Episodes 50


Les deux êtres de la destinée

April 6, 201624m

Benio Adashino est une Onmyôji qui combat et purifie les Impurs qui apparaissent intempestivement dans le monde des humains. Rokuro Enmadô, lui, est un ex-Onmyôji qui refuse catégoriquement de s'adonner à cette tâche, malgré des compétences prometteuses. Deux Onmyôji complètement différents dont la rencontre semble être destinée…

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Le croisement des étoiles jumelles

April 13, 201624m

Suite à leur combat difficile contre un Impur coriace, Benio est impressionnée par le pouvoir de Rokuro et le considère désormais comme son rival. Elle souhaite impérativement en découdre avec lui, au grand dam de ce dernier. Mais un nouveau personnage ne va pas tarder à exaucer son vœu…

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Rencontre manquée

April 20, 201624m

Benio va désormais vivre à la pension Seika en compagnie de Rokuro. Ce sera l'occasion pour elle de faire son entrée au même collège, et pour Rokuro de renouer un peu avec son amie d'enfance Mayura.

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Les sons de Magano

April 27, 201624m

Rokuro connaît Ryôgo depuis sa plus tendre enfance et le considère comme son frère. Leur relation tend toutefois à s'effriter depuis que Ryôgo tente, tant bien que mal, de rapprocher Benio et Rokuro pour que ce dernier redevienne officiellement Onmyôji…

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Suzaku des douze généraux célestes

May 4, 201624m

Suite au sauvetage in extremis de Ryôgo à Magano, Rokuro envisage petit à petit de reprendre la voie des Onmyôji. Lors d'une conjuration avec les autres habitants de la pension Seika, sa rencontre avec un des généraux célestes ne va plus le faire hésiter très longtemps…

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Benio et Mayura

May 11, 201624m

Mayura, l'amie d'enfance de Rokuro, tient absolument à se lier d'amitié avec Benio. Mais elle se heurte à la réticence de la demoiselle, obnubilée par son devoir d'Onmyôji.

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Une nouvelle épreuve

May 18, 201624m

Arima Tsuchimikado, le chef des Onmyôji, réserve une surprise de taille à Rokuro et Benio. Quelle nouvelle épreuve attend donc les étoiles jumelles ?

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Les sentiments de Rokuro

May 25, 201624m

Mayura apprend le statut d'étoiles jumelles de ses deux amis et sa signification. L'ayant vu souffrir par le passé, elle veut empêcher Rokuro de redevenir Onmyôji. Mais quel est donc ce douloureux passé qui fait tant hésiter Rokuro ?

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Drames entremêlés

June 1, 201624m

L'heure des révélations a sonné pour Benio, qui apprend que le meurtrier de son frère, ancien aspirant de la pension Hiinatsuki, serait en fait Rokuro. Il est donc grand temps de faire la lumière sur ce qui s'est réellement passé…

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L'entraînement de Subaru

June 8, 201624m

Déterminés à gagner en puissance, Rokuro et Benio veulent s'entraîner ensemble. Une curieuse visite va les amener à suivre un entraînement des plus étranges.

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Au boulot, jeunes mariés !

June 15, 201624m

Subaru Mitejima, général céleste, continue d'entraîner à sa manière les étoiles jumelles alors que les concernés, Rokuro et Benio, doutent de plus en plus de la pertinence de leur entraînement. Qu'a donc Subaru derrière la tête ?

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Fous-moi la paix

June 22, 201624m

Rokuro et Benio poursuivent leur vie sous le même toit. Un soir, Benio décide de sortir seule et tombe nez-à-nez avec un Impur ravivant de très mauvais souvenirs…

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Ton courage, mon courage

July 6, 201624m

Benio est totalement impuissante face au meurtrier de ses parents, le Basara nommé Kamui. Rokuro veut lui prêter main forte, mais cet Impur à forme humaine semble être à la recherche des étoiles jumelles. Quelle sera l'issue de ce combat ?

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Yukata, étoiles et souhaits

July 12, 201624m

Rokuro, Benio et leurs amis fêtent Tanabata. C'est l'occasion pour eux de se remémorer tout ce qui leur est arrivé en observant les étoiles…

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Adieu la solitude

July 19, 201624m

Fushihara, un Onmyôji provenant de la branche d'Ayame, présente une nouvelle venue à Ryôgo. Tandis que celui-ci culpabilise de passer du bon temps, Rokuro se rend compte que Seigen exécute des missions seul sans rien dire à personne. Qu'est-ce qui se trame au quartier Narukami ?

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As an Exorcist - Salvation Then Wailing

July 26, 201624m

After harsh words from Seigen, the Twin Stars are frustrated with how powerless they feel. Mayura decides to help cheer her exorcist friends up, in spite of a warning from her father...

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Seigen attacks Yuuto, which proves useless. Yuuto fatally wounds Seigen who casts a barrier around the Twin Star Exorcists and the fainted Mayura. Seigen resolves to blow himself up; however, Rokuro and Benio escape from inside the barrier, which again Yuuto congratulates. Seigen is saved minus one arm and Rokuro manages to land a punch on Yuuto who is shocked. He then announces that he will wait for Rokuro's answer (whether he will join Yuuto on the dark side) at a place where there are precious memories for the both of them: Hiinatsuki Dormitory. Seigen and Mayura were hospitalized: Seigen undergoing surgery and Mayura still unconscious. Jissama has received information that the Twelve Guardians has been mobilized to destroy Yuuto and he gives Rokuro a package that Seigen had been wanting to give him. Inside, there is the black exorcist uniform that Seigen wore. Rokuro wears the uniform and announces to Benio that he will defeat Yuuto even with the Twelve Guardians mobilized.

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On the Eve of Battle - Triumph Over Fear

August 10, 201624m

Rokuro has sworn to defeat Yuto. But... how? The Twin Star Exorcists look at the facts and try to find a way to strengthen their odds against an opponent that outclasses them in nearly every way.

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It's all been leading up to this. With their new Resonance abilities, the Twin Star Exorcists take the fight directly to Ijika Yuto. Will it be enough to defeat the twisted, evil exorcist?

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Our Path - To the Future with Us Two

August 24, 201624m

Yuto has been dominating the Twin Star Exorcists so far, but can help from an unexpected source change the course of their battle? (Note: This episode is the point where the anime fully diverges from the manga)

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Rebirth of the Twin Stars - Sweetie Fairy

August 31, 201624m

Two years have passed since their battle with Yuto, and the Twin Star Exorcists have gotten better with age. But when they find something unexpected in Magano, there's no telling what it could mean for their future.

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The hellish world of Magano, home of the Kegare, has begun to leak into our reality. Can the Twin Star Exorcists stop the growing influence before it spells doom for the town of Narukami?

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Westward, Twin Stars - Hard To Be Mother

September 14, 201624m

The Twin Stars head out of town to seal a Dragon Spot, and Benio is confronted with the infamy caused by her brother.

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The Kegare's Dream - What Is Beautiful?

September 21, 201624m

The Twin Stars' tour across Japan to seal the Kegare-spawning Dragon Spots makes a detour to an amusement park, and Sae makes a new friend that Benio and Rokuro aren't happy about.

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Celestial Avatar - Come Back! Southpaw

September 28, 201624m

The Twin Stars head down to Nagoya and encounter a baseball stadium that has been taken over by a Basara.

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Twin Stars VS Twins - Basara Twins' Strings

October 5, 201624m

The Twin Star Exorcists meet a pair of twin Basara brothers, whose teamwork might be a match for our heroes' powers... And the mastermind behind the Dragon Spots finally reveals himself.

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Mayura-chan's Secret - Mayura's Secret Lesson

October 12, 201624m

While the Twin Stars tour Japan, Mayura tries to step up her skills as an exorcist.

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Unomiya Tenma - Transcendence

October 19, 201624m

A Dragon Spot in Kumano results in a brief detour before the Twin Stars and Sae arrive in Kyoto, and they meet the strongest member of the Twelve Guardians.

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A Promise with Sae - Missing Exorcist Master

October 26, 201624m

The head of the Exorcist Union is attacked by the Basara responsible for the the Dragon Spots. And the Twin Star Exorcists finally learn just where Sae came from.

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Forever Smiling - Lovely Smile Forever

November 2, 201624m

With the secret behind the Dragon Spots and Sae's origin revealed, the path to salvation is clear. But are the Twin Stars willing to part ways with the girl who's become like a daughter to them? And if they're not, can they help the Twelve Guardians resist the flood of Kegare coming through the Dragon Spot?

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Because I'm With You - Wai Wa Kinako Ya!

November 9, 201624m

Kinako wakes up alone in the Seika Dorm after the trip to Kyoto. As he searches for Benio, he reminisces about how they first met.

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The Twin Stars reflect on their past, and Rokuro begins to question his own origins.

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The Master Repays a Favor - I Want You to Eat Me

November 23, 201624m

Kuranashi prepares the next phase of his plan, and sends the Basara who have allied with him to take on the Twelve Guardians.

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The Greatest Duo?! - Wachi vs Washi & Watashi

November 30, 201624m

Two of the Twelve Guardians, Zeze Miku and Sada Sakura, take on the ravenous Basara named Moro.

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The Puppeteer's Revenge - I Am Not Alone

December 7, 201624m

A Basara is targetting the Twin Star Exorcists, and the only one standing in his way is Shimon. But will the winged guardian save Rokuro and Benio, or be their ultimate downfall?

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Chijiwa has wrapped Shimon, along with the rest of the school, in his marionette strings to force them to attack the Twin Stars. Can Rokuro, Benio, and Mayura find a way to free their friends, or will they be forced to fight?

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It's the quiet before the storm as the Twin Stars and their friends have a moment of rest before Kuranashi unleashes his plot.

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Kuranashi unveils his deadly game, and if the Twin Star Exorcists don't win, it could mean the death of everyone in the town of Narukami.

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Mayura and Seigen face off against Kuranashi, but the Basara has a wicked trick up his sleeve. Does the daughter-father team stand a chance against the mastermind of the attack on Narukami?

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The Twin Star Exorcists fight the giant Kegare ravaging Narukami while it floats in the sky, as the Twelve Guardians try to make sure the floating city can return to the ground safely.

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With the Twelve Guardians caught in Kuranashi's trap, it's now up to the Twin Star Exorcists to free them. But what chance do they stand against the newly powerful Basara?

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I Come From Magano - Say It Ain't So, Rokuro!

February 1, 201724m

The threat Kuranashi had posed is over, but the Twin Stars don't get to celebrate for long when an old foe returns.

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The Millennial Dream - Melancholic Misanthrope

February 8, 201724m

Rokuro is reeling from what he has learned about his past, and Head Exorcist Arima explains the full scope of what Abe no Seimei set in motion, over a thousand years ago.

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After learning about his true nature from Arima, and what it could potentially mean for the entire world, Rokuro makes a decision.

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The Couple Alone - Lonely Twin Exorcist

February 22, 201724m

Rokuro has decided to fight Yuto alone. Without Benio, and with the other higher ranked exorcists out of commission, does he stand a chance?

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Yuto - Destiny

March 1, 201724m

As they battle over the fate of the world, Yuto reveals the nature of his obsession with Rokuro.

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Benio - Positive

March 8, 201724m

Rokuro has become the Cataclysm King, and will soon be responsible for cleansing nearly all of humanity from the Earth. Abe no Seimei offers Benio a way to turn him back to normal, but at what cost?

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Unity - Solidarity

March 15, 201724m

Abe no Seimei is about to create his perfect new world, and it means a gruesome end for the our current one. I

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Revival - Restoration

March 22, 201724m

Rokuro attempts to save Benio but even if he succeeds, can the Twin Star Exorcists prevent the creation of Abe no Seimei's new world?

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Twin Stars - Twins

Season Finale
March 29, 201724m

The greatest Exorcist of all time intends to wipe humanity's yin away in order to create a world where there will be no more free will, or individuality. Can the Twin Star Exorcists stop him?

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