37 film


一名英語老師查理(布蘭登費雪 飾)中年出櫃後拋棄家庭與愛人私奔,如今他因為愛人過世而罹患暴食症,同時他還要試圖修補與17歲女兒艾莉(莎蒂辛克 飾)的關係……。

二次大戰後的德國,15歲的青少年麥可邂逅大他21歲的公車剪票員漢娜,展開一段充滿肉體歡愉和求知若渴的兩人世界。為了滿足原始肉慾本能,麥可不得不答應文盲漢娜的要求,唸書包裡的世界文學名著給她聽,無論是澡盆裡共浴的私密時光或床邊的戀人絮語,都參雜荷馬、托爾斯泰、海明威和契訶夫活化生姿的想像世界。 長大的麥可(雷夫范恩斯飾)研讀法律系,卻在某次參與法庭實習時,意外發現漢娜坐在被告席上,成了二次大戰的戰犯,而且還是個文盲,內心充滿掙扎的他,將如何面對一切…。





Megan is an all-American girl. A cheerleader. She has a boyfriend. But Megan doesn't like kissing her boyfriend very much. And she's pretty touchy with her cheerleader friends. Her conservative parents worry that she must be a lesbian and send her off to "sexual redirection" school, where she must, with other lesbians and gays learn how to be straight.

O 25, 1965

After being discredited as a coward, a 19th century seaman lives for only one purpose: to redeem himself. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with Sony Pictures Entertainment in 2000.

「廣場是信任與關懷的殿堂,在裡頭,我們有同樣的義務與權力 。」當代藝術館上上下下都忙著替即將開幕的新展覽《廣場》添脂抹粉,希望有機會炒熱特展、一夕爆紅。但平時瀟灑沈穩、風度翩翩的館長克里斯欽(克萊斯邦 飾演)卻有點心不在焉,因為在每天上班必經、人潮熙來攘往的廣場上,他的錢包手機被人扒走了。 他一邊構思如何出狠招揪出扒手,一邊還要應付過度殷勤的藝文女記者(伊莉莎白摩斯 飾演)、腦力激盪到有點走火入魔的行銷團隊、附庸風雅但又難搞的捐款貴賓。隨著開展時間漸漸逼近,接踵而來的意外搞得日子雞飛狗跳,眾人心中抓狂指數逐漸升高,廣場所標榜的信任與關懷也即將崩壞...。

The lives of five prostitutes employed at a Japanese brothel while the nation is debating the passage of an anti-prostitution law.

英國名導大衛連(David Lean)執導之文藝經典,以一位平凡婦人的火車際遇,反映二戰時期,女性家庭生活中,俗常而落寞的性靈渴求。 羅拉是一位中年主婦,為家庭奉獻青春多年,每當週末,她總要搭火車前往市區為家人張羅些日常用品,順便放鬆一下,也許看場小電影,也許買買衣服犒賞自己,這些趟往返,火車的律動,已成為她生活中不可或缺的慰藉。 一回,她因故結識同有家室的男子艾力克,每週一回的固定碰面,使兩人逐漸互生好感…,這份精神出軌,填補了羅拉生活中枯索、沉悶的空虛處。但她愛自己家庭,丈夫也無疑是個好人…,再多的外來誘惑,哪怕是深刻難捨的愛,她終得放手。 隨著艾力克工作之故即將遠行,羅拉也黯然神傷,不得不忍痛與他告別… 執導過《阿拉伯的勞倫斯》、《齊瓦哥醫生》等磅礡鉅作的金獎導演大衛連,在這部早期作品中,手法異常細膩。將女人在理智與情感之間的躊躇徘徊,處理得絲絲入扣。本片推出時,適逢二次世界大戰結束,女主角西莉亞瓊森(Celia Johnson)的精微演出,也普遍被視為一幅戰時女性幽秘的心靈素描。

Shiba, a wandering ronin, encounters a band of peasants who have kidnapped the daughter of their dictatorial magistrate, in hopes of coercing from him a reduction in taxes. Shiba takes up their fight, joined by two renegades from the magistrate's guard, Sakura and Kikyo. The three outlaws find themselves in a battle to the death.

The siblings Linus, 19-years-old, who are taking driving license and Vanja, 17-years-old, who's still in school. Their mom Eva works night shift at a hotel. We get to follow them during one month. Linus and Vanja begin to realize that they are living in a universe of their own. And there is neither room for the mom or boy- and girlfriends. At first it is only the longing love in unspoken thoughts. But when thought gets into words they realize that they are each others perfect half. They are drawn closer to each other and finally can't resist the taboo temptation in each others bodies. At first they deny, lie and try to resist. It's about shame and guilt and forbidden feelings which leads to a point where everything is at stake.

Ş 14, 2009

Being kidnapped shatters a brother and sister's harmony, forcing them to confront their desires.

27, 2022

A man comes face-to-face with the dark choices of his past.

When Johannes gets caught by his girlfriend while laying on the bathroom floor watching porn and masturbating she doesn’t care and wants him to enjoy himself. That makes Johannes lose the feeling of shame he needs and sends him into an existential crisis and loses his ability to masturbate. Trying to regain that shame leads to an explosive confrontation for them as a couple.

An aging geisha, whose angry teenage son is ashamed of her profession, works alongside a young geisha, resentful of her family for forcing her into a life of ignominy.

k 25, 2014

Viktor Kahdem is a man who has almost given up on life, sentenced to a low-security prison farm, a completely non-threatening environment where it is still felt that some individuals can be reformed. At Won Wron, Case Worker Matt Perry has established a unique program to rehabilitate broken men through giving them the responsibility for the rehabilitation of injured raptors - beautiful, fearsome proud eagles, falcons and owls. Against all odds, Matt takes on Viktor as his number one test case, introducing him to Yasmine, the majestic wedge tailed eagle with a 2 metre wingspan. If these two can tame each other, anything is possible.


" 17, 2017

20-year-old Will is on his stag-do when, handcuffed to a lamppost, he is rescued by Michael. The attraction between the two men is immediate. But back at Michael's apartment, Will is sent into a tailspin of shame and confusion.

O 11, 1996

Thanks to a roommate's practical joke, bookish college student Joanna Halbert finds herself signed up with a Malibu-based escort service which promises her big money and an easy ride. Instead, she becomes entangled in a web of corruption, sleaze, and violence.

" 7, 2012

In a secluded cove on the South African coast, a middle-aged writer grieving the deaths of his wife and daughter is drawn into an affair with an alluring teenage girl who is grappling with demons of her own, in this gripping psychological thriller adapted from the award-winning novel by Alistair Morgan. (TIFF)

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