Jaksot 11


Three Cups of Coffee

14 tammikuu 201724m

Kotarou wakes up in a deserted town, and the only thing he knows is that he must talk to the girl on the hill.

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Honeymoon Over a Silent Ocean

21 tammikuu 201724m

As Kagari's research continues to take its toll on her, Kotarou looks to help her out and realizes the true significance of her theory of life.

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The Truth Nobody Knows

28 tammikuu 201724m

Kotarou gets the occult club back together one last time to help Kagari finish her theory. Will she make it in time?

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Earth-Saving Hunter

4 helmikuu 201724m

The story returns to when Kotarou was a superhuman without a cause, the Earth-Saving Hunter.

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Superhuman Qualities

11 helmikuu 201724m

Life changes drastically for Kotarou as Esaka invites him to join Guardian.

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The Forest of Tragedy

18 helmikuu 201724m

Kotarou returns to Kazamatsuri, where Guardian begins a fateful operation that ends in tragedy.

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Moving On From a Standstill

25 helmikuu 201724m

Unable to stay in Japan anymore, Kotarou flees to a war zone, where he comes to a standstill yet again. Will he be able to move on?

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4 maaliskuu 201724m

Back in Japan, Kotarou finds himself in Kazamatsuri once again, where he meets quite a few familiar faces.

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Battle Behind the Scenes

11 maaliskuu 201724m

As Kotarou infiltrates deeper into Gaia and learns more about the group, he is forced to make a choice that Kagari may not necessarily approve of.

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Follower of the Lodestar

18 maaliskuu 201724m

In order to save Kagari, Kotarou faces off with Gaia and Guardian.

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A Promise Fulfilled with You

Season Finale
25 maaliskuu 201724m

In order to rewrite Kagari’s fate, Kotarou heads toward the final battle.

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