Épisodes 293


Uzumaki Boruto!!

5 avril 201724m

Il Villaggio della Foglia si trova nel Paese del Fuoco, una delle cinque Grandi Nazioni Ninja. E' qui che vive Boruto Uzumaki, figlio del capovillaggio e Settimo Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. Un giorno, Boruto difende Denki Kaminarimon, ricattato da dei compagni e troppo debole per affrontarli. Il primo giorno di scuola Boruto rivede Denki, e nota che il suo chakra è anomalo e il ragazzo ha dei comportamenti strani.

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Il figlio dell'Hokage!!

12 avril 201724m

Dopo la sospensione dovuta all'incidente del primo giorno di scuola, Boruto fa il suo ingresso all'Accademia. I suoi compagni lo tengono in disparte perché è il figlio del Settimo Hokage e si è già beccato una sospensione. Iwabei Yuino, uno dei suoi compagni, lo sfida. Allievo di grande talento nel combattimento, è però ripetente e ha un brutto carattere. Inizialmente Boruto lo ignora, ma quando vede che se la prende con Denki che lo pregava di smetterla, le cose cambiano.

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Una forza della natura, Metal Lee!!

19 avril 201724m

Metal Lee, uno dei compagni di Boruto, è molto bravo nello studio ed è abilissimo nelle arti marziali. Sfortunatamente per lui, è molto ansioso e se si sente osservato combina disastri. Sentendosi ferito da una battuta di Shikadai Nara, Metal lo attacca. Boruto, coinvolto nel litigio, nota che il chakra di Metal è anomalo, come era quello di Denki.

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Il maestro Shino Aburame propne una sfida alla classe: dovranno dividersi in due squadre, una maschile e una femminile, e prendere una bandiera posta in cima al tetto della scuola. Boruto e la sua squadra cercano di raggiungere il tetto e prendere la bandiera prima della squadra delle ragazze, capitanate da Sarada e Chocho, ma quando Boruto tenta di compiere una Tecnica del Richiamo, succede qualcosa di imprevisto.

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Il misterioso nuovo studente!!

3 mai 201724m

Un nuovo studente, Mitsuki, si è appena trasferito dal Villaggio del Suono a quello della Foglia. Batte senza alcun problema Iwabei e mostra la sua avilità nello studio risolvendo formule complesse. Nè Boruto, né i compagni riescono però a capire cosa pensi. Ma quando un operaio impegnato nelle riparazioni impazzisce, Mitsuki inizia a mormorare strane parole.

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L'ultima lezione... !!

10 mai 201724m

Boruto, Shikadai e Mitsuki vengono invitati da Shino a un incontro. Giunti al punto stabilito, l'uomo li attacca all'improvviso, cogliendo di sorpresa i ragazzi, che si accorgono delle sue condizioni alterate. Il clan Aburame utilizza tecniche basate sugli insetti, ed è con questi che li attacca: Boruto e amici non avrebbero chance contro uno jonin del suo livello, ma anche allora Mitsuki resta calmo e impassibile.

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L'amore e le patatine...!!

17 mai 201724m

Chocho è convinta che qualcuno la segua, e decide di coglierlo sul fatto. Una volta catturato, il colpevole svela che in realtà stava seguendo Sumire, la capoclasse, di cui è innamorato. Chocho lo invita a dichiararsi, ma il risultato...

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La profezia del sogno

24 mai 201724m

Il chakra simile a un'ombra e visibile solo a Boruto fa sempre più vittime. Mentre all'inizio colpiva solo chi faceva parte della scuola, adesso si espande al Villaggio. Intanto, Boruto si ritrova in uno strano sogno e al suo risveglio annuncia di aver attivato il suo Byakugan, la tecnica Oculare del clan degli Hyuga. Naruto però è incerto e chiede aiuto al suocero, Hiashi Hyuga.

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Dare prova di sé

31 mai 201724m

Boruto viene testato da Hanabi, sua zia, per verificare la presenza del Byakugan. Il ragazzo ha accettato la prova sperando in un un riconoscimento da suo padre, ma per quanto si impegni, il Byakugan non si attiva. A questo punto, temendo di essere definito un bugiardo, inizia a dubitare di aver mai visto l'ombra di chakra. Ma proprio allora, spunta fuori una nuova vittima dell'ombra misteriosa.

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Boruto inizia a chiamare "Fantasma" l'ombra e non vede l'ora di risolvere con gli amici la serie di casi recenti. Shino cerca di aiutarli, assegnando alla classe il compito di sperimentare un lavoro sul campo. Intanto Sai, un tempo membro della Radice, fa una scoperta inquietante mentre indaga per ordine dell'Hokage sull'origine degli stessi casi.

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L'ombra di chi muove i fili

14 juin 201724m

Sumire e alcune sue amiche finiscono coinvolte in una delle apparizioni del Fantasma e vengono ferite. Boruto si sente responsabile e vuole ora più che mai risolvere la questione. Aiutati dal portalettere che fa loro da guida nell'esperienza di lavoro, i ragazzi monitorano il Villaggio. Ma è una frase di Boruto a far balenare nella mente di Mitsuki e Shikadai una certa possibilità.

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Boruto e Mitsuki

21 juin 201724m

I casi del Fantasma improvvisamente smettono di verificarsi, per lo stupore di Boruto e compagni, ma Mitsuki sembra saperne di più. Il ragazzo si rende conto di essere cambiato e chiede consiglio agli amici per risolvere una questione... Ma poco dopo, un misterioso chakra si diffonde per il Villaggio...

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Dopo le rivelazioni di Mitsuki sui casi del Fantasma, Boruto è decisissimo a trovarne il colpevole. Intanto il settimo Hokage e il suo team restano sconvolti nell'apprendere l'identità del colpevole avuta con le indagini di Sai. Ed è in quel momento che la Nue, un'enorme chimera, fa la sua comparsa da un'altra dimensione.Il Villaggio è in pericolo, ma a difenderlo ci pensa addirittura il Sesto Hokage, ora in pensione, Kakashi!

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Boruto vede una soluzione

5 juillet 201724m

Le indagini rivelano che gli incidenti avvenuti nel Villaggio sono dovuti alle trame di qualcuno che agisce per portare avanti le volontà di Danzo Shimura, creatore e leader della Radice. Boruto riesce a usare il potere del suo occhio per entrare nel mondo parallelo in cui si è nascosto il colpevole, possessore del Gozu Tennou, un'arma che utilizza la Nue, una bestia in grado di distruggere il Villaggio. Boruto cerca di convincerlo a cambiare idea, ma riuscirà a cambiare il passato con la forza delle sue parole?

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Una nuova strada

12 juillet 201724m

Gli incidenti dovuti al Fantasma sono finalmente finiti e adesso Boruto non riesce più a usare il suo potere. Il Villaggio torna alla sua quotidianità, come l'Accademia, ma c'è ancora qualcosa che preoccupa Boruto e amici...

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Il rischio della bocciatura

19 juillet 201724m

Gli esami si avvicinano, e e gli studenti sono alle prese con intense sessioni di studio e allenamento perché essere bocciati a un esame significa perdere l'anno. Denki non è bravo nelle arti marziali e trova difficilissimo usare il chakra per scalare le pareti, mentre Iwabei non riesce a capire quello che studia. Boruto e compagni cercano di aiutarli, ma non fanno che confonderli ulteriormente. Riusciranno a non essere bocciati?

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Sarada, corri!!

26 juillet 201724m

Sarada si impegna a consegnare un orsacchiotto a una bambina in ospedale, ma lo dimentica sul treno e va nel panico, tanto che arriva a salire sul tetto del treno, cosa inaudita per lei, che aveva sempre criticato Boruto per questo motivo. Ma Chocho si accorge di Sarada, e la accompagna all'ufficio oggetti smarriti. Il bagaglio viene recuperato, ma...

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Un giorno a casa Uzumaki

2 août 201724m

La famiglia Uzumaki è nel caos, ora che la piccola Himawari ha la febbre. Naruto non torna quasi mai a casa, e il risentimento di Boruto verso di lui cresce sempre di più, specie ora che la sorellina è malata.

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Sarada Uchiha

9 août 201724m

Sarada osserva Boruto che viene rincorso e rimproverato dal padre per uno dei suoi scherzi, e il loro rapporto le fa ricordare l'immagine di suo padre, Sasuke, che lei non ha mai visto. Dopo aver scoperto una foto in cui Sasuke appare con una donna che indossa occhiali uguali ai suoi, Sarada è decisa a conoscere la verità. Riuscirà a scoprire il segreto dietro la sua nascita?

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Il ragazzo dello Sharingan

16 août 201724m

Sasuke invia un messaggio a Naruto, informandolo dell'esistenza di un uomo con lo Sharingan. Appena ricevuta la notizia, Naruto si mette in viaggio per incontrare Sasuke. Contemporaneamente, Sarada, rosa dai dubbi su chi sia la sua vera madre, si unisce a Chocho, intenzionata a trovare il suo vero padre. Saputo che anche Naruto è in viaggio per trovare Sasuke, le bambine si uniscono a lui, ma il pericolo incombe su di loro...

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Sasuke e Sarada

23 août 201724m

Sarada arriva alla torre dove si trova Sasuke, ma resta ferita dalle parole e dai gesti di suo padre. Imbarazzati dalla situazione, Chocho e Naruto cercano di aiutarli, ma vengono attaccati da una coppia di uomini, padre e figlio, che posseggono lo Sharingan e sostengono di chiamarsi Shin Uchiha. Intanto, Sakura viene a sapere del viaggio di Sarada...

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Sentimenti che uniscono

30 août 201724m

Sarada è sconvolta dal rapimento di sua madre, e nemmeno Naruto riesce a localizzarla. Con l'aiuto di Sasuke, che trova gli Sharingan nel braccio di Shin, gli indizi li portano al laboratorio di ricerca di Orochimaru, dove Sarada incontra gli ex colleghi del padre, Suigetsu, Hozuki e Jugo. Volendo trovare una risposta alle sue domande, Sarada chiede a Suigetsu di analizzare i suoi geni.

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Tipi di legame

6 septembre 201724m

Sarada è decisa a salvare Sakura, e si lancia all'inseguimento di Shin con Sasuke, Naruto e Chocho. Dopo una serie di brutali vattaglie con i cloni di Shin, la ragazza è sorpresa nel vedere l'intesa tra Sasuke e Sakura, che non si vedevano da anni. Improvvisamente però, Shin ordina ai suoi cloni di uccidere gli intrusi. La scoperta del legame tra i suoi genitori porterà Sarada a scoprire anche il segreto sulla sua nascita?

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Boruto e Sarada

13 septembre 201724m

Il Villaggio della Foglia è in presa all'eccitazione per il prossimo Summit dei Kage. Boruto sa che i controlli di sicurezza sono severissimi, ma ha comunque in mente uno dei suoi scherzi. Intanto Sarada ha deciso di diventare Hokage e si allena duramente, mentre a porte chiuse, i Cinque Kage discutono delle informazioni riservate riferite da Sasuke su Kaguya Otsutsuki.

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Un viaggio di istruzione tumultuoso!!

20 septembre 201724m

Boruto e compagni vanno in viaggio d'istruzione al Villaggio della Nebbia nel Paese dell'Acqua. A far loro da guida è Kagura Karatachi, un ninja della stessa età di Boruto, che ha però già un incarico ufficiale come consigliere di Chojuro, il Mizukage. Una volta noto come Villaggio della Nebbia Insanguinata, adesso invece è una città inaspettatamente moderna e vitale: tuttavia il malcontento e la nostalgia per il passato persistono in alcuni dei suoi abitanti.

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Il successore del Mizukage

27 septembre 201724m

Kagura e Chojuro fanno da guida a Boruto e compagni durante una visita all'Accademia della Nebbia, specializzata nell'arte della spada. Boruto resta a bocca aperta davanti alla bravura degli studenti, tanto che Chojuro organizza un duello di prova tra lui e Kagura, che però esita ad accettare. Nonostante la sua abilità sia riconosciuta da tutti, per quale motivo rifiuta la sfida?

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Attacco ninja in nome dell'amicizia

4 octobre 201724m

Tsurushi Hachiya, un ex compagno di Kagura rapisce Denki per provocare Boruto. Quest'ultimo si unisce a Kagura per salvare l'amico, e insieme affrontano Hachiya e la sua gang, ma durante il confronto viene rivelata la verità su Kagura.

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Dichiarazione di guerra

11 octobre 201724m

Kagura finalmente accetta di ereditare Rombosogliola da Chojuro, ma finisce per diventare involontariamente parte di un piano architettato da Shizuma Hoshigaki un ninja che vuole tornare al passato insanguinato.

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I nuovi sette spadaccini della Nebbia

18 octobre 201724m

Kagura fa entrare Shizuma e i suoi nella stanza dove sono custodite le Spade Ninja, e i nuovi Sette Spadaccini della Nebbia insorgono per riportare il Villaggio al suo passato di sangue e morte. Chojuro e Mei, l'attuale e l'ex Mizukage, vengono a sapere delle loro azioni e sono decisi a eliminarli tutti, incluso Kagura, che fa parte dei Sette Spadaccini. Per cercare di far cambiare idea a Chojuro, Boruto fa un annuncio sconvolgente.

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Sharingan vs Zanne del Fulmine

25 octobre 201724m

Chojuro accompagna Boruto e Sarada alla base di Shizuma e dei suoi nuovi Spadaccini della Nebbia. Shizuma separa il gruppo di Boruto usando una tecnica che crea nebbia, e così Sarada si trova ad affrontare una nuova rivale, Buntan Kurosuki, erede delle Zanne del Fulmine. Il duello tra le due sarà durissimo, e intanto Boruto si trova ad affrontare nientemeno che Kagura.

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Boruto e Kagura

1 novembre 201724m

Boruto implora Kagura di cambiare idea e rinunciare alla rivolta, ma il ragazzo rifiuta e lo attacca. Boruto fa di tutto per risparmiarlo, ma Kagura sembra incapace di resistere alle parole di Shizuma. Tuttavia qualcuno interrompe la loro battaglia: è Mitsuki, che avuto una soffiata su quanto sta succedendo. Chi è stato a informarlo e riuscirà Boruto a salvare Kagura?

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Missione Souvenir

8 novembre 201724m

Il viaggio d'istruzione finisce e Boruto e compagni si preparano a tornare alla Foglia. Chojuro si reca a salutarli ma Kagura non si fa vedere. La classe rientra senza problemi al Villaggio della Foglia e Boruto torna a casa, ma Himawari non sembra contenta. Attende il souvenir che Boruto le aveva promesso, ma che si è completamente scordato di prenderle. Boruto cerca di dirle la verità, ma non ci riesce e le cose non fanno che peggiorare...

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L'Ultra Illustrazione Animale è in crisi!!

15 novembre 201724m

Inojin ama disegnare sin da bambino, e la sua tecnica preferita è l'Ultra Illustrazione Animale, ma un giorno perde improvvisamente la capacità di usarla! Perplesso, il ragazzo si rivolge al padre, Sai, che utilizza la stessa tecnica. L'uomo comprende la sua situazione ma non gli indica nessuna soluzione, proponendogli invece di partecipare a un concorso di disegni per bambini. Inojin non è molto convinto, ma lo fa.

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La notte delle stelle cadenti

22 novembre 201724m

Boruto e compagni vanno in campeggio per catturare la misteriosa Carpa Eterna, che si dice sia squisita. Ormai l'esame finale è alle porte e questa potrebbe essere l'ultima occasione per tutta la classe di ritrovarsi assieme, quindi Boruto è decisissimo a catturare il pesce, ma la carpa non è dello stesso parere...

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Colloquio con i genitori

29 novembre 201724m

Prima dell'esame finale, gli studenti sostengono un colloquio orientativo con i genitori e gli insegnanti. Boruto, che ha ottimi voti in tutte le materie non vede nessuna nube sul suo futuro da ninja, ma Sukea, un giornalista che sta preparando un reportage sulle aspirazioni dei giovani dell'Accademia, gli fa notare che la sua indifferenza e indolenza non gli saranno d'aiuto e lo mette in guardia.

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Che l'esame di diploma abbia inizio!

6 décembre 201724m

Finalmente è il momento dell'esame di diploma. Boruto e compagni passano l'esame scritto e si preparano ad affrontare quello pratico, che vedrà gli studenti confrontarsi in battaglia con i loro insegnanti e Kakashi, il Sesto Hokage! L'obiettivo è rubare un campanellino a Kakashi e ciascuno studente è intenzionato a riuscirci, ma per loro sarà durissima. Dopo aspre battaglie Boruto raggiunge Kakashi, che non ha nessuna pietà per lui!

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La determinazione di un ninja

13 décembre 201724m

Boruto's the first to confront Kakashi in the exam. Despite a determined effort, he is immobilized and angered by Kakashi's severe criticism of his class. Shortly after, Boruto's classmates come by to assist and Boruto makes his escape. Although depressed by his own shortcomings, Boruto is able to overcome them and formulate a strategy, thanks to the encouragement of his friends.

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Formazione delle squadre a tre...?

20 décembre 201724m

Boruto and his classmates take their first step as genin and start forming their basic shinobi three-man squads. The members are matched according to their ability and compatibility. Boruto was counting on teaming up with Shikadai, but is disappointed when he opts to be part of the "Ino-Shika-Cho" trio, like his dad. Boruto finds himself teamed up with Sarada and Mitsuki. Since he and Sarada have issues with this matchup, they file a direct appeal to the Hokage to overturn this decision.

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Il sentiero illuminato dalla luna piena

27 décembre 201724m

Originally from the Village Hidden in the Sound, Mitsuki has made up his mind to become a Hidden Leaf Shinobi. In the past, having lost his memory, Mitsuki finds himself in unfamiliar surroundings, unsure of his identity and motive. Mitsuki faces a difficult decision, but his thoughts and feelings that had once been shrouded in mystery, now come to light

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Squadra 7, prima missione!

10 janvier 201824m

Team 7 sets out on their first mission. Their client is a village who has been plagued by bandits, and their mission is to eradicate them. They meet Kiri, a young girl who has just been installed as the village head after her father's sudden death. The team soon realizes that this mission is far more dangerous and complicated than first expected.

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La forza dell'unione

17 janvier 201822m

Team 7's original mission evolves into a rescue operation after Kiri is kidnapped. The team must face a formidable genjutsu user as well as a skilled sword user. Following Konohamaru's orders, the team successfully rescues Kiri. But Konohamaru is captured and the trio must battle the enemy alone while protecting Kiri.

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Il lavoro di un ninja

24 janvier 201824m

Boruto is dissatisfied with the team's easy and lackluster missions since its first one. Team 7 is assigned to capture a suspect who has barricaded himself inside a bank. Excited to show off his skills again, Boruto and the team rush to the site. But the suspect turns out to be a timid individual who was recently fired. A possibility soon arises that a certain organization could be involved!

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La banda Byakuya fa la sua comparsa!

31 janvier 201824m

An incident occurs in Hidden Leaf Village and the Byakuya Gang is suspected. The gang steals from the rich to give to the poor, and they've been active recently in several villages. Boruto disapproves of them, because he believes stealing is stealing no matter how noble the reason.

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Il dilemma di Shikadai

7 février 201824m

The Byakuya Gang's activities become more brazen in the Hidden Leaf. While some people view them as heroic, noble thieves, Boruto can't get himself to approve of their actions. The genin are told to work together to capture the gang, and security in the village is increased. During this time, Shikadai meets a youth named Ryugi. Despite their age difference, a bond grows between them.

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Ricordi di un giorno di neve

14 février 201824m

Shikadai and Ryogi became friends playing shogi, but lately Ryogi hasn't been coming to their usual meeting place. Shikadai's became worried about his friend's behavior the last time they met, but he's kept his concerns to himself. Ryogi is also worried about Shikadai, but is tormented by memories he can't forget.

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Piano "Notte Polare" in azione!

21 février 201824m

The protest instigated by the Byakuya Gang against the Kaminarimon Company increases in intensity. The Leaf Shinobi, including the genin, are mobilized into action. The teams are assigned sections to keep watch over the protesters, and Team 10, made up of Shikadai, Inojin and Cho-Cho, takes up its position. But Shikadai notices something as he studies the position chart and rushes out on his own!

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La persona che voglio diventare

28 février 201824m

During the protests, the Byakuya Gang attacks Katasuke's research center, which has been developing new technology for Scientific Ninja Tools. Shikadai figures out what the Byakuya Gang's goal is and rushes after them in pursuit with Boruto close by. Even a weak "pawn" can become strong in one move—what are the two friends who bonded through shogi seeking?

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Genin Documentary!!

7 mars 201824m

Udon Ise the jonin captain of Team 5, issues a direct order from the Hokage to Iwabe, Denki and Metal, which states: "In order to attract more students to the Ninjutsu Department of the Academy, you will appear in a PR video documentary." During the Byakuya Gang incident, the three were under suspension, and could only watch as their genin classmates leapt into action. The trio decide to do their best in the documentary in order to prove their prowess, but Udon seems skeptical...

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Wasabi e Namida

14 mars 201824m

Boruto's aunt, Hanabi Hyuga, leads an all-girl team made up of Sumire, Wasabi and Namida. They are given a mission to recover animals that someone has released from their cages at the zoo. The team sets out, but Wasabi and Namida start arguing en route, and Sumire is unable to stop them.

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The Chunin Exam assembles exceptional genin from each village and pits them against each other in order to assess their abilities. Childhood friends and teammates Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi contemplate whether the genin under their guidance will be able to handle the severity of the Chunin Exam.

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Il compleanno di Boruto

28 mars 201824m

Boruto overhears remarks being made about his father and him, adding to the hurt because Naruto has broken his promise to be home for Boruto's birthday. Shortly after, Team 7 is given a mission to capture a gang of thieves targeting the Thunder Train, who are hiding out in a town near the Land of Fire's border. But when Team 7 arrives at the town, they find something is not quite right with one of the captured thieves.

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L'ombra di Sasuke

4 avril 201824m

Team 7 enters the mine where the thieves had been hiding out, only to be attacked by a powerful, strange-looking White Zetsu. They find out the mine connects to a ruin belonging to Kaguya Otsutsuki. Team 7 decides to investigate and engage the White Zetsu. As they proceed deeper and deeper into the mine, they make a shocking discovery!

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Il compleanno di Himawari

11 avril 201824m

The Chunin Exams are fast approaching and everyone’s excited—except for Boruto, which causes everyone grief. During this time, Boruto and his family have a rare chance to be together to celebrate Himawari's birthday, and for once it seems his father has kept his promise...

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Sasuke e Boruto

18 avril 201824m

Unable to contain his anger towards his father for ruining Himawari’s birthday as well as his own, Boruto rushes out to confront Naruto. He runs into Sasuke and unknowingly attacks him but is instantly subdued. Amazed at Sasuke’s strength, Boruto asks him to be his teacher. Sasuke agrees to the request but only after Boruto is able to use the Rasengan. In order to win Sasuke's approval, Boruto trains unusually hard.

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Strumenti scientifici ninja

25 avril 201824m

Boruto manages to perfect his Rasengan and begins training under Sasuke. He’s an extremely strict teacher because Boruto’s unfocused and only thinks about surpassing his father, and keeps looking for the easy way out when training gets tough. Iwabe, Sumire and the others also decide to take the Chunin Exam and turn in their applications. Hoping to show off his skills to Naruto, Boruto decides to apply as well. Meanwhile, the Otsutsuki Clan set their sights on Killer Bee!

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I rivali, tutti riuniti!!

3 mai 201824m

The Chunin Exams are about to begin and genin from the other villages arrive in droves. The Hidden Sand's hopefuls include the Kazekage's adopted son Shinki, and his team mates Yodo and Araya. The Hidden Mists send the Senka triplets, the Hidden Cloud sends Yurui, Iroi, and Tarui. And finally, the Hidden Rock send the Genbu Three. As formidable rivals arrive on the scene, tensions run high as every participant sizes each other up, and prepare for the first round of the Chunin Exams!

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La ragione per cui non posso perdere

10 mai 201824m

Round two of the Chunin Exams begins. For the second test, three-man teams must try to capture their rival team’s flags. Sarada and Mitsuki set out for enemy territory while Boruto stays behind to guard their flag. The Senka Triplets from the Hidden Mist attack, and Boruto finds himself in trouble. Boruto considers using the Scientific Ninja Tool that Katasuke gave him, but it's prohibited to do so during the exam

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Che il torneo abbia inizio

17 mai 201824m

The third round of the exams begins, consisting of individual battles held tournament style. Boruto’s first match is against Yurui of the Hidden Cloud, and Shikadai is matched up against Yodo of the Hidden Sand. Sarada and Mitsuki are up against Tarui and Toroi of the Hidden Cloud, while Inojin and Cho-Cho pull Araya and Shinki of the Hidden Sand, respectively. After honing their skills in jutsu and strategy, the intense battles between the young shinobi begin!

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Boruto VS Shikadai

24 mai 201824m

The match between Cho-Cho and Shinki of the Hidden Sand begins. Confronted by a foe who is unbelievably calm and menacing, Cho-Cho assumes a seriousness that she rarely reveals as her teammates watch and cheer her on. Boruto and Shikadai's match is next, and the moment nears when the two friends will face off against each other for the first time!

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The tournament nears its finale, as the matches of Sarada vs. Araya of the Hidden Sand and Mitsuki vs. Shinki of the Hidden San begin! Sarada uses her shuriken and Sharingan skills to attack Araya relentlessly, but he counters her with total ease. Her genjutsu has no effect and she is backed into a corner. In Mitsuki and Shinki's match, the evenly matched duo puts on a show of skills.

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The final battle of the tournament begins with Boruto, Sarada and Shinki participating in a battle royale. As the lone representative remaining from the Hidden Sand, Shinki is determined to preserve the pride of the Sand, and goes on the offensive against Boruto and Sarada. Boruto and Sarada team up to fight Shinki, but he puts up an impenetrable defense. Sarada falls, and Boruto's chakra is nearly exhausted, but he refuses to give up!

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L'irruzione degli Otsutsuki!!

14 juin 201824m

Momoshiki, Kinshiki and Urashiki of the Otsutsuki Clan suddenly appear in the arena filled with spectators. Using his Scientific Ninja Tool, Boruto hurls jutsu after jutsu to no avail against Momoshiki, who is targeting Naruto. Meanwhile, Urashiki is curious about Mitsuki's strange power and goes after him, but he is confronted by Gaara along with the Mizukage Chojuro. Naruto and the other ninja do all they can to protect the citizens, and for the first time, Boruto witnesses the magnitude of his father's power in real combat.

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L'asso nella manica di Sasuke

28 juin 201824m

Naruto uses all his power to protect everyone from the Otsutsuki Clan. Boruto realizes the magnitude of his father's love for the village and its people and, at the same time, his own weakness. Watching his friends working on repairs and aiding the wounded in the aftermath of the attack, Boruto realizes the meaning of his father's words. Knowing that this experience has matured his student a little, Sasuke brings up a certain mission.

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Il salvataggio di Naruto!!

5 juillet 201824m

Sasuke and the Kage wage an intense battle against the ridiculously powerful Momoshiki and Kinshiki of the Otsutsuki Clan. During that time, Boruto and Naruto, who have always been at odds, face each other and connect for the first time. But Momoshiki interrupts their reunion.

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Padre e figlio

19 juillet 201824m

Naruto and Sasuke fight against Momoshiki Otsutsuki. Momoshiki gets defeated, but he's helped by Katasuke and his Scientific Ninja Tool. In the end, Boruto puts an end to Momoshiki's life. While dying, Momoshiki talks to Boruto and gives him the Karma Seal.

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La mia storia!

26 juillet 201824m

Boruto has made his rounds apologizing to everyone for his transgressions during the exam, but Momoshiki's prophecy continues to bother him.

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Super Chocho, modalità Farfalla!!

2 août 201824m

Popular actors Tomaru and Ashina receive death threats from an unknown person, so Team 10 is assigned to a joint mission with Team 7 to guard them. The two teams assemble to get the details of their mission, but Boruto sees a beautiful girl he doesn't remember seeing before…

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Super Chocho, Modalità Bacio!

9 août 201824m

The movie studio where Team 7 and Team 10 have been assigned to is attacked by a mysterious ninja. The lead actress is wounded and Tomaru, the lead actor, picks Cho-Cho to be the stand-in! Tomaru's flirting has Cho-Cho on Cloud 9, but Sarada and the others worry that the lovestruck Cho-Cho has lost her focus on the mission!

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Super Chocho, schermaglie d'amore!

16 août 201824m

The ninja in the gas mask appears again during filming and kidnaps Tomaru. Despite everything that happened, Cho-Cho continues to worry about Tomaru and berates Konohamaru and Moeri for failing to stop the abductor. Meanwhile, Ashina agrees to deliver the money as instructed in the ransom note.

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Oltre l'ansia

23 août 201824m

Metal's father, Rock Lee, announces that he will train Metal to master the ultimate taijutsu technique, the Eight Inner Gates. The thought that he cannot fail this training fills Metal with anxiety, and he ends up buying an item that's supposed to calm his nerves. But it doesn't work, and his father ends up postponing the training. He then runs into Might Guy, his father's mentor and a hero of the Fourth Great Ninja War.

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La pietra più dura del mondo

30 août 201824m

The first Five Kage Summit since the attack by the Otsutsuki Clan is held in Hidden Leaf. The current Kage as well as their predecessors assemble, except the Third Tsuchikage, Ohnoki. Boruto and Team 7 have been assigned security duty, but Boruto gets bored and lets his guard down. Then by chance, they encounter Ohnoki.

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La volontà di Mitsuki

6 septembre 201824m

The ninja assigned to the Hidden Leaf Gate are attacked, and Mitsuki disappears. Boruto and Sarada are unaware of this when their scheduled mission is suddenly canceled. Worried, the two start searching for their teammate. When they learn that all the jonin have been summoned by the Hokage, they set out to find out what's going on.

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Il lato oscuro della Luna

13 septembre 201824m

Boruto and Sarada sneak out of the village and head to Orochimaru's research lab to find clues about Mitsuki. After evading the ninja guarding the entrance, they get in. But what they observe at the facility and hear from Orochimaru makes Boruto realize that he never truly knew Mitsuki. Meanwhile, the village finds out that Boruto and Sarada have gone in search of Mitsuki, and Shikadai and his Team 10 are assigned a tracking mission to bring back them back.

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Il nemico è l'Ino-Shika-Cho

20 septembre 201824m

Orochimaru tells Boruto and Sakura about the White Snake Sage who lives in Ryuchi Cave. On their way there, the two are confronted by Team 10, which is determined to take the two back to the village so that they are not labeled as "rogue" ninja. But there's no way Boruto or Sarada will oblige until they find out the truth from Mitsuki, so they are forced into confrontation using everything they've got!

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Dure prove alla Caverna dei Draghi

20 septembre 201824m

Boruto and friends head for Ryuchi Cave in order to see the White Snake Sage. But it's not a simple task, since they have no clue where it is. They search for miles, becoming hungry and tired. They are near their limit when Ryuchi Cave suddenly appears before them along with mysterious women to guide them. They are told they must pass a series of tests in order to meet the White Snake Sage!

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Équipe technique 28

Une réalisation de : Ayumu Ono

Un scénario de : Masahiro Okubo

Vedettes invitées 0 Distribution des rôles et équipe technique au complet

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Provocare l'ira del drago

7 octobre 201824m

The White Snake Sage tells Boruto to bring back the "Reverse Scale" from Garaga, a troublesome snake. Boruto and his friends head deeper into Ryuchi Cave and are confronted by a giant serpent. It is Garaga, the very one they seek, but its sheer power has the gang backed into a corner. Meanwhile, Moegi reports that Mitsuki's disappearance might involve someone who has access to crucial village secrets.

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Un nemico formidabile! Garaga attacca!

14 octobre 201824m

Boruto and the others work together to obtain the Reverse Scale from Garaga. But the battle proves difficult, as Garaga has the power to sense the location of its enemies and turn them into stone. In the midst of battle, the team notices inconsistencies in Garaga's moves and comes up with a successful strategy to subdue him. Boruto is seized with a strange feeling and makes Garaga a proposition.

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Le motivazioni di ognuno

21 octobre 201824m

Mitsuki heads toward Kokuyou and Sekiei's homeland, the Land of Earth. Meanwhile, thanks to the power of the White Snake Sage, Boruto and the others learn that Mitsuki is with Hidden Stone Ninja, and they also head for the Land of Earth. Each side has their own agenda, but will they be able to meet up successfully?

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Il reincontro con Mitsuki

28 octobre 201824m

Kokuyou confronts Boruto and the others. Kokuyou, whose only goal is to become strong, is so powerful that he's taken down the Leaf ninja pursuing Mitsuki. He easily drives Boruto and his team into a corner. Just then, backup appears. Boruto and his friends manage to overcome Kokuyou, and finally catch with up Mitsuki.

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Gli amici di Mitsuki

4 novembre 201824m

Instead of returning home with Boruto, Mitsuki stays with Kokuyou. During this time, Sekiei becomes sick and declines. To recover, Kokuyou returns to his comrades. During his absence, Sekiei asks Mitsuki to teach him what it means to be human. Meanwhile, the Fourth Tsuchikage Kurotsuchi, who had been visiting Ohnoki, her ailing grandfather, is attacked by mysterious assailants.

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Il desiderio di Boruto

11 novembre 201824m

Boruto is injured, unconscious and unable to continue. Everyone thinks about returning to the Hidden Leaf. However, being close to the Land of Earth, a surprise attack is highly possible. As a precaution, Inojin and Cho-Cho set out on recon of the surrounding area.

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Infiltrazione al Villaggio della Roccia!!

18 novembre 201824m

Boruto and his friends decide to go the Hidden Stone Village to see the former Tsuchikage, Ohnoki. In case of an emergency, Inojin stays back with the young Akuta, who is attached to him. The team secretly enters the village determined to find Ohnoki, but they are unaware that they are being watched.

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La giustizia di Onoki

25 novembre 201824m

The team finds Ohnoki, but he flatly refuses to help. On top of which, they are attacked and separated. This leaves it up to each member to make it to the rendezvous point on their own. Meanwhile, Mitsuki is being shown around Kokuyou’s hideout.

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Le idee di Onoki e quelle di Kuu

2 décembre 201824m

Boruto and Ohnoki head to the rendezvous point, but they stumble into the Hidden Stone Shinobi Training Grounds, which are protected by a barrier. Ohnoki tells Boruto that the only way out of the Training Grounds is to find his heart of stone, something that can only be found once in a lifetime when a person comes to terms with their will.

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La pietra dell'anima

9 décembre 201824m

In order to get out of the barrier, Boruto desperately searches for his heart of stone, but he has little success. Then he encounters Sekki, one of the Genbu Three that participated in the recent Chunin Exams. Sekki has also come to the training ground in order to find his heart of stone. Seeing their predicament, Ohnoki tries to help them.

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Il volere di Kozuchi

16 décembre 201824m

Ohnoki takes Boruto to a special location to explain his vision of the future, formed after losing his grandchild, Kozuchi. Meanwhile, time is running out for Ku and his supporters. They rush to set their plan in motion—using force to subdue any who dissent, they attempt to take over the Hidden Stone Village.

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Sentirsi veramente vivi

23 décembre 201824m

Kakou appears to take the former Tsuchikage back to the village, but Boruto confronts him and they fight. Kakou uses a rare and powerful Particle Style and pushes Boruto to the edge. Meanwhile, Shikadai manages to slip through the Akuta guards and heads for the Hidden Leaf to report on the situation in the Hidden Stone.

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Scontro con Kokuyo!!

6 janvier 201924m

Boruto and Sarada are caught and taken back to the Hidden Stone headquarters along with Ohnoki. There, they find that Ku and his supporters have taken the village, and that things have changed drastically. Kokuyou and Kirara swoop down on Boruto and Sarada, but Shikadai comes to the rescue!

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Un animo incrollabile

13 janvier 201924m

After Boruto and Sarada part ways with Shikadai and the others, Kirara appears and turns them into “dolls” that must obey her, ordering the two to kill each other. Meanwhile, thinking about Boruto’s words and how his village is becoming something different than what he envisioned, Ohnoki realizes that he’s made a mistake.

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Mitsuki e Sekiei

20 janvier 201924m

Sustaining great damage from Mitsuki’s attack, Ku flees the scene. Boruto and Sarada attempt to chase after him, but Kirara blocks their path! Meanwhile, Sekiei watches everything unfold. Shocked and confused by the actions of Mitsuki, Sekiei recklessly attacks him. Not wanting to fight, Mitsuki tries to stop him.

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Il volere di Onoki

27 janvier 201924m

Ku appears once again to provoke and attack Boruto. Meanwhile, reevaluating his true will and intent, Ohnoki prepares for a fight to the death in order to stop Ku from doing any more harm.

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Una nuova quotidianità

3 février 201924m

Boruto and the other Leaf Genin return to the Hidden Leaf with Mitsuki. However, Mitsuki is detained and subjected to hours of interrogation. And since Boruto and the others have taken actions that would normally banish them from the village, it is decided that they will lose their genin qualification as punishment.

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La giornata genitori-figli

10 février 201924m

The Hidden Leaf established Parent and Child Day to allow busy parents to spend a day off with their children. Boruto and his sister Himawari await the day with anticipation. The day arrives, and Boruto is happy that his father was able to finish work and come home, so he decides to let Naruto spend all of his time with Himawari.

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Porzioni giganti! Il torneo dei mangioni

17 février 201924m

Boruto comes across an eating contest, held by the popular eateries in the Leaf for Parent and Child Day. Many families participate but they don’t know that this event has an outrageous hidden motive arranged by the organizers…

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Boruto runs into his teacher Sasuke, who’s returned to the village after a long absence. After listening to Boruto explain the village’s new holiday, Sasuke recalls the time he spent with his father, Fugaku, and his beloved brother Itachi, and decides to spend time with Sarada.

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Sangue, sudore e lacrime

3 mars 201924m

Namida from Team 15 uses an earsplitting cry that can temporarily paralyze or knock out an opponent, but she’s unable to fully control this special jutsu. When she panics, the jutsu can affect everyone nearby, even her allies. Worried that she’ll become a hindrance to missions, Namida decides to stop crying to prevent the jutsu from accidentally activating.

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La decisione di Shikadai

10 mars 201924m

The Nara clan’s chief elder tells Shikadai to quit being a ninja and become a politician in order to increase the reputation of the clan. Shikadai is hesitant, but considers his father’s position and accepts. Boruto and the others are surprised by Shikadai’s sudden decision. Shikadai takes a hiatus from ninja missions and decides to study to become a politician.

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Il bosco maledetto

17 mars 201924m

Birds are attacking the residents of a village located on the outskirts of the Land of Fire. Boruto's and Sumire’s teams are assigned a joint mission to identify the cause.

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Jugo e il sigillo maledetto

24 mars 201924m

Boruto and Sarada confirm Juugo’s appearance. However, Juugo is under the influence of a ‘Cursed Seal’, and has transformed into a ferocious monster. The ‘Cursed Seal’ is one of Orochimaru’s research materials. Even though it amplifies strength and stimulates that attack instincts of living beings, Juugo is someone who possessed that capability from birth. Juugo has lost control over himself and begins to attack, putting up a difficult fight against Boruto and his comrades. Even though he’ll be getting assistance from his friends, will they cause damage to Juugo somehow?!

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Una strada predestinata

31 mars 201924m

The cause is still unknown, but they are successively discovering birds that are under control of the power of the cursed seal. Boruto and his comrades from Team 7 are with Tosaka: They are running around together with Juugo, who can absorb the power of cursed seals. Boruto and his comrades continue to rescue the birds by using tranquilizers, so that Juugo and them won’t be controlled by the cursed seal again. However, an incident occurs where they lose all of their tranquilizers.

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I rinforzi di Jugo

7 avril 201924m

Just like Boruto and his comrades, an investigational team from the River country is studying the birds who have become ferocious due to the cursed seal. Juugo was captured by them. In order to not increase the damages due to the cursed seal beyond what’s already happened, Boruto and his comrades say that Juugo’s power is still necessary. Despite appealing to the investigational team from the River country, they are treated with contempt.

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Lotta all'ultimo sangue

14 avril 201924m

Boruto and his comrades are trying to interfere with the plans to use the cursed seal’s power. Even though Boruto and Suigetsu are headed over to Jugo's location, they get ensnared by a trap and get put in a tough position! On the other hand, Sarada and Karin employ diversionary tactics to battle their enemy. In addition, Wasabi and Namida have gotten separated from Boruto and his comrades. They get rescued by Sumire, but an enemy that she had fought against just a few days ago has reappeared in front of her! In order to protect the two of them, Sumire battles alongside Nue.

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La stagione migratoria

21 avril 201924m

Jugo is suffering from the effects of the drug that activates the power of the cursed seals. Somehow or another. Boruto and Suigetsu want to try to save him, but they are rendered unable to move because of being injected with a tranquillizer. Meanwhile, it’s time for the migratory birds to set off.

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Un piccolo coinquilino

28 avril 201924m

Team 7 is sent on a mission to help capture a jewelry thief, but they lose track of them. In the thief’s place, a cat appears. Boruto and the others decide that Mitsuki should take care of it for the time being.

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Una ferita aperta nel cuore

5 mai 201924m

Mitsuki visits Orochimaru’s research facility because he’s not feeling well. Mitsuki explains to Orochimaru and Log that he never used to dream during sleep, but has recently begun to have them. Hearing Mitsuki’s story, Orochimaru thinks of a solution.

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Konohamaru’s cousin, Mirai Sarutobi, is assigned to escort the Sixth Hokage Kakashi and his friend Might Guy to the hot springs.

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Mirai and crew arrive at the hot springs located near the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Steam in time for a festival celebrating dogs and cats. But Mirai—always on the job—just can’t relax!

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A few days into the mission, Mirai visits the hot spring with Tenten, Guy’s former student. But that moment of relaxation is interrupted by Guy yelling about a ghost.

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Mirai, Kakashi, and Guy travel with Tatsumi to a village with a secret hot spring, but they find the hot spring covered by a boulder! Luckily, Choji drops in, armed with the Akimichi Clan’s Secret Super Expansion Jutsu, but he’s too hungry and can’t utilize the full extent of his abilities!

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Moved by Tatsumi’s efforts to accomplish her goal all by herself, Mirai decides to help her even though she's still in the middle of her mission.

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Mirai leaves the inn with Tatsumi without telling Kakashi and Guy. At the hot springs Mirai thinks she sees her father Asuma, but something feels off. Will Mirai be able to get back to her escort mission in one piece?

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Il summit di promozione a chunin

23 juin 201924m

Naruto and Shikamaru deliberate on the results of the Chunin Exam that were left unsettled due to the Otsutsuki attack. Sasuke returns, looking for clues about the Otsutsuki Clan.

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Le qualità di un caposquadra

30 juin 201924m

With Shikadai as captain, Boruto, Iwabe, and Wasabi form a special team for a mission to find and bring back a rare flower that only blooms for a short period of time. What should have been a simple mission ends up progressing slower than expected as the team continues to argue.

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Extreme Ninja Cards, featuring famous shinobi from history, is the most popular game in recent times. As Boruto and his friends eagerly collect the cards, they realize they are still missing their former teacher, Shino Aburame, and Metal’s father, Rock Lee! They also learn that there’s only one space left in the upcoming series! A fierce battle begins between Boruto, who thinks it should be Shino, and Metal, who stands behind his father. Which candidate will make the final slot?

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La Squadra 25

14 juillet 201924m

Kakashi goes to the post office—disguised as Sukea, a freelance journalist—to observe Team 25, whose mission is to assist with sorting mail. Houki Taketori, Hako Kuroi, and Renga Kokubou are genin and Boruto's former classmates. As a team, they haven't distinguished themselves, so the missions they are assigned to always consist of simple tasks. Furthermore, they lack teamwork. To find the reason for this, Kakashi decides to talk to Houki, who for some reason dresses just like him.

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Konohamaru e Lemon

21 juillet 201924m

One day, Boruto and Konohamaru rescue Remon Yoimura from an attack. Remon says she has come to Hidden Leaf Village for sightseeing. Boruto and Konohamaru offer to show her around the Leaf and provide some protection as well.

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Il segreto di Lemon

28 juillet 201924m

Boruto and Konohamaru pay a visit to Remon's village, but are puzzled by Remon's cold demeanor. It turns out that Remon is a descendant of the Souma, a family that has protected the village from goblins for many generations. Thus, she is not allowed to leave the village freely. Furthermore, an important ritual is to be held shortly, so Kankitsu Akitsuki, Remon's childhood friend, imprisons her to prevent her from seeing anyone.

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Il divoratore di ricordi

4 août 201924m

Konohamaru tries to rescue Remon by checking up on Kankitsu, but he is caught and forcibly taken back to the Leaf Village. Boruto becomes suspicious when he sees Kankitsu alone and acting as if nothing has happened. He decides to investigate the situation, only to be shocked by the sight that unfolds before him! Meanwhile, Konohamaru is disciplined by the Hokage after receiving a complaint from Remon's village.

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La via del ninja di Konohamaru

11 août 201924m

Konohamaru and Boruto set out again to rescue Remon but find they’ve arrived a little late. Soma has broken the seal and begins his resurrection. Boruto and Konohamaru try desperately to stop this, but none of their weapons and ninjutsu work against him. Watching them, Remon is inspired to carry out her vow and employ the method her ancestor used long ago to seal the monster.

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Sasuke è il mio riferimento

18 août 201924m

Due to Sasuke’s frequent absences from the village, he hasn’t had time to train Boruto. When Sasuke sends a message home, Boruto takes a peek at its contents and learns that Sasuke will be making a stop at a certain location in the Land of Wind. Determined to be trained by his mentor, he sneaks out of the village.

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Boruto manages to reach Sasuke, but he sees his mentor disappear before his very eyes due to an attack by Urashiki Otsutsuki. It turns out that Sasuke, along with the Kazekage and Shinki, was in the middle of battling Urashiki, who was pursuing Shukaku, the One Tail. Gaara uses a Sealing Jutsu and manages to stop Urashiki, but he believes it’s only a matter of time before the jutsu is broken. He orders Shinki and Boruto to go to the Leaf Village to keep Shukaku safe.

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Battaglia tra marionette!!

1 septembre 201924m

Led by Kankuro, Boruto and Shinki guard Shukaku head for the Hidden Leaf Village. But on the way, they engage with a puppet created by the Otsutsuki Clan sent after them in pursuit. Kankuro entrusts Shukaku to Boruto and Shinki, and sends them on ahead so he can confront the enemy alone.

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Urashiki, il ritorno

8 septembre 201924m

Boruto and Shinki clash, and they ultimately end up going their separate ways. But an Otsutsuki puppet appears before Shinki. Just then, Boruto arrives with Shikadai and Temari, who were on their way to the Hidden Sand. Even with their help, the Otsutsuki puppet proves formidable. Meanwhile, Urashiki breaks through Gaara’s Sealing Jutsu and begins to move once again.

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Il momento della decisione

15 septembre 201924m

Boruto and Shinki continue on toward the Hidden Leaf Village to fulfill the mission entrusted to them. But Urashiki suddenly appears. Working together, Boruto and Shinki manage to slip away from Urashiki, but escaping him completely proves to be difficult.

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Boruto e Shinki

22 septembre 201924m

Urashiki is determined to get Shukaku's chakra and attacks ruthlessly. Boruto and Shinki form a united front and unleash each of their special jutsu. However, Urashiki proves to be a formidable opponent that neither Sasuke nor Gaara could defeat. Will Boruto and Shinki be able to find a way to counter him?

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Il trucchetto di Shukaku

29 septembre 201924m

Boruto and Shinki bring Shukaku to Hidden Leaf Village. Upon arriving at the Uzumaki home, Himawari is completely taken with him, but Shukaku finds the entire situation irritating. When told about the day Naruto became the Seventh Hokage—and how Himawari hurt Naruto and Kurama—Shukaku comes up with an idea.

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Le tattiche della pomiciata

6 octobre 201924m

Boruto becomes fascinated by Jiraiya, Naruto's former mentor. Inspired to train, he goes to Sasuke's house, where Sarada mentions Jiraiya's novel. Convinced that reading the novel is the fastest way to learn about Jiraiya, the search for Make-Out Tactics begins!

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L'obiettivo di Urashiki

13 octobre 201924m

Boruto is forbidden to participate in the counterattack on Urashiki because he was previously targeted by the Otsutsuki. Frustrated by this decision, Boruto argues with Naruto when a report comes in that Urashiki has been located.

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Il villaggio della Foglia

20 octobre 201924m

While chasing down Urashiki, Boruto and Sasuke get hit with a strange Otsutsuki weapon. They find themselves in the Hidden Leaf, but years before Boruto was born. Although there's no sign of Urashiki, Sasuke thinks they should proceed carefully. Suddenly, a very young Naruto appears with Jiraiya and the two start questioning the "outsiders."

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Radunatevi, genin!!

27 octobre 201924m

Boruto and Sasuke end up staying in the Hidden Leaf under the watchful eyes of Naruto and Jiraiya. At first, Boruto feels uncomfortable being with Naruto, but gradually warms up to him. Meanwhile, a group of genin—Sakura, Hinata, and Neji—are summoned for duty along with their chunin leader, Shikamaru. Boruto and Naruto head to the designated meeting place and find something unexpected.

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La forza dell'Enneacoda

3 novembre 201924m

Urashiki appears to steal the chakra of Nine Tails from Naruto, but his attempt is unsuccessful. In order to save Naruto, Boruto, Sasuke and Jiraiya pursue Urashiki. Jiraiya then notices that the malevolent Nine Tails Chakra has started filling the air.

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La lezione di Jiraiya

10 novembre 201924m

At Jiraiya’s suggestion, Boruto and Naruto train to synchronize their chakra, but this turns out to be more difficult than expected. Boruto then runs into Neji and decides to talk to him. Sasuke, upon seeing a discouraged Naruto, is unable to ignore him.

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Un villaggio senza Sasuke

24 novembre 201924m

Boruto and Naruto resume their training. Meanwhile, Sasuke is at a loss for words when Jiraiya expresses doubt about his identity. However, Jiraiya says that he will not pry if they join forces to come up with a strategy to defeat Urashiki.

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Il potere di prevedere il futuro

1 décembre 201924m

Another intense battle begins for Boruto, Sasuke and Jiraiya as they try to defend Naruto from Urashiki. Sasuke protects Naruto, allowing Boruto and Jiraiya to barely escape with him.

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La battaglia decisiva, Urashiki

8 décembre 201924m

Boruto's quick thinking exposes Urashiki's trick that enables him to see into the future and they manage to inflict some damage. But before they can breathe a sigh of relief, Urashiki emerges again with an even stronger move, and they're back in the same predicament!

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Al di là del tempo!!

15 décembre 201924m

The battle against Urashiki is over, and it's time for Boruto and Sasuke to return to the place where they rightfully belong. Boruto is wistful about leaving Jiraiya and Naruto. Suddenly, Jiraiya makes a request to Sasuke.

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Il samurai in programma di scambio

22 décembre 201924m

Sumire's wish comes true and she joins the Scientific Ninja Tools Team, leaving only Wasabi and Namida on Team 15. A new member, Tsubaki Kurogane, a young girl who hails from the Land of Iron, joins them.

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Il compleanno di Hiashi

29 décembre 201924m

Boruto's grandfather Hiashi's birthday is approaching and there's going to be a small family celebration. Boruto is chosen to select a birthday present, but he doesn't know what will please his grandfather, so he visits the Hyuga household and sneakily gathers information.

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Terrore!! Enko Onikuma

12 janvier 202024m

Enko Onikuma—one of Boruto's former classmates and a member of Team 40— was possessed by a Summoning Beast as a child. Now, she can manifest its enormous power. But lately, she hasn't been able to control her power, hindering her work on missions. Meanwhile, Ibiki Morino approaches Enko and tells her that she'll be working under him going forward.

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Inojin approaches his parents about mastering the Mind Transfer Jutsu. Cho-Cho agrees to assist and everything is set for training to begin. With his father Sai observing, Inojin starts training with Ino. But due to his lack of confidence, Inojin's unable to execute the jutsu, which ends up irritating his mother.

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Hozuki Castle is a prison run by the Hidden Grass, well known for being notoriously difficult to escape from. Boruto and Mitsuki are sent there to protect Kokuri, a former member of a brutal band of robbers known as the Mujina Gang who's now targeted by assassins after betraying and deserting the gang.

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Prova di volontà

2 février 202024m

Boruto and his team try to get Kokuri assigned to the same cell, but the warden, Benga, shuts the idea down. Looking for a weakness in Benga, they approach Doragu, the leader among the prisoners, for information they can exploit. Doragu is willing to give them information, but in exchange Boruto and the team must undergo a test of perseverance.

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L'assalitore di Kokuri

9 février 202024m

It is discovered that a wooden tag used to prevent unauthorized entry into the medical unit has been stolen, and the prison guards begin a search for the culprit. Until the offender is found, all prisoners are locked in their cells. Once the culprit is found, each of their cellmates will be forced into solitary confinement. If this happens and the team becomes separated from Kokuri, their mission could be jeopardized.

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Il segreto di Kokuri

16 février 202024m

Boruto and the others can't help but feel that Kokuri is hiding something from them. Meanwhile, Tsukiyo, a lieutenant in the Mujina Gang who's also imprisoned in Hozuki Castle, schemes to get Kokuri transferred to Hozuki Castle II, where his henchmen lie in wait.

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Evasione dal Castello di Hozuki

23 février 202024m

Boruto and Mitsuki worry that their mission is in jeopardy, since Kokuri is scheduled to be transferred to Hozuki Castle II. They decide to escape with Kokuri before he's moved. As they discuss their strategy with Sarada, their cellmate Kedama overhears them

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Evasione effettuata!!

1 mars 202024m

The clock ticks down to the rendezvous time for the escape, but there's no word from Sarada. If they miss this chance, everything will be ruined. Boruto puts his faith in Sarada and proceeds as planned with Mitsuki and Kokuri. Meanwhile, Sarada's lost consciousness from falling to the underground level of Hozuki Castle.

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Battaglia decisiva al chiaro di luna

8 mars 202024m

Boruto and the team are waiting for the escape boat when Tsukiyo appears. Boruto and his team fight desperately in order to protect Kokuri, but they're tormented by Tsukiyo's jutsu as time threatens to run out on their prison break!

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Una nuova missione!!

15 mars 202024m

Boruto has a dream about the day he defeated Momoshiki Otsutsuki. It ends up bothering him so much that he can't focus on his mission. He then meets Tento, the son of Ikkyu Madoka—the Feudal Lord of the Land of Fire—who’s in the Hidden Leaf for a meeting with the Hokage.

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22 mars 202024m

Boruto's new mission is to guard Tento, who is obsessed with ninja and collecting X Cards. He begs Boruto to teach him ninja skills, and Boruto thinks this will be a good opportunity to knock some sense into Tento. Meanwhile, the Mujina Gang, which had been laying low after Team 7’s infiltration mission at Hozuki Castle, rears its ugly head.

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Il valore degli assi nella manica

29 mars 202024m

After completing his mission to guard Tento, Boruto is assigned a new B-rank mission with Sarada and Mitsuki. Boruto is excited to start but he finds the rare X Card that he had wanted in his pocket. Realizing that this was from Tento, he goes to their hotel and learns that Tento's life is in danger.

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Boruto e Tento

5 avril 202024m

Boruto rushes to save Tento, but Shojoji the leader of the Mujina Gang blocks his way. Boruto dodges to protect Tento, but Shojoji and his Corpse Clone Jutsu prove to be too powerful. In the midst of all this, the mark on Boruto's palm reacts and paralyzes him.

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Lo sviluppo delle tecniche mediche ninja

12 avril 202024m

A training class on Medical Ninjutsu is to be held, and each team must send a representative. Sarada is chosen for Team 7. Despite Sakura being a Medical Ninjutsu specialist, Sarada doesn't have a knack for it and being a participant fills her with anxiety.

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Armonia dorata

19 avril 202024m

Tsubaki, Sumire’s replacement on Team 15, is proud of her samurai upbringing and is highly skilled, but her team’s overall mission performance is lackluster. Tsubaki devises a plan to hone her team’s skills, where they fight for who performs best on missions.

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Himawari, prime prove da ninja!!

26 avril 202024m

Himawari attends the Ninja Academy's trial session where participants get a taste of ninja training. Himawari’s already decided to become a ninja, which annoys Norimaki and Edo, who criticize her for being there just for fun. Things become uncomfortable when they're assigned to the same team.

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Mitsuki in un giorno di pioggia

5 juillet 202024m

One rainy night, guided by Mikazuki the cat, Mitsuki rescues an injured man. Mysteriously, Mikazuki seems to take a liking to the man who says he’s come to visit his sister who works in the Leaf Village. Soon after, Team 7 is assigned to back up the Leaf Police Force on a security mission. Their client is a president of a company who is being targeted by a serial killer known as "The Rainy Day Killer.

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Non posso rimanere snella

12 juillet 202024m

Cho-Cho and Choji go to the sweet shop after their training session, only to be disappointed that they are unusually out of azuki bean sweets. After hearing thieves have been raiding the deliveries, Cho-Cho plans to team up with Anko Mitarashi, her friend in desserts and beloved Ninja Academy instructor, to protect the azuki beans that she loves, and capture the bandits!

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Le orme dei "Kara"

19 juillet 202024m

Using intel obtained from Shojoji the leader of the Mujina Gang, Sai and Sasuke journey to the Hidden Rain Village to find a location thought to be the hideout of an organization known as "Kara, the Husk.

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L'uomo svanito

26 juillet 202024m

Boruto and Team 7 are tasked with a mission to find a missing researcher of a medical equipment company in a distant nation. Mugino, a jonin who has a keen sense of location, comes on board to guide and assist Team 7. Without wasting any time, Boruto and the team start their mission with Mugino.

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Le cellule di Hashirama

2 août 202024m

Boruto and the team finally find the missing researcher. Despite his resistance, the team is determined to take him back safely to their client.

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Al Paese del Silenzio

9 août 202024m

Leaving Mitsuki in the care of Yubina, a doctor and friend of Mugino, Boruto and the others go to a black market in the Land of Silence, a dangerous and lawless gathering place for disgraced ninja. Team 7 make it to a shop located in the most dangerous district whose owner knows all the latest news. After a scuffle with the bodyguards, the team finally gets ready to ask the shopkeeper for information.

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Un castello da incubo

16 août 202024m

The Hashirama Cell was extracted from the body of the First Hokage Senju Hashirama, and depending on how it is handled, its power to stimulate life energy to explosive proportions makes it extremely dangerous. Boruto and the others learn that the cell is in the hands of a wealthy individual who lives in Fushuu Castle, and plan on retrieving it. But there are others who are after it as well.

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Boruto and the others are involved in a robbery incident at Fushuu Castle, and on top of being branded criminals, they are being pursued by a gang from the Land of Silence. Although they're determined to capture the true culprits, the gang keeps attacking and hampering their efforts!

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Gli inseguitori

30 août 202024m

Team 7 and Mugino manage to evade the gang and continue their pursuit of the culprits. But on the way they encounter a squad of skilled ninja and the situation turns explosive. Amidst the tension they learn intel about the culprits, so the team set out in pursuit, but their way is blocked by Deepa.

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La tecnica proibita della morte

6 septembre 202024m

Boruto and the team finally catch up to the real thieves, two ninja brothers from the Land of Kasumi. Yuga uses a Forbidden Jutsu to summon a monster, and seals it and the team inside a strong barrier. Naruto insists on defeating it and getting out of the barrier. But Mugino argues that unnecessary fighting should be avoided since they don't know how to counter this special jutsu.

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La missione dei quattro gemelli

13 septembre 202024m

Boruto and the others manage to escape Yuuga's barrier, but this time his younger brother Hiruga gets in their way. Like Yuuga, Hiruga will resort to any method to fulfill his mission and uses his jutsu to seal away Boruto and the others. As Boruto tries to break the jutsu, he’s baffled by their rabid fighting style and their willingness to risk their lives.

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Battaglia all'ultimo sangue

20 septembre 202024m

Boruto and the team are determined to reach Asaka, the eldest brother of the Land of Silence Ninja, before Deepa does. They catch up to him, but Deepa arrives soon after and attacks ruthlessly. They try to counter, but nothing seems to work. In the midst of their panic, Victor appears!

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La decisione di entrambi

27 septembre 202024m

Boruto and Sarada convalesce at the Leaf Hospital while Mitsuki returns to Orochimaru's for treatment. For Boruto and Sarada, their inability to fight back against Deepa turns from frustration to resolve. Meanwhile, Konohamaru gives the Hokage his report regarding the incident, and in order to investigate the connection with the Kara more thoroughly, he asks that he be allowed to conduct surveillance on Victor's company.

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Inizia l'addestramento!!

4 octobre 202024m

Boruto and Sarada begin intensive training after experiencing defeat. Boruto wants to make his Rasengan even stronger and seeks out Kakashi. Sarada is mentored by her father, Sasuke, in the use of her Sharingan. Meanwhile, Konohamaru and Mugino have been authorized to visit Victor's company in order to investigate his motives.

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Strategia congiunta con la Sabbia

11 octobre 202024m

Shikadai, Inojin, and Cho-Cho's Team 10 is assigned to a joint mission with Shinki, Yodo, and Araya from the Hidden Sand. The mission is to find and retrieve an Otsutsuki Puppet that Shikadai had once fought. Team 10 arrives in the Land of Wind and decide to stop at a certain shop. On their way, a man passes them who piques Shikadai's interest. Upon arriving, a chilling scene confronts the trio.

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Il nuovo Rasengan

18 octobre 202024m

Shikadai comes to see Boruto in the midst of training and witnesses his friend's determination to break through his slump. Shikadai, who also experienced Deepa's frightening power, tells Boruto that a rematch with Deepa would be reckless. Boruto explains his real reason for wanting to become stronger, and asks for Shikadai’s help. Meanwhile, Sarada trains with Sasuke to hone her Sharingan, but Sakura worries about her well-being.

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I risultati degli allenamenti

25 octobre 202024m

Under Kakashi's watchful eye, Boruto succeeds in powering up his own style of Rasengan. And he demonstrates his progress in a battle against an opponent of Kakashi’s choosing. Meanwhile, Sasuke and Sakura switch places to train their daughter. With firm resolve, Boruto and Sarada continue their training and begin to see the results of their hard work.

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L'autografo terrificante

1 novembre 202024m

Iwabe, Denki and Metal pay a visit to Boruto after he lands in the hospital from overtraining. There, they meet Nattou Nishiki, a young boy who is also a patient. Rambunctious and brash, Nattou easily manipulates the three into getting him an autograph from a certain ninja feared by everyone!

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Il segreto della sala sotterranea

8 novembre 202024m

Konohamaru and Mugino continue keeping their eye on Victor's company. They receive intel that the Feudal Lord of the Land of Valleys will be touring the company, giving them the opportunity to check the inner reaches of the secretive facility. Meanwhile, Boruto and Sarada complete their training and visit the woman who requested their previous mission.

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L'Albero Divino torna in vita

15 novembre 202024m

Boruto and Sarada rush to Victor's research lab where they find a horrifying plant stealing the chakra of the people near it. As they work with Konohamaru to try to bring it under control, Deepa appears!

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Oltre i limiti!!

22 novembre 202024m

Separated from Boruto and Sarada, Konohamaru battles Victor. But someone unexpected shows up to fight alongside him. Meanwhile, Boruto and Sarada are trying to defeat Deepa to even the score, but he still proves to be a formidable opponent despite all of their training.

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Chiudete le porte Aun!!

29 novembre 202024m

Konohamaru and his teammates report their findings that the Kara receives outside assistance from people called Outers, and that these Outers may have covertly infiltrated the Five Great Shinobi Nations. Though Naruto feels that, as Hokage, he is responsible for protecting the village, he is unable to decide on a course of action.

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Il sistema di rilevamento del Muro di Ferro

6 décembre 202024m

The Yamanaka Clan, who have been tracking the village’s ingoing and outgoing traffic with their advanced sensory abilities, spearheads a plan to create a new sensory system and an operational test is conducted.

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L'esempio paterno

13 décembre 202024m

A memorial service is being held in remembrance of the many fallen from the Fourth Great Ninja War. Shikamaru and Ino reminisce about their fathers who died carrying out their duties until the very end in the hopes of a better future. Meanwhile, Ao, an aide to the Fifth Mizukage Mei, pays a visit to the Village Hidden in Leaves.

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La cospirazione di Victor

20 décembre 202024m

The mysterious organization known as the Kara is about to take one of their plans to the next stage that involves a crucial item called a “Vessel.” However, having his own ambitions, Victor secretly panics as he tries to keep his true objectives hidden from Jigen, leader of the Kara, and the other core members

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Mugino l'assassino

27 décembre 202024m

Boruto, Sarada and Mitsuki are assigned to carry out Team 7’s missions by themselves until Konohamaru returns from an unexpected assignment. Boruto runs into Mugino in town and ends up going to his home at Mugino’s invitation.

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Il Recipiente

10 janvier 202124m

Son of Naruto Uzumaki, Boruto, follows his father's footsteps along with his friends to become great ninja. Throughout all their adventures, Boruto is determined to make his mark in the ninja world and live outside of his father's shadow.

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17 janvier 202124m

After the Chunin Exams, Katasuke has returned to work at the invitation of the Hokage. Upon seeing him, Boruto becomes annoyed thinking about what happened during the exam. Team 7 is given a mission to escort Katasuke and transport a Scientific Ninja Tool. Stuck on a mission he doesn’t like, Boruto runs into Ao while aboard the Thunder Train headed to their destination.

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La mano

24 janvier 202124m

Team 7 has arrived at a high-tech research center along with Katasuke. There, they end up running into some familiar faces. The mission has ended without incident, and Boruto is ready to head home. However, there’s more they must do. Boruto and his friends end up cooperating in a test-run of a Scientific Ninja Tool that is under development. Boruto is unhappy at first, but as the test run continues his feelings start to change. As that happens, Team 7 is given a new urgent assignment from the Hokage.

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31 janvier 202124m

After finding out that Konohamaru and Mugino have gone missing, Team 7 is ordered to go to their last known location and investigate what happened. Team 7 and Katasuke arrive at the airship wreckage, but are attacked by strange puppets.

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7 février 202124m

Ao è diventato ostile. Per sfuggire ai suoi attacchi, Mugino tenta una strategia rischiosa, che permette a Boruto e agli altri di fuggire. Boruto e i suoi amici sono scioccati dagli eventi che si sono svolti, ma poi Katasuke confessa qualcosa di ancora più scioccante. Nel frattempo, dopo aver permesso a Boruto e agli altri di fuggire, Ao viene visitato da Koji Kashin, un membro di Kara, l'Husk.

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Usare al meglio

14 février 202124m

Inizia la resa dei conti tra il Team 7 e Ao! Il Team 7 lavora insieme per lanciare una raffica di attacchi, ma contrastare l'uso abile degli Strumenti Ninja Scientifici da parte di Ao non sarà facile. Proprio mentre sembrano averlo messo alle strette, Ao rivela la sua arma più grande.

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21 février 202124m

Mentre Boruto e i suoi amici finiscono la loro battaglia con Ao, appare Koji Kashin, un membro di Kara! Koji li lega con un Sealing Jutsu e cerca di eliminarli e completare la sua missione, ma Konohamaru dissipa il jutsu e lo affronta uno contro uno!

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28 février 202124m

Koji mostra interesse per la trasformazione di Boruto e si ritira, e Boruto e i suoi amici decidono di tornare al villaggio. Sulla via del ritorno, scoprono un ragazzo incosciente che ha lo stesso strano segno sul palmo della mano di Boruto.

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7 mars 202124m

La battaglia tra Garo, un Esterno, e Kawaki, noto anche come la Nave, ha inizio! L'intero corpo di Garo è dotato di strumenti ninja scientifici e Kawaki è in grado di trasformare il suo braccio in varie forme. Boruto e i suoi amici sono senza parole. Mentre la battaglia infuria, Kawaki viene gradualmente sopraffatto e catturato.

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14 mars 202124m

Il team torna all'Advanced Technology Lab con Kawaki. Konohamaru è tornato al villaggio per riferire sulla missione. Naruto, preoccupato per la relazione tra Kawaki e Kara, decide di andare in laboratorio.

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Cane randagio

21 mars 202124m

Kawaki fugge dall'Advanced Technology Lab e si ritrova in un vivace quartiere dello shopping. Esausto e affamato, cerca disperatamente cibo. Sumire e Nue lo trovano, e Sumire esprime la sua preoccupazione per il suo infortunio, ma Kawaki continua ad essere ostile.

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28 mars 202124m

Kawaki crolla ed è tormentato dagli incubi della sua infanzia. Da bambino, Kawaki ha sopportato un padre violento, fino a quando un giorno un uomo è apparso davanti a lui, nientemeno che Jigen, il leader di Kara.

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4 avril 202124m

I Cinque Kage accettano di mettere Kawaki sotto la custodia di Naruto. Naruto porta Kawaki a casa, ma si rifiuta ancora di aprirsi a nessuno. L'atmosfera tra Boruto e Kawaki, che si sono combattuti prima, diventa minacciosa.

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La famiglia Uzumaki

11 avril 202124m

Kawaki inizia a vivere nella famiglia Uzumaki, e all'inizio è sconcertato dalla loro pacifica vita quotidiana. Alla fine viene messo a suo agio dall'atmosfera allegra e accogliente degli Uzumakis. Nel frattempo, Boruto è furioso perché Kawaki ha rotto un vaso che la sua sorellina aveva fatto per la loro madre, alimentando le fiamme tra di loro. Come compagno detentore del Karma, Kawaki fa una proposta.

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Un vaso da fiori

18 avril 202124m

Kawaki va in città con Naruto per ottenere un nuovo vaso per sostituire quello che ha rotto. Sulla strada per il negozio di fiori Yamanaka, sono raggiunti da Sarada. Non abituato alla pacifica vita di tutti i giorni, scatta ai tentativi di Sarada di parlargli e quasi attacca un bambino per averlo urtato.

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La forza che ci unisce

25 avril 202124m

Kawaki guarda una partita di shinobi corpo a corpo tra Naruto e Boruto. Boruto usa la sua specialità, il Clone Ombra Jutsu, per affrontare suo padre, ma lotta. Dopo aver visto questo, Kawaki dice a Boruto di usare il potere del suo Karma. Nel frattempo, Kawaki si interessa al Jutsu Shadow Clone che Naruto e Boruto amano usare.

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2 mai 202124m

Per gestire meglio i loro Karma, Boruto e Kawaki decidono di allenarsi in condizioni più realistiche. Mentre Naruto e Himawari guardano, attivano i loro Karma e si confrontano l'un l'altro. Nel frattempo, Delta si unisce a Koji Kashin, che sta ancora inseguendo Kawaki. In qualche modo, Koji è in grado di intrufolarsi nel villaggio senza innescare il sistema sensoriale della Foglia Nascosta. Delta non ha altra scelta che aspettare il suo ritorno. Ma quando lui non torna, lei esaurisce la pazienza.

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9 mai 202124m

Delta si fa strada nel Villaggio della Foglia per riprendere Kawaki e appare davanti a Boruto e agli altri. Naruto la affronta per proteggere Boruto, Himawari e Kawaki. Attacca Naruto con strumenti ninja scientifici che sono stati impiantati nel suo corpo pesantemente modificato. In risposta, Naruto scatena il potere delle Nove Code, e ne consegue un feroce scontro!

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16 mai 202124m

Delta usa il suo raggio distruttivo in grado di neutralizzare qualsiasi potere rigenerativo. Imperterrito, Naruto lo sopprime con forza con un Rasengan gigante. Poi alza il potere del suo jutsu e lo spinge verso Delta. Sfortunatamente, Delta è stato dotato di strumenti ninja scientifici ed è in grado di assorbire qualsiasi jutsu, non importa quanto potente... Quale sarà l'esito di questa battaglia?!

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Un allievo

23 mai 202124m

Dopo aver perso il braccio in battaglia, a Kawaki viene dato un braccio protesico alimentato dal chakra di Naruto. Imparando a conoscere i poteri e le capacità dell'uso del chakra, Kawaki chiede a Naruto di essere addestrato nel ninjutsu.

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Lacrime vuote

30 mai 202124m

Kurama appare davanti a Kawaki e gli racconta del passato di Naruto. Sentendo che hanno esperienze simili, Kawaki aspira ad essere come Naruto e rafforza la sua determinazione ad allenarsi per essere in grado di sconfiggere Jigen.

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La setta religiosa

6 juin 202124m

Usando la tecnica di trasporto, Sasuke arriva in una strana posizione coperta da misteriose iscrizioni. Lì trova molte cose sorprendenti sul clan Otsutsuki. Nel frattempo, Boro, uno dei leader dei Kara, ha usato pubblicamente i suoi misteriosi poteri per guarire i malati. Dice alle persone che si sono riunite che ha un modo per tutti di raggiungere la felicità.

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Attacco a sorpresa!!

13 juin 202124m

Il Karma di Kawaki inizia ad agire e Jigen, il leader dei Kara, appare davanti a lui! Non solo Naruto e Kawaki sono sorpresi, ma anche Koji Kashin, che aveva segretamente tenuto d'occhio Kawaki. Jigen cerca di riprendere Kawaki con la forza. Dopo aver visto questo, Naruto combatte Jigen per proteggere Kawaki! Inizia finalmente uno scontro diretto tra Naruto, il Settimo Hokage, e Jigen, il leader dei Kara!

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Un maledetto osso duro

20 juin 202124m

Naruto è stato trascinato in una dimensione diversa da Jigen. Lì incontra Sasuke, che gli dice che Jigen è una persona pericolosa e che devono fare tutto il necessario per sconfiggerlo immediatamente. Naruto e Sasuke lavorano insieme per sconfiggere Jigen in una feroce battaglia, ma lottano contro le avanzate abilità di combattimento di Jigen e il misterioso jutsu. Nel frattempo, Boruto riceve una cattiva premonizione quando il suo Karma inizia a recitare, e così torna rapidamente a casa con Mitsuki. Kawaki e Sarada sono lì, preoccupati per la sicurezza di Naruto.

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La prova

27 juin 202124m

Con l'improvvisa apparizione del nemico, Naruto, il Settimo Hokage e leader del villaggio, è scomparso. Shikamaru, l'aiutante dell'Hokage, sente che questa è una situazione grave e visita la famiglia Uzumaki con un gruppo di subordinati. Incapace di scartare la possibilità che Kawaki sia una spia per Kara, è sospettoso di Kawaki e decide di metterlo agli arresti domiciliari all'interno di una barriera per il momento. Tuttavia, Boruto si infastidisce con l'atteggiamento di Shikamaru e si scaglia. Mentre ciò accade, Kawaki percepisce il legame chakra che ha con Naruto attraverso il suo braccio protesico!

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La nuova Squadra 7

4 juillet 202124m

Attraverso la fessura della stanza, Boruto, Kawaki, Sarada e Mitsuki entrano nella dimensione in cui si trova il Naruto sigillato. È sorvegliato da Boro, che è anche lui dopo Kawaki. Si svolge una battaglia tempestosa.

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11 juillet 202124m

Boruto, Mitsuki, Kawaki e Sarada sono scioccati dalle capacità rigenerative di Boro. Cercano disperatamente un modo per distruggerlo. Poi Kawaki ha un'idea. Il loro nemico ha un nucleo nel corpo che devono solo trovare e distruggere.

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Momoshiki si manifesta

18 juillet 202124m

Nonostante abbia subito gravi danni dal nuovo Team 7, Boro va su tutte le furie, minacciando Boruto e gli altri di annientamento totale. Improvvisamente, Boruto si risveglia, ma la sua coscienza è stata presa da Momoshiki Otsutsuki! Mentre Sarada, Mitsuki e Kawaki guardano scioccati, il resuscitato Momoshiki mostra un enorme potere.

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1 août 202124m

Ansioso per quello che è successo a Boruto e a se stesso, e per il pericolo che il Karma pone, Kawaki inizia a preoccuparsi che la sua presenza metta a rischio hidden Leaf Village, soprattutto perché Kara lo sta inseguendo.

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Indizi sui Kara

8 août 202124m

Anche dopo gli incontri con i vice di Jigen, The Leaf sa poco di Kara. Per saperne di più sulla connessione di Boro con Kara, Konohamaru e Sai hanno il compito di infiltrarsi nel suo culto.

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15 août 202124m

Qualcuno ha rubato dati sul Ninja Foglia. Con nulla di insolito trovato nel sistema di sorveglianza, si sospetta che una spia possa essere stata piantata all'interno del villaggio. Dopo averlo scoperto, Shikadai, Cho-Cho e Inojin iniziano a cercare il colpevole da soli.

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La defezione di Amado

22 août 202124m

Amado, un membro principale di Kara che ha supervisionato la loro ricerca e sviluppo, rapisce Shikadai e cerca asilo nel Villaggio della Foglia. In cambio, promette di dire loro tutto ciò che sa. Sebbene sia qualcuno di cui non possono fidarsi, con la vita di Shikadai in gioco l'Hokage viene personalmente coinvolto nella trattativa. Tornati al nascondiglio di Kara, Koji Kashin e Jigen si scontrano, ognuno cercando di scoprire quale sia il motivo dell'altro.

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Vera identità

29 août 202124m

In cambio della concessione di asilo nel Villaggio Nascosto tra le Foglie, Amado rivela tutto ciò che sa. Amado e Koji Kashin hanno lavorato insieme per abbattere Jigen. Dice a tutti che la vera identità di Jigen è Isshiki Otsutsuki, che ha accompagnato Kaguya Otsutsuki nel loro mondo secoli fa. Continua spiegando il Karma, il marchio che affligge Boruto e Kawaki.

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5 septembre 202124m

La battaglia tra Koji Kashin e Jigen inizia nel nascondiglio di Kara. Se Jigen riacquista il potere del Clan Otsutsuki, sarà impossibile contrastarlo. Prima che ciò accada, Kashin cerca di trascinare fuori Isshiki, che ha preso il controllo del corpo di Jigen usando una raffica di tecniche attentamente ideate per distruggerlo. Attraverso lo strumento che Amado usa, Naruto e gli altri sono in grado di guardare la battaglia da Leaf Village. Finalmente, il piano di Koji funziona e il loro nemico più forte e malvagio, Isshiki Otsutsuki, appare! Allo stesso tempo, Naruto e il gruppo assistono al fenomeno causato dallo shock al Karma di Kawaki.

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12 septembre 202124m

Isshiki appare finalmente nella sua vera forma e va ad attaccare il Villaggio della Foglia Nascosta per catturare Kawaki, che diventerà la sua nuova nave. Naruto e Sasuke, gli unici che sono in grado di affrontare il superumano clan Otsutsuki, iniziano i preparativi. Boruto non può rimanere inattivo e vuole combattere al fianco di Naruto e Sasuke. Tuttavia, è ansioso per il suo Karma, preoccupato di ciò che accadrà se Momoshiki riprenderà la sua coscienza.

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Vittima sacrificale

19 septembre 202124m

Boruto trascina Isshiki in un'altra dimensione per una resa dei conti finale. Naruto e Sasuke li seguono. Boruto, Naruto e Sasuke combattono per proteggere Kawaki e il loro villaggio da Isshiki, che ha il potere di manipolare le dimensioni. Coloro che sono rimasti nel villaggio possono solo pregare per il loro ritorno sicuro. Nel frattempo, Amado dice a Kawaki e Shikamaru che Boruto ha la chiave per vincere questa battaglia.

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26 septembre 202124m

Naruto e Sasuke combattono ferocemente, ma i loro sforzi sono vani mentre Isshiki li spinge in un angolo. Boruto prende misure disperate per farli uscire, ma non ha successo. Proprio quando sembra che siano fuori dalle opzioni, Naruto si alza, emettendo un'incredibile quantità di chakra. Secondo Kurama, questa è la sua ultima risorsa, che gli dà un potere immenso a un grande costo. Naruto inizia il suo contrattacco su Isshiki. Cambia completamente le carte in tavola su Isshiki, travolgendolo. Tuttavia, Isshiki realizza qualcosa all'ultimo minuto e tira fuori Kawaki dal Villaggio della Foglia!

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3 octobre 202124m

Naruto e gli altri sono esausti dalla loro battaglia con Isshiki. Improvvisamente, Boruto attacca Sasuke. Momoshiki ha preso il controllo della coscienza di Boruto e si trova davanti a loro come un nemico. Kawaki chiama disperatamente Boruto per farlo uscire. Sfortunatamente, le sue parole non sono in grado di raggiungerlo. Sasuke dice a Kawaki un modo per riportare la coscienza di Boruto. Per salvare Boruto, Kawaki tenta un piano rischioso usando un jutsu che ha imparato solo di recente. Mentre Kawaki e Sasuke combattono una battaglia disperata, Naruto alla fine esaurisce le forze. Mentre la sua coscienza svanisce, lui e Kurama ricordano tranquillamente il loro passato.

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10 octobre 202124m

Terminata la loro battaglia contro Isshiki, Boruto e gli altri tornano al villaggio. Grazie al loro lavoro, la sicurezza del villaggio è stata mantenuta. Boruto è terrorizzato dal fatto che Momoshiki ancora una volta ha preso il sopravvento sulla sua coscienza durante la battaglia. Nel frattempo, Amado fornisce alcune nuove informazioni riguardanti Code, i cui poteri superano Jigen. Mentre ciò accade, qualcosa appare davanti a Code, che ha vegliato sull'immatura Bestia a Dieci Code in possesso di Kara!

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Il tempo rimanente

17 octobre 202124m

La lotta contro Isshiki è finita e lentamente la normalità ritorna a Konoha. Tuttavia, la perdita di Kurama pesa molto. Naruto discute la situazione attuale e la possibile resurrezione di Momoshiki con gli altri quattro Kage.

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Ritorna l'esame per chunin

24 octobre 202124m

Naruto, propone che l'esame Chunin venga tenuto per sollevare il morale dopo l'attacco di Isshiki. Tutti sono eccitati per l'esame, desiderosi di mostrare i risultati del loro addestramento e l'esperienza che hanno acquisito dalle missioni.

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Notte prima della battaglia

31 octobre 202124m

Viene annunciato il round finale dell'esame Chunin. Molti dei compagni di classe di Boruto che non sono avanzati alla fase finale dell'ultimo esame ce l'hanno fatta questa volta. Inoltre, le regole dell'esame sono cambiate: l'uso di strumenti ninja scientifici di tua creazione è ora consentito!

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Inojin contro Hoki

7 novembre 202124m

La fase finale degli esami è finalmente iniziata. La prima partita è Inojin contro Houki. Il team di Houki ha partecipato alle missioni di Anbu Black Ops. Per questo motivo, le loro abilità sono sconosciute. Nel frattempo, Boruto e Mitsuki notano alcune persone sospette mentre si recano al sito dell'esame, e decidono invece di seguirle.

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La leggenda del Bakeneko

14 novembre 202124m

La prossima partita nei turni finali è tra Iwabe e Wasabi. I due odiano perdere e tendono a scontrarsi tra loro, ma Iwabe viene buttato via da Wasabi, che sembra insolitamente low-key.

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Scontro tra migliori amiche

21 novembre 202124m

Inizia la partita tra Sarada e Cho-Cho. Kawaki è stato invitato da Naruto ad osservare, così come Shinki e altri che sono venuti dal Villaggio di Sabbia Nascosto. Chi uscirà vittorioso in una battaglia tra migliori amici?!

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Samurai contro Scienza

28 novembre 202124m

Uno dopo l'altro, si stanno decidendo i vincitori delle finali. Rimangono solo poche partite, ma Boruto e Mitsuki non sono ancora apparsi sul posto. Sarada teme che a questo ritmo, il duo sarà squalificato. Nel frattempo, la prossima partita è tra Denki e Tsubaki.

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Squadra 7, Ultima Missione?!

5 décembre 202124m

Alla Squadra 7, con Sarada come capitano, viene assegnata una missione. Mirai, che era in missione con Konohamaru, torna al villaggio gravemente ferito. La missione doveva essere semplice, ma Mirai riferisce che la situazione è cambiata drasticamente. Si decide che verranno inviati rinforzi e che i volontari del Team 7 se ne andranno.

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Kawaki, la strada per diventare ninja

12 décembre 202124m

Affinché Kawaki diventi un genin, viene deciso che può fare un test speciale diverso da quello tenutosi presso l'Accademia Ninja. Una missione di grado D è considerata equivalente, quindi Kawaki viene assegnato come membro aggiuntivo. Tuttavia, è difficile lavorare con lui, ignora la necessità di lavorare in squadra e agisce da solo, dando filo da torcere ai suoi compagni di squadra mentre interrompe la missione!

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Disobbedire all'ordine

19 décembre 202124m

Kawaki inizia a credere che essere un genin non faccia per lui. Il Settimo Hokage gli dà un ultimo colpo e gli assegna di unirsi a Shikadai e Cho-Cho in una missione per proteggere Mozuku, dalla Terra dei Mari Calmi, e scortarlo di nuovo in patria. Riuscirà Kawaki a cooperare con i suoi compagni e a compiere la missione questa volta? Nel frattempo, il Team 7 è in un'altra missione e superano un gruppo che sembra essere ninja sotto mentite spoglie...

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26 décembre 202124m

Cho-Cho viene ferito in un attacco da un misterioso ninja e l'oggetto che Mozuku aveva in mano viene rubato. Il capitano Shikadai si rende conto che questa non era una normale missione di guardia, ma una che li rende gli obiettivi di altri ninja. Decide subito di tornare verso casa. Ma Kawaki si sente per Mozuku, a cui è stato affidato l'oggetto che avrebbe salvato il suo popolo, quindi ignora gli ordini di Shikadai e insegue il ninja insieme a Mozuku. Tutto solo, Kawaki affronta un potente nemico che usa uno strano jutsu. Sarà in grado di proteggere Mozuku e riportarlo in sicurezza nella Terra dei Mari Calmi?

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Una katana arrugginita

9 janvier 202224m

I mercanti itineranti sono stati attaccati da rapinatori viziosi. Wasabi, Namida e Tsubaki del Team 15 vengono inviati sul luogo dell'incidente per indagare. Tsubaki trova un indizio che sembra indicare samurai della sua patria, la Terra del Ferro. Inoltre, l'indizio appartiene a una certa persona che fa tremare Tsubaki di paura. Quella persona è qualcuno che rispettava molto tempo fa, un compagno di apprendistato con il quale ha addestrato e affinato la sua abilità con la spada, qualcuno con cui Tsubaki condivide un certo destino!

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Denki, prima missione da caposquadra

16 janvier 202224m

I mercanti itineranti sono stati attaccati da rapinatori viziosi. Wasabi, Namida e Tsubaki del Team 15 vengono inviati sul luogo dell'incidente per indagare. Tsubaki trova un indizio che sembra indicare samurai della sua patria, la Terra del Ferro. Inoltre, l'indizio appartiene a una certa persona che fa tremare Tsubaki di paura. Quella persona è qualcuno che rispettava molto tempo fa, un compagno di apprendistato con il quale ha addestrato e affinato la sua abilità con la spada, qualcuno con cui Tsubaki condivide un certo destino!

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Nuova Squadra 7, in azione!

23 janvier 202224m

Il nuovo Team 7, con Kawaki il suo nuovo membro, viene assegnato per scortare Katasuke a una cerimonia nella Terra dell'Acqua. Boruto non vede l'ora di vedere Kagura Karatachi, uno shinobi della Terra della Nebbia che non ha mai visto dal loro viaggio sull'Accademia nella Terra dell'Acqua. Tuttavia, all'ombra della cerimonia, un gruppo che nutre rancore inizia furtivamente a fare la sua mossa.

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Un cattivo senza freni

30 janvier 202224m

Boruto sta visitando la prigione quando un dirigibile esplode durante la cerimonia. Proprio mentre sta per precipitarsi sulla scena, la struttura viene attaccata, quindi rimane per aiutare Kagura a combattere gli assalitori. Riusciranno a fermare il tentativo di evasione dal capo di una banda di pirati?

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Infiltrazione a Dotojima

6 février 202224m

La Terra dell'Acqua viene conquistata dai pirati e il contatto con la Squadra 5 di Denki viene perso. Il nuovo Team 7 si unisce a un'unità guidata da Kagura e parte per l'isola di Dotou per assistere il Team 5 e salvare gli isolani. Tuttavia, l'unità è composta da Buntan, Hebiichigo e Kyoho, che in passato si erano definiti i "Nuovi Sette Spadaccini Ninja della Nebbia". Sarada e Mitsuki scendono a terra per esplorare l'isola mentre Boruto e gli altri rimangono indietro e osservano la situazione nelle vicinanze.

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13 février 202224m

Sarada e Mitsuki incontrano finalmente Denki e la sua squadra. Insieme, escogitano un piano per liberare gli ostaggi detenuti nella miniera. Nel frattempo, Boruto e Kagura si imbattono nella fortezza galleggiante del clan Funato.

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La fortezza mobile

20 février 202224m

Mentre Sarada e gli altri si affrettano a evacuare la gente dell'isola, Boruto diventa ansioso quando scopre che sono minacciati dalla fortezza mobile, che è dotata di una potente arma. Kagura, Hebiichigo e Kyoho si presentano per assistere Boruto, Kawaki e Buntan. Insieme, fanno il possibile per distruggere l'arma per proteggere i loro amici, ma sono ostacolati da Tenma e sono costretti a combatterlo.

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Un assassino sulla nave

27 février 202225m

Sulla nave che naviga verso Kiri, il capitano Taiki viene assassinato durante la notte. I sospetti si concentrano immediatamente sull'immenso Kyohô, che perde sempre la testa alla vista del sangue.

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Con la nave rovinata e persa in mezzo all'oceano, Boruto e i suoi amici non hanno nulla da fare... Fino a quando un giovane ragazzo di nome Ikada appare accanto al suo padrone, un costruttore navale professionista, e sembra che le cose miglioreranno...

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Il sogno di Ikada

13 mars 202225m

Boruto joins Ikada as he sails to a factory where they can get a component needed for ship repair. He is impressed by Ikada’s excellent piloting abilities. Ikada reveals that he left home despite the protests of his family to look for work that involved ships. That was when he met Kajiki and found his dream of becoming a great ship carpenter. They spot a ship that has been in an accident, and while working together to save the passengers, Boruto sees something unbelievable.

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Il segreto di Ikada

20 mars 202225m

Now that their ship has been repaired, Boruto and the others will soon be leaving the island of shipbuilders. Ikada, now friends with Boruto, promises to achieve his dream and pay him a visit. But then Ikada’s sister Seiren appears before him and tries to drag him back home. When Ikada left home, Seiren was his only ally, so he is sad to see her so unwilling to understand his feelings. Meanwhile, Buntan, Hebiichigo, and Kyoho wait for the ship to depart. They had been promised reduced sentences for their work, but they learn that they won’t be rewarded as much as they thought!

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27 mars 202225m

In retaliation against Boruto and his friends for destroying Tenma’s mobile fortress, the pirates land on the Isle of Shipbuilders. Funamushi, a follower of the Funato Clan, attacks Kagura, hoping to capture him alive so that he can use him as a bargaining chip. Kagura fights back using the Hiramekarei—the twin swords that the Sixth Mizukage Chojuro entrusted to him—but Funamushi is a formidable foe. Meanwhile, Seiren appears before Boruto and torments him with her persistent attacks. Can Boruto find his way out of this predicament?!

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Il posto a cui appartengo

3 avril 202225m

A coded message believed to have been left by Funamushi reveals that the Hidden Mist Village is in danger. Kagura tells Boruto and the others of his plan to stop the enemy at a village on the route there. Everyone hurries to the destination, and it turns out Kagura lived in this village when he was little and has many fond memories of it. When Boruto and the others arrive, they try to get people to help them as they rush to prepare their plan to protect the village and the Hidden Mist!

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10 avril 202225m

As Boruto and the others ready their plan, they learn that one enemy unit is heading to the village ahead of the rest. Since they haven’t finished making preparations, the village will be in danger, so they hurry to evacuate everyone. Kagura worries that they won’t have enough people to fight. Just in case, he releases the curse placed on Buntan, Hebiichigo, and Kyoho, temporarily setting them free. Hesitantly, they agree to fight alongside Kagura and Boruto.

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La tenacia di Funamushi

17 avril 202225m

The main squad led by Funamushi is getting close to the village. Boruto and the others stand by, intending to use traps to slow down the enemy. However, the enemy sees through their plan and they are suddenly thrust into a full-scale battle. Despite being shaken, Boruto and the others fight back. Working together, they are able to handle the enemy’s overwhelming numbers. Even still, Funamushi burns with the desire for revenge and uses a powerful jutsu to corner them.

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Un duro colpo

24 avril 202225m

During the battle against Funamushi, Kagura is fatally injured. Boruto becomes enraged and charges at Funamushi, activating his Karma. When the Funato squad retreats, Kagura gives Boruto and the others one final request.

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Per Kagura

1 mai 202224m

Despite children being present, Funamushi fights fiercely with disregard for the damage he causes. Meanwhile, Araumi is informed by his eldest son Isari that his adopted son Tenma has died in battle. With his daughter already hovering between life and death, he explodes with rage. He declares that he will be taking full command in the battles to come.

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Un'altra battaglia all'ultimo sangue

8 mai 202224m

Denki and Iwabe protect the village children who accompanied them but they are captured by Funamushi and his squad. Funamushi’s squad shows up once again to attack the village. Funamushi burns with the desire to avenge Seiren as he fiercely battles Boruto and the others once more.

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I germogli dell'odio

15 mai 202224m

Boruto and his friends manage to triumph over Funamushi, but they aren’t able to savor the victory. Everyone is having a difficult time believing Denki and Iwabe are still alive days after being captured. Meanwhile, Boruto discovers a hidden side of Funamushi when he is targeted by people who looked up to the pirate, as revenge begets more revenge. Boruto has always continued to push forward until now, but this causes him to question the point of fighting.

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Il sangue dei Funato

22 mai 202224m

Ikada returns home after learning that his sister has been severely injured in battle. He spends the next few days looking after her and is visited by Funamushi’s son Kobuna. Kobuna asks Ikada if he will join the fight. Ikada tells him that he is not suited for battle. Despite his feelings, his father Araumi and the other members of the Funato Clan are annoyed that he isn’t joining the fight.

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La loro decisione

29 mai 202224m

Araumi is furious about the loss of family members and many of his subordinates during the battles so far. He officially declares war against the Land of Water. Upon hearing this, Mizukage decides to fight him to the bitter end. As war between the Land of Water and the pirates becomes inevitable, Boruto is confused by Ikada’s decision to fight the Land of Water. He does everything he can to prevent any more casualties, and Sarada and Mitsuki assist him in his efforts.

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La voglia di crederci

5 juin 202224m

Sarada, Mitsuki, and Boruto decide to meet with the Mizukage. Chojuro is heading into battle against the pirates, so Boruto and his friends ask the shipbuilder Kajiki for help. Thanks to Kajiki, they manage to reach Chojuro, but when they try to reason with him to stop the battle… Meanwhile, Ikada sails the raging seas with the intent to destroy the Shinonome 1, the brand-new power plant developed by the Land of Water.

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Contrasto di idee

12 juin 202224m

Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki go meet with Ikada, who has now sided against the Land of Water. Boruto tries talking to Ikada as a friend to get him to stop fighting. But since Boruto is responsible for what happened to his sister Seiren, Ikada refuses to listen. Even still, Boruto persistently tries to reason with him. Ikada coldly proposes a certain condition.

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Il vortice della vendetta

19 juin 202224m

Boruto’s desperate attempts to reason with Ikada fail and he’s unable to change his mind. He prepares himself to give his life to stop the Land of Water and the pirates from fighting. He tells Sarada and Mitsuki that they should not seek revenge if he ends up dying. However, neither of them is able to stand idly by. Will Boruto and his friends manage to stop this cycle of revenge and restore peace to the seas?!

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Un compito difficile

26 juin 202224m

Boruto and the others return safely to the Leaf Village. While Naruto informs Team 7 of events that have occurred in the Hidden Mist since they left, Boruto and Kawaki get into an argument over whether or not Ikada should be punished.

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La ricetta definitiva

3 juillet 202224m

Cho-Cho and Inojin end up making ramen to help a Rogue Shinobi and ramen shop owner by the name of Shingo Kumano who they met on a mission. They tell him that his ramen doesn’t taste bad, but that it’s missing something. Shingo asks them for advice to make it better. The former ninja takes advantage of his experience to develop a new menu. Will he be able to complete his ultimate recipe?!

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Konohamaru diventa l'Hokage?!

10 juillet 202224m

Naruto has been asked to play himself in the popular Evil Jammer Kagemasa shinobi movie series. Konohamaru ends up playing the role in his place. Since this is his first movie appearance and the fact that he will be playing the Seventh Hokage, someone he looks up to, Konohamaru goes all out. However, he’s troubled when production doesn’t quite go as he expected. Upon hearing something from the assistant director, he proposes something to make the movie more enjoyable.

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Boruto and Kawaki join Naruto, Hinata, and Himawari on a family trip to the hot springs. The five have fun playing table tennis and enjoying the food and hot spring at the inn. Kawaki had been hesitant before the trip, not wanting to intrude, but he finds himself enjoying the time with Boruto and others. When he and Boruto learn that the inn is hosting an event which promises a premium gift, they decide to sign up and participate.

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Una ferita inguaribile

24 juillet 202224m

Mitsuki worries when Mikazuki the cat goes missing. Mitsuki, Boruto, and Sarada are assisting with the village patrol at the request of the police department, which is having difficulty investigating a strange series of attacks. From morning until night, Mitsuki spends his days on patrol, when one day, he sees Mikazuki being cared for by another person and being called by another name!

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I fuochi d'artificio innalzati dall'amore

31 juillet 202224m

While strolling through the village, Kakashi and Boruto come across some people arguing. Boruto sees a gloomy-faced young couple and learns they’re engaged, and that their grandfathers are feuding. For the sake of their future, Boruto wants to help them out and asks Kakashi for advice, but Kakashi is totally uninterested. However, something seems to sway Kakashi and he decides to help…

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Kawaki: ingresso in Accademia!!

7 août 202224m

Kawaki enrolls at the Ninja Academy and begins classes as a freshman with Himawari and the others. But it’s actually a secret mission to protect a princess from assassins. This is kept a secret because she’s come from abroad to study. Since it is a personal request from Naruto, Kawaki decides to attend the academy hesitantly, where the students are younger than him. Kawaki’s difficult school life with an unreliable teacher named Hana Kaka and his unique young classmates begins!

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Un tè dalla principessa

14 août 202224m

Kawaki has a hard time getting used to school life, but he succeeds in becoming friends with Princess Kae, the object of his guard mission. Meanwhile, Kae wants to get to know her classmates and invites them all to a tea party at her mansion. Since Kawaki has his mission and cannot let Kae out of his sight, he goes along. Despite feeling out of place at the party, Kawaki does his best to fit in, but then he senses something unusual…

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Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki hold a special lecture at the Academy for freshmen like Kawaki and Himawari. The teacher in charge, Hana, will also speak, but unlike Boruto and his team—who have actual mission experience and flashy jutsu like the Rasengan that appeal to the students—she can only use conservative jutsu, so she feels inadequate as a teacher and becomes depressed. A mock training activity prepared by the trio causes the class to become deeply divided, and Hana struggles to bring the class together again.

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After learning about the “Seven Mysteries” at the Ninja Academy, Himawari and several of her classmates decide to go investigate at night. Kae is among the participants, so Kawaki has no choice but to go along. But he learns that Kae does not believe in the Seven Wonders and is trying to create a fake phenomenon for the students who are looking forward to the expedition. Seeing Kae’s eagerness and excitement, Kawaki decides to help her until the end, but then something mysterious and unexpected occurs.

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Kawaki and Himawari participate in a training session in the forest near the academy. The class is split into three-person teams and Kawaki ends up on a different team from Kae. Anxious about losing sight of Kae, Kawaki is unable to focus and ends up burdening his assigned team. Kae is lured away by a mysterious person and disappears. Fearing that she is in danger, Kawaki and Himawari rush to find her.

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Il rapimento di Himawari

11 septembre 202224m

Osuka Kamakura is kidnapped for ransom along with Himawari. When the ringleader finds out she’s the daughter of the Hokage, he starts thinking of ways to use her to his advantage as well. Meanwhile, Kawaki does what he can to locate Himawari and Osuka with the help of Kae and Neon Asakusa

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L'identità di Kawaki viene scoperta?!

18 septembre 202224m

Kawaki and Himawari’s class will be putting on a play about the Legendary Sannin for the school festival. The students rehearse wearing prop headbands, but when Eiki discovers that Kawaki brought a real headband, he tries to expose Kawaki’s true identity to drive a wedge between him and Kae. Kawaki can’t afford to let Kae find out about his mission. Will he be able to prevent this from happening?!

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Il festival scolastico è sotto tiro

25 septembre 202224m

After what appears to be an assassination attempt on Kae, Kawaki is cautious on the day of the school festival. The festival begins and everyone enjoys themselves. But when it's time for the play, a bomb suddenly goes off at the Academy.

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L'ombra che si avvicina di nascosto

2 octobre 202224m

The Academy students are at the hospital to visit Hana, who struggles to remember the day of the attack. At the Hokage's palace, Kawaki is relieved of his mission for not reporting the presence of the assassin in time.

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Due facce della stessa medaglia

9 octobre 202224m

Hana, who has recovered from her injuries, and Kawaki, who is back guarding Kae, return to class. Life at the Academy gradually goes back to normal. Meanwhile, Hana learns that about the attempt made on Kae’s life and regrets her inability to prevent it. She returns to the scene of the incident to recount what occurred.

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L'isola del tradimento

16 octobre 202224m

Kawaki and Himawari’s class goes on a field trip to an uninhabited island in order to create new memories with Kae. Because of its distance from the village, there are all sorts of rumors about the island, and bizarre incidents occur, like the disappearance of the food they brought. The field trip suddenly starts to feel unsettling, but under Hana Sensei’s direction, the students try to work together to overcome these difficulties. Meanwhile, Kawaki suspects the assassin targeting Kae might be lurking nearby, so he steps up his watch.

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Gli studenti riuniti!!

23 octobre 202224m

The assassin targeting Kae has finally been revealed. Because of their previous clashes, Kawaki knows they are a powerful foe. He decides to chase after the assassin by himself to prevent putting any more students in danger. But Kawaki finds it difficult to do that without knowing where the assassin is; what’s more, his classmates desire to work together to chase down the assassin and save Kae. And so, the entire class begins their pursuit!

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Addio, Accademia!

30 octobre 202224m

Kae has been taken away and Kawaki must face a dangerous assassin. Himawari acts as his partner and provides support during the battle. They try to corner the enemy with coordinated attacks, but the enemy proves to be powerful. Meanwhile, their classmates, who had entrusted Kawaki and Himawari to directly confront the assassin, take action in a desire to try to help. Will Kawaki be able to save his precious friends and accomplish his mission?

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Il falco che non può volare

6 novembre 202224m

Boruto accompanies Sasuke to a hawk trainer to obtain a messenger hawk.

There, Boruto and Sasuke hear about a person who sells rare animals and decide to investigate. Boruto then befriends a boy named Tsuzura Shitakiri. Because of his mother, Tsuzura doesn’t go to school and has given up on the things he really wants to do. His only friend is a hawk that is unable to fly due to an injury. He takes good care of this hawk in the hope that it can soar the skies once again.

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Di nuovo su per il cielo

13 novembre 202224m

Tsuzura’s hawk has suddenly been sold, so he does what he can to get his precious bird back. Hearing what happened, Boruto ignores Sasuke and rushes to help.

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Benvenuti al labirinto

20 novembre 202224m

Boruto dozes off on Thunder Train and wakes up in an unfamiliar location along with the other passengers. A mysterious individual known as Ouga forces them to participate in a game of death disguised as an experiment—who will successfully beat this game and make it out alive?!

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Vite al capolinea

27 novembre 202224m

As test subjects drop off one by one, Boruto tries to find a way to get everyone out alive. The next experiment is for the subjects to carry candles that are directly linked to their lives. Although some people try to save only themselves, Boruto and a fellow ninja from the Leaf Village, Kiseru Gankubi, aim to clear the challenge together with everyone…but Ouga’s experiment mercilessly pushes them to their limits!

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Il gioco delle sedie

4 décembre 202224m

While everyone is exhausted from Ouga’s experiments, a test subject talks about their goals, which leads everyone to talk about what they want to do if they survive. The mood is lightened, but Ouga begins a new experiment. Due to the careless actions of certain test subjects, everyone's lives are in danger once again.

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L'ostacolo del sette

11 décembre 202224m

While Boruto and the others are forced to participate in Ouga’s experiments, Sarada and her team investigate Boruto’s disappearance and discover the existence of a suspicious individual.

Meanwhile, Boruto is shocked to discover the identity of someone who may be working for Ouga. Just then, a test subject is found dead—killed for reasons that have nothing to do with the experiment.

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Si apre un varco

18 décembre 202224m

Ignoring the danger to his own life, Boruto tells the other test subjects to escape while he takes on the person who may be working for Ouga. But they decide to stay and help Boruto fight the suspect.

As they search for Boruto’s whereabouts, Sarada and her team find themselves surrounded by skilled ninja and uncover unexpected information about the incident.

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L'ottava verità

25 décembre 202224m

Boruto reawakens to find he’s back where he first found himself.

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Sasuke Retsuden・Infiltrazione

8 janvier 202324m

Naruto falls ill, and Sasuke goes to the Tatar Observatory to try to find a cure.

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Sasuke Retsuden・Costellazioni

15 janvier 202324m

Sasuke is attacked by Meno, the guardian of the Observatory, and then poisoned. Just when he thinks it’s all over, he is rescued by Sakura, who has infiltrated the Observatory as a doctor. She gets Sasuke reassigned to assist her, and they begin their undercover investigation. From the intel that Sakura brings, they learn that Ultra Particles were what cured the Sage of the Six Paths, but in order to find out where it is located, they need to obtain a document called the Map of the Heavens. They decide to search the Observatory’s library for it.

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Sasuke Retsuden · Il segreto sottoterra

22 janvier 202324m

Seeking information related to the Ultra Particles, Sasuke searches the cellar of the room belonging to Zansul, the director of the Observatory, while a messenger of the prime minister is visiting from the capital. To buy some time, Sakura transforms into the messenger. While Zansul is distracted, Sasuke tries to sneak into the basement, but they start to get anxious when things don’t go according to plan. Meanwhile, Zansul tells Sakura something disturbing.

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Sasuke Retsuden · Il cielo caduto in Terra

29 janvier 202324m

Sasuke and Sakura work together to gather information concerning the Ultra Particles. Unfortunately, there is still much they don’t know, and they are unable to figure out where to get answers. Eventually, Sasuke finds a clue to the whereabouts of the Ultra Particles from something his cellmate mentions. Meanwhile, Sakura discovers a hint to unraveling the mystery of the Map of the Heavens from a game called Star Lines. Having finally gathered the information they need, Sasuke and Sakura try to obtain the Ultra Particles. However…

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Sasuke Retsuden · L'anello

5 février 202324m

A swarm of dragon-beasts suddenly appears at the Observatory, throwing everything into chaos. When Sasuke and Sakura learn that the director, Zansul, has horrifying ambitions, they split up to try to stop him. Sakura gets back to the Observatory first, but the building collapses while she’s still inside. Meanwhile, Sasuke catches sight of Zansul and his accomplices. He tries to join up with Sakura but is unable to find her. Trapped, Sakura faces a precarious dilemma.

Will Sasuke and Sakura—the most powerful couple in the Village Hidden in the Leaves—be able to crush Zansul’s ambitions and safely return with the Ultra Particles to save their friend?

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12 février 202324m

Code worships Isshiki Otsutsuki, who was defeated by Boruto and his friends. In order to meet a certain person, he visits the facility that formerly belonged to Boro. Like Kawaki, Code miraculously survived the experiments intended to help select a vessel for Isshiki—and he possesses greater power than even Jigen. He has vowed revenge against Boruto and Kawaki for destroying Isshiki.

Meanwhile, Claw Marks left by Code are discovered just outside of the Hidden Leaf Village. While the Hokage and the others take precautions, Boruto proposes an idea to Kawaki.

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19 février 202324m

In order to gain the strength to fight Code, Boruto invites Kawaki to train, along with Sarada and Mitsuki. Unfortunately, because Kawaki is in a rush, they end up arguing about their training methods.

Meanwhile, at Boro’s facility, Eida has awakened. Eida is another one of Amado’s creations who has the power of the Senrigan, which allows her to see events in the present and the past. Code is powerless against her other ability…

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26 février 202324m

With the disappearance of his Karma, Kawaki has lost his powers. He becomes worried that he won’t be able to protect Naruto or the village he cares for. Seeming to know what Kawaki is thinking, Amado verbally provokes him. Sumire becomes worried that Amado is planning something.

Meanwhile, Code teams up with Eida to get his revenge. Eida introduces him to another person who will be helping them.

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5 mars 202324m

Due to the risk that Code might attempt to kill Boruto and Kawaki, guards are assigned to them. Boruto is sick of being watched every day. Meanwhile, Kawaki overhears a conversation between Shikadai and Inojin and learns how to slip past his guard and the Village’s sensory system. Once he decides he must do whatever it takes to protect Naruto and the Hidden Leaf, he jumps into action. Despite their keen sensory abilities, Naruto and the Village’s sensory team are unaware of what’s happening. But Boruto feels a strange sensation that allows him to detect Kawaki’s movements.

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12 mars 202324m

Boruto arrives to help Kawaki defeat Code. In order to match Code’s incredible combat abilities, Boruto activates his Karma. In response, Code activates his own Karma. As the battle intensifies, Kawaki becomes worried that Momoshiki might take control of Boruto’s consciousness. Meanwhile, in the Hidden Leaf Village, Boruto and Kawaki had disappeared without anyone noticing. Naruto decides to do his own investigation to find out where they went.

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19 mars 202324m

Amid a fierce battle, Kawaki’s fears come true, and Momoshiki takes control of Boruto. Kawaki watches as Boruto overwhelms Code as Momoshiki. Then Naruto arrives with Shikamaru. Kawaki is concerned for Naruto’s safety as one of Code’s targets, but despite his wishes, Naruto takes on Code as the Hokage. Unfortunately, Code takes Shikamaru hostage, and in his desire to settle his grudge, Momoshiki joins him. Naruto faces an extremely dangerous situation.

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26 mars 202324m

Boruto makes a desperate decision to prevent Momoshiki from taking over his consciousness again. Meanwhile, Kawaki drives back Code using the Karma that Amado revived. Willing to do whatever it takes to eliminate anyone who is a threat to Naruto, Kawaki fights with overwhelming power. Shikamaru is shocked by his strength, and Code learns the difference in their powers. Boruto and Kawaki have overcome various obstacles as brothers, but a troubling shadow begins to loom over their relationship. As Momoshiki once said, the fateful moment that will take everything from Boruto is approaching!

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