Apspriediet Santa Clarita Diet

If every season stays around 10 episodes I can see it going for 5 seasons.

If Last Man on Earth can last a couple seasons, I see no reason why this show couldn't do the same.

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I enjoyed it but I would guess 2.

@violet75 said:

I enjoyed it but I would guess 2.

So short? Do you think there's not enough to keep it interesting for longer than that?

If they cured her deterioration in season 1 then I might agree, but that plot is continuing into the next season and they probably want to address how she became undead in the first place.

I know many people don't enjoy it simply because of Drew. I would like it to last longer.. and I hope I am wrong but...

Really because of Drew? Ouch! She's my favorite part, but I'm biased because I love Drew Barrymore.

I cruised the boards opening day on the other site and the main complaint was her. she needs a haircut for sure. (does it seem like we are the last two people on earth?)hehe

It does seem like we're the last two people on Earth, but it's going to be like this for a while until this site picks up momentum. I assume that the vast majority of IMDbers listened to IMDb and moved to FB and Twitter. I don't really use either, so I needed a IMDb alternative and seems the closest fit.

I don't like visiting message boards for shows that have the entire season available until I've seen the entire season so nothing gets spoiled. So, I missed seeing what IMDbers thought of the show.

I think I was cruising the site as we were binge watching the show. We pretty much watched it all that first day starting about an hour after it got released online... btw.. I have seen the movie mirrormask

What did you think of MirrorMask? I made a post on that board, but I don't really expect people to visit it much.

also.. I think the whole FB and twitter thing is dumb. I can't go out and easily see specific topics like an actual discussion board. I don't want to just say "i liked this" for all to see.

Honestly I don't remember much. I think I had company over and there was a lot of talking going on. I have it in my mass pile of movies, I need to watch it again. I has been about 10 yrs....I got it when I was in a Jim Jarmusch and Werner Herzog phase

I honestly have no idea how I saw it the first time. My best guess is that I was flicking through channels at home about a decade ago and it caught my eye. Then I probably went back and rewatched whatever I missed. Every time I hear "Close to You", I picture how it was done in this movie.

I hope it can last between 5-7 seasons. It's going to depend though on how profitable it is for Netflix though.

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