Επεισόδια 21


Babylone, le Front démoniaque absolu

5 Οκτώβριος 201924m

Ritsuka et Mash ont utilisé le Rayshift pour se rendre vers la septième singularité, qui est la ville antique d'Uruk en l'an 2655 av. J.-C.. Cependant, ils finissent par atterrir loin d'Uruk car la ville est protégée par un champ de protection. Ils combattent de nombreuses bêtes démoniaques et sont brièvement assistés par une femme mystérieuse et puissante avant qu'elle ne parte. Enkidu arrive alors pour assister Ritsuka et Mash et les guider vers Uruk. Enkidu révèle qu'il connaît déjà leur mission de réparer l'histoire en récupérant le septième Saint Graal de la singularité, et explique que la Mésopotamie est sur le point de disparaître à cause de l'Alliance des Trois Déesses, qui cherche à détruire l'humanité. Il leur montre ensuite un mur gigantesque que l'humanité a construit pour protéger ce qui reste de la civilisation humaine : le Front démoniaque absolu, Babylone. Pendant ce temps, deux personnages encapuchonnés dans les bois remarquent l'arrivée de Ritsuka.

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La Ville fortifiée d'Uruk

12 Οκτώβριος 201924m

Alors qu'Enkidu mène Ritsuka et Mash à Uruk, ils rencontrent des étrangers encapuchonnés, qui soulignent que, depuis que Gilgamesh est rentré de sa quête pour tenter de faire revivre Enkidu, cela signifie qu'Enkidu devrait déjà être mort, qualifiant l'actuel Enkidu d'imposteur travaillant pour le Roi des mages. Avec sa couverture tombée à l'eau, Enkidu tente d'attaquer Ritsuka et Mash, mais ils sont mis à l'abri par les mystérieux personnages. Les étrangers se présentent sous le nom de Merlin et Ana, deux Servants invoqués dans la Singularité pour se battre pour Uruk et assister Chaldea. Il est également révélé que Fou connaît Merlin et qu'il ne l'aime pas beaucoup. Merlin guide Ritsuka et Mash à Uruk pour rencontrer le roi Gilgamesh. Afin de tester Ritsuka et Mash, Gilgamesh les met au défi.

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Le Roi et le Peuple

19 Οκτώβριος 201924m

Fujimaru's entourage successfully has an audience with the wise king Gilgamesh ruling over Uruk. Fujimaru suggests to Gilgamesh that he wants to receive the Holy Grail that is causing this Singularity in return for defeating the Three Goddess Alliance that is putting all of Mesopotamia into a panic. However, Gilgamesh declares that he will not need the assistance of Chaldea for Uruk to face its perils. The situation turns extremely delicate, but then, Ishtar, the patron deity of Uruk, suddenly intrudes upon them, and they all end up in battle.

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Le Cri de la jungle

26 Οκτώβριος 201924m

Fujimaru recalls his journeys in the other Singularities, particularly the regret he feels for those he couldn't save. Fujimaru finds himself questioning his decisions. Meanwhile, Gilgamesh dispatches him to investigate the city of Ur under royal orders.

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Les voyages de Gilgamesh

2 Νοέμβριος 201924m

Fujimaru and company are dumbfounded by Gilgamesh's sudden visitation of the Chaldean Embassy. There, they are given a new request from the king which is to investigate the Persian Gulf. Merlin and Ana cannot join as they have no travel permits. In other words, this will be Fujimaru's first journey alone with Mash in a while. But there sat the noble king, reciting a poem and cocking his head in contemplation. Having fun with tales of the past, Fujimaru and company's journey will finally become a lively one.

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La Tablette du Destin

9 Νοέμβριος 201924m

Finishing up the investigation at the Persian Gulf, Fujimaru and company are given a new order from the king. The new order is to retrieve a clay tablet that Gilgamesh had previously lost in the city of Kutha. Kutha was a city that suddenly disappeared after the emergence of the three goddesses, where every citizen had passed away. In such a quiet town, the entourage decides to split up in search of the tablet. Fujimaru suddenly wanders into a very frigid world. It is what people call "the underworld," a space separate from the physical world.

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Opération de diversion

16 Νοέμβριος 201924m

Fujimaru successfully retrieves Gilgamesh's clay tablet, and within a deep slumber, he remembers his encounter with the King of Mages in London, the Fourth Singularity, which renews his understanding of the importance of the final Holy Grail. Meanwhile, Merlin suspects that the Demonic Beasts at the Northern Wall are planning a large-scale attack, and takes Fujimaru and company to the Northern Wall. There, they see a squad commanded by Leonidas I putting up a struggle. Once there, Fujimaru and company hear from Ushiwakamaru that communication with the fortress city of Nippur to the north has been severed, and they head out towards Nippur.

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La Déesse Mère des bêtes démoniaques

23 Νοέμβριος 201924m

Fujimaru and entourage, in order to rescue the people left behind in the fortress city of Nippur after communications were severed, begin their battle against the fake Enkidu who had been awaiting them. With Fou's help, they were somehow managing to keep things even, but in the midst of battle, the Goddess of the Demonic Beasts finally appears. Even Merlin is at his wit's end facing her overwhelming power. Meanwhile, Ushiwakamaru and Leonidas I engage in a spectacular battle, standing up defiant against the Goddess of the Demonic Beasts. In order to break through the situation where it is hard to deliver a wounding blow, the two Servants unleash their Noble Phantasms with desperate resolve.

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Bonjour, déesse de Vénus

30 Νοέμβριος 201924m

Fujimaru and entourage have lost Ushiwakamaru and Leonidas I. Upon receiving the report from the group that returned to the ziggurat, Gilgamesh decides it is necessary to conquer the three goddesses in certain order to fight against Gorgon, and orders Fujimaru to first turn Ishtar into an ally. With a "secret plan" given by Gilgamesh in hand, Fujimaru and company head over to Ishtar's temple.

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Salutations, déesse du Soleil

7 Δεκέμβριος 201924m

Fujimaru and company greet Ishtar to their ranks without hitches, and gain information from Gilgamesh about the key for defeating Gorgon, "the Axe of Marduk" stowed away in Eridu within the southern jungle.

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Le Temple du Soleil

14 Δεκέμβριος 201924m

Fujimaru and company ever so easily have Jaguar Warrior join their ranks, and are reunited with the soldiers of Uruk, thought to be all dead, outside Eridu.

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La Mort du Roi

4 Ιανουάριος 202024m

Due to overwork, Gilgamesh finds himself in the arms of eternal sleep. Fujimaru and the others are shocked by the news. They also hear from Siduri that there have been many reports of deaths from weakness within Uruk. Thinking that a member of the Three Goddess Alliance is the cause of it all, they head to the underworld with Ishtar to defeat the goddess of the land of the dead and liberate Gilgamesh’s soul.

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Au revoir, déesse de l'Au-delà

11 Ιανουάριος 202024m

Fujimaru confronts Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld, and pleads with her to join with him to help save Uruk.

Incensed, Ereshkigal refuses and attacks Fujimaru and his companions. With help from Gilgamesh and Ishtar, Fujimaru again attempts to persuade Ereshkigal, however... the goddess instead opts to fulfill her appointed duties.

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Affrontement décisif

18 Ιανουάριος 202024m

After making peace with Ereshkigal, goddess of the underworld, Fujimaru and the others return to Uruk to find Gilgamesh, who has returned to the land of the living. As the final battle with Gorgon approaches, Gilgamesh proposes a strategy that may give them a chance at victory.

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Συντελεστές 11

Σκηνοθετημένο από: Δεν έχει προστεθεί σκηνοθέτης.

Γραμμένο από: Δεν έχει προστεθεί συγγραφέας.

Γκεστ σταρ 0 Ολοι οι ηθοποιοί & συντελεστές

Δεν έχουν προστεθεί γκεστ σταρ.

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Une nouvelle humanité

25 Ιανουάριος 202024m

With the Axe of Marduk, Fujimaru’s party manages to weaken Gorgon by lowering her Divinity. Having opened a path for themselves, they finally reach the Blood Fort’s depths. There, Gorgon says that she will gain her revenge by destroying humanity. Ana unleashes her own divinity, which had been suppressed until now, against Gorgon

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8 Φεβρουάριος 202024m

The Laḫmu attack Kingu and steal the Holy Grail from his body!

After being robbed of the Grail, Kingu makes a desperate escape into the forest. However, the Laḫmu discover him there, and so he prepares to meet his fate. But at that moment, Kingu witnesses something beyond comprehension...

At the same time, Fujimaru and company pursue the Laḫmu now in possession of the Grail, but a Servant long thought dead appears to block their path.

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Le congrès s'amuse

15 Φεβρουάριος 202024m

The power of the Grail, now in the hands of the Laḫmu, has transformed the Persian Gulf into the Chaos Tide. Any living thing that touches this sea is instantly mutated into a Demonic Beast.

As the Chaos Tide advances toward Uruk, Fujimaru and company form a desperate plan to destroy Tiamat as a last-ditch effort to save the city.

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Sur l'Étoile primordiale, regardons les Cieux

22 Φεβρουάριος 202024m

Fujimaru, Mash and the goddesses enjoy one last moment of peace on the eve of the final battle. That same night, Kingu reaches the peak of the ziggurat. So badly injured that he can no longer stand, he looks up to see a figure looming over him... As morning dawns, King Gilgamesh gives Fujimaru and his companions some final words of encouragement. Their attack on Tiamat begins now!

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Mésopotamie, le Front démoniaque absolu (Partie 1)

7 Μάρτιος 202024m

When Tiamat refuses to be defeated even after Quetzalcoatl’s desperate attack, Gorgon makes her appearance. The newcomer unleashes her devastating Noble Phantasm to destroy Tiamat’s wings but is unable to halt her advance toward Uruk.

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Mésopotamie, le Front démoniaque absolu (Partie 2)

14 Μάρτιος 202024m

Tiamat falls into the underworld, but there, she transforms into one of the Evils of Humanity: Beast II. Hassan-i Sabbah, the first Old Man of the Mountain, intervenes, using his power as Grand Assassin to deprive Beast II of her immortality.

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Grand Order

Φινάλε σεζόν
21 Μάρτιος 202024m

Fujimaru and company finally succeed in defeating Beast II, though this victory was won with many sacrifices. The entire group is wounded and battle-weary, and as they take stock of the aftermath, they see that Uruk itself is on the verge of collapse. What will the end of their journey bring them?

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Επιστροφή στην κορυφή

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Σε όλες τις σελίδες

s Εστίαση στη μπάρα αναζήτησης
p Άνοιγμα μενού προφίλ
esc Κλείσιμο ανοιχτού παραθύρου
? Άνοιγμα παραθύρου συντομεύσεων πληκτρολογίου

Στις σελίδες μέσων

b Επιστροφή στην προηγούμενη σελίδα(ή στην αρχική σελίδα όταν είναι εφικτό)
e Μετάβαση στη σελίδα επεξεργασίας

Στις σελίδες κύκλων σειρών

(Δεξιό βέλος) Μετάβαση στον επόμενο κύκλο
(Αριστερό βέλος) Μετάβαση στον προηγούμενο κύκλο

Στις σελίδες επεισοδίων σειρών

(Δεξιό βέλος) Μετάβαση στο επόμενο επεισόδιο
(Αριστερό βέλος) Μετάβαση στο προηγούμενο επεισόδιο

Σε όλες τις σελίδες εικόνων

a Άνοιγμα παραθύρου προσθήκης εικόνας

Σε όλες τις σελίδες επεξεργασίας

t Άνοιγμα επιλογέα μετάφρασης
ctrl+ s Υποβολή φόρμας

Στις σελίδες συζήτησης

n Δημιουργία νέας συζήτησης
w Ρύθμιση κατάστασης παρακολούθησης
p Ρύθμιση ως δημόσια/ιδιωτική
c Ρύθμιση ανοίγματος/κλεισίματος
a Άνοιγμα δραστηριότητας
r Απάντηση στη συζήτηση
l Μετάβαση στην τελευταία απάντηση
ctrl+ enter Υποβολή μηνύματος
(Δεξιό βέλος) Επόμενη σελίδα
(Αριστερό βέλος) Προηγούμενη σελίδα


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