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So I watched this for the first time since it was released in the theaters. I got a copy of the director's cut. Were the scenes of Connelly singing cut from the theatrical version? Because I do not remember that scene and I think I would have remembered her terrible singing.

Dark City (1998) - 7 outta 10 stars

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I'm pretty sure they were in the theatrical, but I've been toying with the idea of rewatching it recently. I'll check and confirm.

Personally, I love the film. Easy 9/10 for me.

@mechajutaro said:

@movie_nazi said:

So I watched this for the first time since it was released in the theaters. I got a copy of the director's cut. Were the scenes of Connelly singing cut from the theatrical version? Because I do not remember that scene and I think I would have remembered her terrible singing.

Dark City (1998) - 7 outta 10 stars

Didn't see this in the cinemas, though i did see a copy of it on VHS, shortly after it reached home video. The scenes of Connelly singing(apparently that was actually another chick's voice)were included there, Naz. We must infer then that these scenes were also in the movie itself

What?! I thought I read it was her voice. Silly me. 🤪

@mechajutaro said:

@movie_nazi said:

So I watched this for the first time since it was released in the theaters. I got a copy of the director's cut. Were the scenes of Connelly singing cut from the theatrical version? Because I do not remember that scene and I think I would have remembered her terrible singing.

Dark City (1998) - 7 outta 10 stars The scenes of Connelly singing(apparently that was actually another chick's voice)were included there, Naz.

Okay… every time I read over that nickname, “Naz,” I feel sick to my guts. In retrospect, the name Movie Nazi feels like pushing it; but you referring to him as “Naz” is just too far. Way to make light of the Holocaust and what those people did to all those millions of folks. You’ll probably argue that you’re exercising your free speech in defense… I couldn’t not say anything about this.

@CelluloidFan said:

@mechajutaro said:

@movie_nazi said:

So I watched this for the first time since it was released in the theaters. I got a copy of the director's cut. Were the scenes of Connelly singing cut from the theatrical version? Because I do not remember that scene and I think I would have remembered her terrible singing.

Dark City (1998) - 7 outta 10 stars The scenes of Connelly singing(apparently that was actually another chick's voice)were included there, Naz.

Okay… every time I read over that nickname, “Naz,” I feel sick to my guts. In retrospect, the name Movie Nazi feels like pushing it; but you referring to him as “Naz” is just too far. Way to make light of the Holocaust and what those people did to all those millions of folks. You’ll probably argue that you’re exercising your free speech in defense… I couldn’t not say anything about this.

Educate yourself: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/nazi

The Soup nazi

@movie_nazi said:

So I watched this for the first time since it was released in the theaters. I got a copy of the director's cut. Were the scenes of Connelly singing cut from the theatrical version? Because I do not remember that scene and I think I would have remembered her terrible singing.

Perhaps this will help. You can hear the difference.

Jennifer Connelly - "The Night Has A Thousand Eyes" notes

Anita Kelsey - "The Night Has a Thousand Eyes" notes

@wonder2wonder said:

@movie_nazi said:

So I watched this for the first time since it was released in the theaters. I got a copy of the director's cut. Were the scenes of Connelly singing cut from the theatrical version? Because I do not remember that scene and I think I would have remembered her terrible singing.

Perhaps this will help. You can hear the difference.

Jennifer Connelly - "The Night Has A Thousand Eyes" notes

Anita Kelsey - "The Night Has a Thousand Eyes" notes

Oh my goodness! Good job! 👍 So I was right. Connelly does sing in the director's cut that I recently saw and the theatrical release had Kelsey's singing. I have a decent ear for music and I would have remembered if it was that bad when I saw it in the theaters.

And actually the track I had in mind was the standard "Sway" which plays out exactly the same:

Sway - Jennifer Connelly (Dark City Director's Cut s')

Anita Kelsey - Sway (Dark City)

The difference is night and day (yes Dark City pun intended 😁 ) .

@movie_nazi said:

@CelluloidFan said:

@mechajutaro said:

@movie_nazi said:

So I watched this for the first time since it was released in the theaters. I got a copy of the director's cut. Were the scenes of Connelly singing cut from the theatrical version? Because I do not remember that scene and I think I would have remembered her terrible singing.

Dark City (1998) - 7 outta 10 stars The scenes of Connelly singing(apparently that was actually another chick's voice)were included there, Naz.

Okay… every time I read over that nickname, “Naz,” I feel sick to my guts. In retrospect, the name Movie Nazi feels like pushing it; but you referring to him as “Naz” is just too far. Way to make light of the Holocaust and what those people did to all those millions of folks. You’ll probably argue that you’re exercising your free speech in defense… I couldn’t not say anything about this.

Educate yourself: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/nazi

The Soup nazi

I was well aware of those definitions when I posted the previous post. I was making reference to the first definition. Taking advantage of the less historical definition to make light of the Holocaust isn't cute, nor is it funny.

@CelluloidFan said:

@movie_nazi said:

@CelluloidFan said:

@mechajutaro said:

@movie_nazi said:

So I watched this for the first time since it was released in the theaters. I got a copy of the director's cut. Were the scenes of Connelly singing cut from the theatrical version? Because I do not remember that scene and I think I would have remembered her terrible singing.

Dark City (1998) - 7 outta 10 stars The scenes of Connelly singing(apparently that was actually another chick's voice)were included there, Naz.

Okay… every time I read over that nickname, “Naz,” I feel sick to my guts. In retrospect, the name Movie Nazi feels like pushing it; but you referring to him as “Naz” is just too far. Way to make light of the Holocaust and what those people did to all those millions of folks. You’ll probably argue that you’re exercising your free speech in defense… I couldn’t not say anything about this.

Educate yourself: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/nazi

The Soup nazi

I was well aware of those definitions when I posted the previous post. I was making reference to the first definition. Taking advantage of the less historical definition to make light of the Holocaust isn't cute, nor is it funny.

I suggest you roll a big fat one, burn it down and chill the fuck out. Ain't no one tryin' to offend but you always seem to find a way to get offended anyway.

@movie_nazi said:

@CelluloidFan said:

@movie_nazi said:

@CelluloidFan said:

@mechajutaro said:

@movie_nazi said:

So I watched this for the first time since it was released in the theaters. I got a copy of the director's cut. Were the scenes of Connelly singing cut from the theatrical version? Because I do not remember that scene and I think I would have remembered her terrible singing.

Dark City (1998) - 7 outta 10 stars The scenes of Connelly singing(apparently that was actually another chick's voice)were included there, Naz.

Okay… every time I read over that nickname, “Naz,” I feel sick to my guts. In retrospect, the name Movie Nazi feels like pushing it; but you referring to him as “Naz” is just too far. Way to make light of the Holocaust and what those people did to all those millions of folks. You’ll probably argue that you’re exercising your free speech in defense… I couldn’t not say anything about this.

Educate yourself: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/nazi

The Soup nazi

I was well aware of those definitions when I posted the previous post. I was making reference to the first definition. Taking advantage of the less historical definition to make light of the Holocaust isn't cute, nor is it funny.

I suggest you roll a big fat one, burn it down and chill the fuck out. Ain't no one tryin' to offend but you always seem to find a way to get offended anyway.

In every post?!?? That's a surprise...

@CelluloidFan said:

@movie_nazi said:

@CelluloidFan said:

@mechajutaro said:

@movie_nazi said:

So I watched this for the first time since it was released in the theaters. I got a copy of the director's cut. Were the scenes of Connelly singing cut from the theatrical version? Because I do not remember that scene and I think I would have remembered her terrible singing.

Dark City (1998) - 7 outta 10 stars The scenes of Connelly singing(apparently that was actually another chick's voice)were included there, Naz.

Okay… every time I read over that nickname, “Naz,” I feel sick to my guts. In retrospect, the name Movie Nazi feels like pushing it; but you referring to him as “Naz” is just too far. Way to make light of the Holocaust and what those people did to all those millions of folks. You’ll probably argue that you’re exercising your free speech in defense… I couldn’t not say anything about this.

Educate yourself: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/nazi

The Soup nazi

I was well aware of those definitions when I posted the previous post. I was making reference to the first definition. Taking advantage of the less historical definition to make light of the Holocaust isn't cute, nor is it funny.

Contrary to what most modern news sources would have you believe, most people aren't nazis, words aren't violence, and Godwin's Law is still a thing. You really need to stop ignoring perfectly obvious, and obviously harmless context just so that you have an excuse to be offended. You're no better than conservative christians throwing a fit because someone dared make a joke about god or the bible.

@Tsavo said:

Contrary to what most modern news sources would have you believe, most people aren't nazis,

I know.

words aren't violence,

Yes, they are. Or more specifically, they can be used violently. Take it from me - a real writer.

and Godwin's Law is still a thing.

Never heard of it.

You really need to stop ignoring perfectly obvious, and obviously harmless context just so that you have an excuse to be offended.

I would rather be doing more pleasing things with this evening than battling people like you online, simply because no one else wants to take on anti-Semitic undertones of posts here. Trust me.

You're no better than conservative christians throwing a fit because someone dared make a joke about god or the bible.

I don't believe I'm better than anybody.

@CelluloidFan said:

@Tsavo said:

words aren't violence,

Yes, they are. Or more specifically, they can be used violently. Take it from me - a real writer.

Words can be used with violent intent, yes. They are not however violence in the way you wish to portray them. Take it from me - a real English teacher.

and Godwin's Law is still a thing.

Never heard of it.

This statement says so much more than you know.

You really need to stop ignoring perfectly obvious, and obviously harmless context just so that you have an excuse to be offended.

I would rather be doing more pleasing things with this evening than battling people like you online, simply because no one else wants to take on anti-Semitic undertones of posts here. Trust me.

There is absolutely nothing anti-Semitic about someone playing with a form of exaggerated expression that has been in common use, with no hateful intent, for decades. I too would rather be doing more pleasant things, and will proceed to do so today. However, you coming out of nowhere to claim offense over something relatively harmless and seemingly expecting people to pander to your feelings, than acting holier-than-thou and throwing around a lot of hyperbole when people disagree with you seemed worth responding to.

You're no better than conservative christians throwing a fit because someone dared make a joke about god or the bible.

I don't believe I'm better than anybody.

Clearly, you do, or you would not have made the comments you did, nor would you have adopted the tone that you have.

@Tsavo said:

@CelluloidFan said:

@Tsavo said:

words aren't violence,

Yes, they are. Or more specifically, they can be used violently. Take it from me - a real writer.

Words can be used with violent intent, yes. They are not however violence in the way you wish to portray them.

You have totally misconstrued my intent, English teacher.

and Godwin's Law is still a thing.

Never heard of it.

This statement says so much more than you know.

So? Why don't you educate me, English teacher?

You really need to stop ignoring perfectly obvious, and obviously harmless context just so that you have an excuse to be offended.

I would rather be doing more pleasing things with this evening than battling people like you online, simply because no one else wants to take on anti-Semitic undertones of posts here. Trust me.

There is absolutely nothing anti-Semitic about someone playing with a form of exaggerated expression that has been in common use, with no hateful intent, for decades. I too would rather be doing more pleasant things, and will proceed to do so today. However, you coming out of nowhere to claim offense over something relatively harmless and seemingly expecting people to pander to your feelings, than acting holier-than-thou and throwing around a lot of hyperbole when people disagree with you seemed worth responding to.

Your first sentence is a lie. Re-read my earlier posts judiciously, if you can, English teacher. If you still have questions afterwards, I will address them later.

You're no better than conservative christians throwing a fit because someone dared make a joke about god or the bible.

I don't believe I'm better than anybody.

Clearly, you do, or you would not have made the comments you did, nor would you have adopted the tone that you have.

That's a crock of sh!t.

@Tsavo said:

Yes, they are. Or more specifically, they can be used violently. Take it from me - a real writer.

and Godwin's Law is still a thing.

@CelluloidFan said:

Never heard of it.

Wow, this was really hard to find out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law

I hate to say this because the alt-right, who I despise has hijacked the term but you are a bonafide social justice warrior. In their case the concern is complete hyperbole and the attacks are simply a way to seduce unwary people to the darkside but you are part of that small percentage out there who bends over backwards to find racism, insults, offensiveness, in just about everything. Using the word "nazi" (lower case) to describe a person of extreme character has been well understood and used for decades. For a writer, you appear to be quite ignorant of the significance of what a capitalized letter indicates. But I guess that's why editors exist, huh?

@mechajutaro said:

Using the word "nazi" (lower case) to describe a person of extreme character has been well understood and used for decades.

Entirely too many of us speak as if being an upper case Nazi is exclusively undesirable. Even matters such as this are far more nuanced than "good" and "bad". Whatever else one wants to say about The Third Reich, one has to give them credit on one additional front, aside from those indisputably sharp uniforms:

They made showers objects of terror, decades before Hitchcock did so in Psycho


Since we now have holocaust on the mind, I would suggest Spiegelman's Maus . A fantastic read.

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