Über Captain Marvel diskutieren

Not too bad considering the boycott by sensitive white men.

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@cswood said:

This is hilarious. It's like the text version of a train wreck. We're comparing CM to Alita because our support for Alita completely destroys your "you're sexist and just don't want to see a strong female character kick butt you incel manbaby" argument, so you've shifted to this being about money.

"We"? You mean you and Jack Posobiec https://culttture.com/2019/captain-marvel-jack-posobiec-alita-challenge/ ? Nice company you keep https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec.

@cswood said:

And as for the "Alita isn't a box office hit" people, Alita has managed to have some staying power and a growing fanbase despite being an unusual sci-fi film based on an unpopular property in February with an untested star that was expected to be a complete bomb similar to Mortal Engines. No it's not a huge hit, but it's fighting an uphill battle and the people who have seen it loved it and don't understand why the same people who seemingly care about "strong female heroes" completely ignored this film.

I have yet to see Alita, mainly because time and money are limited and Mme LeMarchand has got it into her head that RR is a "creepy" (not sure why, AFAIK she's only seen the first two Spy Kids) so it would likely be a solo trip - and it just doesn't grab me enough. I'll catch it on PPV. However, I suspect that it's "safe" for the boys to support "Alita" as she's a CG girl (who could probably be reprogrammed?) whereas Captain Marvel is a woman played by an actress who doesn't seem to "know her place".


I think I know why more women saw Aquaman: https://hips.hearstapps.com/ame-prod-menshealth-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/main/thumbs/28224/cms.menshealth.co.jpg

@cswood said:

@Billions said:

And you're not appearing "virtuous online" by white knighting for Alita? You stupid transparent hypocritical slug.

Okay let me explain this for your low iq mind. We are using Alita *as a comparison* of a good movie with a great female lead that actually deserves more attention since everyone claiming CM is the first female superhero has seemingly forgot about Wonder Woman, YOU are defend CM simply because she's a woman who is an admitted sexist and being attacked for her sexism and you want to defend her honor. Definition of a white knight:

1) A man who stands up for a womens right to be an absolute equal, but then steps up like a white knight to rescue her any time that equality becomes a burden.

2) A man who Promotes gender equality but practices special privilege for women.

So yeah that's you.

On top of this as stated Brie Larson is an intersectional feminist, which basically means she thinks all women are oppressed victims and all men are potential rapists and it turns my stomach that not only has she been handed a huge role despite not being that good of an actress but men are defending her even though if they approached her for an autograph she'd mace them and go on twitter and complain about how she feared for her life.

But yeah I guess some men will defend a woman that hates them no matter what. I assume this is a side effect of having an inverted penis.

No, you retard you have no proof of me "defending" Brie Larson I defended her character Captain Marvel (not Brie Larson). Now dumbass learn to differentiate an actor from his or her role you low IQ slug. BRIE LARSON PLAYS CAPTAIN MARVEL DO YOU UNDERSTAND ENGLISH?

@cswood said:

@Billions said:

And you're not appearing "virtuous online" by white knighting for Alita? You stupid transparent hypocritical slug.

Okay let me explain this for your low iq mind. We are using Alita *as a comparison* of a good movie with a great female lead that actually deserves more attention since everyone claiming CM is the first female superhero has seemingly forgot about Wonder Woman, YOU are defend CM simply because she's a woman who is an admitted sexist and being attacked for her sexism and you want to defend her honor. Definition of a white knight:

1) A man who stands up for a womens right to be an absolute equal, but then steps up like a white knight to rescue her any time that equality becomes a burden.

2) A man who Promotes gender equality but practices special privilege for women.

So yeah that's you.

On top of this as stated Brie Larson is an intersectional feminist, which basically means she thinks all women are oppressed victims and all men are potential rapists and it turns my stomach that not only has she been handed a huge role despite not being that good of an actress but men are defending her even though if they approached her for an autograph she'd mace them and go on twitter and complain about how she feared for her life.

But yeah I guess some men will defend a woman that hates them no matter what. I assume this is a side effect of having an inverted penis.

Dont feed the trolls. Logic dosent work on them.

@OddRob said:

@cswood said:

@Billions said:

And you're not appearing "virtuous online" by white knighting for Alita? You stupid transparent hypocritical slug.

Okay let me explain this for your low iq mind. We are using Alita *as a comparison* of a good movie with a great female lead that actually deserves more attention since everyone claiming CM is the first female superhero has seemingly forgot about Wonder Woman, YOU are defend CM simply because she's a woman who is an admitted sexist and being attacked for her sexism and you want to defend her honor. Definition of a white knight:

1) A man who stands up for a womens right to be an absolute equal, but then steps up like a white knight to rescue her any time that equality becomes a burden.

2) A man who Promotes gender equality but practices special privilege for women.

So yeah that's you.

On top of this as stated Brie Larson is an intersectional feminist, which basically means she thinks all women are oppressed victims and all men are potential rapists and it turns my stomach that not only has she been handed a huge role despite not being that good of an actress but men are defending her even though if they approached her for an autograph she'd mace them and go on twitter and complain about how she feared for her life.

But yeah I guess some men will defend a woman that hates them no matter what. I assume this is a side effect of having an inverted penis.

Dont feed the trolls. Logic dosent work on them.

Logic? Do you really want to go to bat for an anonymous retard that thinks Brie Larson is really a Marvel superhero and not just playing one? Remove the bias and hatred you feel for me for just one minute and recognize the retardation you just quoted.

@Billions said:

@OddRob said:

@cswood said:

@Billions said:

And you're not appearing "virtuous online" by white knighting for Alita? You stupid transparent hypocritical slug.

Okay let me explain this for your low iq mind. We are using Alita *as a comparison* of a good movie with a great female lead that actually deserves more attention since everyone claiming CM is the first female superhero has seemingly forgot about Wonder Woman, YOU are defend CM simply because she's a woman who is an admitted sexist and being attacked for her sexism and you want to defend her honor. Definition of a white knight:

1) A man who stands up for a womens right to be an absolute equal, but then steps up like a white knight to rescue her any time that equality becomes a burden.

2) A man who Promotes gender equality but practices special privilege for women.

So yeah that's you.

On top of this as stated Brie Larson is an intersectional feminist, which basically means she thinks all women are oppressed victims and all men are potential rapists and it turns my stomach that not only has she been handed a huge role despite not being that good of an actress but men are defending her even though if they approached her for an autograph she'd mace them and go on twitter and complain about how she feared for her life.

But yeah I guess some men will defend a woman that hates them no matter what. I assume this is a side effect of having an inverted penis.

Dont feed the trolls. Logic dosent work on them.

Logic? Do you really want to go to bat for anonymous retard that thinks Brie Larson is really a Marvel superhero and not just playing one? Remove the hatred for one minute and recognize the retardation you just quoted.

I dont think this dude thinks Larson is a real superhero. I think he got confused and thought you are defending Larson. But I guess you are defending CM as a character and separating the actor from the art. The point is most people arent doing that. They see CM and Larson as one. Anyway I dont think this dudes a retard, hes just like you, a person on the internet engaging in lively banter about a topic they care about. Simple.

@OddRob said:

@Billions said:

@OddRob said:

@cswood said:

@Billions said:

And you're not appearing "virtuous online" by white knighting for Alita? You stupid transparent hypocritical slug.

Okay let me explain this for your low iq mind. We are using Alita *as a comparison* of a good movie with a great female lead that actually deserves more attention since everyone claiming CM is the first female superhero has seemingly forgot about Wonder Woman, YOU are defend CM simply because she's a woman who is an admitted sexist and being attacked for her sexism and you want to defend her honor. Definition of a white knight:

1) A man who stands up for a womens right to be an absolute equal, but then steps up like a white knight to rescue her any time that equality becomes a burden.

2) A man who Promotes gender equality but practices special privilege for women.

So yeah that's you.

On top of this as stated Brie Larson is an intersectional feminist, which basically means she thinks all women are oppressed victims and all men are potential rapists and it turns my stomach that not only has she been handed a huge role despite not being that good of an actress but men are defending her even though if they approached her for an autograph she'd mace them and go on twitter and complain about how she feared for her life.

But yeah I guess some men will defend a woman that hates them no matter what. I assume this is a side effect of having an inverted penis.

Dont feed the trolls. Logic dosent work on them.

Logic? Do you really want to go to bat for anonymous retard that thinks Brie Larson is really a Marvel superhero and not just playing one? Remove the hatred for one minute and recognize the retardation you just quoted.

I dont think this dude thinks Larson is a real superhero. I think he got confused and thought you are defending Larson.

Sure, you have more faith in him than I do.

@Billions said:

@OddRob said:

@Billions said:

@OddRob said:

@cswood said:

@Billions said:

And you're not appearing "virtuous online" by white knighting for Alita? You stupid transparent hypocritical slug.

Okay let me explain this for your low iq mind. We are using Alita *as a comparison* of a good movie with a great female lead that actually deserves more attention since everyone claiming CM is the first female superhero has seemingly forgot about Wonder Woman, YOU are defend CM simply because she's a woman who is an admitted sexist and being attacked for her sexism and you want to defend her honor. Definition of a white knight:

1) A man who stands up for a womens right to be an absolute equal, but then steps up like a white knight to rescue her any time that equality becomes a burden.

2) A man who Promotes gender equality but practices special privilege for women.

So yeah that's you.

On top of this as stated Brie Larson is an intersectional feminist, which basically means she thinks all women are oppressed victims and all men are potential rapists and it turns my stomach that not only has she been handed a huge role despite not being that good of an actress but men are defending her even though if they approached her for an autograph she'd mace them and go on twitter and complain about how she feared for her life.

But yeah I guess some men will defend a woman that hates them no matter what. I assume this is a side effect of having an inverted penis.

Dont feed the trolls. Logic dosent work on them.

Logic? Do you really want to go to bat for anonymous retard that thinks Brie Larson is really a Marvel superhero and not just playing one? Remove the hatred for one minute and recognize the retardation you just quoted.

I dont think this dude thinks Larson is a real superhero. I think he got confused and thought you are defending Larson.

Sure, you have more faith in him than I do.

I certainly don't have any faith in you Bill since your entire rebuttal has been "insult and ignore". Doesn't it hurt to have your penis inverted and your testicles retracted inside your body like a turtle hiding in its shell? I imagine it does.

@cswood said:

@Billions said:

@OddRob said:

@Billions said:

@OddRob said:

@cswood said:

@Billions said:

And you're not appearing "virtuous online" by white knighting for Alita? You stupid transparent hypocritical slug.

Okay let me explain this for your low iq mind. We are using Alita *as a comparison* of a good movie with a great female lead that actually deserves more attention since everyone claiming CM is the first female superhero has seemingly forgot about Wonder Woman, YOU are defend CM simply because she's a woman who is an admitted sexist and being attacked for her sexism and you want to defend her honor. Definition of a white knight:

1) A man who stands up for a womens right to be an absolute equal, but then steps up like a white knight to rescue her any time that equality becomes a burden.

2) A man who Promotes gender equality but practices special privilege for women.

So yeah that's you.

On top of this as stated Brie Larson is an intersectional feminist, which basically means she thinks all women are oppressed victims and all men are potential rapists and it turns my stomach that not only has she been handed a huge role despite not being that good of an actress but men are defending her even though if they approached her for an autograph she'd mace them and go on twitter and complain about how she feared for her life.

But yeah I guess some men will defend a woman that hates them no matter what. I assume this is a side effect of having an inverted penis.

Dont feed the trolls. Logic dosent work on them.

Logic? Do you really want to go to bat for anonymous retard that thinks Brie Larson is really a Marvel superhero and not just playing one? Remove the hatred for one minute and recognize the retardation you just quoted.

I dont think this dude thinks Larson is a real superhero. I think he got confused and thought you are defending Larson.

Sure, you have more faith in him than I do.

I certainly don't have any faith in you Bill since your entire rebuttal has been "insult and ignore". Doesn't it hurt to have your penis inverted and your testicles retracted inside your body like a turtle hiding in its shell? I imagine it does.

You do know that obsessing over my dick or the dick of male users that disagree with you online isn't a good look for you, right? It makes you sound exactly like the male hating bitch you think Brie Larson is. Since this discussion you dense bitch is you confusing Brie Larson for Captain Marvel there's not really much to say to you but insult you because you're a dumb fuck. But please feel free to think about my penis some more. And how long are you going to continue to pretend you're a male?

New estimates are in (actuals tomorrow). $266,213,933 (domestic), $760,213,933 (world wide). Only a 54.8% drop from last week. Looks like the movie has legs after all. I went to the movies last night (to watch Captive State), and the parking lot was full. I'm pretty sure considering what movies are out right now, they were likely there to watch CM.

@Innovator said:

New estimates are in (actuals tomorrow). $266,213,933 (domestic), $760,213,933 (world wide). Only a 54.8% drop. Looks like the movie has legs after all.

Apparently there was a much bigger female turnout this week which helped the domestic numbers.

@Gus Gorman said:

@Innovator said:

New estimates are in (actuals tomorrow). $266,213,933 (domestic), $760,213,933 (world wide). Only a 54.8% drop. Looks like the movie has legs after all.

Apparently there was a much bigger female turnout this week which helped the domestic numbers.

I'm actually now curious to see how Shazam! does in comparison next week.

@Innovator said:

@Gus Gorman said:

@Innovator said:

New estimates are in (actuals tomorrow). $266,213,933 (domestic), $760,213,933 (world wide). Only a 54.8% drop. Looks like the movie has legs after all.

Apparently there was a much bigger female turnout this week which helped the domestic numbers.

I'm actually now curious to see how Shazam! does in comparison next week.

Shazam previews next week but its proper release is in 3 weeks.

@Gus Gorman said:

@Innovator said:

@Gus Gorman said:

@Innovator said:

New estimates are in (actuals tomorrow). $266,213,933 (domestic), $760,213,933 (world wide). Only a 54.8% drop. Looks like the movie has legs after all.

Apparently there was a much bigger female turnout this week which helped the domestic numbers.

I'm actually now curious to see how Shazam! does in comparison next week.

Shazam previews next week but its proper release is in 3 weeks.

Ok in 3 weeks. BTW I already have my Shazam seats reserved for Saturday (in case people think I'm just a Marvel fan boy).


@Billions said:

@cswood said:

@Billions said:

@OddRob said:

@Billions said:

@OddRob said:

@cswood said:

@Billions said:

And you're not appearing "virtuous online" by white knighting for Alita? You stupid transparent hypocritical slug.

Okay let me explain this for your low iq mind. We are using Alita *as a comparison* of a good movie with a great female lead that actually deserves more attention since everyone claiming CM is the first female superhero has seemingly forgot about Wonder Woman, YOU are defend CM simply because she's a woman who is an admitted sexist and being attacked for her sexism and you want to defend her honor. Definition of a white knight:

1) A man who stands up for a womens right to be an absolute equal, but then steps up like a white knight to rescue her any time that equality becomes a burden.

2) A man who Promotes gender equality but practices special privilege for women.

So yeah that's you.

On top of this as stated Brie Larson is an intersectional feminist, which basically means she thinks all women are oppressed victims and all men are potential rapists and it turns my stomach that not only has she been handed a huge role despite not being that good of an actress but men are defending her even though if they approached her for an autograph she'd mace them and go on twitter and complain about how she feared for her life.

But yeah I guess some men will defend a woman that hates them no matter what. I assume this is a side effect of having an inverted penis.

Dont feed the trolls. Logic dosent work on them.

Logic? Do you really want to go to bat for anonymous retard that thinks Brie Larson is really a Marvel superhero and not just playing one? Remove the hatred for one minute and recognize the retardation you just quoted.

I dont think this dude thinks Larson is a real superhero. I think he got confused and thought you are defending Larson.

Sure, you have more faith in him than I do.

I certainly don't have any faith in you Bill since your entire rebuttal has been "insult and ignore". Doesn't it hurt to have your penis inverted and your testicles retracted inside your body like a turtle hiding in its shell? I imagine it does.

You do know that obsessing over my dick or the dick of male users that disagree with you online isn't a good look for you, right? It makes you sound exactly like the male hating bitch you think Brie Larson is. Since this discussion you dense bitch is you confusing Brie Larson for Captain Marvel there's not really much to say to you but insult you because you're a dumb fuck. But please feel free to think about my penis some more. And how long are you going to continue to pretend you're a male?

I don't think you can a clitoral hood a dick. A masculine vagina maybe? Either way I wish you luck on your transition.

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