Diskuter The Handmaid's Tale

... the point soaring over your head. I mean, I know it's hard when you are inside looking out but man, a little self reflection much? I'm an equal opportunity offender when it comes to ALL religion but any religion created within the last 200 years deserves especial derision, IMO. The fact that the IRS considers it a religion inflames particular ire for me.

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I already could not stand her, so that's fine with me.

@movie_nazi said:

... the point soaring over your head. I mean, I know it's hard when you are inside looking out but man, a little self reflection much? I'm an equal opportunity offender when it comes to ALL religion but any religion created within the last 200 years deserves especial derision, IMO. The fact that the IRS considers it a religion inflames particular ire for me.

Scientology isn't even a religion. It's a mind controlling cult defined by cult experts.

@Ditendra said:

@movie_nazi said:

... the point soaring over your head. I mean, I know it's hard when you are inside looking out but man, a little self reflection much? I'm an equal opportunity offender when it comes to ALL religion but any religion created within the last 200 years deserves especial derision, IMO. The fact that the IRS considers it a religion inflames particular ire for me.

Scientology isn't even a religion. It's a mind controlling cult defined by cult experts.

Well, the point still stands that you are starring in a series about what were to happen if a cult took over the government and yet she is too blind to see what scientology really is? It is infuriating to me that even legit religions get tax exempt status much less this scam of the century. This lends credence to the "government is incompetent" crowd which I assuredly am not part of but to let these charlatans get away with not paying taxes while they bilk fools from their money is insulting to every working class person. It sends out the message that to work honestly is a fool's errand when you can scam and not pay taxes.

My guess is that most actors don't bother thinking about the message of the films they're offered. Work is work (or rather, pay is pay). But this really is a bizarre contradiction. Kinda ranks up there with Charlton Heston and some of the later roles he took... you wonder if it ever dawned on him that Planet of the Apes is a scorching indictment of the church and conservative government ¯_(ツ)_/¯

@rooprect said:

My guess is that most actors don't bother thinking about the message of the films they're offered. Work is work (or rather, pay is pay). But this really is a bizarre contradiction. Kinda ranks up there with Charlton Heston and some of the later roles he took... you wonder if it ever dawned on him that Planet of the Apes is a scorching indictment of the church and conservative government ¯_(ツ)_/¯

The Planet of the Apes one is much more subtle and abstract so I can understand if he never picked up on it. I'm sure he just looked at it as a weird sci-fi flick, which it is. I remember Heston being a gun nut but was he pro-Vietnam? I never pictured him being a religious, dye in the wool, conservative. Just very pro-second amendment. I remember him holding his hand up at some NRA speech or some shit yelling, "FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!" 🙄

@movie_nazi said:

@rooprect said:

My guess is that most actors don't bother thinking about the message of the films they're offered. Work is work (or rather, pay is pay). But this really is a bizarre contradiction. Kinda ranks up there with Charlton Heston and some of the later roles he took... you wonder if it ever dawned on him that Planet of the Apes is a scorching indictment of the church and conservative government ¯_(ツ)_/¯

The Planet of the Apes one is much more subtle and abstract so I can understand if he never picked up on it. I'm sure he just looked at it as a weird sci-fi flick, which it is. I remember Heston being a gun nut but was he pro-Vietnam? I never pictured him being a religious, dye in the wool, conservative. Just very pro-second amendment. I remember him holding his hand up at some NRA speech or some shit yelling, "FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!" 🙄

This inspired me to dive down a short rabbit hole of Charlton Heston's activism (30 seconds on wikipedia lol). From wiki...

"Political activism: from liberalism to conservatism

Heston's political activism had four stages.[52] In the first stage, 1955–61, he endorsed liberal Democratic candidates for president and signed on to petitions for liberal political causes. From 1961 until 1972, the second stage, he continued to endorse Democratic candidates for president. Moving beyond Hollywood, he became nationally visible in 1963 in support of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. From 1965 until 1971, he served as the elected President of the Screen Actors Guild and clashed with his liberal rival Ed Asner. In 1968, he helped publicize gun control measures when he joined fellow Hollywood stars in support of the Gun Control Act of 1968.[53]

The third stage began in 1972. Heston rejected the liberalism of George McGovern and supported Republican Richard Nixon in 1972 for president.[citation needed] In the 1980s, he gave strong support to Ronald Reagan during his conservative presidency. In 1995, Heston entered his fourth stage by establishing his own political action fund-raising committee and jumped into the internal politics of the National Rifle Association. He gave numerous culture wars speeches and interviews upholding the conservative position, blaming media and academia for imposing affirmative action, which he saw as unfair reverse discrimination.[54] "

Wow total flip flop, huh? From progressive, pro-civil rights, anti-guns to...... Nixon for president, NRA and "COLD DEAD HANDS"

Could've been the early onset of Alzheimers. That sounds like a dig but I'm kinda serious 😬

@rooprect said:

@movie_nazi said:

@rooprect said:

My guess is that most actors don't bother thinking about the message of the films they're offered. Work is work (or rather, pay is pay). But this really is a bizarre contradiction. Kinda ranks up there with Charlton Heston and some of the later roles he took... you wonder if it ever dawned on him that Planet of the Apes is a scorching indictment of the church and conservative government ¯_(ツ)_/¯

The Planet of the Apes one is much more subtle and abstract so I can understand if he never picked up on it. I'm sure he just looked at it as a weird sci-fi flick, which it is. I remember Heston being a gun nut but was he pro-Vietnam? I never pictured him being a religious, dye in the wool, conservative. Just very pro-second amendment. I remember him holding his hand up at some NRA speech or some shit yelling, "FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!" 🙄

This inspired me to dive down a short rabbit hole of Charlton Heston's activism (30 seconds on wikipedia lol). From wiki...

"Political activism: from liberalism to conservatism

Heston's political activism had four stages.[52] In the first stage, 1955–61, he endorsed liberal Democratic candidates for president and signed on to petitions for liberal political causes. From 1961 until 1972, the second stage, he continued to endorse Democratic candidates for president. Moving beyond Hollywood, he became nationally visible in 1963 in support of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. From 1965 until 1971, he served as the elected President of the Screen Actors Guild and clashed with his liberal rival Ed Asner. In 1968, he helped publicize gun control measures when he joined fellow Hollywood stars in support of the Gun Control Act of 1968.[53]

The third stage began in 1972. Heston rejected the liberalism of George McGovern and supported Republican Richard Nixon in 1972 for president.[citation needed] In the 1980s, he gave strong support to Ronald Reagan during his conservative presidency. In 1995, Heston entered his fourth stage by establishing his own political action fund-raising committee and jumped into the internal politics of the National Rifle Association. He gave numerous culture wars speeches and interviews upholding the conservative position, blaming media and academia for imposing affirmative action, which he saw as unfair reverse discrimination.[54] "

Wow total flip flop, huh? From progressive, pro-civil rights, anti-guns to...... Nixon for president, NRA and "COLD DEAD HANDS"

Could've been the early onset of Alzheimers. That sounds like a dig but I'm kinda serious 😬

Holy shit! What a flip flop! 😯That totally buys into the older you get, the more conservative you get trope. Going from gun control advocate to "COLD DEAD HANDS" is astonishing. I get where you are coming from about perhaps he was going a bit senile but he was nowhere that old during the Nixon administration.

@movie_nazi said:

Holy shit! What a flip flop! 😯That totally buys into the older you get, the more conservative you get trope. Going from gun control advocate to "COLD DEAD HANDS" is astonishing. I get where you are coming from about perhaps he was going a bit senile but he was nowhere that old during the Nixon administration.

That's true, I looked at the dates again and the whole reversal seemed to happen within the space of months when he was still young! Also this: "Heston opposed the Vietnam War during its course (though he changed his opinion in the years following the war)[65]"

Planet of the Apes was done while he was still in the progressive, anti-establishment camp, so I take back what I implied about any hypocrisy he might've had at the time. and we can safely enjoy Planet of the Apes without any grumbles from the peanut gallery :) But wow, right afterwards, I wonder what made him do a total about-face like that??

@rooprect said:

@movie_nazi said:

Holy shit! What a flip flop! 😯That totally buys into the older you get, the more conservative you get trope. Going from gun control advocate to "COLD DEAD HANDS" is astonishing. I get where you are coming from about perhaps he was going a bit senile but he was nowhere that old during the Nixon administration.

That's true, I looked at the dates again and the whole reversal seemed to happen within the space of months when he was still young! Also this: "Heston opposed the Vietnam War during its course (though he changed his opinion in the years following the war)[65]"

Planet of the Apes was done while he was still in the progressive, anti-establishment camp, so I take back what I implied about any hypocrisy he might've had at the time. and we can safely enjoy Planet of the Apes without any grumbles from the peanut gallery :) But wow, right afterwards, I wonder what made him do a total about-face like that??

Yeah, there are even lines in Planet of the Apes where he implies his support for the hippie movement when he tells Lucius, Zira and Cornelius' younger nephew, about not trusting anyone over 30. That was a common line back in the 60s about going against the establishment. But yeah, I always got the impression back during POTA and before that he was a pretty liberal guy. I just thought he was super pro-gun. I have met some people like that today where they are progressive on every point except gun control. Its odd but it exists. But to hear he was actually for gun control at one point just blows my mind.

@movie_nazi said:

@Ditendra said:

@movie_nazi said:

... the point soaring over your head. I mean, I know it's hard when you are inside looking out but man, a little self reflection much? I'm an equal opportunity offender when it comes to ALL religion but any religion created within the last 200 years deserves especial derision, IMO. The fact that the IRS considers it a religion inflames particular ire for me.

Scientology isn't even a religion. It's a mind controlling cult defined by cult experts.

Well, the point still stands that you are starring in a series about what were to happen if a cult took over the government and yet she is too blind to see what scientology really is? It is infuriating to me that even legit religions get tax exempt status much less this scam of the century. This lends credence to the "government is incompetent" crowd which I assuredly am not part of but to let these charlatans get away with not paying taxes while they bilk fools from their money is insulting to every working class person. It sends out the message that to work honestly is a fool's errand when you can scam and not pay taxes.

I agree with you. By the way, this TV show is very unrealistic. Even if such cult would take a control, there's no way they would freely visit other countries and especially opening their information center. Just imagine if during WWII Nazis would open information center in Russia or UK. As soon as they would step in their soil, they would be arrested and tried for warcrimes and this Giliad cult seems no less evil than Nazis. There's no chance, they would be allowed freely entering other countries and not get arrested. It's very unrealistic. Just saying.

@Ditendra said:

@movie_nazi said:

@Ditendra said:

@movie_nazi said:

... the point soaring over your head. I mean, I know it's hard when you are inside looking out but man, a little self reflection much? I'm an equal opportunity offender when it comes to ALL religion but any religion created within the last 200 years deserves especial derision, IMO. The fact that the IRS considers it a religion inflames particular ire for me.

Scientology isn't even a religion. It's a mind controlling cult defined by cult experts.

Well, the point still stands that you are starring in a series about what were to happen if a cult took over the government and yet she is too blind to see what scientology really is? It is infuriating to me that even legit religions get tax exempt status much less this scam of the century. This lends credence to the "government is incompetent" crowd which I assuredly am not part of but to let these charlatans get away with not paying taxes while they bilk fools from their money is insulting to every working class person. It sends out the message that to work honestly is a fool's errand when you can scam and not pay taxes.

I agree with you. By the way, this TV show is very unrealistic. Even if such cult would take a control, there's no way they would freely visit other countries and especially opening their information center. Just imagine if during WWII Nazis would open information center in Russia or UK. As soon as they would step in their soil, they would be arrested and tried for warcrimes and this Giliad cult seems no less evil than Nazis. There's no chance, they would be allowed freely entering other countries and not get arrested. It's very unrealistic. Just saying.

Well, there is a difference in what you have presented. Giliad is not in open war like the Nazis in WWII. And if the Nazis had indeed won the war, you better believe that Germany would have been recognized as a sovereign nation. I have a more apt comparison. Take a look at Saudi Arabia as an example. Here we have a theocratic monarchy which does such things as behead people in the town square for witchcraft and apostasy. They sentence people to 50 years in prison for tweeting anti-government rhetoric, they chopped up an American journalist mafioso style to dispose of the body, they are openly committing a genocide in Yemen (apt comparison to Nazi Germany BTW) and not only are they welcomed they are coddled . Our government leaders trip over each other to kiss their ass. So yeah, the atrocities depicted in the show are amateurs shit compared to what happens in real life.

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