79 fılm

承接第一季動畫,炭治郎等人完成「蝴蝶屋」的訓練,抵達下一個任務地點「無限列車」。據說在短時間之內,有四十人以上的乘客在列車上消失。 炭治郎帶著禰豆子與善逸、伊之助一行人,和鬼殺隊最強劍士「柱」其中一人,炎柱的煉獄杏壽郎會合,在開往暗黑的「無限列車」上,與潛伏在列車上的鬼正面對決!

A number of children are being well fed, taken care of, and pampered at a very meticulate and managed orphanage. The facility and grounds are impressive, but the wall acting as a barrier is high. There is a secret to the place and once revealed to several orphans, they're desperate to escape.


吸血殭屍和人狼已爭鬥幾世紀,把人間變成殺戮戰場,這場惡鬥對Selene(姬蒂碧金莎 飾)來說是切膚之痛,所有她愛的人都被殺害,她更因此退隱江湖。然而新一輪戰事如箭在弦,人狼族換上新首領Marius(托比亞斯曼西斯 飾)並伺機崛起,血族必須依靠Selene才有機會反勝一仗。為了她唯一的盟友David(費奧占士 飾)和其父親Thomas(查理斯丹士 飾),她必須挺身而出,終止兩族之間永無休止的戰爭,即使這意味著她將要作出最大的犧牲…

During the rise of fascism in Mussolini's Italy, a wooden boy brought magically to life struggles to live up to his father's expectations.

2005 Qyrkúıek 16


國王史帝芬(沙杜高柏 飾) 的女兒愛洛 (艾麗芬寧 飾) 誕生了,舉國上下都為迎接小公主而慶祝歡騰,但神秘的黑魔后(安祖蓮娜祖莉 飾) 卻不請自來,更狠下毒咒預告愛洛將沉睡不醒!原來在黑魔后的猙獰面目下,竟埋藏著段段悲痛往事,更牽涉連串背叛與陰謀,一場人類與魔物的正邪激戰勢必爆發……

Guts, an immensely strong sword-for-hire, has little direction in his life, simply fighting one battle after the next. However, this all changes suddenly when he meets and is bested by Griffith, a beautiful and charismatic young man who leads the Band of the Hawk mercenary army. After Guts joins the Band and the relationship between the two men begins to blossom, Casca, the tough, lone swordswoman in the Band of the Hawk, struggles to accept Guts and the influence he has on the world around her. While the two men begin to fight together, Griffith continues to rise to power, all seemingly in order to reach his mysterious, prophesied goals. What lengths will Guts and Griffith go to in order to reach these goals, and where will fate take the two men?


獵魔騎士Gregory(謝夫布烈治 飾)親手將邪惡且魔力高強的女巫Malkin(茱莉安摩亞 飾)囚禁後,致力尋找傳人繼承他的使命。若干年後,一直帶著恨意過活的Malkin逃出了牢獄,並召集各方妖魔怪物追隨她,打算向Gregory進行報復外,更準備一舉殲滅整個世界!那邊廂,Gregory幾經辛苦終於找到傳說中擁有超凡能力的「最後的第七子」—Tom Ward(賓班斯 飾),決定收他為徒,務求在極短時間內將畢生功夫傳授給他。前所未有的魔法浩劫即將來臨,能夠消滅女巫、拯救世界的唯一希望就落在Tom身上…

A continuation of the epic adventure of plucky Riko and Reg who are joined by their new friend Nanachi. Together they descend into the Abyss' treacherous fifth layer, the Sea of Corpses, and encounter the mysterious Bondrewd, a legendary White Whistle whose shadow looms over Nanachi's troubled past. Bondrewd is ingratiatingly hospitable, but the brave adventurers know things are not always as they seem in the enigmatic Abyss.

2003 Qyrkúıek 19

幾個世紀以來,有兩個族類在人類世界裡兀自演化,分別是具有貴族氣質,神秘而難以捉摸的吸血鬼,以及公認兇殘、和野蠻人無異的狼人。對人類來說,它們的存在或者不過是口耳相傳的鬼怪傳說,但它們兩方卻始終是世仇,對峙從未罷休,他們終其一生不斷激烈交手,直到有一方倒下為止。 在這場激戰正要開始的時候,吸血鬼戰士之一莎倫娜(凱特貝金賽飾演)發現狼人想綁架一名年輕人類醫生的計謀,莎倫娜幫麥可(史考特史皮曼飾演)逃離城市後,對他開始有了一種不曾擁有過的依賴感,所以當狼人們展開下一波進攻時,莎倫娜盡其所能要抵禦這種惡意的攻擊。 當莎倫娜急急地要救麥可,並且破壞狼人不懷好意的計謀時,她發現到一樁與兩族類生死相關的秘密:有一群結合了吸血鬼和狼人的強處,並抽走弱點的無敵物種正悄悄被喚醒,它將會讓原本幾個世紀以來勢力已經漸漸消褪的狼人,重新建立起搶回江山的實力。

The Band of the Hawk participates in the Midland war campaign. On the bloody battlefield, they conquer decisive victories that lead them to Doldrey, an old fortress that will decide the outcome of the war.

Following Madoka's rewriting of the universe, sacrificing herself and her happy normal days to save all magical girls from the cruel fate that awaited them by wiping witches out of existence, the despair still manifest into creatures known as nightmares. Magical girl Homura Akemi continues to fight alone in the hope that she will be able to see Madoka smile again.

1986 Naýryz 7

He fought his first battle on the Scottish Highlands in 1536. He will fight his greatest battle on the streets of New York City in 1986. His name is Connor MacLeod. He is immortal.

續集《妖夜尋狼之魔間叛徒》不單延續吸血鬼與狼人的血戰,更將兩族數千年來的新仇舊恨推至新頂峰。 承接上集,吸血鬼族死亡使者莎蓮殺死了吸血鬼長老維克托,成了族中的頭號獵物;而被她咬到的狼人米高變成了狼人和吸血鬼的混種後,擁有無人所知的力量。續集以二人的逃亡為序幕,他們要前往尋找另一位吸血鬼領袖馬庫斯,希望向他解釋他們的苦衷。可惜領袖未被其所動,誓要將二人置之死地。這對亡命鴛鴦唯有求助於歷史智者,並在追查身世期間得知狼人與吸血鬼兩族之間長久戰爭的原委,赫然發現吸血鬼族中的傳說謊話連篇,長老們早已被慾望及權力沖昏頭腦。

這是根據暢銷小說《食屍者》(Eaters of the Dead)所改編的驚悚冒險片,安東尼奧班德拉斯飾演一位特使,他加入一個勇士團,對抗神秘的食人怪物。 西元11世紀,巴格達是當時世界文明的中心,在這種背景之下,阿默德因為位高權重,享盡了特權,但是後來為美色所誘惑,而被放逐到外地當特使阿默德和一隊商旅同行,他的僕人是梅奇塞德,結果在旅途中卻遇到一個勇士團。這個勇士團告訴阿默德,有種不知名的怪物正在他的家園肆虐。


Thevan, a folk singer of the Paanan caste, has a fateful encounter when escaping slavery, leading to discover an ancient tradition altering his destiny.

Early 18th century. Cartographer Jonathan Green undertakes a scientific voyage from Europe to the East. Having passed through Transylvania and crossed the Carpathian Mountains, he finds himself in a small village lost in impassible woods. Nothing but chance and heavy fog could bring him to this cursed place. People who live here do not resemble any other people which the traveler saw before that. The villagers, having dug a deep moat to fend themselves from the rest of the world, share a naive belief that they could save themselves from evil, failing to understand that evil has made its nest in their souls and is waiting for an opportunity to gush out upon the world.

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