41 部电影

1984 年 06 月 08 日


貝娜 (姬絲頓史釗域 飾) 和愛德華 (羅拔柏迪臣 飾) 有情人終成眷屬,婚後貝娜很快懷孕,但她的胎兒由於有著人和僵屍的血統,竟已不正常的速度在貝娜的肚內成形,令她的生命受到威脅。愛德華怕胎兒奪去貝娜性命,希望她可以放棄孩子,但貝娜卻甘願為了生下孩子冒生命危險。狼族覺得這個胎兒的出生,會對族人構成重大威脅,決定千方百計殺掉她,即使連貝娜也殺掉亦在所不惜,雅各 (泰勒洛特 飾) 不從,為了保護心愛的人,決定離開自己的族人。貝娜快將分娩,胎兒令她斷掉肋骨並大量失血,在貝娜命懸一線之際,愛德華為了救她只有一個辦法……

影史最兇殘的兩大外星生物:異形(Alien)和終極戰士(Predator),他們之間的世紀血戰,再度在地球引爆,他們意外來到科羅拉多州小鎮,將這個城鎮當作戰場,展開無止盡的掠奪及殺戮。小鎮居民們組成自衛隊企圖逃出生天。 不料,擅長繁殖侵略的異形族寄生在終極戰士體內產生了新變種,這個新變種激怒了終極戰士,異形族群也因此面臨更兇猛的反撲…。人類,除了不幸淪為這些外星生物的獵物,被捲入異形和終極戰士之間戰火的他們,又該如何自救?

吸血殭屍和人狼已爭鬥幾世紀,把人間變成殺戮戰場,這場惡鬥對Selene(姬蒂碧金莎 飾)來說是切膚之痛,所有她愛的人都被殺害,她更因此退隱江湖。然而新一輪戰事如箭在弦,人狼族換上新首領Marius(托比亞斯曼西斯 飾)並伺機崛起,血族必須依靠Selene才有機會反勝一仗。為了她唯一的盟友David(費奧占士 飾)和其父親Thomas(查理斯丹士 飾),她必須挺身而出,終止兩族之間永無休止的戰爭,即使這意味著她將要作出最大的犧牲…

2018 年 02 月 23 日

生物學家(妮妲莉寶雯 飾),為了尋找因執行任務而失蹤的丈夫,自願加入一隊全由女性組成的探險隊,進入被政府封鎖的X禁區進行勘探。隨著離奇自然現象及怪異生物不斷出現,她們發現這個位於佛羅里達州南端的神秘荒原,隱藏著一股足以滅絕一切的黑暗力量…

2003 年 09 月 19 日

幾個世紀以來,有兩個族類在人類世界裡兀自演化,分別是具有貴族氣質,神秘而難以捉摸的吸血鬼,以及公認兇殘、和野蠻人無異的狼人。對人類來說,它們的存在或者不過是口耳相傳的鬼怪傳說,但它們兩方卻始終是世仇,對峙從未罷休,他們終其一生不斷激烈交手,直到有一方倒下為止。 在這場激戰正要開始的時候,吸血鬼戰士之一莎倫娜(凱特貝金賽飾演)發現狼人想綁架一名年輕人類醫生的計謀,莎倫娜幫麥可(史考特史皮曼飾演)逃離城市後,對他開始有了一種不曾擁有過的依賴感,所以當狼人們展開下一波進攻時,莎倫娜盡其所能要抵禦這種惡意的攻擊。 當莎倫娜急急地要救麥可,並且破壞狼人不懷好意的計謀時,她發現到一樁與兩族類生死相關的秘密:有一群結合了吸血鬼和狼人的強處,並抽走弱點的無敵物種正悄悄被喚醒,它將會讓原本幾個世紀以來勢力已經漸漸消褪的狼人,重新建立起搶回江山的實力。

劇情描述狼族與吸血鬼的戰爭千年未了,吸血鬼戰士莎蓮(姬蒂·碧金莎 飾)卻落入人類之手,成為實驗品長達12年之久。當莎蓮醒來脫逃後,卻發現在未來世界裏,狼族與吸血鬼不只勢力不再,還淪為人類撲殺的獵物。正當狼族與吸血鬼陷入慌亂求生之際,莎蓮還發現,有一個更具毀滅性的神祕生物正逼近中……

1996 年 08 月 23 日

A shipwrecked sailor stumbles upon a mysterious island and is shocked to discover that a brilliant scientist and his lab assistant have found a way to combine human and animal DNA—with horrific results.

1977 年 07 月 13 日

A ship-wrecked man floats ashore on an island in the Pacific Ocean. The island is inhabited by a scientist, Dr. Moreau, who in an experiment has turned beasts into human beings.

1998 年 04 月 10 日

《異種 2》未來某天,議員之子帕特裏克·羅斯(賈斯汀·拉紮德 Justin Lazard 飾)乘坐遠足號登陸火星,成為第一個踏足這個星球的地球人。一如當年的阿姆斯特朗,帕特裏克成為全人類的英雄。然而始料未及的是,帕特裏克將一種致命的DNA帶回地球。人類開始面臨新的災難。另一方面,由於塞爾曾給地球帶來莫大的災難,軍方以及科學家們利用賽爾的基因製作了復製品夏娃(娜塔莎·亨斯特裏奇 Natasha Henstridge 飾),旨在通過各種實驗找到外星生命體的弱點所在。新的異種降臨地球,夏娃體內沈睡已久的基因開始蘇醒。冥冥中,帕特裏克和夏娃都感到來自對方體內原始欲望的野性呼喚…

1958 年 07 月 16 日

Industrialist François Delambre is called late at night by his sister-in-law, Helene Delambre, who tells him that she has just killed her husband, André. Reluctant at first, she eventually explains to the police that André invented a matter transportation apparatus and, while experimenting on himself, a fly entered the chamber during the matter transference.

1959 年 07 月 01 日

Fifteen years after his father's experiments with matter transmission fail, Philippe Delambre and his uncle François attempt to create a matter transmission device on their own. However, their experiments have disastrous results, turning Philippe into a horrible half-man, half-fly creature.

2005 年 10 月 22 日

In 18th-century Romania, after spending much of her life in a traveling circus, human-vampire hybrid Rayne escapes and plots to take down her father, Kagan, the evil vampire king. When she's discovered by three vampire hunters, she manages to convince them to spare her life and join her cause. But slaying a vampire as powerful as Kagan will be no easy task.

The cockroaches of Saito's apartment live in peace with their human host, who gives them lots of space to breed and plenty of leftovers to munch on. In the midst of these high living times, Naomi and Ichiro plan to get married and start a family. But when a hard-bitten stranger roach named Hans appears with news of war with the humans across the lawn, it foretells disruption-not only of Naomi and Ichiro's relationship, but of the hive's entire way of life.

2016 年 04 月 01 日

A ragtag group of gunslingers try to make their way in a post-apocalyptic world. The twist to this world is that it’s just not barren and dangerous, it’s also filled with flesh-eating zombies. The gunslingers will find themselves stranded in a town and forced to make a choice on either to save the citizens of the town or save themselves.

2022 年 03 月 22 日

A crazy scientist creates a dinosaur hybrid using different genetical material. After the giant monster escapes, it spreads chaos across the laboratory...

2016 年 02 月 24 日

A group of Kuchi children are living in a minefield around Bagram airfield, Afghanistan. They dig out anti-personal mines in order to sell the explosives to child workers mining in a Lappis Lazulli mine. The trajectory of the blue precious stones goes towards Tajikistan and China, through an area controlled by child soldiers. When they are not waging their own mini-wars in the daily madness of life in Afghanistan, the children are fleeing away in their personal fantasies and dreams, while the American soldiers are planning their retreat...

2021 年 11 月 26 日

At the height of the summer tourist season, the Spanish beach town Magaluf turns into a hellscape of the low-cost travel industry. For eight weeks every year, over one million mostly British vacationers ride an alcohol-soaked tide of public urination, fisticuffs and ambulance sirens for recreation. Instead of assembling a clip-reel of "balconing," when drunk idiots jump into hotel pools from their balconies, filmmaker Miguel Ángel Blanca crafts a far deeper and atmospheric look at a place where visitors and locals alike are driven by pleasure. Long-time resident Maria has little time left, so she takes in a seasonal lodger who listens to her relive her glory days. An enterprising real estate agent peddles an extravagant development, while a young gay man drifts without any plans beyond robbing a tourist for kicks. Part ghost story, part foreboding parable, this is a stylish and vivid impression of people and a place dreaming of escape. Myrocia Watamaniuk (Hot Docs)

2023 年 02 月 12 日

John the Baptist finds himself in a Holešovice silo, a wanderer roams across Prague´s brownfields and several women face their fathers.

2023 年 02 月 01 日

After picking up a strange but hypnotizing gem on the street during her walk back home, Hope, an everyday woman begins her striking transformation into a fearless creature. Intimidating at first, Hope ends up letting herself bask in the glory of her darkest desire.



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