Jaksot 20


Versus the New Evil

9 syyskuu 201721m

Ryan's attempt to level up at his new school is interrupted when the team must stop a super-powered enemy.

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Versus the Deep

9 syyskuu 201721m

An item of immense power rests under the Bay, as does a terrifying new monster.

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Versus the Outbreak

9 syyskuu 201721m

Ryan and the team must fight off a zombie horde.

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Versus Harper's Ghost

9 syyskuu 201721m

Ryan is bombarded by visions of Harper. If Harper is still alive, Ryan must make a difficult choice: save him, or destroy him once and for all?

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Versus the Mountain

9 syyskuu 201721m

Ryan finally gets a lead on his biological father, Randall, only to find him in mortal danger and must race against time (and a collapsing mountain) to save him.

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Versus The Dark Knight

4 marraskuu 201721m

When a new monster creates a city-wide blackout and disables the MECH-X4, the team must figure out how to get the robot working again to stop the beast from completing its mission.

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Versus The Tech Army

4 marraskuu 201721m

Ryan and Mark's fun day with their Dad is interrupted when a fighter drone created by Harris is mysteriously reprogrammed to destroy Ryan.

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Versus Traeger

4 marraskuu 201721m

The team has their first real battle with Traeger while Leo is confronted with his past.

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Versus Velocity and Veracity

4 marraskuu 201721m

Veracity's first mission with the team could be her last when her attempt to give Mech-X4 a flight mode goes terribly wrong.

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Versus The Arctic

4 marraskuu 201721m

Ryan and the team take MECH-X4 to the Arctic for an epic showdown with Traeger.

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Versus the Wolves at the Door

24 maaliskuu 201821m

Mark and others find Ryan in the top half of the robot. He is alive but very weak.

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Versus the Thirty

31 maaliskuu 201821m

Ryan meets more of Leo's technopathy test subjects, including his birth mother.

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Versus Miami

7 huhtikuu 201821m

Grace might relocate the family to Miami.

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Versus the X-Weapon

15 huhtikuu 201821m

When the team split apart as Grace contemplates leaving Bay City, Traeger makes his move.

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Versus Sabotage

22 huhtikuu 201821m

After a successful mission, the team finally gets a little chill time in Mech-X until they find a bomb on the X-Deck!

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Versus The Monster Within!

23 heinäkuu 201821m

A traitor on Mech-X4 picks off unsuspecting team members one by one.

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Versus The Betrayal

30 heinäkuu 201821m

Ryan, Spyder, and Veracity attempt to sneak into a hospital to get the materials they need for a secret mission.

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Versus Harris

6 elokuu 201821m

Ryan and what's left of his team take on Traeger and a traitor in Brazil.

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Versus The Infected

13 elokuu 201821m

With the world falling one city at a time, Ryan and the team retreat to the Thirty's secret farm.

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Versus The End

Season Finale
20 elokuu 201845m

A super-charged Mech-X4 races around the world to defeat Traeger's beasts, and Ryan must make one of his toughest decisions yet: save his friend or save the world?

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