Episódios 50


Ein sehr grooviger Valentinstag

6 fevereiro 202022m

Am Valentinstag will Pete Musik verschenken – ein Lied mit Text für jeden seiner Freunde. Aber in seiner Klasse ist eine neue Schülerin und Pete weiß nicht, was er für sie schreiben soll. Sally liebt den Valentinstag und ist enttäuscht, als sie merkt, dass ihr Valentinsbriefkasten leer ist. Findet Pete einen Weg, über seine neue Freundin zu schreiben und bekommt Sally von IRGENDWEM Valentinsgrüße?

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Als er eine von Callies Murmeln findet, muss Grumpy sich entscheiden, ob er sie zurückgibt oder sie behalten will.

Pete wird nachts von einem komischen Tuten gestört und lädt seine Freunde ein, um ihm zu helfen, die Ursache zu finden.

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Grumpy’s Chance & Ein schlechter Tag

25 junho 202022m

Callie verliert ihre Stimme direkt vor einem großen Auftritt. Was wird passieren?

Pete hat außerdem ganz viel Pech, egal was er tut und überlegt, wie er das ändern kann.

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Die Freunde gehen in einen Vergnügungspark, aber Sally ist zu klein für die meisten Fahrgeschäfte.

Die Kinder gehen außerdem ein verblüffendes neues Kunstwerk angucken und werden inspiriert, eigene Kunstwerke zu erstellen.

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Für Grumpy beginnt das aufregende Abenteuer des Großer-Bruder-Seins.

Callie schiebt ein Schulprojekt auf und lernt, ihre Freunde um Hilfe zu bitten.

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Als Sally eine neue Freundin kennenlernt, muss die Gang Wege finden, damit zurechtzukommen.

Außerdem unternehmen die Freunde eine Wanderung zum Gipfel des Katzenbergs, aber er wirkt so weit entfernt. Werden sie es schaffen?

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Die Freunde veranstalten einen Kuchenverkauf, um den Musikraum zu retten, aber schaffen sie das ganz alleine?

Und können die Freunde Gustavo helfen, seiner Mutter zu zeigen, wie viel sie ihm bedeutet, obwohl sie weit weg stationiert ist?

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Kann die Gang bei ihrem Zeltabenteuer die legendäre Kreatur „Großfuß“ finden?

Dennis und Pete werden zum Sicherheitskommando von Katzenstadt, aber wie sicher ist zu sicher?

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Kann Pete seinem Bruder vor einem großen Surfwettbewerb beichten, dass er aus Versehen sein Board kaputt gemacht hat?

Können die Kinder als fiktive Charaktere von Raumkatze 3611 eine Prinzessin retten und die Musik zurück ins Universum bringen?

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Der Song-Klau & Der Taschenuhr-Schatz

25 junho 202022m

Wird die beliebte Zydeco Band einer neu zugezogenen Alligatorfamilie die Resolutions als beliebteste Band von Katzenstadt ersetzen?

Kann die Gruppe aus Schrott Schätze bergen und einen langweiligen Flohmarktbesuch in ein aufregendes Abenteuer verwandeln?

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Kann ein neuer Coach den Freunden rechtzeitig beibringen, Basketball zu spielen, um ihre Rivalen, die Super City Miezen zu schlagen?

Als die Gang erfährt, dass Mrs. Burrow sie nächstes Jahr nicht mehr unterrichtet, können sie da ein Lied schreiben, das so großartig ist, dass sie bleibt?

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Hat die Gruppe kurz vor Ende der Ferien genug Zeit übrig, um alle ihre Lieblingsaktivitäten des Sommers noch zu erledigen?

Manchmal ist es schwierig, wenn ein neues Geschwisterkind geboren wird und das ältere Geschwisterkind sich ausgeschlossen fühlt. Als Grumpy in dieser Situation steckt, wendet er sich für Hilfe an Bob.

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Teileritis! & Entzauberte Magie

25 junho 202022m

Kann Grumpy, nachdem er seinen Rucksack für die Schule vergessen hat lernen, was der Unterschied zwischen „mit seinen Freunden teilen“ und „etwas von seinen Freunden nehmen“ ist?

Nachdem die Gang im Park einen Magier auftreten sieht, will Grumpy auch Magie lernen. Nun muss er lernen, dass das Publikum verzaubert werden möchte und es uncool ist, den Trick zu verraten.

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Der große Tag – Das Musical

12 novembro 202022m

When the gang goes camping, can they find the legendary creature known as "Big Paw"?

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Cat City Safety Patrol

12 novembro 202022m

Dennis and Pete form the Safety Patrol to make Cat City safer, but how safe is too safe?

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Super Surfboard Smash

12 novembro 202022m

When Pete accidentaly breaks Bob's surf board, will he admit his mistake before Bob's big surfing competition?

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SpaceCat 3611: Save the Music

12 novembro 202022m

Will the kids, playing as characters from Space Cat 3611, rescue a princess and bring music back to the universe?

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The Gators

12 novembro 202022m

When a family of Gators move to Cat City, will their popular Zydeco band replace The Resolutions?

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Ohio Sphinx

12 novembro 202022m

Can the gang turn trash into treasure and turn a boring trip to the flea market into a thirlling adventure?

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Full Court Press

12 novembro 202022m

Will a new coach help the gang learn how to play basketball in time to beat their rivals, the Crosstown Cats?

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Goodbye, Mrs.Burrow

12 novembro 202022m

When the gang hears that Mrs. Burrow will be leaving them next year, can they write a song great enough to convince her to stay?

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Last Days of Summer

12 novembro 202022m

With vacation running out, does the gang have enough time left for all of their favorite summer time activities?

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The Home Front

12 novembro 202022m

Sometimes it's hard when a new sibling is born, as the older sibling feels left out. When this happens to Grumpy, he seeks out Bob for help.

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12 novembro 202022m

When Grumpy forgets his bookbag at home, will he learn the difference between sharing with his friends, and taking from them?

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The Magic Oath

12 novembro 202022m

After the gang sees Kawow the Magician at the park, Grumpy wants to do magic too! But after he learns how to do the tricks, can he keep the mystery alive?

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Back to School Operetta

26 agosto 202122m

The gang prepares for the excitement of back to school with this special musical!

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The Call

4 novembro 202122m

When Callie and Grumpy disagree on who won a game, will their disagreement end their friendship forever?

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Pete Over-Extended

4 novembro 202122m

When Pete agrees to go to two events on the same day, will he be able to enjoy either?

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Sally's Sour Note

4 novembro 202122m

Can Sally create the perfect birthday gift for her fathers, even if she can't peform every part perfectly?

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Gustavo's Lucky Ducky

4 novembro 202122m

When Gustavo's security blanket goes missing, can his friends help him overcome his fear of an upcoming solo?

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And Then There Were None

4 novembro 202122m

When the gang agree to build a cardboard box fort in the park, will Grumpy's new video game lure them away from the task at hand?

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Take Your Cat to Work Day

4 novembro 202122m

When Bonnie B gets locked in the control room during a tour of the news studio, can the gang step up and present the news in her place?

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Fairy Tale Takedown

4 novembro 202122m

When the gang try to make up a new fairy tale by taking turns telling the story, can Grumpy learn to take turns before his friends feel left out?

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Let the Games Begin

4 novembro 202122m

When Sally's friends decide to lose at games on purpose so that she can win, can Sally show them that games are more fun if you're not keeping score?

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Room at the Table

4 novembro 202122m

When Pete's Dad invites strangers over for Thanksgiving dinner, the gang must decide if they can welcome the newcomers and make space at their table.

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Founders Day

4 novembro 202122m

As Cat City celebrates Founders Day, will Gustavo be left out since he and his Papi are the first platypuses to ever live there?

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Gustavo's First Party

4 novembro 202122m

Can Gustavo plan the best birthday party ever, or will his attempt to make everyone happy end in tears?

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Too Cool to Pool

4 novembro 202122m

When the gang realizes that Emma is afraid to join them in the pool, can they help her get over her embarrasment?

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All the Letters Home

10 março 202222m

Will Sally give sleep-away camp a chance before her friends mount a daring rescue mission to bring her home?

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Message In A Bottle

10 março 202222m

When Callie and Friends discover a message in a bottle on the beach, Callie spends all day trying to solve it. Can Pete show her that taking a break can help you look at a problem from a new perspective?

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Dream Melody

10 março 202222m

Pete's amazing new song blows away in the wind, but will his friends be able to help find it, or will their adventure make for an even better song?

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The Contest

10 março 202222m

When Mr. Laroux holds a songwriting contest, will Pete win the contest or can he inspire someone else to write something incredible?

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A Friend Named Lollypop

10 março 202222m

When the gang tries to meet Dennis's new friends Salad and Soup, they can never seem to find them. Can Ranger Joey help get to the bottom of the mystery?

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10 março 202222m

Can Pete and Sally help Grumpy try new things at the Squirrelton Nutfest Harvest Festival?

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Fun Fair

10 março 202222m

When they make a new friend with special needs, can the gang find a way to update their games to make them fun for everyone?

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Dance Party for One

10 março 202222m

When the gang discover Boo Burrow's secret talent, will they respect her request to keep it secret?

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Equipa Técnica 2

Realizado por: Bernie Petterson

Escrito por: Lexie Kahanovitz

Convidados Especiais 1 Todo o Elenco & Equipa Técnica

  1. Camryn Jones

    Boo Burrow

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Small Steps

4 agosto 202222m

When Baby T grows legs to dance with his big brother, Grumpy wants to show off to everyone he knows. But when Baby T is too shy, can Grumpy be patient and wait for Baby T to feel comfortable sharing his new developments?

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Grumpy Gets to Work

10 março 202222m

Grumpy finds a new video game he wants, but his parents can't buy it for him. Will he be able to find a way to earn the game for himself?

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The Five Senses

10 março 202222m

When Emma is partnered with Brian, a blind Burrow, in a sand sculpting contest, will they figure out a way to use all their senses to work together?

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Pete's Birthday

Season Finale
10 março 202222m

With Pete's birthday approaching, his friends struggle to find the perfect birthday present. Can they figure out wat to get the cat who already has everything he needs?

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