Jaksot 6


Spring, First Love, Color of Cherry Blossoms

25 marraskuu 201724m

In the Spring of their first year of high school, Haruki and Miou meet for the first time under the cherry blossoms. Afterwards, they grow close as they spend time and walk home together. Their relationship is so close that everyone thinks they’re dating, but will they be able to put their feelings into words?

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Summer, Fireworks, Color of Love

25 marraskuu 201724m

The Movie Club members ask the Art Club to help them out with their last film before graduation. They need to create a piece that depicts the theme of “love.” But what exactly is the color of love?

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Secret, Solitude, Color of Twilight

9 joulukuu 201724m

The deadline for the “painting of love” is here and Haruki will need to make a choice. Meanwhile, Miou struggles with her feelings towards Haruki, further complicated by discovering the identity of the man who saved her her life when she was young.

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Tekijät 7

Ohjaus: Hazuki Mizumoto

Käsikirjoittaja: Keigo Koyanagi

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Miou shuts herself off from Haruki and her friends, due to the guilt she is feeling. It’s up to Natsuki and Akari to find out why their friend is so sad. Some memories from the past start to resurface for Haruki and causes him to question his dream of becoming a film director.

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First Snow, Dreams, Color of Tears

23 joulukuu 201724m

Haruki has not come to school for a few days and everyone is starting to get worried. Miou is determined to finish her “painting of love” and talk to Haruki about an unfortunate event that happened in the past. “I’ll wait as long as it takes” she says, as the first snow of the season begins to fall.

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Graduation, Adventures, Color of the Future

Season Finale
30 joulukuu 201724m

Graduation is finally here, and everyone is ready to move on as Miou decides her future career, and Haruki is ready to embark on a new adventure. But before that, will Haruki and Miou’s ten centimeter gap finally close?

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