves.

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Um Pokémon de uma Cor Diferente!

1 agosto 201323m

On Cave Island, Ash and his friends meet up with Clair, Gym Leader of Johto's Blackthorn City, who has come to the island to capture a different-colored Druddigon, but her Dragonite left without her. When they find her Dragonite, Iris's Dragonite takes an instant dislike to it and the two fight, hampering Clair's plans to find the different-colored Druddigon on the other side of the island from the port.

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Celebrar o Cometa do Herói!

15 agosto 201323m

The appearance of Woodate Comet approaches, so Ash, Iris, Cilan, and Alexa go stake out the ruins where the legendary hero it is named after first spotted it. However, they must deal with several Ghost Pokémon and Team Rocket who are once again trying to capture Pikachu.

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Vai, Vai, Gogoat!

22 agosto 201323m

On another island, Ash, Iris, Cilan, and Alexa meet a boy named Tony who touches Alexa's Gogoat's horns, causing it to temporarily bond with him. They all help Tony meet his father on the other side of the island.

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A Recruta Chocante da Team Rocket!

5 setembro 201323m

After being scolded by Iris, an ambush by Team Rocket starts to make Emolga wish she did not have to be with such strict trainers and fights on Team Rocket's side.

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Salvar o Ginásio de Estrial!

12 setembro 201323m

Chili and Cress meet up with Cilan on Paladin Island as they have both been beaten by a challenger at the Striaton Gym named Morana who exclusively uses Ice-type Pokémon such as Mamoswine and Glalie. It is up to Cilan and Pansage to face off against Morana and her Abomasnow for the honor of the Striaton City Gym.

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Felicidades! Até ao Nosso Reencontro!

19 setembro 201323m

The group finally reaches the waters off of Kanto, just as Team Rocket once again tries to do their best to take Ash's Pikachu.

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O Sonho Continua!

Season Finale
26 setembro 201323m

With Iris and Cilan heading off on their own adventures in Johto, Ash is restless and still wishes to become a Pokémon Master. To that end, Alexa suggests that he travel with her back to her home in the Kalos region just as Team Rocket hatches another plan to steal Pikachu.

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Ash and Pikachu have arrived in the Kalos region, and they waste no time building excitement and adventure to a fever pitch!

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Perseguição na Cidade de Lumiose!

17 outubro 201323m

After helping an ailing Pokemon, Ash puts everything he's got on the line, while an entire city bears witness!

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Um Combate de Mobilidade Aérea!

24 outubro 201323m

Ash is eager to catch some Kalos Pokemon, and he's definitely not alone!

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Uma Amizade Chocantemente Insolente!

31 outubro 201323m

As our heroes continue their Kalos region journey, exciting new Pokemon friendships are the order of the day!

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Ash is vying for his first Kalos Gym badge, but has our hero gotten more than he bargained for?

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Combater Sobre Gelo Fino!

14 novembro 201323m

Never one to give up, Ash sets his sights on a rematch with Gym Leader Viola in order to win his first Kalos region Gym badge!

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Seguir de Perto na Corrida de Rhyhorn!

21 novembro 201323m

There's an opportunity to be part of an exciting Rhyhorn race, and Ash can't wait to give it a try!

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A Tosquia do Furfrou!

28 novembro 201323m

Seeing a superstar Pokemon groomer in their tour guide, our heroes are later shocked to meet him and his assistant in person!

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Clemont Tem um Segredo!

5 dezembro 201323m

As our heroes arrive back in Lumiose City, Clemont and Bonnie reveal a secret that has everyone else in shock!

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12 dezembro 201323m

During a visit with Professor Sycamore while in Lumiose City, our heroes encounter a surprising foe of mega-mega proportions!

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Aventura na Floresta de Bambus!

19 dezembro 201323m

As our heroes traverse a forest on their way to Cyllage City, some new Pokemon give them quite a challenge, and some old foes do, too!

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Apanhar um Contrabandista Pokémon!

9 janeiro 201423m

As our heroes continue their journey to Cyllage City and Ash's next Gym battle, they must confront a most unsavory character in a most unsavory line of work!

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Caos no Jardim-de-Infância!

16 janeiro 201423m

What starts out as a typical battle challenge between two Trainers in the middle of the forest leads to a life-changing experience for one young boy!

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À Procura de Abrigo da Tempestade!

30 janeiro 201423m

A powerful rainstorm brings our heroes to a scary mansion seeking shelter, but with an unexpected outcome!

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Fome de Combate!

6 fevereiro 201423m

A misunderstanding while camping out for the night turns out to be the perfect opportunity for some serious Pokemon-and-Trainer bonding!

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Uma Troca Eletrizante!

13 fevereiro 201423m

A visit to the local Pokemon Center results in a mix-up that has our heroes scrambling to undo it!

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Uma Vaga de Sabedoria Ninja!

20 fevereiro 201423m

Continuing to Cyllage City, our heroes encounter a powerful young ninja and his equally powerful Frogadier, and both have much to share!

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Acordar o Gigante Adormecido!

27 fevereiro 201423m

Arriving in Camphrier Town, our heroes find themselves in the middle of a dilemma of epic proportions!

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Uma Conspiração para Conquistar!

13 março 201423m

Team Rocket may still be after Pikachu, but for now, everyone's got another powerful Pokemon on their minds!

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Combater Por Títulos no Castelo!

20 março 201423m

A visit to an incredible Kalos region battling institution presents our heroes with lasting memories, and a surprising revelation!

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Uma PokéVisão do Futuro!

27 março 201423m

Our heroes are exploring the world of Pokevision, and it's chock-full of epic productions and cinematic surprises!

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Atrás do Ouro!

10 abril 201423m

A visit by our heroes to an amazing aquarium turns out to reveal the stuff of legends!

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De Regresso ao Frio!

17 abril 201423m

After running into an old friend, our heroes are about to witness a major discovery they'll never forget!

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Superar Obstáculos!

24 abril 201423m

Ash and his friends make it to Cyllage City, where Ash plans on challenging the Gym Leader Grant. Having already seen his strategy with Onix at the Battle Chateau, Ash plans on having Froakie face the Rock Pokémon in battle, and later Pikachu against Tyrunt.

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Um Combate Muito Doce!

8 maio 201423m

While on the road, Serena makes some Poké Puffs for Pikachu and Fennekin, but her cooking skills are attacked by Miette, who has the Meringue Pokémon Slurpuff. The two decide to head to the next town and hold a Poké Puffs Contest to see who is the better pastry chef.

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Em Busca de Uma Flor-Fada!

15 maio 201423m

A new hairstyle for Bonnie leads our heroes to new friends in need!

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A Ligação Essencial à Evolução!

22 maio 201423m

A chance encounter with the Champion gives our heroes a deeper look into the mysteries of Evolution!

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Heróis - Tanto Amigos Como Inimigos!

29 maio 201423m

A case of mistaken identity is part of a sinister plot to catch Pikachu once and for all!

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Mega Revelações!

29 maio 201423m

A chance meeting with Korrina and her partner Lucario presents our heroes with more surprises then they could've imagined!

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A Gruta das Provações!

5 junho 201423m

The search for Lucarionite is on, and Korrina faces challenges she never dreamed of!

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Uma Aura em Fúria!

12 junho 201423m

Korrina, Lucario, and our heroes discover there is much more to Mega Evolution than they ever imagined!

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A Chamar do Outro Lado da Aura!

19 junho 201423m

On their way to Pomace Mountain, Korrina, Lucario, and our heroes witness the next step in the Mega Evolution saga!

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Korrina and Lucario are on Pomace Mountain with our heroes, where they learn more about Mega Evolution in a most unexpected way!

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O Campeão da Floresta!

10 julho 201423m

On their way to Shalour City, our heroes come across an amazing Pokémon with a powerful and unique way of battling!

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Combates no Ar!

24 julho 201423m

As our heroes continue their journey to Shalour City, a different kind of battle piques their interest!

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A Gruta de Espelhos!

31 julho 201423m

While exploring a well-known cave on their way to Shalour City, our heroes see themselves in unexpectedly different ways!

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Fazer Amizades na Floresta!

7 agosto 201423m

Some family squabbling gives rise to some fabulous teamwork!

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Verão de Descoberta!

14 agosto 201423m

It's day one of Professor Sycamore's Pokémon summer camp, and the excitement and adventures are just getting under way!

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Top de Vídeos no Terceiro Dia!

21 agosto 201423m

It's day three of Professor Sycamore's Pokémon Summer Camp, and Pokévision is on everyone's minds!

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Orientação Pokémon Enevoada!

28 agosto 201423m

On day five of Professor Sycamore's Pokémon summer camp, Pok?mon Orienteering leads our heroes to a mysterious discovery!

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Combater para Entrar no Corredor da Fama!

4 setembro 201423m

It's the final day of Professor Sycamore's Pokémon summer camp, and entry into the hall of fame is right around the corner for the winning team!

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Origens da Mega Evolução!

18 setembro 201423m

Our heroes have finally arrived in Shalour City, and Ash's Gym battle against Korrina is imminent!

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Frente a Frente no Ginásio de Shalour!

25 setembro 201423m

The long-awaited Gym battle between Ash and Korrina is getting under way, and it promises to be white-hot!

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Rivalidade Entre Irmãos!

2 outubro 201423m

As our heroes make their way to Coumarine City and Ash's next Gym battle, they come across two brothers with a lesson to learn, and to share!

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O Desajeitado Controla o Descontrolado!

9 outubro 201423m

A visit to a nearby Pokemon Center introduces our heroes to a Wigglytuff with an unusual way of doing things!

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Sonhar com o Sonho de um Artista!

16 outubro 201423m

Our heroes meet up with Shauna, their friend from summer camp, who takes them to see their first Pokémon Showcase!

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Ash e cia são convidados por Shauna para um evento Pokémon PokéVision, que depois é interrompido por um Pancham bagunceiro. Depois ele pega o boné de Ash e os óculos de Clemont. Serena assiste o Pancham por causa de suas exibições e tenta capturá-lo.

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Bonnie para a Defesa!

Season Finale
30 outubro 201423m

As our heroes continue toward the Coumarine City Gym, Bonnie makes some new friends, and they're a force to be reckoned with!

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Caminhos para uma Prova em Parceria!

13 novembro 201423m

After a squabble between friends, a chance meeting gives our heroes a chance for some unexpected teamwork!

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An Undersea Place to Call Home!

20 novembro 201423m

Before Ash's Cyllage City Gym battle, a visit to the Muraille Coast set our heroes on an aquatic adventure filled with undersea Pokémon!

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When Light and Dark Collide!

27 novembro 201423m

After Ash makes a mistake, his Hawlucha finds itself in the performance of a lifetime!

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A Stealthy Challenge!

11 dezembro 201423m

After running into a friend, our heroes embark upon an adventure filled with stealth and surprise!

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A Race for Home!

18 dezembro 201423m

A visit to a Skiddo ranch provides our heroes with some unexpected challenges!

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Facing the Grand Design!

25 dezembro 201423m

The entire world is in danger, and an unlikely group of long time foes must join forces to save it!

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A Slippery Encounter!

8 janeiro 201523m

A chance encounter with a Pokémon in need leads our heroes into an unexpected adventure!

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One for the Goomy!

15 janeiro 201523m

The newest member of our heroes' Pokémon family is in trouble, but their smallest member steps in to help!

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Thawing an Icy Panic!

22 janeiro 201523m

Our heroes have arrived in Coumarine City, and they are immediately confronted by a crisis with bone-chilling consequences!

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The Green, Green Grass Types of Home!

29 janeiro 201523m

The time for Ash's Coumarine City Gym battle is here, and with it the chance to learn and grow!

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Under the Pledging Tree!

5 fevereiro 201523m

A Coumarine City tradition is in jeopardy, and our heroes are faced with averting a major crisis!

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A Showcase Debut!

12 fevereiro 201523m

It's Serena's Pokémon Showcase debut, surrounded by friends and rivals, old and new!

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An Oasis of Hope!

19 fevereiro 201523m

There's a bully in the Lumiose Badlands, and many helpless Pokémon are depending on our heroes for their freedom!

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The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination!

26 fevereiro 201523m

When the Kalos Power Plant is held under siege, the safety of Lumiose City and many Pokémon hangs in the balance!

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A Fork in the Road! A Parting of the Ways!

5 março 201523m

A conflict of heartfelt emotions threatens the future of a longstanding partnership!

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Battling with Elegance and a Big Smile!

12 março 201523m

A chance meeting with a mystery Pokemon performer provides Serena and her Pokemon with some priceless advice and support!

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Good Friends, Great Training!

26 março 201523m

A surprise reunion with an old friend give Ash the perfect opportunity for training - and even more surprises!

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Confronting the Darkness!

2 abril 201523m

Ash is finally in Lumiose City for his Gym battle with Clemont, but a major crisis threatens the proceedings!

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The Moment of Lumiose Truth!

9 abril 201523m

The long-awaited Gym battle between Ash and Gym Leader Clemont is off and running, and lots of intense training is being put to the test!

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Garchomp's Mega Bond!

16 abril 201523m

When our heroes visit Professor Sycamore on their way out of Lumiose City, they're in for a surprise of mega proportions!

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Defending the Homeland!

23 abril 201523m

With Goodra's beloved wetlands in imminent danger, our heroes are faced with a must-win situation for the sake of the many Pokémon who live there!

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Beyond the Rainbow!

30 abril 201523m

Team Rocket deceives Florges into an alliance and then double crosses it when they attempt to drain all of the Spring water of the wetlands.

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So You're Having a Bad Day!

7 maio 201523m

The daily fortune in Serena's guidebook predicts a bad day for our heroes, and that prediction turns out to be accurate!

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Scary Hospitality!

14 maio 201523m

A rainy night and an old mansion combine to give our heroes an evening to remember, or not!

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A Fashionable Battle!

21 maio 201523m

Our heroes have arrived in Laverre City, and the Gym Leader there has a wardrobe of surprises in store!

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Fairy-Type Trickery!

28 maio 201523m

It is time for Ash's battle with Valerie at the Laverre Gym, and it appears thinking on his feet could be our hero's key to victory!

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Rivals: Today and Tomorrow!

4 junho 201523m

Season 18 - Episode 27

After Ash's fierce battle with Valerie at the Laverre Gym, young Sawyer has a lot of questions!

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A Not-So-Flying-Start!

11 junho 201523m

A chance discovery on their way to Anistar City gives our heroes a challenging teaching moment!

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A Relay in the Sky!

18 junho 201523m

An unexpected race provides our heroes with an opportunity to give their newest member a chance to spread its wings!

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Lights! Camera! Pika!

18 junho 201523m

A masterpiece is in the making, and our heroes can't wait to be involved!

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A Frenzied Factory Fiasco!

25 junho 201523m

A tour of the Poké Ball Factory provides our heroes with much more than just Poké Balls!

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Performing with Fiery Charm!

2 julho 201523m

Serena's next Pokémon Showcase appearance is taking place in Dendemille Town, and she's faced with some stiff competition!

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Rotom's Wish!

9 julho 201523m

A visit to a peculiar hotel gives our heroes the chance to right a wrong from long ago!

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A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell?

23 julho 201523m

During a visit to a popular festival, our heroes fall victim to several cases of mistaken identity!

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Over the Mountain of Snow!

30 julho 201523m

A trip over a snow-covered mountain gives our heroes the chance to truly help those in need!

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Adventures in Running Errands!

13 agosto 201523m

When the power goes out at a Pokémon Center, our heroes and their Pokémon come to the rescue!

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Mending a Broken Spirit!

20 agosto 201523m

A crisis in confidence leads to renewed strength and determination!

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A Legendary Photo Op!

27 agosto 201523m

A chance reunion with an old friend gives our heroes an experience of legendary proportions!

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The Tiny Caretaker!

10 setembro 201523m

A Pokémon in need provides a heartfelt lesson in caring, and letting go.

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A Trip Down Memory Train!

17 setembro 201523m

An emergency situation offers the perfect opportunity to recall a heartwarming story of times past!

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A Frolicking Find in the Flowers!

24 setembro 201523m

A beautiful meadow provides our heroes with the perfect spot to take a break and witness a surprising performance!

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Tag Team Battle Inspiration!

1 outubro 201523m

A friendly Tag Battle provides Eevee and Serena with some confidence and inspiration!

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A Performance Pop Quiz!

8 outubro 201523m

It's time for the Anistar City Pokémon Showcase, and a second Princess Key hangs in the balance for Serena!

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Cloudy Fate, Bright Future!

15 outubro 201523m

As our heroes look to Ash's next battle at the Anistar City Gym, they discover things about its Gym Leader they never could have imagined!

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All Eyes on the Future!

Season Finale
22 outubro 201523m

The time for Ash's Anistar City Gym battle has arrived, but in this case, time has some unexpected meanings!

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From A to Z!

29 outubro 201523m

Bonnie makes a new friend, Ash runs into an old friend, and a terrifying premonition begins to unfold!

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Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes!

5 novembro 201523m

While Eevee deals with some unwanted attention, Team Rocket turns its attention to Squishy!

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A Giga Battle with Mega Results!

12 novembro 201523m

There's trouble at the local Pokémon Center, but our heroes and Professor Sycamore are there to help!

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A Fiery Rite of Passage!

19 novembro 201523m

As our heroes continue their journey to Snowbelle City, they encounter a young Pokémon faced with the challenges of growing up!

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Dream a Little Dream from Me!

26 novembro 201523m

A nighttime campout brings some interesting adventures for our heroes' Pokémon!

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The Legend of the Ninja Hero!

3 dezembro 201523m

Our heroes' friend Sanpei is showing them Ninja Village, his home, but its peace and tranquility is soon to be threatened!

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A Festival of Decisions!

10 dezembro 201523m

On the eve of the village festival, the fate of Ninja Village hangs in the balance!

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A Dancing Debut!

17 dezembro 201523m

Our heroes are in Couriway Town for Serena's next Pokémon Showcase, and her third Princess Key win is at stake!

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Meeting at Terminus Cave!

24 dezembro 201523m

Our heroes are visiting Terminus Cave with hopes of seeing new Pokémon, but they're not alone!

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A Cellular Connection!

14 janeiro 201623m

A courageous rescue during our heroes' search for Squishy leaves one of their friends in danger!

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A Windswept Encounter!

21 janeiro 201623m

An expansive field of flowers provides our heroes with a beautiful setting to witness a blooming friendship!

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Party Dancecapades!

28 janeiro 201623m

Serena is invited to a dance party for Pokémon performers, and there are many surprises in store!

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A Meeting of Two Journeys!

4 fevereiro 201623m

A fierce battle between two powerful Pokémon is about much more than just who wins!

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An Explosive Operation!

11 fevereiro 201623m

As Team Flare continues to advance Operation Z, they get help from an unexpected source!

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A Watershed Moment!

18 fevereiro 201623m

Traversing a vast expanse of parched land, our heroes discover a small group of dedicated individuals in need!

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Master Class Choices!

25 fevereiro 201623m

It's Pokémon Showcase time for Serena, and winning her third Princess Key is on the line!

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An Electrifying Rage!

3 março 201623m

Our heroes are about to take part in an exciting celebration, but the guest of honor is not happy!

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Unlocking Some Respect!

10 março 201623m

Our heroes plan to visit a gem exhibition - but they run into a mystery instead!

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Master Class is in Session!

17 março 201623m

The Pokémon Showcase Master Class is under way and Serena is competing with friends and rivals galore!

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Performing a Pathway to the Future!

24 março 201623m

The Pokémon Showcase Master Class is in full swing and Serena's quest to become Kalos Queen is shifting into high gear!

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A Keeper for Keeps?!

7 abril 201623m

Bonnie has been looking for someone to take care of her big brother, but what will happen when she finds that someone?

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Battling at Full Volume!

14 abril 201623m

While Ash battles a fever, another Trainer comes along to challenge him to a Pokémon battle!

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The Synchronicity Test!

21 abril 201623m

Ash and Greninja have displayed some amazing and mysterious traits in battle, and Clemont wants to find out why!

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Making Friends and Influencing Villains!

28 abril 201623m

Team Rocket is still after Pikachu, but a shy, rare Pokémon is getting in their way!

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Championing a Research Battle!

5 maio 201623m

Ash wants to learn more about what happens when he and Greninja merge during battle, and the Champion Diantha is the right person to help!

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A Full-Strength Battle Surprise!

12 maio 201623m

During our heroes' final leg of their journey to Snowbelle City, a chance meeting with an old friend and rival gives Ash a surprising battle opportunity!

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All Hail the Ice Battlefield!

19 maio 201623m

The time for Ash's Snowbelle City Gym battle is here, and his eighth Gym badge hangs in the balance!

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Seeing the Forest for the Trees!

26 maio 201623m

Following Ash's defeat at the Snowbelle Gym, some not-so-quiet introspection turns into some real inspiration!

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A Real Icebreaker!

2 junho 201623m

Ash is back at the Snowbelle City Gym for a rematch, but will Gym Leader Wulfric feel the heat?

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A Diamond in the Rough!

9 junho 201623m

A visit to the home of friends confronts our heroes with a most unusual group of challenges!

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A Gaggle of Gadget Greatness!

16 junho 201623m

Clemont has invited the rest of our heroes to experience one of his true passions, while a certain group of uninvited guests are along for the ride!

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A League of His Own!

30 junho 201623m

The Kalos League is just getting underway, and the battle temperature is already turned way up!

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Valuable Experience for All!

7 julho 201623m

The Kalos League rages on toward the semifinals, and the red-hot battling never ceases to excite and amaze!

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Analysis Versus Passion!

21 julho 201623m

The semifinals of the Kalos League have arrived, bringing two intense battles!

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A Riveting Rivalry!

28 julho 201623m

As the Kalos League semifinal round continues between Ash and Sawyer, the audience witnesses a rivalry few have ever experienced!

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Kalos League Passion with a Certain Flare!

4 agosto 201623m

The final round of the Kalos League is about to get underway, and there's a lot going on behind the scenes!

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Finals Not for the Faint-Hearted!

11 agosto 201623m

It's time for the Kalos League finals and it's Ash versus Alain in their much anticipated battle!

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Down to the Fiery Finish!

18 agosto 201623m

The final round of the Kalos League is in high gear and surprises are in abundance; from the first second to the very last!

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A Towering Takeover!

25 agosto 201623m

Lysandre and Team Flare are attempting to take over Lumiose City and the world and our heroes are in the middle of the chaos!

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Coming Apart at the Dreams!

1 setembro 201623m

Lumiose City is on the verge of ruin, but our heroes and their friends are not about to stand by and do nothing!

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The Right Hero for the Right Job!

8 setembro 201623m

As Ash and the gang are separated each one is trying to help others in different ways.

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Rocking Kalos Defenses!

15 setembro 201623m

The fate of Chespie and the world rests in the hands of an extraordinarily powerful group of friends and allies!

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Forming a More Perfect Union!

15 setembro 201623m

The moment of truth has arrived, as our heroes and their friends must face the final challenge that will decide the fate of the world!

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Battling with a Clean Slate!

6 outubro 201623m

The Lumiose City Gym is still being repaired, but a battle challenge from a young Trainer is just the thing to get everyone and everything up and running!

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The First Day of the Rest of Your Life!

13 outubro 201623m

Our heroes are busy planning their futures, but one is having more trouble planning than the others!

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Facing the Needs of the Many!

20 outubro 201623m

As our heroes prepare to go their separate ways, they face the return of a danger that wasn't quite defeated!

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Till We Compete Again!

27 outubro 201623m

Our heroes are going their separate ways, and it's time for goodbyes, fond memories, and eyes to the future!

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The Legend of X, Y, and Z!

3 novembro 201623m

A trip to some newly discovered ruins in Kalos reveals a rich history of compassion and caring from three Legendary Pokémon!

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The Strongest Duo! Citron and Dent!!

Season Finale
10 novembro 201623m

Citron visits Kalos to sight-see and enters a fishing competition. Dent uses a fishing machine. Citron calls it deplorable and dismisses him as ignorant. Although unimpressed with his company, Citron agrees to being shown around Lumiose.

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Alola a Novas Aventuras!

17 novembro 201623m

Durante as suas férias em Alola, Ash, Pikachu e a mãe de Ash encontram novos Pokémon e entregam um ovo Pokémon do Professor Oak à Escola Pokémon.

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O Desafio do Guardião!

17 novembro 201623m

Ash e Pikachu começam as aulas na Escola Pokémon com o Professor Kukui e os seus novos colegas, que ficam impressionados com a Pulseira-Z de Ash.

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Dex a Carregar!

24 novembro 201623m

A Team Rocket chega a Alola. O Professor Kukui dá a Ash um Pokédex Rotom que pode falar e interagir com humanos. Ash parte em busca de mais Pokémon.

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Primeira Captura em Alola, ao Estilo Ketchum!

24 novembro 201623m

Ash e Pikachu têm de visitar o Centro Pokémon por não terem conseguido capturar um Pokémon selvagem de Alola. A Team Rocket encontra um Mimikyu e um Bewear.

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Yo-Ho-Ho, Força Popplio!

1 dezembro 201623m

A turma vai ao mar para ajudar no treino dos Pokémon marinhos e Popplio pratica fazer balões de água. A Team Rocket também vai à praia.

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Uma Ida às Compras Chocante!

8 dezembro 201623m

Sozinhos em casa, Ash e os amigos Pokémon têm dificuldades nas lides domésticas, como lavar a roupa, cozinhar e fazer compras.

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Por isso é que o Litten é Malandro!

15 dezembro 201623m

Ash encontra um Litten selvagem a caminho da escola, que se aproveita da bondade dele e lhe rouba o almoço. Ash decide apanhá-lo.

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Um N-ovo desafio para Lillie!

22 dezembro 201623m

A turma recebe a tarefa de cuidar de um ovo Pokémon. Lillie concorda em tomar conta dele para ultrapassar o seu medo de lidar com Pokémon.

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Triunfo Sobre um Totem!

5 janeiro 201723m

Hala, o kahuna da Ilha Melemele, dá a Ash a sua primeira tarefa do desafio das ilhas: resolver de forma pacífica uma infestação de Raticate e Rattata.

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Provas e Tribulações!

12 janeiro 201723m

Ash prepara-se para o seu primeiro desafio das ilhas. Terá de derrotar Hala, que é experiente com Pokémon de luta e também tem as suas Técnicas-Z.

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O Jovem Kiawe Tinha Uma Quinta!

19 janeiro 201723m

Ash e Pikachu visitam a leitaria da família de Kiawe na ilha de Akala, onde há muitos Pokémon e muitas tarefas em que se pode ajudar.

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O Sol, o Susto, o Secreto Refúgio!

26 janeiro 201723m

Ash e os colegas vão numa excursão ao oceano. Mal sabem eles que a Team Rocket também por lá anda à caça de Pokémon.

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Corrida para um Grande Evento!

2 fevereiro 201723m

Ash decide tomar parte na Grande Corrida das Panquecas de Alola com Pikachu. Terão de enfrentar a campeã do ano anterior e o seu Raichu de Alola.

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Vamos Conhecer-nos Melhor!

9 fevereiro 201723m

Dois Vulpixes eclodem dos ovos Pokémon: o de Lillie é do tipo Alolano e recebe o nome de Snowy. Lillie e o Pokémon terão agora de se conhecer um ao outro.

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Agitar a Colina das Garras!

23 fevereiro 201723m

Quando Ash e o Professor Kukui se apercebem de que Rockruff regressa ferido a casa, instalam câmaras de vigilância e descobrem que Rockruff anda a treinar às escondidas!

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Pequeno Trio numa Grande Aventura!

2 março 201723m

O Popplio de Lana e o Rowlet de Ash desaparecem num dos balões de Popplio. Enquanto Ash e Lana os procuram, os dois caem direitinhos nas mãos da Team Rocket!

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Investigação Clara como Um Cristal!

9 março 201723m

Quando Ash perde o seu Cristal Z, Rotom aproveita para imitar o detetive da sua série favorita e Pikachu ajuda-o a resolver o caso.

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Uma Busca Condimentada!

16 março 201723m

Mallow invites her classmates to her restaurant to taste her version of Alola's legendary stew; unfortunately, her use of Pikachu's electric shock to cook it doesn't go over so well. It turns out that she is missing an important ingredient: the rare Saffron honey, so Ash and Pikachu decide to help Mallow gather some honey. Their plan is to use an Oricorio to find it, but finding one is not so easy. Meanwhile, Ash's Rowlet seems to have developed feelings for Mallow's Bounsweet, but the feelings are not reciprocated. Team Rocket turns up once again, but this time instead of stealing Pikachu they plan to steal the Saffron honey. However, their interference causes Bounsweet to evolve into a Steenee with a devastating slap attack.

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Desforra com o Guardião!

23 março 201723m

Quando Ash percebe que poderá em breve ter de enfrentar Tapu Koko novamente, Sophocles oferece-se para o ajudar com a investigação científica para o seu treino.

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Promessas de Companheiros!

6 abril 201723m

Após ouvir dos amigos as histórias sobre a "Ilha do Tesouro", Ash explora a ilha com Pikachu e avista algo de misterioso.

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Uma Jornada Acaba, Outra Começa!

6 abril 201723m

A caminho de casa, Ash cruza-se com Litten e o seu amigo Stoutland. Quando descobre que Stoutland está doente, Ash leva-o ao Centro Pokémon.

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À Procura da Pá Apavorante!

13 abril 201723m

Durante uma sessão de treino, Ash avista uma estranha pá pequena que se mexe sozinha. De acordo com Kiawe, tocar a pá de um Sandygast traz sempre problemas.

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Voltar a Juntar a Banda!

20 abril 201723m

Ash e os amigos vão a um concerto de DJ Leo com o seu Dugtrio de Alola. Depois do evento, descobrem que Leo e o Professor Kukui são velhos amigos.

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Casa Aberta em Alola!

27 abril 201723m

Aproxima-se o dia da visita da família na Escola Pokémon. Ash esforça-se a preparar um discurso para a ocasião, em que a mãe e o Mr. Mime virão visitá-lo.

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Disputa Team Contra Team!

4 maio 201723m

A Team Rocket vê Ash e Kiawe a exibir as suas Técnicas-Z e decidem procurar os seus próprios Cristais Z, mas a Team Skull também os quer.

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Até à vista, Sophocles!

11 maio 201723m

Sophocles descobre que a sua família pode estar para se mudar. Separar-se dos amigos na Escola Pokémon deixa Sophocles e o seu Togedemaru tristes.

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Uma Rivalidade Fulgurante!

18 maio 201723m

Um treinador misterioso com um poderoso Lycanroc derrota facilmente a Team Skull, fazendo espalhar rumores sobre ele. Então, Lillie revela de que se trata do irmão dela!

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Bola Rasteira no Pokémon-Base!

25 maio 201723m

Ash e os amigos mal cabem de si de contentes quando 'Olu'olu, famoso jogador de Pokébase e antigo aluno da Escola Pokémon, vem fazer de árbitro num jogo de Pokébase.

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Embalados Para a Terra dos Sonhos!

8 junho 201723m

Alunos e Pokémon vão acampar. Após acordarem estranhamente cansados, apercebem-se de que há algo na floresta.

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O Velho Criar e Trocar!

15 junho 201723m

Ash e os amigos trocam de Pokémon durante dois dias para um trabalho de turma. Ash leva Snowy para casa e Pikachu vai com Lillie.

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A Encantadora da Ilha!

22 junho 201723m

Olivia, a kahuna da Ilha de Akala, visita a Escola Pokémon. Ash e o resto da turma vão a Akala para uma aula prática orientada por ela.

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Caça ao Tesouro ao Estilo de Akala!

29 junho 201723m

Na primeira aula em Akala, Ash e os amigos vão com Stoutlands em busca de um tesouro. Lillie e Lana não lidam bem com os seus parceiros.

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Céu Grande, Peixe Pequeno!

6 julho 201723m

Ash e Lana vão à pesca numa lagoa famosa por um certo tipo de Pokémon. Entretanto, Kiawe leva os outros à quinta da sua família.

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Um Coroado Momento da Verdade!

20 julho 201723m

Os alunos vão ao Festival de Fogo Wela, mas, antes de os Pokémon poderem usar à vez a Coroa Wela, surge um Marowak selvagem e rouba-a!

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Um Combate com Condimentos Extra!

27 julho 201723m

Caril tradicional de Akala requer ingredientes especiais. Para poderem arranjar tudo, Ashe e Mallow terão de enfrentar Pokémon selvagens e outros perigos.

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Provas e Determinações!

3 agosto 201723m

Por fim, Ash combate Olivia na grande prova de Akala do desafio das ilhas. O Rowlet e o Rockruff de Ash enfrentam o Lycanroc e o Probopass de Olivia!

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Renascido das Ruínas!

10 agosto 201723m

Na noite da batalha, Rockruff sai às escondidas e encontra-se com Tapu Lele, o guardião da ilha. No dia seguinte, a escola inteira está à procura dele.

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Mimikyu Desmascarado!

17 agosto 201723m

Depois de a Team Rocket perder uma batalha contra Ash e Kiawe, Jessie e Mimikyu aterram num centro comercial, mas o disfarce de Mimikyu está danificado.

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Mallow e o Mestre da Floresta!

24 agosto 201723m

Mallow sente que não lhe dão o devido valor no restaurante da família e decide fugir. Enquanto os amigos e a Team Rocket a procuram, ela encontra um Oranguru.

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Balões, Brionne, e Beligerância!

31 agosto 201723m

Lana e Popplio trabalham a sua Técnica-Z, mas sem grande sucesso. Quando Ida e o seu Brionne chegam de visita, Lana pede para treinar com ela.

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Montar a Algo Eletrizante!

7 setembro 201723m

Sophocles convida Ash e Kiawe a juntarem-se à sua equipa na corrida experimental de Charjabug anual, mas a Team Rocket também almeja o troféu.

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Alola, Kanto!

14 setembro 201723m

A Escola Pokémon visita Kanto. Ash reúne-se com os velhos amigos Misty e Brock e com o seu velho Pokémon, mas a Team Rocket também está de volta.

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Quando Regiões Colidem!

Season Finale
21 setembro 201723m

Tudo parece de volta aos bons velhos tempos, quando Ash e os amigos combatem Misty e Brock no Ginásio de Cerulean, com Técnicas-Z contra a Mega Evolução.

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Um Encontro de Sonho!

5 outubro 201723m

Após regressar à Ilha de Melemele, Ash tem um sonho estranho. Ash e os amigos encontram um Pokémon desconhecido e a mãe de Lillie aparece para fazer uma visita.

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Agora Vemos, Agora Não!

12 outubro 201723m

Nebby vai com Ash para a escola, onde a Team Rocket estacionou a sua carrinha de malassadas. A Team planeia roubar Nebby, mas ele tem poderes de teletransporte.

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As Aparências Iludem!

19 outubro 201723m

A mãe de Lillie convida todos para a sua ilha privada, mas o seu assistente comporta-se de forma estranha com Nebby. E a Team Rocket infiltrou-se entre os funcionários...

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Um Aviso Mascarado!

26 outubro 201723m

Durante a hora do banho dos Pokémons, Ash fala de Gladion, o irmão de Lillie, e Nebby teletransporta-os para o lugar onde ele está: um vale cheio de Pinsirs!

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Noite das Mil Poses!

2 novembro 201723m

Lillie discute com a mãe por ela tentar controlar todas as suas atividades, o que acaba por deixá-la pensativa durante a festa de pijama do grupo, na casa de Ash.

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Missão: Memória Total!

9 novembro 201723m

Após o incidente na caverna, Lillie deixa novamente de conseguir tocar em Pokémons. Inicialmente, Gladion culpa Ash, mas depois começa a desconfiar de Faba.

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A Vingança de Faba!

16 novembro 201723m

Implacável, Faba planeia raptar Nebby e usá-lo para abrir um Ultra-Wormhole. Lillie, Ash e o resto do grupo estão atentos e tentam evitar que ele cumpra o seu plano.

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Determinação Familiar!

23 novembro 201723m

Enquanto Ash está preocupado com Nebby, Lillie e Gladion decidem salvar a mãe, o que implica terem de encontrar os Guardiães da Ilha Poni.

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A Lenda em Ação!

30 novembro 201723m

Ash e os amigos falam com os Guardiães da Ilha que trouxeram Nebby. O Professor Kakui dirige-se à Ilha Poni para ajudar a Professora Burnet.

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Resgatar os Relutantes!

7 dezembro 201723m

Lillie e o grupo usam o poder de Solgaleo para chegarem ao Mundo das Ultraferas. Aí encontram Lusamine, mas ela fundiu-se com a Ultrafera que a raptou.

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10 Milhões de Razões para Lutar!

14 dezembro 201723m

Os Pokémons de Lusamine lançam poderosos ataques. Enquanto Ash, Pikachu e Solgaleo tentam travar Lusamine, Lillie consegue aproximar-se dela.

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A Nova Aventura dos Professores!

21 dezembro 201723m

No regresso à Escola Pokémon, Solgaleo desaparece, deixando Ash deprimido. Os Professores Kukui e Burnet têm um anúncio importante a fazer.

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Não Acordes Pokémon que Dorme!

28 dezembro 201723m

O Komala da Escola participa numa lição sobre batalhas Pokémon. Uma Jigglypuff aparece e inicia um combate de canto com o Komala.

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O Dex não Consegue Evitar!

11 janeiro 201823m

Quando Ash e os professores deixam Rotom a tomar conta da casa, ele troca acidentalmente de lugar com um Rotom que estava dentro de uma encomenda.

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Lutar Contra as Lágrimas!

18 janeiro 201823m

A Mareanie de James estraga as suas tentativas de apanhar um Frillish e de capturar um Toxapex, com o qual ele partilha um difícil passado.

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Recordações Agridoces!

25 janeiro 201823m

As irmãs mais novas de Lana regressam de um passeio na floresta com uma baga invulgar, que Mallow reconhece dos tempos de infância que partilhou com Lana.

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Um Salto à Frente na Competição!

1 fevereiro 201823m

A turma viaja com o Kahuna Hala até à Ilha de Ula'ula para saberem mais sobre o Pokémon tipo Gelo de Alola, e ficam a conhecer o Salto de Trenó Pokémon.

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Uma Missão de Ultra Urgência!

8 fevereiro 201823m

Um Ultra-Wormhole abre-se na Ilha de Melemele, e os Ultraguardiães recebem a sua primeira missão: travar o ataque furioso de Buzzwole!

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Fiel a Si Próprio!

15 fevereiro 201823m

A Team Rocket confunde um Meowth de Alola com o seu Meowth. O novo Meowth volta com a equipa à base e parece estar a planear tomar o lugar do Meowth original.

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Levar o Fogo Mais Além!

22 fevereiro 201823m

Ash e Litten veem na televisão a nova Battle Royal protagonizada pelo Mascarado Royal e decidem aceitar o desafio que ele lança, juntamente com os amigos.

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Ash e Passimian! Touchdown da Amizade!!

1 março 201823m

Ash takes a trip to the marketplace and meets the local group of Passimians, who have a rivalry with the Akala Island Passimians. (exists only in Japanese) Original title: Satoshi and Nagetukesaru! Touchdown of Friendship!!

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Atrair Olhares e Treinar Duro!

8 março 201823m

Ilima, o antigo aluno da Escola Pokémon, regressa com o seu Eevee para uma visita. Ash experimenta fazer um mergulho Pokémon, mas é interrompido pela Team Skull.

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Fazer um "Smash" com Esboço!

15 março 201823m

Os alunos experimentam Pingue-Pongue Pokémon após uma aula de Ilima e depois participam no torneio organizado por ele.

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Amor à Primeira Volta!

22 março 201823m

Poipole regressa e só Pikachu consegue vê-lo. Enquanto Ash e os amigos procuram Pikachu, a Team Rocket tenta raptar Poipole.

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Vida Real... Informe-se Aqui!

5 abril 201823m

Uma batalha contra a Team Skull faz com que Ash chegue atrasado ao dia da experiência laboral. A turma substituiu a adoentada enfermeira Joy no Centro Pokémon.

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Ruma ao Céu e Brilha, Nave Estelar!

12 abril 201823m

Sophocles encontra uma nave enterrada enquanto acampa numa floresta de bambu: será uma nave pertencente a um conto de fadas, ou uma temível Ultrafera?

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A Chama Jovem Contra-Ataca!

19 abril 201823m

O presidente das Estâncias Arco-Íris Feliz quer comprar a quinta da família de Kiawe. Quando percebem que ele não vai desistir, Kiawe e Marowak desafiam-no.

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Apanhar a Lana!

26 abril 201823m

Quando um grupo de Dewpiders é forçado a sair do seu lar, um deles acaba por ficar separado dos outros e quando encontra Lana, apaixona-se por ela.

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Adoçar o Azedo!

26 abril 201823m

Ulu, o irmão mais velho de Mallow, e o seu Lickitung regressam da viagem a tempo do Festival do Pão de Alola, e decidem competir juntos.

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Que Tal Dar-me uma Pulseira-Z?

3 maio 201823m

Giovanni ordena à Team Rocket que vá à Ilha de Ula'ula recolher informações sobre a Pulseira-Z. Na ilha, deparam-se com um lendário desordeiro chamado Gengar.

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Provas de Durão!

10 maio 201823m

O Professor Kakui diz à turma que vai ser formada uma Liga Pokémon em Alola. Ash vai às provas da Ilha de Ula'ula com Nanu, o velho amigo de Giovanni.

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Isso é que é Preguiça!

17 maio 201823m

Após a sua derrota contra Nanu, Ash e Lycanroc querem tornar-se mais fortes. Acerola sugere que procurem Tapu Bulu, o Guardião da Ilha.

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Uma Troca de Combate!

24 maio 201823m

Na posse de uma Técnica-Z, a Team Rocket planeia capturar Pikachu. Nanu manda a Team combater Ash num supermercado abandonado, com Acerola a fazer de árbitro.

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Conquista de Controlo!

31 maio 201823m

Ash e Lycanroc enfrentam Nanu e o seu Pokémon Escuridão na Grande Prova da Ilha, mas Nanu não usa apenas o seu Pokémon na luta.

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Uma Captura Estrondosa!

7 junho 201823m

Quando uma alegada Ultrafera sobe ao palco num festival de fogo de artifício, os Ultraguardiões são chamados para capturá-la.

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Chuva de Amor Sobre o Mundo!

14 junho 201823m

Os alunos fazem uma visita de estudo ao Observatório de Hokulani, gerido por Molayne, o primo de Sophocles, para poderem observar os raros Minior.

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Nada de Ceder!

28 junho 201823m

Um atalho através de umas cavernas revela-se traiçoeiro: Ash e Kiawe ficam separados do grupo, e Lillie vê-se cara a cara com um Tyranitar!

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Uma Nova Chama Royal Acende-se!

5 julho 201823m

Quando Ash vê os Punidores prestes a fazerem batota no Battle Royal, ele e Torracat saltam para o ringue para lutarem ao lado do Mascarado Royal como a Dupla Royal.

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Dança, Dança, Evolução!

19 julho 201823m

O Professor Kukui manda a turma começar uma dança Pokémon. Enquanto os alunos e os Pokémon praticam, a Team Rocket planeia roubar os dançarinos de apoio.

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Tonto, Encolheste os Miúdos!

26 julho 201823m

Faba regressa para mostrar a sua mais recente invenção: uma incrível máquina de encolher. Mas quando o dispositivo se descontrola, Ash, Sophocles e Lillie são encolhidos!

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As Formas do Amor que Virá!

2 agosto 201823m

Ash e Poipole conhecem a artista Mina e o seu simpático Ribombee. Poipole começa a expressar-se através da pintura, mas os seus sentimentos tornam-se obscuros.

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O Grande Salto para Casa!

9 agosto 201823m

Após praticarem saltos na aula de ginástica, os alunos confundem a Ultrafera Stakataka com um plinto. Os Ultraguardiães perseguem-na até ao estaleiro de obras de Viren!

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Escolho o Paraíso!

16 agosto 201823m

Os Ultraguardiães e os seus Transportes Pokémon viajam até à Estância Paraíso Pokémon para relaxarem. Mas a Team Rocket não está a aprontar coisa boa por lá.

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Encher a Luz de Escuridão!

23 agosto 201823m

Na véspera de um eclipse solar, os adultos parecem estranhamente exaustos. Os Ultraguardiães tentam dispersar as nuvens para acederem a um wormhole gigante.

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Todos Juntos Sob a Lua Cheia!

30 agosto 201823m

Quando um agressor misterioso drena a Ultra-Aura da região de Alola, os Ultraguardiães tentam rechaçá-lo com a ajuda de Solgaleo.

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O Prisma Entre Luz e Escuridão!

6 setembro 201823m

Os Ultraguardiães encontram o lar original de Poipole e descobrem através da Ultrafera Naganadel que Necrozma, que conhecem como UF Preto, foi em tempos o Resplandecente.

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Assegurando o Futuro!

13 setembro 201823m

No auge do eclipse, kahunas das ilhas, humanos e Pokémon transferem as suas energias para Necrozma. Trabalhando juntos, conseguem rechaçar as trevas!

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Uma Infinidade de Pikachu!

7 outubro 201823m

Ash, Kiawe e Mimo visitam o Vale dos Pikachu e conhecem a pika-especialista Pikala. Todos ficam a saber mais sobre os Pikachu e o Pikachu de Ash faz muitos novos amigos.

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Um Outro Mascarado Royal!

Season Finale
14 outubro 201823m

Kukui é persuadido a levar Burnet e Ash a um encontro Mascarado Royal no centro comercial. Para manter o seu segredo a salvo, Kukui pede ajuda a Molayne.

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Lillier e o Ceptro!

21 outubro 201823m

É o dia da peça da Escola Pokémon. Ash e os amigos têm uma grande surpresa quando o palco é invadido por alguém que não faz parte do elenco. Conseguirão salvar a peça?

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Uma Casa Assombrada Para Todos!

28 outubro 201823m

A Escola Pokémon transforma-se numa casa assombrada! Harper e Sarah estão radiantes com tantos Pokémon de tipo Fantasma, mas é então que algo misterioso acontece...

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Confusão Faiscante!

4 novembro 201823m

Os Ultraguardiães têm uma nova missão: descobrir a causa da estranha anomalia magnética detetada no Vulcão Wela. Mas há que ter muito cuidado com a ira do Golem!

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O Stufful Está em Família!

11 novembro 201823m

A visita de Ash ao Paraíso Aether transforma-se numa busca por um Stufful desaparecido. É preciso encontrar este adorável Pokémon antes que alguém lhe deite a mão.

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Novo Rival, Nova Técnica, Novo Rowlet!

18 novembro 201823m

Ash e Rowlet são desafiados para um duelo por um novo amigo que conhecem na floresta e sofrem uma derrota rápida. Agora, só pensam na desforra.

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Luzes, Câmara, Mudanças!

25 novembro 201823m

Rotom consegue um papel numa série de televisão conhecida, mas isso implica ir para fora. Ash fica feliz com o sucesso do amigo, mas as despedidas são sempre difíceis.

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Nós Sabemos Aonde é Que Vais, Eevee!

2 dezembro 201823m

Sozinho e sem amigos, um pequeno Eevee parte à aventura e ruma a Alola, mas a viagem não é fácil. Conseguirá Eevee chegar são e salvo e encontrar um novo lar?

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Combater Contra a Fera Interior!

9 dezembro 201823m

Ash e Pikachu desafiam Tapu Koko para um duelo e, sem saberem como, são teletransportados. Onde estão e como voltam para casa? E que Pokémon gigantesco é este?

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Corram, Heróis, Corram!

3 fevereiro 201923m

Durante um combate, Ash e Kiawe são interpelados por um velhote misterioso. Kiawe recebe uma missão, que terá de cumprir para salvar a vida de Ash.

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Memórias na Névoa!

10 fevereiro 201923m

Ash e os amigos estão a ajudar Hapu na quinta quando são apanhados de surpresa por uma névoa muito estranha. Será o fenómeno de que falavam momentos antes?

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Uma Grande Estreia!

17 fevereiro 201923m

Depois de se tornar kahuna da Ilha Poni, Hapu aceita o desafio de Ash para a Grande Prova. Que Pokémon escolherá Ash? Conseguirá ele arrecadar um Cristal-Z novo?

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Sempre Com os Olhos na Bola!

24 fevereiro 201923m

Uma célebre golfista Pokémon em maré de azar chega a Alola e acaba por brindar Ash e companhia com uma aula de golfe que jamais esquecerão.

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Metal para o Meltan!

3 março 201923m

De volta a casa, Ash e os amigos apercebem-se de que trouxeram tripulantes clandestinos da Ilha Poni... e nunca tinham visto nada como estas incríveis criaturas!

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Meltan, o Novo Amigo de Rowlet!

10 março 201923m

O Professor Oak confirma a identidade do Pokémon misterioso. Mas, antes que a turma tenha oportunidade de os conhecer melhor, um deles mete-se em trabalhos.

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Este Momento Magik!

17 março 201923m

Ash e os amigos vão assistir à gravação de um concurso de televisão e conhecem um Magikarp muito fofo chamado Karpy. Mas algo estranho se passa no estúdio.

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A Beldade Está no Cristal!

24 março 201923m

Não pode ser! Uma Ultrafera roubou o Cristal-Z de Hala! Os Ultraguardiães têm de deter o veloz Pheromosa, antes que dê sumiço a outros cristais.

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O Chefe da Destruição

31 março 201923m

Está toda a gente em delírio com o anúncio da criação da Liga Pokémon de Alola. Bom, toda a gente menos uma pessoa, que está decidida a estragar a festa aos outros.

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A Princesa Secreta!

7 abril 201923m

Lillie e Gladion procuram pistas que os aproximem do paradeiro do pai na antiga sala dele. Lillie encontra a Pulseira-Z dele e um Pokémon adormecido chamado Magearna.

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E Tudo o Vento Leva!

14 abril 201923m

Ash e companhia estão a divertir-se à grande na Cidade de Malie quando Shaymin, Ondinhas e Meltan desaparecem. Será que há dedo da Team Rocket neste mistério?

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Chegar ao Mais Alto Piso!

21 abril 201923m

É dia de combate com os ninjas do Ginásio da Cidade de Malie. Só o finalista pode subir ao piso mais alto e bater-se com o chefe pelo crachá do Ginásio de Kanto.

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Um Despertar de Alta Velocidade!

28 abril 201923m

Sophocles decide participar numa corrida de Vikavolts, mas a competição promete ser renhida. Conseguirá o nosso amigo manter-se firme e conquistar o primeiro prémio?

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O Que Não Escapou!

5 maio 201923m

O Pokémon Lendário Kyogre foi envenenado e está a ser perseguido pelos maléficos Caçadores Pokémon. Ash e os amigos têm de salvar Kyogre antes que seja tarde demais.

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Uma Receita Para o Sucesso!

12 maio 201923m

Ao visitar a taberna do Oranguru para ir buscar Cogumelos Grandes, Mallow acaba por cozinhar um prato original para um cliente inesperado, que lhe oferece um presente.

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A Espiar Pelo Chefe!

19 maio 201923m

Pressionados pelo quartel-general para enviarem a Bewear que (supostamente) capturaram, a Team Rocket pensa num plano para esconder a mentira.

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Um Truque no Acampamento de Treino!

26 maio 201923m

Todos estão a treinar no duro para a Liga Pokémon de Alola e Sophocles está com dificuldades em dominar a sua Técnica-Z. Frustrado e irritado, ele só pensa em desistir.

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Viver no Fio da Navalha

2 junho 201923m

Têm acontecido coisas misteriosas na Ilha de Melemele nos últimos tempos e os Ultraguardiães estão a investigar o caso. Mas vêm aí problemas maiores!

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Um Encontro Intemporal!

9 junho 201923m

Enquanto treina para a Liga Pokémon de Alola, um Celebi envia Ash e um dos seus Pokémons para o passado. Ali, conhecem um rapaz com quem se divertem à grande.

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A Aventura Empolgante de Pikachu!

16 junho 201923m

Ash e Torracat regressam do passado e juntam-se aos outros Pokémons, mas encontram-nos cobertos de terra! Que terá acontecido enquanto estiveram ausentes?

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Seguindo Memórias, Criando Sonhos!

23 junho 201923m

Lillie apresenta os amigos a um Pokémon que parece ter parado no tempo, enquanto Gladion parte numa missão para encontrar um Pokémon há muito desaparecido.

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Opositores e Apoiantes da Liga!

30 junho 201923m

Ash e os amigos chegam ao Estádio Manalo. Mas quando a Team Skull começa a causar sarilhos no exterior, irrompe uma luta antes de a competição ter sequer começado.

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Battle Royal 151!

7 julho 201923m

O ar enche-se de pó, fogo e eletricidade para mais de cem Treinadores de Pokémon, que competem para passar à fase seguinte. Que comecem os jogos!

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Combates Entre Amigos!

14 julho 201923m

O estádio fica ao rubro enquanto os 16 treinadores restantes se enfrentam: Ash vs. Faba, Ilima vs. Guzma, Hau vs. Diretor Oak e Mallow vs. Lana.

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Amizades Paralelas!

15 julho 201923m

A Escola Pokémon está em ruínas! Se Ash e Pikachu não remediarem esta terrível situação, nunca mais voltarão a ver os seus amiguinhos.

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Alola, Alola!

16 julho 201923m

Ash e os amigos ficam radiantes com a visita de Brock e Misty e decidem ter uma aventura divertida na Ilha do Tesouro. Mas, pelos vistos, a ilha já não está deserta.

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Coração de Fogo, Coração de Pedra!

17 julho 201923m

O amor está no ar. Brock propõe uma visita à Ilha de Akala, na esperança de ver e conquistar a sua amada, Olivia. Mas, primeiro, tem de passar no teste da bela jovem.

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Pesquisa na Ilha Com Sabor a Picante!

18 julho 201923m

Quando Ash e os colegas vão à Ilha Poni para os seus projetos de pesquisa, o nosso herói é acusado de roubar Rabanetes Poni. Conseguirá Ash provar a sua inocência?

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O Recinto de Combate da Verdade e do Amor!

21 julho 201923m

Jessie e James enfrentam-se ainda sob disfarce e com o resultado combinado. Mas com o evoluir do combate, um deles muda de ideias.

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Confronto na Ilha Poni!

22 julho 201923m

Ash quer enfrentar Tapu Fini na Grande Prova e desafia Hapu para um combate, mas ela recusa. Se ela não está para aí virada, talvez se arranje outro adversário?

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Pesquisa em Evolução!

23 julho 201923m

Sophocles vai até ao Desfiladeiro Poni na esperança de evoluir o seu Charjabug, mas acaba por ter um encontro inesperado com os seus rivais que resulta num combate.

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A Imitação é a Melhor Estratégia!

28 julho 201923m

Ash deixa Rowlet competir na ronda seguinte, mas correm o risco de perder. Para vencer, Rowlet terá de dominar uma nova técnica num curto espaço de tempo.

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Combater com Golpes de Asa!

4 agosto 201923m

O combate entre Ash e Hau é renhido, com os Pokémons de ambos a envolverem-se numa épica luta pelos céus. Rowlet e Decidueye combatem no ar.

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O Caminho para as Semifinais!

11 agosto 201923m

Alguns rivais despertam o melhor entre si, enquanto outros revelam o pior. Com um lugar nas meias-finais em jogo, Guzma recorre a truques sujos.

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Os Quatro Finalistas!

18 agosto 201923m

Mimo, a irmã de Kiawe, chega à ilha para o apoiar, mas depara-se com a Team Skull antes de chegar ao estádio. Para sua sorte, um herói intervém.

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Final em Fúria!

25 agosto 201923m

As meias-finais começam com Gladion e Silvally a enfrentarem Kiawe e Turtonator. Depois, é a vez de Ash e Torracat ajustarem contas com Guzma e Scizor.

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A Sensatez de não Fugir!

1 setembro 201923m

Com a sua série de vitórias consecutivas em risco, Guzma é varrido pelo medo. Mas, pela primeira vez, escolhe continuar na luta até ao fim.

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Rivais na Final!

8 setembro 201923m

O Professor Oak e Delia chegam na véspera do combate final. Um grupo de Meltans selvagens também está de visita e, com a sua ajuda, Meltan evolui.

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Eis o Campeão!

15 setembro 201923m

A final continua: Ash e Pikachu combatem contra Gladion e Zoroark, com ambos os lados a usarem as suas Técnicas-Z. Só os melhores vencerão!

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Confronto de Técnicas-Z!

22 setembro 201923m

Após o final da competição, abre-se um portal que liberta um Guzzlord. Com a chegada de mais Ultraferas, toda a ajuda é pouca para salvar a ilha.

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Exibição Desmascarada!

29 setembro 201923m

Ash, o primeiro campeão de sempre de Alola, enfrenta o lendário Mascarado Royal, o Professor Kukui, num combate de seis contra seis.

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Combates Integrais em Abundância!

6 outubro 201923m

O combate entre Ash e o Professor Kukui prossegue, com Ash e os amigos a terem de dar tudo por tudo contra a idade e a experiência de Kukui.

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Surpresas Flamejantes!

13 outubro 201923m

Restam apenas três Pokémons de cada lado e a batalha aquece à medida que se aproxima do final, com Ash e Kukui a recorrerem às suas Técnicas-Z.

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Uma Técnica-Z para Todas as Ocasiões!

20 outubro 201923m

Numa reviravolta inesperada, Tapu Koko entra no ringue como o último Pokémon de Kukui contra Ash e Naganadel, dando início à derradeira batalha de Técnicas-Z.

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Sonhos de Sol e Lua!

27 outubro 201923m

Com alguns dias para gastar até às férias, Ash e Kiawe enfrentam-se pela primeira vez. A tentativa de Lillie de acordar Magearna traz de volta memórias do passado.

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Obrigado, Alola! A Jornada Continua!

Season Finale
3 novembro 201923m

Guiados pela visão de Magearna, Lillie e Gladion partem numa viagem para encontrar o pai. Entretanto, Ash também tem planos para partir sozinho.

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Enter Pikachu!

17 novembro 201923m

Though he's excited to attend Professor Oak's Pokémon camp, Ash oversleeps when the day arrives. Newcomer Goh is just as excited — and on time.

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Legend? Go! Friends? Go!

24 novembro 201923m

Professor Oak invites Ash to the opening ceremony for Professor Cerise's new lab in Vermilion City. Goh sets out to catch a legendary Pokémon.

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Ivysaur's Mysterious Tower!

1 dezembro 201923m

Professor Cerise asks Ash and Goh to investigate the sudden appearance of Ivysaur in Vermilion City, but the two researchers disagree on their methods.

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Settling the Scorebunny!

8 dezembro 201923m

Ash and Goh head to the Galar region on assignment. During their stopover, some Pokémon steal Ash's backpack — with Ash and Goh's train tickets inside!

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Mind-Boggling Dynamax!

15 dezembro 201923m

Once they get off the train, Ash and Goh set out on the hunt for Dynamax Pokémon. Meanwhile, a Scorbunny is hot on their trail.

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Working My Way Back to Mew!

22 dezembro 201923m

After learning more about the Pokédex functions on their Rotom Phones from Professor Cerise, Ash and Goh head out to catch some local Pokémon.

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Serving Up the Flute Cup!

29 dezembro 201923m

Ash and Goh travel to the Hoenn region, where Ash has entered Goh into the Battle Frontier Flute Cup. Their first opponents are Hodge and his Hariyama.

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The Sinnoh Iceberg Race!

12 janeiro 202023m

The internet is full of reports that legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh has been seen in the Johto region. The researchers head to Ecruteak City to check it out.

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Finding a Legend!

19 janeiro 202023m

The internet is full of reports that legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh has been seen in the Johto region. The researchers head to Ecruteak City to check it out.

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A Test in Paradise!

26 janeiro 202023m

After a ship's captain reports being saved by a Dragonite, Goh and Ash set out in search of the Dragonite island that they believe exists ... somewhere.

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Best Friend... Worst Nightmare!

2 fevereiro 202023m

While the laboratory staff deal with a mysterious power outage, Chloe contemplates her future and her relationship with Pokémon.

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Flash of the Titans!

9 fevereiro 202023m

Professor Cerise gives Ash and Goh tickets to the World Coronation Series finals in the Galar region, where the strongest trainers battle for glory!

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The Climb to Be the Very Best!

16 fevereiro 202023m

When a Gigantamax Drednaw interrupts the World Coronation finals in pursuit of Team Rocket, Ash, Goh and their Pokémon spring into action!

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Raid Battle in the Ruins!

23 fevereiro 202023m

Ash and Goh travel to the Unova region, where they head to the newly discovered Ruins of the Titan site at Desert Resort to search for Pokémon.

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A Snow Day for Searching!

1 março 202023m

After snow in Vermilion City forces Professor Cerise to shut down the lab for system maintenance, Goh heads home for a few days to visit his family.

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A Chilling Curse!

8 março 202023m

Gengar's hauntings at the lab resume. Ash and Goh vow to capture the poltergeist Pokémon, and Professor Cerise explains the lab's paranormal history.

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Kicking It from Here Into Tomorrow!

15 março 202023m

After Darmanitan taunts Scorbunny in a practice battle, Scorbunny is determined to learn the Ember attack, but getting Goh's attention is a challenge.

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Destination: Coronation!

22 março 202023m

Ash and Goh head to the Vermilion Gym, where Ash challenges the substitute Gym Leader as his first World Coronation Series opponent.

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A Talent for Imitation!

29 março 202023m

Goh and Ash visit a film set, where the star, a Ditto, flees after a fight with the director. They search for her, but she's fallen in with Team Rocket!

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Dreams Are Made of These!

5 abril 202023m

Pokémon Orienteering day dawns bright and early, with Ash, Goh and Professor Cerise each leading a group of kids on a trek through Vermilion City.

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Caring for a Mystery!

12 abril 202023m

After learning about Pokémon Eggs, Goh wants to find one. Ash's latest World Coronation Series match ends with him feeling like someone is calling him.

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Goodbye, Friend!

19 abril 202023m

Ash and Goh head to the Hoenn region to witness the annual migration of Beautifly, but first they have to find them. Goh's Raboot starts acting out.

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Panic in the Park!

7 junho 202023m

Someone seems to be stealing the food that the researchers leave out for Pokémon in Cerise Park. To catch the culprit, Ash and Goh camp out.

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A Little Rocket R & R!

14 junho 202023m

Team Rocket are sent to the Sinnoh region for a vacation, but their break is interrupted by the arrival of Ash and Goh looking for a special Pokémon.

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A Festival Reunion!

21 junho 202023m

Ash and Goh head to the Kalos region, where Goh wants to catch Kalos Pokémon and Ash sets his sights on a World Coronation Series Battle Festival.

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Goh enters his giant Magikarp in the tenth annual Magikarp High Jump Tournament. Then he and Ash head to Slowpoke Island, hoping to catch a Slowpoke.

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Toughing It Out!

5 julho 202023m

Professor Cerise gives Ash and Goh tickets to a World Coronation Series Master Class battle in Galar, with challenger Raihan battling champion Leon.

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Sobbing Sobble!

12 julho 202023m

A Sobble sneaks up on Ash and Goh while they're eating at the Wyndon Pokémon Center. To catch it, they have to follow a trail of crying people.

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There's a New Kid in Town!

19 julho 202023m

Yamper brings home an injured Pidove, so Professor Cerise and his family decide to nurse it back to health. Chloe has her hands full keeping the peace!

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Betrayed, Bothered, and Beleaguered!

26 julho 202023m

Ash and Riolu are on a roll after the latest World Coronation Series battle, and Pikachu is jealous! When Ash's mom visits, Pikachu follows her home.

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The Cuteness Quotient!

2 agosto 202023m

Chloe asks Ash and Goh to step in at her younger brother Parker's school: His friend Nami is upset that other kids say her Feebas isn't cute.

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Time After Time!

9 agosto 202023m

Goh joins his parents for a family vacation in the Johto region. Walking through the woods, he recalls meeting another trainer there three years ago.

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Trade, Borrow, and Steal!

16 agosto 202023m

The local Pokémon Center is hosting a Pokémon trading event. When Ash and Goh head over to check it out, they meet a trainer who's a Bug-type enthusiast.

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Solitary and Menacing!

23 agosto 202023m

Ash travels to Saffron City to battle his next opponent, but when he learns that the Karate Master has been defeated, he challenges the victor instead.

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Gotta Catch a What?!

30 agosto 202023m

Goh decides to catch a Pikachu, and Professor Cerise informs him about a mass outbreak of Pikachu in the mountains. But Team Rocket is on the hunt too!

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Making Battles in the Sand!

6 setembro 202023m

After Ash battles new opponents in the World Coronation Series, the Cerise Laboratory researchers head to the Hoenn region to investigate a sandstorm.

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That New Old Gang of Mine!

13 setembro 202023m

Ash and Goh head to the Alola region and reunite with Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet and Ash's human and Pokémon friends at the Pokémon School.

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Restore and Renew!

20 setembro 202023m

With Chloe in tow, Ash and Goh visit the Pewter Museum of Science. Goh heads to a public dig site to find a Fossil Pokémon, but Team Rocket is there!

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Octo-Gridlock at the Gym!

27 setembro 202023m

Goh and Ash travel to the Cianwood Gym in the Johto region so Ash can take on Bea in a World Coronation Series rematch.

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A Crackling Raid Battle!

9 outubro 202023m

When a hot day in Vermilion City turns thunderous, Ash, Goh and Professor Cerise suspect that the Legendary bird Pokémon Zapdos is somewhere nearby.

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Pikachu Translation Check! / Up to Your Neck!

16 outubro 202023m

While Meowth battles a cold, Jessie and James review a video of Ash's Pikachu. On a forest walk, Ash and Goh try to help a wild Marshtomp.

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Sword and Shield, Slumbering Weald!

23 outubro 202023m

Ash and Goh set out for the Galar region to investigate the Dynamax phenomenon. During a train delay, they meet strange Pokémon in a mysterious forest.

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Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!

30 outubro 202023m

While Goh and Sonia investigate the Darkest Day in Turffield, Team Rocket infiltrates the Galar Energy Plant, with Ash and Leon heading there too.

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Sword and Shield: From Here to Eternatus!

6 novembro 202023m

Ash heads to Stow-on-Side to meet Sonia and Goh, who conclude that the Darkest Day is a Pokémon. At the Energy Plant, Leon encounters it directly.

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Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken!

13 novembro 202023m

At the stadium, Leon and Team Rocket are no match for Eternatus. Ash takes on Chairman Rose while Goh battles Oleana to break through and end the chaos.

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Getting More Than You Battled For!

20 novembro 202023m

When Psychic energy is detected on Cero Island, Ash and Goh head out in hopes of finding Mew. When they get there, they meet an old foe: Mewtwo!

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Crowning the Chow Crusher!

27 novembro 202023m

The Vermilion City Pokémon Eating Contest is on, and Ash, Goh and their Pokémon are competing for a trip to Unova. Team Rocket wants to win too.

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A Close Call... Practically!

Season Finale
4 dezembro 202023m

Setting out on Goh's prize trip, Ash and Goh arrive in Castelia City. Unbeknownst to them, Team Rocket is lying in wait to kidnap Pikachu!

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