讨论 Celebrity Big Brother

Anyone else find it strange that Marissa so easily turned on Shannon despite them having a long term friendship outside the house. Yet she basically refused to turn on Ari when James came to her with a deal even though Ari is proving herself to be a strong game player?

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I think the difference is that it became readily clear that Shannon was playing her own game, with alternate things going on on the side, always trying to further her own personal strategy, and that it was realized her reliability as a true ongoing ally was too iffy to count on. Ari, on the other hand, has never given anyone cause for doubt or suspicion.

@genplant29 said:

I think the difference is that it became readily clear that Shannon was playing her own game, with alternate things going on on the side, always trying to further her own personal strategy, and that it was realized her reliability as a true ongoing ally was too iffy to count on. Ari, on the other hand, has never given anyone cause for doubt or suspicion.

I guess that is a good point. I think from a viewer perspective anyway it seemed like Shannon was going to stay loyal to Marissa. But in the house who knows.

@TheBayHarborButcher said:

I guess that is a good point. I think from a viewer perspective anyway it seemed like Shannon was going to stay loyal to Marissa. But in the house who knows.

I don't think Shannon was. She was always around James and not really hanging out with Marissa, not even to ask her why did she turn on her.

It was laughable when, after being nominated, and realizing she was the definite target, Shannon tried playing the "I never had any friends in the house" poor pitiful thing all alone in the world card, as she had been popular and well-liked from the get-go - probably the most out of anyone in there.



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