Episodes 25


Il match finale

July 10, 200224m

Jaguer and Eskara face off for a chance to battle Kid Muscle in the Finals. When Eskara adds concrete to the Ring to upset Jaguers teacher will Jaguer be able to defeat his classmate on his own?

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Oscuro passato

July 17, 200224m

Eskara takes home the win with overwhelming power but is there a special reason he is fighting in this tournament?

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Kid Muscle VS Eskara

July 24, 200224m

After a misunderstanding Kid Muscle thinks that Roxanne is in love with him. He decides to win the match against Eskara for her and then ask her to marry him, He even TRAINS for the match! He mostly manhandels Eskara until he relizes Roxanne was talking about her new dog! With his spark gone will the Kid be a match for the powerful Eskara?

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La confessione di Kevin Mask

July 31, 200224m

After being beaten up by Eskara the Kid formulates a plan to put the powerful foe in his trademark Kinnikubuster but when he does Eskara is able to slip out of it both times and take away the Kids' consciousness and when Kevin Mask steps forward Eskaras' idnetity is revealed to be Mars. He is the last of the dMp and after winning this tournament has decided to restart this evil wrestling organization! But will mind of Jaguar and the body of Kid Muscle he'll have to work for it!

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Una situazione disperata

August 7, 200224m

Kept alive by the spirit of Jaguer the Kid keeps fighting. But with the skull that connected him to Jaguer gone and the Kinniku-buster beaten the only way for the Kid to win to make up his own move! But can the Kid be that creative?

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Il campione del pianeta Terra

August 14, 200224m

After being manhandeled by Mars the Kid, in order to make new moves to win, must use something he has never before... HIS BRAIN! The kid begins bombarding Mars with all sorts of unique moves before bulling off his biggest yet! The Kid's NEW signanture move THE MUSCLE MILLENIUM giving The Kid the match, championship and right to guard the earth from further evil!

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La massima sfida

August 21, 200224m

After defeating Eskara The Kid is summoned back to Muscle Planet to test his Ultimate Muscle power! He is weak and is bruised from his battles and so is given the chance to fight the Gruesome Threesome (a group of wrestlers who got there name from what their victims looked like) to find alternative ways to win otherthen getting beaten up. But his Muscular foes won't be easy to overcome.

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Il ritorno di Checkmate

August 28, 200224m

The Kid is getting clobbered by the half-man, half-machine, Forkollossus! With Forkollossus playing with The Kids consciance, The Kid doesn't understand if he's right about ruining evil wrestlers life even if it is saving the world! And when the baddest of the dMp returns, Checkmate, it can only spell trouble for the Kid or maybe not!

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Hanzo VS Il Ninja

September 4, 200224m

After defeating Forkollossus the Kid is transported to his next enemy of the gruesome threesome, Hanzo the Horrible! Hearing this Hanzo's capture Ninja Ned tries to talk them out of giving him his freedom because of the horrible things he has done, taken the face of hundreds, when he is ignored Ninja Ned goes to battle Hanzo instead of the Kid! But when this legend is defeated will the Kid be able to beat Hanzo and avenge Ninja Ned?

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Il patto ninja

September 11, 200224m

As Ninja Ned falls down the bottomless pit his scarf flies up to The Kid, meaning only one thing Ninja Ned has selected The Kid to avenge him. So then The Kid knows what he must do...RUN! But when The Ninja's spirit comes to help him The Kid gets enough courage to go face Hanzo! Now with the strength and knowledge of The Ninja and a new grass mat, will The Kid be able to defeat the faceless Samurai?

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Il nuovo Kid Muscle

September 18, 200224m

The Kid continues to battle for his life without his finisher attack to save him. And now Hanzo shows that the grass mat can't stop his Tatami puppet. Soon the Kid is beaten off the mat. He soon meets Ninja Ned in the spirit world who tells him with the loss of the old Kid a new stronger Ultimate Muscle is now inside him. With that the Kid wakes up and finds he has been saved by the Ninja's scarf. Now with the new Ultimate Muscle can the Kid stop the powerful Samurai?

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Bone Cold all'assalto

September 25, 200224m

With Hanzo defeated the Kid goes to face his new even greater foe ""Bone Cold""! But when the fight takes place in such a warm beach what could go wrong...well Mitch could get kidnapped. Now the Kid must find the 3rd flame of the torch and complete his Ultimate Muscle training.

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L'attacco più crudele

October 2, 200224m

Kid Muscle meets the third and final competitor in his Ultimate Muscle challenge, Bone Cold. Definately the strongest and worst of the three Bone Cold only has one weakness, a secret Mitch knows then again Mitch also knows a secret about Meats but before he tells either secret Bone Cold shoots him Mitch and... breaks his hip! But with his last breath before he is transported to a bed he tells Meats he is his father. Now can The Kid beat Bone Cold and avenge Mitch or will Bone Cold win and be set free from jail?

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La vittoria suprema

October 9, 200224m

After a long battle with Bone Cold, Kid Muscle finally pulls together and calls upon the power of Ultimate Muscle. With one final Muscle Millennium move, he takes out Bone Cold and claims his third victory of the Ultimate Muscle Challenge. However, when he can't light the torch, he sees Bone Cold and his father Skullduggery make up their ways and become family again. Terry and Checkmate have also become friends, despite their differences, and now, having learned this, Kid lights the third flame and claims the true power of Ultimate Muscle!

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La corona Chojin

October 16, 200224m

When the Chojin Crown tournament becomes a tournament once more, all Muscle League Fighters must return to thier home countries to fight for a position in the tournament. All fighters return- except Kid Muscle.

When Kid overhears Roxanne and her mother talking about how they love guys with bulging muscles fighting in a tournament for honor and the cheers of millions of fans, he runs off to join the Tournament for the Chojin Crown.

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Il principe e il povero

October 23, 200224m

There is only one spot in left in the Chojin Crown tournament and The Kid has his eye on it (to get Roxanne's eyes on him), but first he will have to get past El Nino ""The Wrestler of the People""! Will The Kid be able to pvercome El Nino's hurricane-like attacks and go on to the Chojin Crown or will El Nino finally fulfill his mothers final wishes and get his face on a tee-shirt?

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Non solo forza

October 30, 200224m

The Kid, now with a spot in the Chojin Crown, must compete in several tests until one Chojin will prevail. The first grueling task is a best out of 3 rock, paper, scissers and made you look competition, this Dik Dik Van Dik lost(he's a naturally curious creature). Followed by a heat where 3 wrestlers race to the finish line to save a falling person, this Wally lost. Will the Kid be able to survive and advance?

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Le semifinali

November 6, 200224m

After Terry ""The Grand"" Kenyon Loses To Jeager In The Catch The Falling Person Game, The Next Challenge To Qualify For The Finals Is The Three-Legged Obstacle Race Where A Chojin A Paired Up With A Non-Chojin And Have To Finish In The Top 12. Kid Muscle Gets Stuck With A Sumo Wrestler Named Sasaki. Can Kid Muscle Get To The Top 12 In Order To Qualify For The Finals.

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I sei velenosi

November 13, 200224m

Durante il ricevimento inaugurale del 22º Torneo Chojin, sei individui fanno irruzione sul palcoscenico su delle motociclette con indosso delle maschere raffiguranti la faccia di Kid Muscle. Questi sono "I Sei Velenosi", dei Chojin che dopo la loro sconfitta hanno deciso di infrangere le regole e vendicarsi della Muscle League. Per costringere la Muscle League a combattere, i sei rapiscono Chichi, Trixie e Roxanne, e i ragazzi decidono di combattere a degli incontri a coppie, due contro due, in cui inizialmente si sfideranno uno contro uno ma potranno passare il testimone toccandogli la mano ai compagni, che si troveranno dietro le corde del ring. La prima sfida è tra Jeager e Terry contro Dazz-Ling e Protector. L'incontro comincia in netto vantaggio per i nostri eroi, soprattutto per Terry che riesce a tenere testa sia a Dazz-Ling che a Protector.

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Gli avversari francesi

November 20, 200224m

Terry continua a combattere riuscendo a sopraffare Dazz-Ling, ma quest'ultimo usa un occhio di vetro che ha sulla spalla per far sprofondare Terry nelle sue paure più profonde, ovvero egli crede di essere intrappolato da dalle radici di alberi che lo stritolano. Grazie all'intervento di Kid, Terry riesce a liberarsi dell'incantesimo e passa il testimone a Jeager, che comincia a sfidare Protector. Quest'ultimo, robot di oltre 4 metri di altezza, si fa aiutare da Dazz-Ling infrangendo le regole e riesce a sopraffare Jeager, che però con l'aiuto di Terry riesce a distruggere Protector con un trucco. Dazz-Ling allora distrugge il ring facendo sprofondare i ragazzi dentro un abisso sotterraneo pieno di radici e resti di alberi. Terry e Jeager però uniscono le loro forze e insieme riescono a tirarsi fuori dall'abisso, e Terry con la sua famosa mossa del marchio del vitello, sconfigge Dazz-Ling e libera Trixie. Il prossimo incontro sarà tra Dik Dik e Wally contro Monsieur French, mezzo uomo e mezzo rana, e Monsieur Chicks, un uomo con la faccia di un sedere, e si terrà su un enorme statua di rana sopra un mare.

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Una gran brutta faccia

November 27, 200224m

Comincia l'incontro. I ragazzi sono preoccupati dato che Wally e Dik Dik non hanno mai vinto un incontro fino ad ora. Monsieur Chicks comincia ad utilizzare delle tattiche psicologiche per far piombare Dik Dik nella disperazione e togliergli la fiducia in se stesso, ma grazie all'aiuto di Kid Dik Dik si riprende e comincia a picchiare l'avversario sulla faccia, come a sculacciarlo, per poi passare il cambio a Wally che affronta Monsieur French. Wally riesce a sopraffare l'avversario, anche grazie al sostegno di sua madre e sua sorella. French prima lo fa cadere in acqua per poi cercare di farlo affogare ricoprendolo di bava di rana, poi invece decide di far affogare sua madre e sua sorella. Wally sarebbe tentano di andare a salvarle, ma per non farlo allontanare dall'incontro è Kid a precipitarsi in mare per salvarle.

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Una scelta difficile

December 4, 200224m

Kid fallisce nel tentativo di salvare la madre e la sorella di Wally, così quest'ultimo è costretto a buttarsi in mare, lasciando Dik Dik da solo contro Monsieur French e Chicks. All'inizio sembra riuscire a cavarsela, ma poi i due prendono il sopravvento e lo massacrano. Quando Chicks sta per dargli il colpo di grazia, improvvisamente Checkmate si fa avanti per salvare Dik Dik, in quanto lui non fa parte della schiera dei combattenti contro i sei velenosi quindi il suo intervento è più che regolare. Il cavaliere sistema i due cattivi, ma lascia a Dik Dik la possibilità di finirli e ottenere così la sua prima vittoria. Dik Dik dà il colpo di grazia a Chicks, mentre Wally con un salto a rana salta fuori dall'acqua, dopo aver salvato la sua famiglia, ed elimina French, liberando così Chichi. Adesso ci sarà l'ultimo incontro, che vedrà Kid Muscle e Kevin Mask contro i restanti due, Jagg-Ed, gigante corazzato, e il Barone Maximilian, un ometto a prima vista gracile e bassino. Il loro incontro si terrà niente di meno che dentro il cratere di Monte Fuji.

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Scontro fra titani

December 11, 200224m

Inizia l'ultimo incontro, che deciderà per la libertà di Roxanne. I primi a sfidarsi sono Kevin Mask e Jagg-Ed. Kevin comincia subito a colpire l'avversario con tutta la forza possibile, e proprio quando sembra averlo sconfitto, il gigante si rialza e utilizza un tornado appuntito, formato con le punte sulla sua corazza, per mettere al tappeto Kevin. Stavolta è Kevin che sembra essere sconfitto, ma alla fine grazie alla sua agilità riuscirà a schivare i colpi dell'avversario, contro il quale usa una delle sue mosse più famose, il Tower Bridge. Jagg-Ed fa diventare le sue mani dei missili, e fa finire lui e Kevin fuori dal ring. Secondo il regolarmente i due hanno 20 secondi per tornare sul ring. Jagg-Ed rilancia le sue mani ma stavolta Kevin le distrugge e finisce l'avversario con la sua mossa del Big Ben. Ma entrambi hanno toccato il ring con un secondo di ritardo e quindi sono tutti e due squalificati. A questo punto l'incontro finale sarà tra Kid Muscle e il Barone Maximilian, per la liberazione di Roxanne.

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Un avversario magico

December 18, 200224m

With Baron Maximillion and Kid Muscle ready to square off, Kid Muscle laughs at the boniness of the Baron's body, as he is the skinniest wrestler anyone has ever seen. The Baron says that strength isn't the only way to win a battle, and Kid Muscle soon learns this as he charges toward the Baron and misses every time. Maximillion is too fast for him, and zips around the ring, striking Kid Muscle repeatedly. Meat comes up with a strategy for Kid Muscle, saying that he should grab onto the Baron when he gets close. Kid Muscle does this, and grabs onto the Baron's leg, stopping him from attacking. The Kid then says he only wishes the Baron was a real competitor, and Maximillion fulfills his wish by growing into a large wrestler in black armor, with huge hair. Now the same size as the Kid, the new Baron tosses Kid Muscle around the ring like a rag doll. As the Baron's about to finish him off for good, King Muscle shows up on the scene, looking pumped up. Everyone is shocked to see the veter

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Combattimento nel sonno

Season Finale
December 25, 200224m

At the end of the last episode, Kid Muscle was down after suffering Baron Maxamillion's devastating finisher - the Baron Wasteland. The episode begins with Kid still unconscious and his friends doubting his victory, when suddenly, much to the chagrin of the Baron, Kid comes to his feet. As excited as everyone is that Kid Muscle is standing again, Meat informs everyone that Kid Muscle may be standing - but he is sound asleep on his feet as a result of all the punishment that Maxamillion has inflicted!

Meat is of course disheartened as the Baron begins to assault the dozing hero, but King Muscle informs everyone that he and Kid Muscle used to share a bed together and that, because both kicked in their sleep, they developed a system of ""Sleep Fighting"". Meat finds this hard to believe at first, but then Kid starts blocking all of the Baron's hits. Unaffected by the Kid's ""sleep fighting"", Baron Maxamillion tosses him into the air and prepares to put the Kid away with the Honor Drop, a

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