Keskustele nimikkeestä Hap and Leonard

I am quite frankly stunned that no one is talking about this show!

Getting into some spoilers from season 1 and season 2:

I could have done without a lot of the blood and gore at the end of this season, and to be honest, I think it would have been better without the two psychos. I get that this is based off a book but more could have been done with the gang Hap and Leonard got involved with at the beginning. It was still a great season though.

Now for season 2.

I don't know if shows are becoming too predictable or if I'm finally implementing more thought in shows I watch, but all through this season JUST before a reveal was made about particular characters, things suddenly just clicked for me. Like MeMaw for example. In the episode where the camera pans to the picture on the mantle in MeMaw's house, and it shows the people from the very beginning when the Klan burned the house and murdered everyone but the little girl who hid behind the tree, literally a few moments before the camera panned to the picture, my jaw had dropped with the realization that the little girl was MeMaw, and the picture on the mantle confirmed it.

Then, at the carnival when Hap and Leonard were searching for whomever had been part of the carnival for 13 or more years, my brain started thinking and one of my thoughts was, "What if it's someone who goes to the carnival every year?" and then I got a deep chill down my back and I just KNEW it was the Reverend who murdered all those boys. For a short moment I went into denial, especially when T.J. was found in the field with Ivan, and I wanted to cry because I couldn't believe he was a part of it, but then I remembered what he'd said at the beginning of that episode when he was driving Hap and Leonard to the carnival and at the stop sign he said, "No one 'spects the retard." and then it made sense, but I was still horrified that he was part of it, and then the Reverend came out with the shotgun and I realized I'd been right in the first place. He just used T.J. as a dupe, convincing him that these boys needed to go to god and what they were doing was righteous and needed, and T.J. being so simple, fell for it.

Add to this, that once they were both dead; the MOMENT they were both dead, I knew that MeMaw was going to die too because she had nothing left to live for. She'd done the best she could but with T.J. dead, she wasn't really needed anymore so she was free to move on. I still cried though. And I also wonder if she died of a broken heart because she may have felt as though she failed T.J. She knew the Reverend was a lost cause, but she tried with T.J. and he still made a bad choice and fell in league with who she felt was the devil. That whole storyline was so sad.

Now I just want to find out if Ivan will somehow get to stay with Leonard. Though I'm curious to see Ivan's family and just why he doesn't want to live with them.

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I like this show. It has some interesting moments. The season 2 finale was good. I hope there is a season 3.

@Satai Delenn said:

I don't know if shows are becoming too predictable or if I'm finally implementing more thought in shows I watch, but all through this season JUST before a reveal was made about particular characters, things suddenly just clicked for me.

Its you. As you noted, many of the conclusions of the character arcs are telegraphed by the writers. That's because if they weren't hinted at, the endings would be so completely out of the blue that it would be more like a deus ex machina than a plausible story. Combine that with the constraints of a television series and its not too hard to forsee what must happen for things to get wrapped up. Same thing with the finale and BB's true story and the finale murder -- it all played out the only way it could plausibly play out given what we already knew about the characters and the limitations of it being the finale episode in the season. Even Ivan's departure was predictable, he might have a cameo appearance in the 3rd season but he could never be a regular because the show is entirely focused on Hap and Leonard.

PS. You might find the related concept of mis-en-scene worth checking out.

I just watched seasons 1-2 on Netflix. Yes these two oddballs are fun to watch, especially the banter between them both.

I'm currently watching this on Netflix. Just started the last season. SO disappointed that it has ended. Any chance on Netflix picking it up?

@ScorpionQ2 said:

Season 3 will be the last:

Just tried to go there but nothing. Just a 404 error. Why was it cancelled? I was looking forward to another season. I hope another REGULAR network picks it up, not Netflix or I won't be able to watch!

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