釘宮理恵 as Daisuke Komori (voice)

Episodes 128

고로의 꿈, 아빠의 꿈

November 13, 200425m

어머니를 여의고 아버지와 두 등 해의 고로. 여러가지로 신경 쓰지주는 보육 교사 · 모모코에 "아버지 같은 대단한 투수가 될 것"꿈을 말한다. 고로의 "오토 씨"(아버지) · 茂治는 군 반 프로 선수. 결국 부상이 나아했는데 이번에는 팔꿈치를 다쳐 버려, 결국 은퇴를 제공한다. 그것을 듣고 다시 오토 씨의 용자를보고 싶어하는 고로가 취한 행동이란 ... !?

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두 개의 우정

November 20, 200425m

오토 씨와 같은 야구 선수를 목표로 연습을 계속 고로. 그런 고로에 억지로 이끌려 야구를 시작했다 寿也 이었지만, 점점 재미가 알고 온다. 한편, 고로 위해 타자로 재기 할 것을 맹세 치카 못했다 茂治. 그 복귀 (복귀)를 걸친 테스트에서 친구 · 茂野는 투수 역을 띠 나온다. 군 에이스 던지는 공에 고전 (고전)하는 茂治. 과연 테스트의 결과는 -?

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아빠 미워!

November 27, 200425m

고로의 피칭을보고, 그 소질 (자질)에 반해이다 리틀 리그 팀, 미후 네 리틀 감독 안도. 아직 5 세의 고로를 팀에 넣어 변화구까지 말해 버린다. 자신이 인정할 수있는 것을 오토 씨에게보고 (邦国)하는 고로. 그런데 茂治는 고로에 조용히 미후 네 리틀 진입을 거절해온 것이다. 고로는 자신이 야구를하게 소리 씨가 반대하고 있다고 착각 해 버린다.

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하루 늦은 생일

December 4, 200425m

타자로 훌륭히, 군에 복귀 (복귀) 한 茂治. 그런 茂治에 고로를 위해 아래 재혼을 추진 茂野. 茂治는 모모코의 수 신경이 쓰이고 있고, 과감히 고로와 세 데이트를 신청한다. 점점 결혼을 의식 (덧널)하기 시작 두 ... 자신의 생일이 왔는데, 오토 씨는 모른 모습에 실망의 고로. 그런데 다음날 오토 씨에 이끌려 온 야구장에서 고로에 생각지도 못한 선물이 -!

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메이저의 사나이

December 11, 200425m

메이저 리그에서 도쿄 전사들이 한 조 깁슨. 고로는 처음 보는 메이저 수준의 높이에 놀라 (쪽) 속 놀라운. 그런 깁슨에서 茂治가 홈런을 쳤다 때문에 즐거운 고로. 오션스는 잔기술 (번트 공격)로 득점을 거듭한다. 메이저와 일본 야구의 차이에 좌절을 격화시키는 깁슨. 그리고 茂治의 제 3 타석 깁슨의 던진 공이 폭투가되어 -!

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December 18, 200425m

깁슨의 데드볼을받은 茂治은 건강에 나섰다. 그대로 출전을 계속 블루 오션은보기 좋게 승리를 거두는. 히어로 인터뷰에서 茂治가 자신의 이름을 말해주고, 고로는 큰 기쁨. 집에 돌아온 고로는 "오토 씨 같은 야구 선수가 절대 될 것"이라고 말하고 잠 들었다. 그런 고로의 잠자는 얼굴을 부드럽게 지켜 보던 茂治이지만 ....

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혼다 고로, 9세!

December 25, 200425m

오토 씨 · 茂治의 사고사에서 3 년 고로는 9 세, 초등학교 4 학년. 새로운 클래스에서는 사와무라들이 고모리를 괴롭 히고 있었다. 옆 자리의 시미즈 사토시 싸움이되고, 신학기 초, 고로는 겐 나리. 기분을 고쳐 리틀 리그 연습장에 갈 고로. 안도 감독은 따뜻하게 맞이해 주지만,이 팀의 멤버 아무래도 의지가없는 것 같다. 더구나 고로를 넣어도 선수는 6 명, 야구를하는 데 3 명이 부족하다. 축구 소년단에서 그라운드를 비우 요구되어 버려, 팀 생존을 위해 고로는 조건을 제공한다.

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팀 결성!

January 8, 200525m

시미즈가 참가하여 팀 결성까지 앞으로 2 명. 그럴 때 고로 우리는 고모리가 사와무라에서 도둑을 지시 한 장소에 いあわせる. 고모리에 찬 고로 였지만, 시미즈 어려운 말로 군더더기 "동료에 손을 대는 녀석은 용서하지 않는다"고 약속하여 고모리를 팀에 초대합니다. 고모리가 고로의 강속구를 잡았다! 사실 고모리는 아마추어가 없었던 것이다. 기뻐 고로와 낙담하는 시미즈. 그 모습을 그림자에서보고 있던 것은 사와무라이었다. "이대로 가만히있을 수 없다"며 사와무라는있는 행동에 나선다.

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혼자만의 마운드

January 15, 200525m

오토 씨 · 茂治의 사고사에서 3 년 고로는 9 세, 초등학교 4 학년. 새로운 클래스에서는 사와무라들이 고모리를 괴롭 히고 있었다. 옆 자리의 시미즈 사토시 싸움이되고, 신학기 초, 고로는 겐 나리. 기분을 고쳐 리틀 리그 연습장에 갈 고로. 안도 감독은 따뜻하게 맞이해 주지만,이 팀의 멤버 아무래도 의지가없는 것 같다. 더구나 고로를 넣어도 선수는 6 명, 야구를하는 데 3 명이 부족하다. 축구 소년단에서 그라운드를 비우 요구되어 버려, 팀 생존을 위해 고로는 조건을 제공한다.

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빗속의 열전

January 22, 200525m

팀워크의 중요성을 알게 된 고로. 상태도 점차 올라오고 어른들을 삼자 범퇴에 억제한다. 하지만 진심으로 던지기 시작했다 상점 회 팀의 투수 요시노는 치고 무너한다. 동점의 경기가 계속되는 가운데 비가 내리기 시작했다. 강한 비 때문에 손이 미끄러 홈런을 쳐 버리는 고로. 다음 번 미친 듯이 물고 늘어지는 고로를 요시노는 커브에서 삼진으로 잡는다. 경기는 콜드 게임으로 상점 회 팀의 승리로 끝났다 하나에 보였다 -.

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아버지가 있던 팀

January 29, 200525m

신생 미후 네 돌핀스 출범. 張り切る 고로에 일본 제일의 팀 요코하마 리틀 플레이하는 것이 고로 때문이라는 안도 감독. 권유되는 채 고로는 견학하러 나간다. 요코하마 리틀 그라운드는 소꿉 친구의 寿也과 뜻하지 않게 재회. 또한 "오토 씨 (아버지 茂治)이 옛날 요코하마 리틀 야구를하고 있었다」라고 듣고, 고로 마음이 흔들리는. 하지만 요코하마 리틀 들어 싶다는 고로의 생각을 들었다 모모코는 단호히 반대하는 것이었다.

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깁슨이 보낸 초대장

February 5, 200525m

전사의 통역 · 쿠사카 베가 고로를 물어왔다. 메이저에 복귀 한 깁슨이 고로를 메이저 리그 올스타 게임에 초대하고 싶다는. 처음에는 반발 한 고로 였지만, 세계 야구를보고 싶은, 그리고 미국 이동을 결의한다. 병 직후의 모모코 대신 시미즈와 함께 샌프란시스코에 온 고로. 올스타 게임에서는 메이저 리거들의 파인 플레이에 감명을 받는다. 그리고 마운드에 오른 깁슨은 "이 경기 직선만으로 승부하겠다"고 선언 한 것을 알게된다.

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여름이다, 야구다, 합숙이다!

February 12, 200525m

여름 방학. 고로의 제안으로 미후 네 돌핀스는 강화 합숙에 나간다. 합숙소는 전국의 강호들이 모이는 장소. 그래서 고로는 "좀 굵은 야구 소년"上河内 (바이트가 중)를 만난다. 上河内는 전국 대회 출전 팀 구키 리틀의 4 번 타자였다. 하지만 上河内에서 쉽게 삼진을 잡는 고로. 다음날 구키 리틀와의 연습 경기에서도 고로는 투타 모두 절정. 다른 선수도 활약하고 우세하게 경기를 진행했다 돌핀스 이었지만 ....

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무모한 연습 경기

February 19, 200525m

구키 리틀와의 연습 경기에지는 미후 네 돌핀스. 고로의 투구가 갑자기 흐트러진 원인은 오토 씨의 사고에 의한 데드볼 공포증이었다. 다만 인코스에 던지지 못하는 고로 갑자기 전국 제일의 팀 요코하마 리틀 연습 경기를 신청 간다. 첫 서리이었다 樫本 감독은 고모리들의 이야기를 듣고 시합을 양해한다. 요코하마 리틀와의 경기가 시작되고 마지막 순간에 회복 한 것으로 보인다 고로 대해 樫本가 갑자기 스트라이크 코스의 공을 "볼"고 카운트하기 시작했다!?

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감독의 생각

March 5, 200525m

요코하마 리틀 樫本 감독 "우리는 통하지 않는다"라고해도 타도 요코하마 리틀 목표 굴하지 않는 고로. 하지만 안도 감독은 고로 한 명 밖에 투수가없는 미후 네 돌핀스에 요코하마 리틀 처치 없다고 말한다. 그날 밤 안도는 고로들의 조언 사와무라가 투구 연습을 시작한보고, 꿈을 포기했던 것은 자신이었다 깨달았다. 다음날, 안도는 "미후 네 리틀이 변하기 때문에"선수들에게 몇몇 시험을 부과한다.

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March 12, 200525m

고로이 이른 아침에 만난 소녀는 요코하마 리틀 투수였다! 그날 밤 고로와 시미즈가 싸움을하고, 그 소녀 료코가 온다. 시미즈 무시로, 료코와 탁구를 즐길 고로. 여름 방학 마지막 연습 일. 시미즈가 연습을 쉬었다. 모습을 보러 갔다 고로와 고모리는 유원지에서 돌아온 시미즈와 밧 타리. 고로에 따져 된 시미즈는 "야구를 그만 둔다」고 선언 해 버린다! 그럴 때, 여름 방학 숙제로 시미즈가 쓴 작문의 내용을 알고있는 고로는 ...

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대회 시작!

March 19, 200525m

가을 대회전 마지막 연습에서 배팅 센터에 가기 돌핀스 나인. 그래서 고로 만난 쌍둥이는 1 라운드 상대, 쿠 리틀의 "블랙 트라이앵글"오카무라 삼형제이었다. 드디어 대회가 시작 첫날, 쿠 리틀과의 경기. 1 회초, 고로의 강속구에 손이 나가지 않는 것으로 보인다 오카무라 삼형제. 그 뒤의 돌핀스의 공격은 노아우토 1,2 루의 기회를 포착하지만 - 그 직후 순식간에 트리플 플레이가되어 버린다 ....

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노려라, 첫 승리!

March 26, 200525m

쿠 리틀와의 경기에서 4 회초, 고로는 오카무라 삼형제 전략으로 1 점을 잃고 만다. 돌핀스 나인 좋다 당은하는데, "블랙 트라이앵글"의 수비에 막혀 아무래도 주자가 나오지 않는다. "더이상 안된다"고 만료 소요 나인의 기분을 구한 것은 시미즈의 선방이었다. "제대로하는 것은 너다"라고 격려했다 고로 완전히 회복. 그리고 벌써 마지막 회 투 아웃 시미즈 마지막 타석이 돌아왔다 ..

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엄마의 행복

April 2, 200525m

훌륭히 1 차전을이긴 미후 네 돌핀스. 2 차전 상대는 토 츠카 서쪽 리틀. 에이스 球太의 원맨 팀이지만, 표정을 바꾸지 않고 던지는 球太의 포크볼을 비디오로보고, 강적이라고 아는 고로들. 그럴 때 고로는 모모코가 茂野와 놀고 모습을 목격하고 만다. 사실 茂野에게 프로포즈 된 것을 침묵 모모코. 그런 모모코의 모습을보고 불안해 고로. 토 츠카 서쪽과의 경기 전날 밤 늦게 돌아온 모모코에 고로는 ...

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고로 강판!?

April 9, 200525m

토 츠카 서쪽과의 2 차전. 톱 타자의 球太에 配球를 읽어 갑자기 홈런을 치는 고로. 그리고 球太 포크에 어찌할 도리가없는 돌핀스 타자들. 게다가 타석에서 넘어진 고모리가 손목 염좌 해 버린다. 고로 공은 고모리 않으면 아무도받지 않는다. 급하게 사와무라가 투수. 하지만 갑작스러운 등판에서 혼란 한 사와무라는 볼넷을 연발, 급기야 4 점을 잃을 것이다. 절망 (절망) 될 사와무라에 고로를 걸 말은 ....

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이것이 야구다!

April 16, 200525m

사와무라의 고육지책이 성공하고 완벽한 게임 (퍼펙트 게임)을 피한 미후 네 돌핀스. 충격을 받고있다 球太에 흔들기를 걸 고로. 만루에서 데드볼 돌출 더욱 손을 다 치고있는 고모리의 적시타로 1 점 차이로 추격. 토 츠카 서쪽 감독은 아들의 球太에 "고로를 외면하라"고 지시를 내린다. 球太에 "아버지 잘 속는에서 야구하고 재미있는?"라고 도발하는 고로. 그것을들은 球太는 처음으로 아버지 반대하고 고로와 진검 승부를하고 싶다고 호소한다.

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결전 전날 밤

April 23, 200525m

강전 상대는 그 요코하마 리틀! はりきる 고로는 고모리의 부상이 전치 1 개월의 중상이라고 알고 ... 대신 포수를 결정 시험에서 아무도 고로의 강속구를 어획되는 가운데 포수를한다고 나선 것은 시미즈이었다. 요코하마 리틀 연습 경기를 정찰에 가서 고교생 상대로 압승하는 것을보고 실망 (壱岐商 초롱) 할 마에들. 하지만 시미즈가 단 하루 만에 고로 공을 잡은 것을 볼 때 타도 요코하마 리틀를 목표로 팀 전원이 결정되어 간다. 그럴 때, 료코에서 고로에 '보고 싶다'는 전화가 ...

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지지 않아!

April 30, 200525m

요코하마 리틀과 경기 당일 급성 요 통증으로 쓰러진 안도 감독의 대안은 무려 모모코! 고로는 소리 씨와의 추억 오션 스타디움 전에 다시 한번 승리를 맹세한다. 경기가 시작되었지만, 분위기에 휩쓸려 오류 막 돌핀스. 고로의 강속구도 통하지 않고, 1 회초 갑자기 9 점을 빼앗겨 버린다. 격려 말도없는 모모코. 하지만 그이면 요코하마 리틀 에이스 에즈 곡선을 계속해서 반격 돌핀스 나인. 누구 하나 포기 등 없었던 것이다.

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따라잡아라! 추월해라!

May 7, 200525m

"이제 치게 종려 않아"라고 소원을 빌어 봐, 요코하마 리틀 포수 · 寿也. 寿也 리드에서 마음대로 가지고 갔다 고로는 더블 플레이에 쓰러진다. 하지만 아슬 아슬한 곡선을 반격 한 고로의 야구 센스가 변하지 않는 것을보고 무심코 기뻐지는 寿也. 3 회초 또한 연타를 받았다 고로는 4 번 마시 마 타석 여름부터 연습 해왔다 "비밀 병기"체인지업을 던져 위기를 떠난다. 게다가 고로의 체인지업은 단지 느슨한 공 아니었다 ....

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모두 다 함께

May 14, 200525m

경기는 연장전에 들어갔다. 번트 공격에서 고로 체력을 빼앗아 요코하마 리틀 타선. 또한 3 번째 투수로 료코가 등판 해왔다. 고로의 반응을 걱정하는 미후 네 나인. 하지만 고로는 "어떻게 치고 무너 뜨리는거나 지금은 그것 밖에 생각하지 않는다"고 단언한다. 조금 기쁜 시미즈. 다음 시간, 고로 형태가 무너지고 온 것을 알았다 茂野는 이대로 던져 계속하게 아버지 · 茂治처럼 고로를 고장 괴롭히는 여유가 없다고 그라운드에 달려 ...

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안녕이란 말은 않겠어

Season Finale
May 21, 200525m

연장 8 회말 요코하마 리틀 樫本 감독의 '외면'라는 지시를 거역하여 고로와 정면 승부를 걸었다 료코와 寿也. 료코의 혼신의 일구를 마지막 힘을 다해 치는 고로. 타구의 행방은 .... 가을 대회가 끝나고 계절은 돌아 겨울. 모모코와 茂野의 결혼식이 화려하게 거행된다. 식 중에 안도 감독이 고로에게 말을했다. "정말 모두에게 말하지 않아도 좋은거야?"... 그리고. 미후 네 돌핀스 나인 모두가 고대하던 봄이왔다.

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처음부터 다시 시작

January 6, 200725m

Goro leaves Kaido High and considers transferring to Mifune High, but he reconsiders after watching Mifune dominate a preliminary match.

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새로운 동료

January 13, 200725m

Goro tries to form a baseball team at Seishu High, but gets a cold response from the other boys. He receives support from a girl named Nakamura.

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아버지에게서 아들에게

January 20, 200725m

A losing streak has Shigeno in bad spirits. The school chairperson tells Goro that she can't approve of a team until he has teacher supervision.

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무모한 내기

January 27, 200725m

Baseball club supervisor Yamada nets a practice match with Teijin High. Goro leads the team with his fast pitching but things take an unexpected turn.

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우리들의 그라운드

February 3, 200725m

Seishu ties the game with Fujii's hit, but Tashiro is still not satisfied. Goro speaks honestly after Yamada asks him why he's taking such a gamble.

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각각의 선택

February 10, 200725m

Goro's team begins training. Shigeno shows up as a temporary coach but an intentionally harsh practice session causes most of the team to quit.

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갑작스런 방문자

February 17, 200725m

Under Shigeno's coaching, the team begins training in earnest with the goal of winning a preliminary game by spring. A new guy shows up at practice.

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에가시라의 음모

February 24, 200725m

Seishu plays a practice match against Kaido's reserve team. They struggle with the opposing pitcher and fall behind thanks to some poor fielding.

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에이스 부재

March 3, 200725m

Goro is dejected when he hears it will take three months to recover from his injury. Kaido High's chief manager Egashira visits him in the hospital.

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전염되는 투지

March 10, 200725m

The team is excited to play Yoka High in the first round of the tournament. Looking healthy, Goro throws a perfect fastball in practice.

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힘겨운 에이스

March 17, 200725m

After a fierce seventh-inning comeback, Seishu trails by just three points. Despite his injury, Goro takes the mound in place of an unmotivated Taiga.

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미후네와 시합 개시

March 24, 200725m

The doctor tells Goro that his career is in jeopardy if he keeps playing hurt. Goro appears to take his advice but secretly looks for other options.

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달아오르는 미후네와의 시합

March 31, 200725m

Seishu faces Mifune High in the second round. Taiga loses his focus as Mifune breaks the deadlock to take the lead in the bottom of the fourth inning.

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고집 vs고집

April 7, 200725m

Mifune has no outs and a batter on second base in the bottom of the sixth inning. Thrown by Mifune's unexpected tactics, Seishu falls further behind.

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April 14, 200725m

Goro takes the mound in place of Taiga with two outs and the bases loaded. Komori is flustered by Goro's fastball, which looks to be at full strength.

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라이벌 재회

April 21, 200725m

After pitching a no-hitter in the third game, Goro catches the attention of Yokohama Blue Oceans scout Katsuragi, who proposes the team draft him.

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April 28, 200725m

Scouting the competition, Goro is taken aback by the improvement of their next opponent, Kuriyama High. Later, he runs into Katori before the game.

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May 5, 200725m

The game with Kuriyama High nears its end. Karasawa hits a two-run homer to take the lead and Katori corners Seishu with two outs in the ninth inning.

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왕자에게의 도전

May 12, 200725m

Tashiro pushes the team hard during training ahead of its match against Kaido. Goro objects when the doctor tells him he can't practice for the game.

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빈틈없는 메뉴얼야구

May 19, 200725m

When Goro underestimates the opposing pitcher Ichihara, Seishu's hopes of taking an early lead are pinned on their only remaining batter, Tashiro.

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토시야의 비책

May 26, 200725m

Goro gives up his first hit during the bottom of a rainy third inning. He quickly makes up for his error by using a trick play to eliminate Kusano.

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정면 승부!

June 2, 200725m

Ichihara is flustered after giving up hits to both Taiga and Uchiyama. But his pitching only gets worse when Tashiro steps up to bat.

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팽팽한 싸움

June 9, 200725m

Kaido buckles under Goro's all-out attack. All signs point to a pitcher's game, but Seishu's defense begins to struggle in the seventh inning.

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계략의 결말

June 16, 200725m

After Taiga's batting pulls Seishu ahead, Kaido finally sends in their ace pitcher Mayumura. Goro is soon caught off guard by Mayumura's fastball.

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상처투성이의 에이스

June 23, 200725m

The game enters extra innings, but Goro's right ankle is reaching its limit. When Tashiro says they should forfeit, Goro speaks from the heart.

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꿈의 무대로

Season Finale
June 30, 200725m

Goro watches from home as Kaido wins at Koshien. Later, he spends valuable time with his friends at a summer festival after being invited by Tashiro.

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야구의 고향으로

January 5, 200825m

Goro's luggage is stolen at the airport in Los Angeles. He then receives help from Hayato, a Japanese citizen also trying out for the major leagues.

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예선 경기

January 12, 200825m

Goro and Hayato both pass the first test at tryouts. For the second test, the rookies must stage a come-from-behind victory against a Single-A team.

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January 19, 200825m

Hayato's hit leads to two runs, but Nick's selfish play puts the team's comeback effort in jeopardy. A blister causes Goro to struggle with pitching.

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이것이 바로 메이저!

January 26, 200825m

Goro is given a chance at a roster spot in the majors with the Salmons. He quickly gets into a scuffle during practice with the Salmons' ace pitcher.

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세계로 가는 입장권

February 2, 200825m

After realizing how much he needs to improve,Goro gets off to a strong start pitching in his first major league exhibition game.

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February 9, 200825m

In his first Triple-A game, Goro throws off the Falcons with his new curve-ball, but it doesn't work for long. He then faces an unexpected opponent.

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February 16, 200825m

Goro tries out for the Memphis Bats after being released by the Cougars. He runs into a Japanese girl at the airport, and his luggage is stolen again.

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February 23, 200825m

Alice convinces Goro to serve as the Bats' closer. In Japan, the number one draft pick Toshiya Sato draws attention in the Warriors' game.

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March 1, 200825m

Toshiya's confidence suffers an unexpected blow during the game, but his coach still decides to start him in the exhibition match.

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무리가 아니야

March 8, 200825m

Goro is adapting to life in America. Meanwhile in Japan, the Seishu High graduates reflect on their time spent with Goro and take their next steps.

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March 15, 200825m

The Bats start the season with the worst record in the division. Moved by Sanders' desire to win a championship, Goro tries motivating his teammates.

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March 22, 200825m

The Bats rise to second in the division. Now playing baseball in college, Komori serves as a substitute coach for a Little League team.

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March 22, 200825m

Sanders replaces Keene in the starting lineup for the first time in a while, but his rusty play results in snapping the Bats' winning streak.

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목표로 삼아야 하는 것

March 22, 200825m

Goro and the Bats hit a rough patch, so his teammates invite him on a drive to cheer him up. Shimizu's friends try jump-starting her love life.

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터무니없는 도박

March 29, 200825m

Goro racks up 19 saves as the Bats rise to the top of their division. The team gets a new player, and the coach demotes Sanders to the bench.

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킨의 과거

April 5, 200825m

The Bats are winning, but Goro is unsatisfied with Keene's style of play. Alice explains Keene's behavior by talking about an event in his past.

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열 받아

April 19, 200825m

The summer high school baseball tournament has begun. Now captain of Seishu High, Taiga is annoyed by the behavior of his team during training.

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아리스의 꿈, 모두의 꿈

May 3, 200825m

Alice visits her grandfather in hospital. He seems healthy, but his condition suddenly turns serious after the Bats suffer a humiliating home loss.

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May 10, 200825m

After the Bats make the playoffs, six players including Goro and Keene are called up to the majors. Goro has mixed feelings about his promotion.

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May 17, 200825m

The Bats win their series against the Sharks to advance to the finals, where they will face the Falcons -- and the indomitable Gibson Jr.

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파란의 개막

May 24, 200825m

The first game of the finals begins. Driven by their bet, Goro and Gibson Jr. both give it their all. The Bats fall behind in the first inning.

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운명의 1구

May 31, 200825m

Goro's hand injury causes him to lose control over his pitching. After he unintentionally walks consecutive batters, Gibson Jr. steps up to the plate.

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또 하나의 결전

June 7, 200825m

Star rookies Toshiya and Mayumura face off in the finals in Japan. Toshiya is in low spirits after his team suffers consecutive losses.

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위대한 남자

June 14, 200825m

Gibson Jr.'s unfinished business with Goro causes him to struggle in the majors -- until he sees the news that Goro has returned from injury.

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진정한 라이벌

June 21, 200825m

In the championship-deciding game, Goro gets a chance at bat with a runner on base. To his disappointment, he is told to make a sacrificial bunt.

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Season Finale
June 28, 200825m

The final game goes to extra innings. In the bottom of the 10th inning, Goro and Gibson Jr. have one last showdown to decide the champion.

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다시 한번

January 10, 200925m

Goro returns to Japan after winning the Minor Leagues, and the first place he visits is his Father's grave. Shimizu has heard Goro has returned and decides to visit him to see if she has any feelings for him.

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두 사람의 온도차

January 17, 200925m

After learning about his Father's involvement in the World Baseball Classic, Goro forgot about his date with Shimizu. When she called to see where he was he asks her to go on without him, causing her to believe Taiga's words are coming true. When Goro finally realizes he has hurt Shimizu's feelings he begins to think about everything she has done for him over the years. Even when he tries to think of baseball his thoughts wander back to her. Can Goro mend this broken love before it's too late, or will he lose Shimizu?

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대표 집결!

January 24, 200925m

Goro becomes a batting pitcher for the Japanese Senior team to help further his development against Professional players, but he also hopes that he can gain enough respect on the mound to become a player for the Japanese team in the World Baseball Classic. At home Taiga and Goro work with each other to improve his outside pitching control and his fastball's speed. The problem is he forgets to tell Shimizu about all of it, but her dream of following the baseball player keeps her from getting too upset about it.

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January 31, 200925m

After Kyoshirou roughs up Goro he decides he needs to start using some breaking balls is he is to be successful in the Majors. Shigeno is against it, but Goro decides to seek help from the top Japanese forkball pitcher- Suguro, especially after Itao once again proves that Major League Players would be able to hit his fastball. With the guidance of Suguro he begins to develop the Gyro Forkball. He also learns how a pitching coach is more useful at learning a players weaknesses than he originally thought, a weakness he hopes to expose on the Young Japan team, for after challenging Itao Goro is sent to join the Young Japan team so the coach can see which of the Japanese main players will be useful in the World Baseball Classic by the recommendation of Kyoshirou.

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영 재팬

February 7, 200925m

Young Japan plans the Japansese Representatives to determine which team is more suit to play in the World Baseball Cup. After having a chance and failing to score at the top of the 1st Katori is sent to the mound and later Akutsu follows. Both of them are overpowered by the experience the Japanese Representatives have and see their slider and knuckle ball hit with ease. Katori leaves with the team trailing 4-0, and Akutsu loses all confidence when that score grows to 9-0. Finally Goro is sent out to try and change things around. He reveals his gyro fork, but a fatal flaw is found in it forcing him once again to rely on his gyro fastball.

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욕심 없는 야구

February 14, 200925m

Realizing that his forkball breaks too early Goro decides to try and expose the weaknesses the All Japan team has and relys solely on his fastball. At first glance it seems to backfire as the Young Japan team falls even further behind at 9-0. Making things worse is the communication between Goro and Toshi is struggling, but once the two sync back up they show all of Japan how dangerous his fastballs can be. At the end of the episode Goro returns to America to begin spring training with the Hornets.

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갑작스런 통지

February 21, 200925m

Shimizu travels to Florida alone to support Goro as he tries to make the majors. On her way to meet him, however, her rental car breaks down.

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각자의 생각

February 28, 200925m

Goro calls Shimizu and lets her know that he has been selected to be on the naitonal team as the episode begins. As the episode continues the news is broadcast on TV in Japan. All of Goro's friends are shocked, but they start saving up funds so they can go to the Championship game and root for Goro and all of Japan. Back in California the World Baseball Cup begins with Team USA and Team Canada starting the action. Joe Gibson is the starting pitcher, and he seems to have problems breathing until Junior lets him know that Japan has selected Goro as a representative player. Gibson goes out strong and gets a complete game. At the end of the episode though Junior gets a call from a doctor about his father that sends him into a panic. As the episode ends Shimizu arrives in California to continue her rooting for Goro. Goro arrives at the airport to pick her uip, but Shimizu has meet up with Team Venezuela, and a conflict seems to be brewing.

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중압감과 진가

March 7, 200925m

Silva upsets Goro with the comment that Asians aren't tough enough to defeat Venezuela. Meanwhile Team Japan prepares to face Montana, but they are surprised when Sanchez is rolled out instead. Japan finds it to be a slight insult that Venezuela is saving their ace for the Dominican Republic, so they decide they will defeat Venezuela at all costs to get the first needed win to move on to the semi-finals. Toshi is placed in the starting line-up as the Designated Hitter, but when the catcher gets injured Japan is forced to do a double switch, meaning if Goro makes it into the game he can beat Venezuela not only with his pitches but also at the bat.

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연마된 송곳니

March 14, 200925m

Goro's first face off as a member of the Japanese Representatives is against none other than Silva. Their interaction at the airport was only the beginning as a new rivalry is born from, but in order for Goro to be successful he must first pull Toshi out of the slump he has gotten stuck into and debut his gyrofork in front of a worldwide audience.

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남자가 아니야!!

March 21, 200925m

Tendo is demoted from being the closer for Japan and is replaced by Goro. Tendo is upset that he has been replaced, but both Goro and the Japanese manager realize Tendo has an arm injury that hasn't healed and can place him in danger. Still, the manager is determined to show his trust in Tendo and places him into the game against Korea as the set-up man. Will Tendo willingly end the game on his own and acknowledge his injury, or will Tendo's pride knock Team Japan into an elimination game against the Dominican Republic?

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March 28, 200925m

Venezuela manages to defeat the Dominican Republic putting both them and the Dominican Republic at 1-1. If Japan loses to the Dominican and Korea loses to Venezuela it would put 3 teams at 2-1 and Japan would be eliminated due to both Venezuela and the Dominican having given up fewer runs. Making things worse is the news that Goro receives- he won't be able to pitch in the game against the Dominican due to a rule saying a pitcher can't be used in more than two games consecutively. Can Japan find a way to overcome all these problems with Mayumura as the closer for the third game?

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일본의 야구

April 4, 200925m

After gaining an early 1-0 lead Japan has been unable to stop the Dominicans batters the third time through the rotation. Despite getting the first man he faced out Mayumura now finds himself in danger of giving up additional runs and the Dominican leads 4-1. Who will realize the only way to defeat the Dominican is through small ball instead of swinging for the stands first, and what will Japan do when the Dominican's bring out their closer to try and wrap things up and eliminate Japan after Venezuela has won 3-0? Also the identity of the mysterious Japanese girl Shimizu ran into comes one step closer to a shocking revelation.

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April 11, 200925m

After Miho breaks down to Shimizu and reveals she is actually Toshi's younger sister, both Shimizu and Goro decide to try and keep the two separated from each other. In their efforts to keep the two apart Goro and Toshi go to workout at he park, but it's at the same time Shimizu and Miho are having lunch there. The shock of seeing his sister causes Toshi to have a mental relapse of his parents abandoning him and causes him to start to have a mental breakdown. Another problem presents itself when it's revealed Domoto's leg still hasn't recovered enough to allow him to do more than pinch hit or be the Designated Hitter. Can Toshi pull it together soon enough to allow Japan to defeat Cuba? At the same time Momoko and Shingo arrive in America to root for Japan in the semi-finals and during the championship, but Shingo seems to want to be there only for autographs and for the amusement park.

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진보적인 야구

April 18, 200925m

The match between Cuba and Japan begins with Cuba bunting, sacrificing the runner to second, stealing third, and then using a squeeze play. They also use a swing that many would consider interference but that has been declared legal because it's within the swing itself that allows the runner to advance. With so many early problems things look bad for Japan. Miho attends the game but stays out of Toshi's site so she won't cause him a relapse during the game. Goro is brought in during the 8th inning and allows two Cubans to get on base, but as soon as he sees Gibson is in the stands he manages to retire everyone in order.

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개개인의 각오

April 25, 200925m

After defeating Cuba, Goro gets all psyched about facing America in the Championship, but Junior informs his father he knows of the surgery he needs. He informs the US manager and Goro and begs both of them to not let Gibson pitch at all costs.

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미국의 긍지

May 2, 200925m

Gibson comes on in the eighth with only one out and the US trailing 2-0. He is disgusted by how the US has played without caring what their fans think of their performance. His speech wakes the minds and attitudes of the other players, and they escape the inning without giving up any other scores. In the top of the ninth Gibson Junior begins the inning with a base hit. America scores 6 runs and wins 6-2. After the game Gibson is told he won't pitch in the finals due to his heart condition. The next day Goro spends time with Shingo. They go and spend the day at the amusement park. Shingo asks Goro if their mom told him he plans to quit baseball. Goro tells him he doesn't mind if Shingo quits baseball, that he just needs to have fun doing whatever he chooses and become a better person. As Goro drops Shingo back off at his room though, he receives the news that Gibson collapsed during practice and has been rushed to the hospital.

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약속의 장소로

May 9, 200925m

Gibson insists on taking the mound when America falls in danger of losing to Venezuela. Aware of his condition, America's coach is hesitant to oblige.

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피칭의 원점

May 16, 200925m

The Championship match begins between the US and Japan. Japan's early hitting gives them a 3-0 lead and forces Sisler out of the game for the US. When Mayumura comes out he is forced to admit his fears of not being a monster player to both Goro and Toshi. However Toshi reminds him the most fearsome player is a picther who knows his own limits and is able to go beyond them. Mayumura turns the cheers for the US into his favorite symphony piece- Dvorak's New World Order, and Japan is able to establish early control in the championship. Seeing the US down 5-0 after the 3rd inning proves to be too much for Gibson. He leaves the hospital and heads for the ballpark to try and motivate his team back to winning it all. After Alex learns Gibson has been risking his life for America's pride he is determined to change the momentum of the game and get a hit off of Mayumura.

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긍지를 가슴에

May 23, 200925m

With Gibson's arrival the US gets a second wind. They cut Japan's lead down to 5-4 and force Goro into the game in the eighth inning. Goro walks the first batter and then gets two quick outs, but Gibson Junior hits a 100 mph fastball into the stands and forces Japan to have to rally in the ninth if they are to send the game into extra innings and have a chance to win it all.

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자기 자신을 위해

May 30, 200925m

Japan refuses to give up. In the top of the ninth they tie the score and send teh game into extra innings. Not wanting to lose momentum again Gibson takes it upon himself to get warmed up and force his way into the game.

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끝나지 않은 꿈

June 6, 200925m

It all comes down to this. Gibson and Goro are finally able to fulfill their promise and dream to each other as they face off in the World Baseball Cup and go into extra innings. Their performances are able to touch the hearts of everyone watching and all support toward one specific team seems to fade as both refuse to let the game end with shutout inning and shutout inning. However a rule is revealed- if the score is still tied after the 18th inning, then the game will be canceled and a rematch held the next day.

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아버지의 등

June 13, 200925m

Now in the 16th inning, Japan has a chance to win with a runner on third base. Toshiya attempts to take Gibson by surprise with a risky play.

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사투의 끝에서

June 20, 200925m

The tournament reaches its epic conclusion. After the game, Goro visits the hospital to check on Gibson's status, and Toshiya reunites with Miho.

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내일을 향한 길

Season Finale
June 27, 200925m

Goro uses the excuse that he's tired from the tournament to explain coming back to Japan, but Shigeno thinks Goro's attitude is disgracing the game. Shingo admits he has decided to continue playing Little League Baseball so he can have a dream to get better, but Goro decides to go to his room instead. The next day the old gang decides they should get together and play baseball for fun because of the way Goro inspired all of them. Shimizu thinks of declining, but instead she invites Goro to the field hoping that watching the game will make him want to play again. As Goro watches he remembers the main reason he played while he was younger was for fun. The gang is shocked to see him there, but they let him join in. After the game ends Goro returns home, gets his bag, and says he is headed back to Florida to become a Major League Player. The episode ends with Goro throwing his first pitches as an official Major Leaguer.

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슈퍼 루키

April 3, 201025m

Goro returns to Florida where he is scheduled to pitch for the Indiana Hornets. Almost all the fans and the owner expect him to become their new ace, but Sanders and Keane also try to humble him by pointing out how the Majors are only the beginning of the top competition and that most of the Majors stars didn't participate in the World Baseball Cup.

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강렬한 데뷔

April 10, 201025m

강렬한 데뷔

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피할 수 없는 위기

April 17, 201025m

After removing himself from the previous game Goro uses the excuse that he had back problems. During his next start Goro seems to be fine during the first 4 innings, but during the fifth he gives up a hit an then loses control of his pitches. Both Keene and Watts suspect Goro has developed the yips, a psychological condition that causes an athletes body to freeze up during times of pressure, but Keene refuses to let Goro leave the mound unless the game gets tied in the hopes that Goro can overcome the yips without being demoted to the minors.

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고민하는 좌완

April 24, 201025m

Goro suffers more psychological agony after the bean ball to the head of Chavez, but he is determined to prove he doesn't have the yips. During the third game Goro gives up 1 hit and 5 walks and is taken out during the first inning. Indiana still has hopes for him and demotes him to the Bats where he can see the sports psychologist Billy Oliver in the hopes that he can overcome the yips and get back as a star.

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치료의 성과

May 1, 201025m

Goro is placed in rehab games after a week of treatment. Just as it appears he is about to return to the Majors the Sharks are revealed to have Silva on a rehab assignment. Silva claims to be getting more used to Goro's pitching, but while watching Keene also reveals Goro's hat isn't flying off, and Goro has stated before that the hat flying off makes him know he is pitching well. Meanwhile Dr. Oliver reveals that he can't figure out what is giving Goro the yips because of all the trials he has overcome in the past.

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프로의 자질

May 8, 201025m

After doing well in the Minors Goro is recalled to the Hornets, but before going he stops by Dr. Oliver's to ask if he's really cured. While there he reveals he is just playing baseball because he loves the game, but Dr. Oliver asks him if that's any different than playing backyard baseball. He says without a goal none of the players he knows have ever succeeded, and unless Goro finds a goal to replace Gibson he will never be able to succeed in the Majors. Meanwhile Gibson Jr. is having problems of his own for the Raiders. He's batting less than .300 and only has 3 home runs. Can these two rivals overcome there problems and prove they have what it takes to be Pros?

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루키의 고뇌

May 15, 201025m

Both Goro and Gibson Jr. decide to settle things by doing their best to get outs and get on base in the Pros. Goro also learns Shigeno is now doing the Japanese commentary for the Hornets games, however his entire attitude toward calm pitching might change when Gibson comes out of retirement and signs on to play with the Bisons so he can face Goro one-on-one.

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전격 복귀

May 22, 201025m

The media world is going crazy thanks to Gibson's return, but Gibson's first match is scheduled to be against none other than the Indiana Hornets. Can Goro find that goal he's been looking for and get back to his old self thanks to Gibson's arrival, or will his appearance go down as another disappointment?

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부활의 마운드

May 29, 201025m

During the All-Star Game Break Dr. Oliver calls up Goro and asks him to come to Nashville. Goro is shocked to learn that Gibson hasn't gone back to retirement after giving up a grand slam to Goro. Instead he is pitching for the AA Nashville Bulls. Dr. Oliver reveals that Goro was sent to him by the Hornets at the request of Gibson himself, who was a former patient of Oliver's. Seeing Gibson continues to pitch due to his love of the game and after learning Gibson wants to face Goro again, Goro is finally able to find the goal he is searching for.

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각자의 여름

June 5, 201025m

Shimizu is glad to see Goro has returned to his oldself and is determined to save up money again to go and root for him in America. However she seems to be losing love for softball at the same time and contemplates quitting it all together. Can Taiga help her remember why she loves the game with the help from a few other friends?

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맡겨진 꿈

June 12, 201025m

The Hornets are nearly into first place, but the injury bug is beginning to hit the team making their goal seem further away than ever. Can Goro's burning spirit help the others to rally to continue their dream of winning the championship?

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암묵적 규칙

June 19, 201025m

After Greene's injury "Mad" Mike Murdoch is traded from the Los Angeles Panthers to the Hornets. The manager knows his name will draw additional fans to teh ballpark even if they don't win the division, but the rest of the team is worried that the trade will destroy all the chemistry they've developed and ruin their chances at not only the Division Title but also at the World Series.

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부의 연쇄

June 26, 201025m

Watts reveals the past of Murdoch to Goro. While they played in the Minors marijuana was found in his locker, and no one believed it wasn't his. Despite later being found innocent he lost all trust in teammates. After saving Murdoch's daughter at the park Goro makes a new friend and determines to help Murdoch once again become a team player and help the rest of the team learn to also trust in Murdoch. With a six game deficit to overcome in the remaining 30 games Goro realizes they will need all the help they can get to win.

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에이스의 책임

July 3, 201025m

The game against the Panthers continues. Goro's inspired pitching amid the team's uneven play finally triggers a change of attitude in Murdoch.

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워크 포인트

July 10, 201025m

The Hornets begin a two game series against the Anaheim Salmons. Goro decides to go out and say hi to the team that first got him started, but all of them ignore him and tell him to get back to his side of the field, making his temper start to soar. Meanwhile the lead off batter Sakaguchi decides to do the same thing to his biggest rival, Nelson. The Hornets are able to get an early lead off of Sanchez, but Fox comes up with a brilliant plan that starts to shut down the Hornets offense. The Salmons then begin to get to Goro due to tiring him out early on. Despite the four game winning streak, a major weak spot is revealed on the Hornets, their attitudes. Is there anything that can be done to improve themselves, or are there playoff chances gone like a hanging thread that has been cut?

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굳센 다짐

July 17, 201025m

The team has self destructed. Instead of playing as a team they keep blaming everyone else for mistakes made. Keene is unsure of how he can lead the team, and many of them are no longer listening to Watts. Goro is determined to turn it around, but with a five game losing streak already upon them everyone wonders if it's too late for the Hornets to work as a team and make that push for the playoffs happen.

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July 24, 201025m

The words of Kenne have inspired the Hornets. They are now determined to win the championship at all costs. With the winning ways restored the Hornets are getting new sponsors, some of which want Shigeno to be the star of their commercial. Goro can't stand the idea and says no, but with a boss that wants him in them at all costs and with a woman who want stop pursuing him Goro may not have any choice but to give in to the sponsorship.

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너답지 않아

July 31, 201025m

The roster's are expanded as the season nears its end, and Kellogg is brought up from the Bats to the Hornets. Goro is excited to see some of his old teammates being promoted and getting a chance to play with them once more, but what will happen will he learns that Kellogg is seriously thinking of retirement?

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드리워지는 그림자

August 7, 201025m

The Hornets have climbed within one game of the Coyotes and seem to have the momentum to take the division, but then some of their aces, including Watts and Goro, begin to show signs of nerves or possible injuries. Can these stars manage to overcome their own fears under the pressure of the Majors to lead the Hornets to the title?

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꿈은 거기에

August 21, 201025m

Due to Watt's injury the Hornets make some pitching changes. Goro is made the closer and Watts is moved to the bullpen. The hornets manage to take 2 from the Coyotes and tie the division lead, but Goro begins to have numbness occur in his hand and gets it looked into. He learns he has poor circulation that could affect his entire pitching career if he doesn't have surgery to fix it. Goro decides to hide it from the Hornets, but what will be the end result? Meanwhile both Chicago and the Texas Raiders qulify for the playoffs in the West, meaning Goro's two biggest rivals could be awaiting him in the World Series if things go right.

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August 28, 201025m

The presuure is on. The Coyotes and the Hornets are tied for the divisional lead going into the final game of the regular season. Only the winner will make the playoffs. All the Hornets fans are hoping for their first divisional title in 25 years, but the pressure is getting to the Hornets players in the forms of multiple hits. Now Goro and Watts must put aside their injuries and risk their careers to help the Hornets win, but will the Hornets be able to do so?

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남은 기회

September 4, 201025m

It's in the eighth inning of the Division Championship game. The Hornets trail 8-6, but thanks to the rally in the seventh they have brought out Goro. With Watts out, Silva hurting, and Goro's poor circulation being unknown, both the Coyotes and Hornets will give it their all to see which side will prevail in what could be the final showdown.

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한계를 넘어서

September 11, 201025m

Keene's two run homer has tied the game 8-8. Thanks to Boston winning the wild card only the winner of Minnesota/ Indiana will advance. With extra innings looming Goro decides to risk his health to do all he can to help the Hornets advance to the playoffs, but exactly how long will he be able to endure the low blood circulation before the pain sets in?

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영광의 집념

September 18, 201025m

Goro's circulatory problems ahve been revealed and he is forced to watch the Playoffs from the hospital. How far will the Hornets advance in the playoffs without him? Meanwhile Buffalo and Texas meet in the first round of the playoffs, but will Gibson Junior be able to defeat his father Gibson this time around?

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Season Finale
September 25, 201025m

In the final episode of Major Goro is followed to Japan by Sophia who hopes to steal him away from Shimizu as well as keep an eye on his rehab. Shimizu and Sophia don't have the closest feelings for each other, but they realize that only one of them can win. While in Japan Goro is visited by Toshi, and the two contemplate how they can become a tandem in the Major Leagues. Goro makes his final decision. A few seasons pass by. Goro is back as the closer for the Hornets. Watts is his set up man. Toshi is the catcher, and the World Series features the Hornets against the Raiders. The Raiders have only continued to improve as they acquired Keene from the Hornets and now have a pitching coach named Joe Gibson. Mayumura is their closer. The Hornets lead by one run, and Goro is on the mound facing Gibson Junior. Clips are shown of all the stars in Major, including their final outcomes. The final episode has arrived, but it's one you won't want to miss.

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또 하나의 최종회

December 17, 201025m

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월드 시리즈 vol.1

December 16, 201125m

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월드 시리즈 vol.2

January 18, 201225m

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