Jaksot 8


Hard Facts: Vandalism and Vulgarity

15 syyskuu 201735m

When senior class clown Dylan Maxwell is expelled for vandalism, sophomore Peter Maldonado begins an investigation that questions Dylan's guilt.

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A Limp Alibi

15 syyskuu 201734m

Key witness Alex Trimboli's account of the incident comes under fire when other students doubt his boasts of drunkenness and sexual exploits.

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15 syyskuu 201736m

Peter scrutinizes the motives of Ms. Shapiro, the Spanish teacher who testified against Dylan. Another teacher makes a surprising accusation.

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Growing Suspicion

15 syyskuu 201732m

Peter takes a close look at the "Morning Show Nine," a group of students -- including Peter and Sam -- who had access to the missing security footage.

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Tekijät 5

Ohjaus: Tony Yacenda

Käsikirjoittaja: Kevin McManus, Matthew McManus

Vierailevat tähdet 20 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

  1. Calum Worthy

    Alex Trimboli

  2. Camille Ramsey

    Mackenzie Wagner

  3. Aylin Bayramoglu

    Madison Kaplan

  4. Tucker Albrizzi

    Randall Snyder

  5. Jayne Taini

    Mrs. Rogers

  6. Elise Robertson

    Joan Janson

  7. Caleb Emery

    Randy Pomfrey

  8. Camille Hyde

    Gabi Granger

  9. Lou Wilson

    Lucas Wiley

  10. Genevieve Hannelius

    Christa Carlyle

  11. Karly Rothenberg

    Ms. Shapiro

  12. Dendrie Taylor

    Denise Kavanagh

  13. Larry Joe Campbell

    Greg Kavanagh

  14. Joe Farrell

    Jared Hixenbaugh

  15. Sean Carrigan

    Coach Rafferty

  16. Lukas Gage

    Brandon Galloway

  17. Roxana Ortega

    Mrs. Maldonado

  18. Myles Brewer

    Duncan Fairchild

  19. Ryan O'Flanagan

    Mr. Kraz

  20. Cody Wai-Ho Lee

    Ming Zhang

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Premature Theories

15 syyskuu 201732m

After the documentary goes viral, Peter deals with publicity and sorts through various fan theories. Video evidence from a party provides new clues.

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Gag Order

15 syyskuu 201730m

As Peter and Sam continue to gather information, they run afoul of the school administration and could lose access. Dylan prepares for his trial.

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15 syyskuu 201726m

Peter and Sam follow a lead that could reveal the vandal’s primary target, and a new theory gives them hope that they may finally solve the case.

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Clean Up

Season Finale
15 syyskuu 201742m

Peter is forced to reckon with his actions and attempts to learn lessons in the aftermath of the documentary. But the investigation might not be over.

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