Jaksot 12


Beef Stew / Breakfast Special

4 heinäkuu 201724m

Beef stew: a legendary dragon’s most prized treasure lies on the other side of a certain door.

Breakfast set: a starving Aletta wanders into the Restaurant to Another World and believes herself to be dreaming, but she’s in for a shock when she wakes up the next morning.

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Minced Meat Cutlet / Fried Shrimp

11 heinäkuu 201724m

Minced meat cutlet: treasure hunter Sarah traces her great-grandfather’s footsteps to a mysterious door in an abandoned mine.

Fried shrimp: Heinrich must call for help when the fortress where he’s stationed is under siege by monsters, but he desperately needs food to make it.

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Spaghetti with Meat Sauce / Chocolate Parfait

18 heinäkuu 201724m

Spaghetti with meat sauce: Thomas is lauded as a culinary genius, but there’s an unimaginable secret to his success. Chocolate parfait: Princess Adelheid has childhood memories of eating clouds.

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Omelette Rice / Tofu Steak

25 heinäkuu 201724m

A lizardman hero braves the door to another world to carry on his tribe's tradition.

An elf requests a vegan dish.

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Tekijät 3

Ohjaus: Jun Fukuda

Käsikirjoittaja: Masato Jimbo

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Pork Cutlet Rice Bowl / Pudding a la Mode

1 elokuu 201724m

A slave gladiator gets the strength to fight on from a "victory" bowl.

A half-elf's magic research is inspired by Nekoya.

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Sandwiches / Steamed Potato With Butter

8 elokuu 201724m

The diners argue over which dish makes the best sandwich.

The master teaches Aletta a new way to cook potatoes.

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Curry Rice / Chicken Curry

15 elokuu 201724m

A shipwrecked man and an ancient dragon find companionship at Nekoya.

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Hamburg Steak / Assorted Cookies

22 elokuu 201724m

A mermaid introduces a fisherman to the Restaurant to Another World.

Aletta finds a second job.

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Fried Seafood / Melon Soda Float

29 elokuu 201724m

Two dwarves enjoy otherworldly alcohol and fried seafood.

A prince has fallen for the princess he met at Nekoya.

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Crêpes / Natto Spaghetti

5 syyskuu 201724m

Fairies investigate a disturbance in their land.

Fardania visits a fellow gourmand and old friend of her father's.

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Carpaccio / Curry Bun

12 syyskuu 201724m

A pair of sirens discover a door to Nekoya while scoping out Chimera Killer Island for a new nest, but the two birdbrains could cause trouble...

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Pork Soup / Croquettes

Season Finale
19 syyskuu 201724m

The half-elf mercenary Alexander visits Nekoya, and the beginning of the connection between the two worlds comes to light.

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