Jaksot 6


Episode 1

16 maaliskuu 201951m

A woman dies in a traffic accident. Over a year later, bartender Shinsuke Amemura is brutally attacked and awakes in the hospital with memory loss.

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Episode 2

23 maaliskuu 201951m

A familiar-looking woman walks into Shinsuke's bar just before closing time and gives him her phone number. He questions his fragmented memories.

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Episode 3

30 maaliskuu 201951m

Wondering why he was the only target of Reiji's wrath, Shinsuke goes to the address of the other man involved in the accident and finds Kozuka there.

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Episode 4

6 huhtikuu 201951m

Shinsuke manages to contact Kozuka and asks him to come free him from confinement. They explore the apartment and make an unnerving discovery.

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Episode 5

13 huhtikuu 201951m

Shinsuke confronts Ejima about his connection to Kiuchi. As Ejima takes him for a drive, Shinsuke finally recalls the truth behind the accident.

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Episode 6

Season Finale
20 huhtikuu 201951m

Divulging everything to Shinsuke, Kiuchi explains the full extent of Midori's involvement in the accident and her drastic change in the aftermath.

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