Keskustele nimikkeestä The Mick

The homecoming episode is what the third time it's revealed that Mick ruined Jimmy' s life? Is the actress just so happy to not play a character that doesn't get shit on all the time like in sunny so now she is always shifting on Jimmy s life. Like I dig it when she shits on Jimmy but every time they talked about how Jimmy was close to success but was stop but an incident that always turn out to be kick it's boring and everyone can see it coming from a mile away. My favorite episodes are like the accident where Mick and Jimmy help the family doing sketchy shit against rich fucks.

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I agree. I most enjoy the episodes where just whatever type bizarre situations play out, but that don't make Jimmy the eventual victim. I most enjoy when things are focused on ridiculous, wild, unexpected silliness. For example the LSD trip episode. I'm 1000% against drugs, but thought that episode was absolutely hilarious. Or things with the kids (for example Mick determined to keep quirky little Ben in a good school, or to figure out how to to deal with things pertaining to him without trying to actually change him; or anything with Chip hysterically over-reacting to something). Or situations that include Alma being Alma. I love the episodes where Jimmy does questionable stuff with or for Chip or Ben. He's their not quite "by the book" guiding surrogate father figure, pretty much

The cast is thoroughly wonderful and perfect; they easily are able to create magic. It's just certain specific type things regarding aspects of various episodes I sometimes feel turned off by.

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