Diskutuoti apie Locke & Key

I was liking this show, as teen shows go it was pretty good. But the last two episodes were lazy writing.

The entire ending relied on the characters making deliberately dumb choices: (1) Letting Ellie take the shadow key to get the shadow crown instead of just keeping it until she brought the crown to them and (2) Opening up the portal to get rid of Dodge when they knew that Dodge's whole goal was to open the portal. Why not trap her in the mirror prison, force her into the astral plane like the kid, or lock her in her own head like what happened to the woman in the wheelchair?

And then they did that cop-out where they make a character unable to communicate (in this case unconscious) just to keep everybody from discovering the evil plan — a plan which depended on a ton of coincidences which no one could have foreseen. The writers just reverse engineered the last two episodes from the ending they wanted to achieve and it felt extremely contrived.

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It started to go downhill much earlier ... Kiddo: "The evil Well-Lady is back" krickets ... Please, noone bother ask how she looks, that would kill our Plot!

Exaclty! It was clever and had nice twists, but halfway through it got stupid and predictable. Was hoping its more adult but turned out that the target audience is teenagers

I've just watched three episodes so far. There is a definite teen flavor to the show. But the novelty of the magic key angle is interesting enough at this point I am thinking about continuing watching the show.
But I am not sure if I should invest more time in it if it is going to drift more toward the teenie stuff, and if the writers dropped the ball later on.

I watch these shows at the same time as a friend halfway around the world and then we discuss them. Neither of us really like the teenager shows, but we like fantasy stuff sometimes. This one is a toss up.

@Dali Parton said:

The entire ending relied on the characters making deliberately dumb choices: (1) Letting Ellie take the shadow key to get the shadow crown instead of just keeping it until she brought the crown to them

I just got to that point at the end of episode 9 in season one. I could see that coming before Ellie left the room where she was talking to the Locke kids and took the key to the crown with her.

Oh my! That is the key to the crown I stole which is at my house now, the one Dodge wants to combine with the key so urgently! I should go to my house and get that crown and bring it back here to show it to you. Since I already have the key in my hand, I will just save time by carrying it with me. If I had to extend my arm to hand it to one of you, who knows how long that could take?


A second. It would take about a second to do that.


Exactly, and there is not a minute to waste!


Well, a second is one-sixtieth of a minute. You have plenty of time to hand it to one of us.


Let the grownups talk, Bode. You're right, Ellie. You should just carry that key with you back to your house where Dodge is living, get the crown, and return here with both the crown and the key in your possession at the same time.


NO. Dodge could take it from her.


Bode! Ellie is a grown woman. If necessary, she can tell Dodge "no" and that will stop him.


No, it won't. Dodge can't take a key from a Locke, but he can take it from anyone else. One of us should hold the key. Besides, Dodge can threaten to hurt Rufus and force her to give him the key.


Bode! Stop arguing with the grownups! Ellie is a gym teacher and an adult. She already said there is not a minute to waste...


why not?


and look how much time you've already delayed her leaving with your arguing and sound logic? I know you're afraid now but you'll understand one day when you're all grown up. Ellie has already proven that she is perfectly capable of handling Dodge all by herself.


No, she has been his little bitch ever since she brought him back.


Bode, that is a very sexist thing to say! Now, I know you're worried that Dodge will take the key and the crown and gain even more magical power to terrorize the world. But you're just being silly. Trust me, there is nothing to worry about.


But you always say that when shit is about to go sideways! It is so obvious! Everyone can tell what's going to happen next. The audience might as well hit fast forward cause it's not going to be a surprise. Do the writers really think this is building tension? Do they think the viewers are stupid?


Bode, look at the target audience. Yes, of course, they think the viewers are stupid. Most people are stupid. Look at all of us.


Speak for yourself. Now give me the key.

Ellie, Kinsey, and Tyler all look at each other with knowing smiles and slight eye rolls and laugh a little, recalling how dumb they were as children.
Ellie goes home, Dodge becomes king of the shadows, and the Locke kids wait patiently at home pretending everything is fine.

Why do we have to pretend it's fine? Everyone knows it's all going to shit now.

Bode, of course, it's all fine. What could possibly go wrong?

Don't you ever learn? If the world wasn't circling the bowl before, it is now that you said that.

And on it goes

Whatever we do, we cannot let Dodge find out where we hid the Omega key.

Right! That would be a disaster if Dodge got his or her hands on the omega key. Good thing we hid it where Dodge can never find it!

Right. Say, maybe we should go check to make sure it is safe there.


NO! No, no, no. The whole purpose of hiding the key was so Dodge won't know where it is and cannot find it. Dodge has shadows all around us now, watching us.


Right. That is why it is so important to make sure it is still safe in its hiding place.


Dammit. Listen to me. If we "go check on it" now, the shadows will watch where we go and report back to Dodge where we hid it.


No, we turned on the lights, so the shadows are gone. They cannot watch us.


Oh my God, I can't believe we share any of the same genes. Lights cause shadows, you idiot. The shadows are behind the stuff the lights hit. They are still here, they just can't come out and grab us. But they can watch us.


Bode! Stop arguing with us. We MUST make sure that omega key is safe in its hiding place.


It IS safe so long as we don't reveal where we hid it!


It is your little boy fears which got us into this situation in the first place. Now respect your elders and let me and Kinsey go check on that key!

OK, I have not seen that, but I expect it is going to happen.

The writers just reverse engineered the last two episodes from the ending they wanted to achieve and it felt extremely contrived.

I'm not sure if I can stand to watch the rest of it, but given how little else there is at the moment of interest to me and how much time I have invested already, I might torture myself to keep watching.

But I don't know. I like to make fun of the stupid stuff they do, but when they are constantly making dumb decisions to create more and more problems, it gets so tedious and predictalbe. It's not fun to watch.

2nd season update: more of the same, only worse. Gets dumber and shoves cheaper YA melodrama by the episode.

special mention to the [SPOILER] zombie key when Gabe doesn't turn any person he comes across into one of his minions.

having loved the comics and the concept of magical keys (despite its coming-of-age vibe), to me the only redeeming thing is that they didn't copy-paste its plot and tried to explore other avenues with it.

Finally got around to watching the first season of this show which was a bit of a slog. I can't stand the teen angst stuff so I just fast forwarded through anything not directly featuring the keys or the main plot.

As mentioned, this show has an interesting plot but very dumb characters. Granted they are kids but that isn't any excuse as to why they do such stupid things. And the lady who plays the main villain is a pretty hammy actress, I wish they had cast someone better. Also I could tell without having to look it up that this was a Canadian production, it's like a 200% Canadian vibe. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just that they pitch this as taking place in the US when practically EVERYONE gives off Canadian vibes.

Instead of watching the other seasons I think I'll settle for a recap video on youtube, it's really not worth the time investment to sit through.

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