129 Filme

尼歐、崔尼蒂、莫斐斯及其他英雄在廿二世紀殺人網絡3驚變世紀中激戰連場,正處於勝利或被機械軍團殲滅的邊緣。對尼歐來說,如同向人類極限挑戰 - 走進機械城市心臟的同時,在生死關頭與戰鬥力不齗提升的程式人史密斯決一死戰。

食腦大盜查理欲策劃一次完美無瑕的奪金行動。他與同黨史提芬、電腦奇才利爾、型仔車手洛、爆破專家左耳及夾萬解碼老手尊,六人鋪天蓋地潛入意大利威尼斯戒備森嚴的豪宅,盜出大批金條,過程不留一絲痕跡,但沒有人會想到在分贓之時,被自己人起尾注,殺戮兄弟獨吞金條!查理心有不甘,遂決意和死裡逃生的兄弟奪回金條,更找來爆夾美人絲蒂拉加入戰團。他們追蹤到金條輾轉被運往加州,遂部署在出擊當日,入侵洛杉磯交通控制系統,藉此操控全市交通燈號,並出動車身小巧的Mini Cooper,製造洛杉磯史上最恐怖的交通癱瘓,目的是再上演一次完美的奪金行動!

19. September 2003

幾個世紀以來,有兩個族類在人類世界裡兀自演化,分別是具有貴族氣質,神秘而難以捉摸的吸血鬼,以及公認兇殘、和野蠻人無異的狼人。對人類來說,它們的存在或者不過是口耳相傳的鬼怪傳說,但它們兩方卻始終是世仇,對峙從未罷休,他們終其一生不斷激烈交手,直到有一方倒下為止。 在這場激戰正要開始的時候,吸血鬼戰士之一莎倫娜(凱特貝金賽飾演)發現狼人想綁架一名年輕人類醫生的計謀,莎倫娜幫麥可(史考特史皮曼飾演)逃離城市後,對他開始有了一種不曾擁有過的依賴感,所以當狼人們展開下一波進攻時,莎倫娜盡其所能要抵禦這種惡意的攻擊。 當莎倫娜急急地要救麥可,並且破壞狼人不懷好意的計謀時,她發現到一樁與兩族類生死相關的秘密:有一群結合了吸血鬼和狼人的強處,並抽走弱點的無敵物種正悄悄被喚醒,它將會讓原本幾個世紀以來勢力已經漸漸消褪的狼人,重新建立起搶回江山的實力。

2. November 1990

After returning home from the Vietnam War, veteran Jacob Singer struggles to maintain his sanity. Plagued by hallucinations and flashbacks, Singer rapidly falls apart as the world and people around him morph and twist into disturbing images. His girlfriend, Jezzie, and ex-wife, Sarah, try to help, but to little avail. Even Singer's chiropractor friend, Louis, fails to reach him as he descends into madness.


Théo and Hugo meet in a club and form an immediate bond. Once the desire and elation of this first moment has passed, the two young men, now sober, wander through the empty streets of nocturnal Paris, having to confront the love they sense blossoming between them.

25. April 1997

洛杉磯-天使之城-是全球金融娛樂中心,每天有上百萬的人口在這裡活動。但在一次無預警的地殼大振動後,原本深藏在洛城底下的火山一發不可收拾的噴出驚人的岩漿,吞食這個大城市!邁可洛克(湯米李瓊斯飾)身為洛城的危機處理中心的總指揮,發現地震後由地底裂縫中溢出異常高溫的液體,在苦思無解下,求教地質學家艾美博士(安妮海契飾),艾美博士的回答居然是火山即將爆發。 洛克雖然覺得不可能,但為安全起見,還是撤離了該區居民。在接連的超強地震後,拉布瑞窪地噴出了岩漿,伴隨著火山灰與火山礫,向洛城的民眾。岩漿所到之處皆毀,洛城陷入一片火海。洛克和危機處理小組冒險阻止火熱的岩漿流向住宅區,但沒想到岩漿改由地鐵隧道流竄,並將在隧道盡頭再度噴出。在無計可施下,洛克準備冒險炸毀一棟大樓,來阻隔岩漿……

21. November 1995

When a vengeful New York transit cop decides to steal a trainload of subway fares, his foster brother—a fellow cop—tries to protect him.

Lola receives a phone call from her boyfriend Manni. He lost 100,000 DM in a subway train that belongs to a very bad guy. She has 20 minutes to raise this amount and meet Manni. Otherwise, he will rob a store to get the money. Three different alternatives may happen depending on some minor event along Lola's run.

22. November 2019

一宗午夜劫案,牽涉300公斤可卡因、8名警察被殺。警司基利(J.K.西蒙斯 飾)急召鐵腕神探安哲(查域保斯曼 飾)調查,並派出緝毒組女探員法琦(施安娜米勒 飾)協助。為了找出2名疑兇雷文及米高,安哲要求在天亮前緊急封鎖曼克頓,截斷所有交通樞紐,誓要在封鎖令的數小時內,反轉整個曼克頓緝兇歸案。但在追查過程中,兩人發現有人想藉警力殺疑兇滅口,令安哲懷疑械劫毒品與殺警案背後,其實另有黑幕!他們要與時間競賽,在曼克頓的交通重啟之前,生擒疑兇,才可把這個謎團擊破。

15. August 2008

性格狂莽兼衝動的紐約探員班卡遜因意外槍殺同僚而慘遭革職,妻兒更難忍他的暴躁脾氣而離去。為了生計,班當上一座因多年前不明起火釀成多人喪命而倒閉的百貨公司的保安員。某天,正當他巡視大廈內每個被燻黑的陰森角落時,赫然發現牆上異常光潔的鏡子反射一些難以解釋的恐怖異像,最駭人是那些疑幻似真的異像往往操控著現實的班 ─ 他在鏡中跟自己的惡魔搏鬥,令現實中的他抽搐、流血、窒息。每日活在惶恐中的班,行為日益怪異…… 在班揳而不捨追查下,終查出鏡中凶靈底細與大火中神秘失蹤的保安員有關;更可怕的是,那無處不在的「鏡魔」亦轉移向班的家人埋手報復,甚至威脅其兒子的生命﹗

7. März 2008

Terry is a small-time car dealer trying to leave his shady past behind and start a family. Martine is a beautiful model from Terry's old neighbourhood who knows that Terry is no angel. When Martine proposes a foolproof plan to rob a bank, Terry recognises the danger but realises this may be the opportunity of a lifetime. As the resourceful band of thieves burrows its way into a safe-deposit vault at a Lloyds Bank, they quickly realise that, besides millions in riches, the boxes also contain secrets that implicate everyone from London's most notorious underworld gangsters to powerful government figures, and even the Royal Family. Although the heist makes headlines throughout Britain for several days, a government gag order eventually brings all reporting of the case to an immediate halt.

25. Juli 1980

After witnessing a mysterious woman brutally slay a homemaker, prostitute Liz Blake finds herself trapped in a dangerous situation. While the police thinks she is the murderer, the real killer is intent on silencing her only witness.

16. April 1982

Jules, a young Parisian postman, secretly records a concert performance given by the opera singer Cynthia Hawkins, whom he idolises. The following day, Jules runs into a woman who is being pursued by armed thugs. Before she is killed, the woman slips an audio cassette into his mail bag...

26. September 1986

When a New York reporter plucks crocodile hunter Mick Dundee from the Australian Outback for a visit to the Big Apple, it's a clash of cultures and a recipe for good-natured comedy as naïve Dundee negotiates the concrete jungle. He proves that his instincts are quite useful in the city and adeptly handles everything from wily muggers to high-society snoots without breaking a sweat.

3. Juni 1955

With his family away for their annual summer holiday, a publishing executive decides to live a bachelor's life. The beautiful but ditzy blonde from the apartment above catches his eye and they soon start spending time together—maybe a little too much time!

璐茜(珊迪娜布洛) 的生活平淡如水,唯一可點綴生活的是每天早上,英俊瀟灑的「他」會經過她工作的售票處,讓她偷偷地看上一眼。然而,她一直沒有跟這個夢中情人有交談的機會。直至有一天,她的夢中情人遇刧被人推落路軌並昏迷不醒。璐茜把他送進醫院裡,這時傷者的家人到場,證實傷者為賈家長子賈彼德(彼德嘉力格)。而賈家上下都誤把璐茜當作彼德的未婚妻,璐茜為免眾人失望,只好將錯就錯,並偷偷享受著這借來的家庭溫暖。然而,璐茜後來發覺與彼德的弟弟阿積(標布文)志趣相投,感情逐漸萌芽。此時,彼德突然甦醒,並願意正式迎娶璐茜,璐茜站在「白馬王子」和「初戀情人」之間,開始感到取捨兩難。

10. August 2004

Trapped in a London subway station, a woman who's being pursued by a potential attacker heads into the unknown labyrinth of tunnels beneath the city's streets

A dweeby, mild-mannered man comes to the aid of a drunk young woman on a subway platform. Little does he know how much trouble he’s in for.

13. September 1985

Desperate to escape his mind-numbing routine, uptown Manhattan office worker Paul Hackett ventures downtown for a hookup with a mystery woman.

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