Jaksot 12


King of Rookies

12 tammikuu 201524m

Nozomi Moritomo is an average girl who just wants to help, but can a lowly Rest like her make a difference in the battle of the Bests?

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Center of the World

18 tammikuu 201524m

Nozomi and the other Hiyoshicho Propellers are trapped on a roller coaster! Can Masami save them without revealing Maccha Green's true identity?

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I Wanna Be a Hero

25 tammikuu 201524m

The girls set out to Tokyo to gather Moonlight Stones with Chiaya and find themselves in the middle of "Always Comima."

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1 helmikuu 201524m

The girls escape with the help of a Comima staff member, but a new threat appears. Can they clear their names and get Chiaya's stone back?

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Disappointing Person

8 helmikuu 201524m

Aichi and Mie are up in arms and things are tense after all the shachihoko in Nagoya were blown up. Can the girls bring peace to the warring nations?

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Lightning Speed

15 helmikuu 201524m

Chiaya's back, but they lose Yukina as things come to a head in old Aichi and old Mie. How will they ever learn to coexist peacefully?

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Give Me the Stars

22 helmikuu 201524m

The girls are now in Kyoto, where the captain of the squad they are trying to help is kidnapped. Can they save the captain and the rock festival?!

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After the Rain

1 maaliskuu 201524m

Misa is back where she belongs, but what happened between her and Mamechiyo? And what is Shuten up to, anyway?

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Thieves of the Night

8 maaliskuu 201524m

The girls find themselves in Hiroshima by way of Okayama, but can they work through their own troubles and help the locals at the same time?

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No No No

15 maaliskuu 201524m

Ai is taken in by a poor peach grower and her daughter, and Yukina is lost again. Can Nozomi help Kaguya and Kuramochi by herself? And where's Chiaya?

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Rose of Passion

22 maaliskuu 201524m

Things are getting heated up in Okayama, but how is the Nayotake family involved? Will the girls be able to reunite and resolve everything?

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The Future Is in Our Hands

Season Finale
29 maaliskuu 201524m

What can four Rest girls do thrown in amongst Bests and robots and aliens? In the midst of all the fighting, can the girls bring peace?

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