Jaksot 10



21 heinäkuu 201758m

After his business partner cheats a dangerous client, financial adviser Marty must devise a radical plan to save the lives of himself and his family.

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Blue Cat

21 heinäkuu 201757m

In the Ozarks, Marty struggles to find a local business he can use for money laundering, while his kids make new friends but neglect a crucial duty.

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My Dripping Sleep

21 heinäkuu 20171h

Marty finds a way to control Ruth. Wendy worms her way into a job. Looking for another business to invest in, Marty digs for info on the strip bar.

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Tonight We Improvise

21 heinäkuu 20171h

Marty hires Ruth to pull off a heist. Agent Petty forges a relationship with a member of the Langmore family. Jonah exhibits disturbing behavior.

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Tekijät 5

Ohjaus: Daniel Sackheim

Käsikirjoittaja: Paul Kolsby

Vierailevat tähdet 17 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

  1. Harris Yulin

    Buddy Dieker

  2. Marc Menchaca

    Russ Langmore

  3. Esai Morales

    Camino 'Del' Del Rio

  4. Quinn Cooke


  5. Christopher James Baker

    Boyd Langmore

  6. Carson Holmes

    Three Langmore

  7. Adam Boyer

    Bobby Dean

  8. Kenny Barr


  9. KJ Smith


  10. Ricky Muse

    Island Charlie

  11. Ryan Walden

    Three Friend #1

  12. Jeremy Dean

    Three Friend #2

  13. Bryson Truman

    Three Friend #3

  14. Jantzen McDonald

    Three Friend #4

  15. Adam Cronan

    Creepy Guy

  16. Kayte Giralt

    Stripper #2

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Ruling Days

21 heinäkuu 201756m

Marty decides to invest in the religious sector, unaware he will disrupt a discreet business operation. A surprise visitor shows up at the Byrde home.

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Book of Ruth

21 heinäkuu 201759m

Jacob educates Marty on his business. Ruth devises and sets in motion a deadly plan. Rachel learns Marty is cooking the books at the Blue Cat Lodge.

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Nest Box

21 heinäkuu 201759m

To stop Jacob from carrying out his threat, Marty makes an offer. Agent Petty gets what he needs to turn Russ. Charlotte grows desperate to escape.

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21 heinäkuu 201753m

In a flashback to 10 years prior, Wendy struggles with depression, Del asks Marty to be his financial adviser, and Agent Petty faces a family crisis.

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Coffee, Black

21 heinäkuu 201759m

Russ learns Agent Petty's true identity and makes plans to murder, steal and flee. Wendy stumbles on an ideal business to add to the Byrde portfolio.

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The Toll

Season Finale
21 heinäkuu 20171h 20m

During his next sermon, Mason falters. Wendy and the kids are caught trying to flee their home. Marty brokers a deal between Jacob and Del.

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