Jaksot 22


Brace/Off Adventure

26 syyskuu 202123m

Judy embarks on a journey after getting some unexpected news from the dentist.

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The Great Punkin' Adventure

3 lokakuu 202122m

A punk band invites Ham to audition after hearing him scream. Meanwhile, Honeybee and Wolf get their first directing gig.

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The Yawn of the Dead Adventure

10 lokakuu 202123m

Moon, Judy and Ham try to survive Alaska's darkest and spookiest day of the year. Meanwhile, Wolf and Honeybee attempt to replace Beef's favorite shirt.

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Wanted: Delmer Alive Adventure

17 lokakuu 202123m

After Delmer suffers a concussion while eating soup, the Tobins tell their favorite stories about him in order to keep him awake and alive.

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Beef's Craig Beef Adventure

24 lokakuu 202123m

When Wolf discovers that Beef secretly wants a jet ski, he formulates a plan to get it; Ham bonds with a novelty singing fish toy.

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Skidmark Holmes Adventure

7 marraskuu 202123m

Judy's murder mystery party doesn't go exactly as planned; Alyson invites herself on a date with Beef.

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Tasteful Noods Adventure

14 marraskuu 202123m

Ham is assigned an after-school job at a restaurant as part of "Careers Week," and gets an unexpected surprise. Meanwhile, Moon develops a crush on an older woman.

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Good Beef Hunting Adventure

21 marraskuu 202123m

During Thanksgiving week, the Tobin kids and Honeybee take part in an old family tradition called The Beef Hunt. Meanwhile, Beef wrestles with his greatest fear.

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From Tusk Til Dawn Adventure

28 marraskuu 202123m

Former celebrity mountain man, Tusk Johnson, returns to Lone Moose with a big favor to ask of Beef and Wolf. Meanwhile, Honeybee enters a contest to win her own mall kiosk.

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Dip The Halls Adventure

19 joulukuu 202123m

When Jerry's Bigfoot costume gets stolen a few days before Christmas, Beef helps him track it down. The Tobin kids try to build an elaborate gingerbread village.

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Dances With Wolfs Adventure

2 tammikuu 202223m

Moon helps Wolf deal with their parents' divorce. Honeybee encounters Lone Moose's most famous City Councilperson, who happens to be an eagle.

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Beef Mommas House Adventure

27 helmikuu 202223m

Beef joins a local moms' group, while Moon and his friends build a Dread Sled. Meanwhile, the rest of the family digs into the investigation of Wolf and Honeybee's disappearing potholder.

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Saved by the Spells Adventure

6 maaliskuu 202223m

Judy relaunches the Saved by the Spells, a legendary secret society. Meanwhile, Honeybee and Wolf have a surprising week, and Moon makes a new friend on his CB radio.

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Stools Rush in Adventure

13 maaliskuu 202223m

The school is putting on a musical based on "The Perfect Storm," and Judy desperately wants to be one of the leads. Meanwhile, Moon tries to convince his family he's ready to stay home alone for the very first time.

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You've Got Math Adventure

20 maaliskuu 202223m

Honeybee agrees to help Moon with his school problems, only to learn that something else is on his mind. Meanwhile, the rest of the family deals with a moose problem.

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As Goldie As It Gets Adventure

27 maaliskuu 202223m

Ham befriends an older woman who loves to party. Meanwhile, Judy takes up pottery and is not great at it.

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Dead Moon Walking Adventure

10 huhtikuu 202223m

After seeing something he shouldn't have, Moon incurs Debbie's wrath. Meanwhile, Beef is determined to save his favorite museum from being closed down.

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Beef's in Toyland Adventure

24 huhtikuu 202223m

Beef struggles when the boat needs repairs and he can't fish for a whole week. Meanwhile, Wolf and Honeybee meet the best-looking man in Lone Moose.

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Poetry of the Penals Adventure

1 toukokuu 202223m

Wolf chaperones Ham and Judy on a school field trip to the abandoned Death Cliff Prison. Meanwhile, Beef accidentally agrees to compose a poem.

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Tekijät 2

Ohjaus: Michael Baylis

Käsikirjoittaja: Ted Travelstead

Vierailevat tähdet 9 Kaikki näyttelijät ja tekijät

  1. Martha Kelly

    Bethany (voice)

  2. Ariel Tweto

    Kima Brewper (voice)

  3. Megan Mullally

    Alyson Lefebvrere (voice)

  4. David Herman

    Santiago Carpaccio (voice)

  5. Charlie Kelly

    Drama John (voice)

  6. Julio Torres

    Crispin Cienfuegos (voice)

  7. Paul F. Tompkins

    Mr. Golovkin (voice)

  8. Ziwe Fumudoh

    Amelia (voice)

  9. Jo Firestone

    Greta Meatweep (voice)

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Say It Again, Ham Adventure

8 toukokuu 202223m

With Crispin's help, Ham tries to re-create a more theatrical version of his coming out. Meanwhile, hoping to record their first true crime podcast, Wolf and Honeybee investigate a local cold case and are shocked by what they uncover.

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Slide & Wet-judice Adventure

15 toukokuu 202223m

A new indoor water park is opening in Lone Moose, and all of the Tobins want to go, except for Wolf, who's convinced that he's cursed to always lose his swim trunks in front of the entire town.

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Papa Don't Fiend Adventure

Season Finale
22 toukokuu 202223m

The Tobins spend Father's Day weekend at an RV park and uncover the identity of the Fiend of Family Land. Then, Moon meets a skunk, and Judy thinks she's found a new love.

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