甲斐田裕子 as Aiho Yomikawa (voice)

Episodes 16

Cidade Académica

5 Oktober 200825m

Touma Kamijo é aluno numa escola onde a ciência estuda o sobrenatural. Um dia conhece uma freira que está a tentar fugir do mundo da magia.

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12 Oktober 200825m

Kamijo encontra Index caída à porta do seu quarto, coberta de sangue. Um mago aparece para levá-la, lançando um ataque surpresa.

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19 Oktober 200825m

Kamijo visita o seu professor para tentar conseguir o tratamento mágico que curará as feridas de Index. Entretanto, Index começa a revelar quem é e porque fugiu.

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Memorização perfeita

26 Oktober 200825m

Kaori Kanzaki ataca Kamijo com uma espada e acaba por fazer uma revelação chocante sobre Index.

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2 November 200825m

Index morrerá se a sua memória não for apagada uma vez por ano. Enquanto Kamijo procura uma forma de salvar Index, Stiyl e Kaori aparecem.

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Imagine Breaker

9 November 200825m

Kamijo descobre algo sobre a memória de Index. Será que Kamijo é capaz de proteger os livros de feitiços e destruir o santuário?

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Culto da Ciência

16 November 200825m

Kamijo conhece uma rapariga que acaba por ser levada por um homem de fato. Stiyl pede-lhe que salve uma jovem que consegue matar vampiros.

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Ars Magna

23 November 200825m

Kamijo e Stiyl tentam destruir a barreira mágica que rodeia a escola, mas os alunos lançam-lhes um feitiço.

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Sangue Profundo

30 November 200825m

Aureolus capturou Index e ataca Kamijo, Stiyl e Aisa com um poder capaz de transformar as palavras em realidade.

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Misaka Mikoto

7 Desember 200825m

No regresso a casa, Kamijo conhece Misaka, a irmã mais nova de Mikoto, mas Mikoto acaba por afastá-la. Mais tarde, estranhamente, Kamijo volta a ver Misaka.

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14 Desember 200825m

Kamijo descobre o cadáver de Misaka, mas o corpo e as manchas de sangue acabam por desaparecer. Mais tarde, Kamijo vê Misaka a carregar cadáveres.

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Nível 6

21 Desember 200825m

Kamijo percebe que Mikoto foi apanhada num esquema e ela culpa-se por ter permitido que o seu ADN fosse usado em projetos de investigação.

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28 Desember 200825m

Mikoto está disposta a sacrificar-se para salvar as suas irmãs. Entretanto, Accelerator prepara-se para enfrentar Misaka.

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O Mais Fraco Contra o Mais Forte

8 Januarie 200925m

Kamijo mantém-se na defensiva ao combater o poderoso Accelerator. Mikoto tem um plano para travar Accelerator e desperta Misaka, que está ferida.

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Queda de Anjo

15 Januarie 200925m

Kamijo é expulso da escola. As caras e as personalidades das pessoas são trocadas. Kamijo tem um encontro com uma freira de capa vermelha.

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Kamijo Touya

22 Januarie 200925m

Misha veio até ao Japão em busca de um feitiço. Kamijo, Kanzaki e Tsuchimikado juntam-se a Misha para encontrar o autor do encantamento.

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O Poder de Deus

29 Januarie 200925m

Kamijo confronta Toya, que começa a falar do seu passado. Kaori chega a tempo de travar um ataque de Misha e faz uma revelação chocante sobre ela.

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5 Februarie 200925m

Um jovem chamado Unabara persegue Mikoto, e ela finge ser namorada de Kamijo. Quando os dois se separam, cada um conhece um Unabara diferente, e um deles segue Mikoto.

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A Última Réplica

12 Februarie 200925m

Accelerator é abordado pelo clone de Misaka. Entretanto, vê Ao Amai, líder do projeto responsável pela criação das irmãs.

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Código do Vírus

19 Februarie 200925m

Accelerator captura Amai num centro de investigação e recupera o clone de Misaka, mas o vírus que existe nela é ativado antes do que era esperado.

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Fim de Contagem

26 Februarie 200925m

Aisa Himegami é transferida para a turma de Kamijo. Index faz amizade com Hyoka Kazakiri, e as duas tornam-se próximas. Há um mago infiltrado na escola.

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5 Maart 200925m

Após a ordem de evacuação do centro comercial, Kamijo, Index e Kazakiri veem um olho na parede. Mikoto e Index discutem por causa de Kamijo.

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12 Maart 200925m

Kazakiri depara-se com o golem solto por Sherry Cromwell. Kamijo combate-o, mas é travado por Sherry. E onde estarão Index e Mikoto?

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Distrito Imaginário, Agência dos Cinco Elementos

Season Finale
19 Maart 200925m

Sherry foca a sua atenção em Index. Kamijo defronta Sherry dentro do metro. Entretanto, o enorme punho do golem está prestes a esmagar Index.

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31 de agosto (o último dia)

8 Oktober 201025m

Kamijo corre para encontrar Index e, pelo caminho, encontra Mikoto. Um grupo de cavaleiros aparece em Academy City.

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O livro da lei

15 Oktober 201025m

Um livro de feitiços foi roubado e a freira que sabe descodificá-lo foi capturada. Stiyl é enviado para resolver o caso.

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A igreja Amakusa

22 Oktober 201025m

Kamijo vê Orsola ser raptada pelos Amakusa e vai com Stiyl e as Agnese ao esconderijo do inimigo.

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Medo Sheol

29 Oktober 201025m

Após resgatar Orsola, Kamijo é aconselhado por Tatemiya a não a entregar aos Amakusa, o que o deixa com uma decisão difícil em mãos.

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Bastão de lótus

5 November 201025m

Kamijo e Index veem-se encurralados depois de serem atacados. O seu destino depende da descodificação de um livro de feitiços.

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12 November 201025m

Enquanto vai às compras com Mikoto, Kuroko recebe informações sobre uma mala que foi roubada e dirige-se, hesitante, aos escritórios do comité.

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Move Point

19 November 201025m

Kuroko persegue Musujime, uma jovem capaz de se teletransportar, e acaba por se ver em apuros. Musujime conta o seu plano a Kuroko.

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26 November 201025m

Academy City recebe um festival desportivo, em que as escolas da cidade vão participar. Kamijo e Mikoto lutam pela vitória, mas a equipa de Kamijo mostra-se apática.

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Route Disturb

3 Desember 201025m

Uma espada, que tem o poder de matar um santo, foi trazida para Academy City. Kamijo ajuda a procurar a perigosa arma e acaba por encontrar Oriana.

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10 Desember 201025m

Kamijo e o restante grupo tentam apanhar Oriana, mas ela consegue escapar.

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17 Desember 201025m

As intenções de Lidvia tornam-se claras. Kamijo tenta impedir que Index perceba o que se passa.

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24 Desember 201025m

Os colegas de Kamijo ficam gravemente feridos depois do ataque de Oriana. Kamijo persegue-a e acaba por perceber qual é o seu plano.

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Croce di Pietro

7 Januarie 201125m

Quando percebem que o destino de Oriana é o aeroporto, Kamijo e o grupo dirigem-se para lá. Mas conseguirão impedi-la de concretizar o seu plano?

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Cidade de água

14 Januarie 201125m

Kamijo ganha uma viagem, para duas pessoas e preparar-se, eufórico, para partir com Index. Mas os dois acabam por envolver-se em problemas no aeroporto.

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A frota da rainha

21 Januarie 201125m

Kamijo e o seu grupo são subitamente atacados durante a estadia em Itália. A responsável é Agnese, que aceita deixá-los ir em liberdade, mas... com uma condição.

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Hora marcada do Rosário

28 Januarie 201125m

Durante uma luta, o grupo acaba por ser separado e Kamijo enfrenta Biagio.

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Jogo da consequência

4 Februarie 201125m

Accelerator e os companheiros saem do hospital e ficam com Yomikawa. Ao regressar da sua desastrosa viagem a Itália, Kamijo é contactado por Mikoto.

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Número de série

11 Februarie 201125m

Orsola e o grupo não se conseguem entender com a nova máquina de lavar. Kamijo depara-se com uma sucessão de problemas ao ser conduzido por Mikoto.

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18 Februarie 201125m

Accelerator e Last Order festejam o seu reencontro quando são interrompidos pelos Hound Dogs. Uma figura suspeita chega a Academy City.

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Cães de caça

25 Februarie 201125m

Accelerator encontra-se com Index e espera pelo melhor momento para contra-atacar. Depois de escaparem aos Hound Dogs, Last Order e Kamijo deparam-se com um novo inimigo.

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4 Maart 201125m

Accelerator está disposto a virar Academy City contra ele para salvar Last Order. Quando Vento e Kamijo estão prestes a iniciar o combate, algo muda na cidade.

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Feitiço punição divina

11 Maart 201125m

Kihara e Accelerator defrontam-se. Kamijo usa todos os seus trunfos contra Vento, enquanto Index reza para tentar salvar a cidade.

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Antes da batalha

25 Maart 201125m

Com o fim do reinado de terror de Vento, Kamijo e o grupo regressam às suas vidas normais mas, pelo mundo, começam a surgir protestos contra Academy City.

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Season Finale
1 April 201125m

À medida que os protestos contra Academy City se intensificam, Misaka embebeda-se e começa a "aterrorizar" os alunos. Quem será a sua primeira vítima?

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5 Oktober 201825m

Since the September 30 attack on Academy City by The Right Seat of God's Vento of the Front, tensions grows between the Catholic Church and Academy City, with the latter's tightening their security. Tōma has an unlucky day where he gets bitten by a hungry Index, hit by a ball on the head by Seiri, accidentally sees his teacher Suama Oyafune removing her skirt and gets attacked by Mikoto after the latter discovers a selfie of him and her mother Misuzu in his phone. As he heads home, Tōma is forced to follow an old woman named Monaka Oyafune, Suama's mother, to an empty park. Monaka reveals to Tōma that she is one of Academy City's Board of Directors and fears the upcoming war and wants him to investigate whether the recent world wide protest against Academy City are really the work of the Catholic Church. Tsuchimikado appears and shoots Monaka, which the latter explains she ordered the former to shoot her to protect her family and satisfy the rest of the Pro-War Board of Directors for talking with Tōma behind their backs. Agreeing to work with her, Tōma follows Tsuchimikado as they head to Avignon, France via a supersonic jet.

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The Right Seat of God

12 Oktober 201825m

Tōma is parachuted into a river and almost drowns but is saved by Itsuwa of the Amakusa Catholics. He explains to Itsuwa that he and Tsuchimikado are trying to find Constantine's Document, also known as the C Document, a magical item that was long ago given by Emperor Constantine to the Pope which allowed whatever the user believes, the people living on Papal Lands also believed it, which Tsuchimikado believes is responsible for the world wide anti-Academy City protest. Bringing him to a cafe, Itsuwa explains the C Document is in Avignon and not in Rome due to the events of the Avignon Papacy and the city's ley lines allows the document to spreads it's magic throughout Europe. However, Tōma and Itsuwa are forced to abandon the cafe after rioters reazlies Tōma is from Academy City. Meanwhile in London, Stiyl and Agnese interrogate Lidvia and Biagio over information on who God's Right Seat are and their goals which Lidvia reveals they are four special individuals who sacrificed their ability to use normal magic in exchange for divine powers so they can rid themselves of Original Sin and become closer with God. As they avoid the rioters, Tōma and Itsuwa gets a call from Tsuchimikado that they need to find one of the city's ley lines so Tōma's Imagine Breaker can destroy the effects of the C Document. Just before Tōma and Itsuwa disrupts one of the site of the ley lines, they are attacked by God's Right Seat, Terra of the Left.

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The Document of C.

19 Oktober 201825m

Tsuchimikado appears and joins forces with Tōma and Itsuwa against Terra, who flees when a platoon of powered suits sent by Academy City interfere with their fight. Tsuchimikado then stays behind to stop the suits while Tōma and Itsuwa chase after Terra at the Palais des Papes. Once there, Tōma contacts Mikoto by phone and learns from her that according to the media, Academy City launched an attack on Avignon in retaliation against a plan to attack it, but their conversation is cut short when Terra, having the C Document in his hands, attacks him. During their fight, Terra realizes that Tōma still has not attained the full power of Imagine Breaker because he lost his memory, but nevertheless, Tōma takes advantage of a weakness in Terra's abilities to defeat him and destroy the C Document. Just as Tōma is about to inquire Terra about what he knows about Imagine Breaker, a squad of stealth bombers led by Accelerator attack the palace, allowing Terra to escape. However, at St. Peter's Basilica, Terra is killed for involving civilians in the conflict by Acqua of the Back who decides to take the war against Academy City personally after Terra and Vento's failures.

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The Dark Side of Academy City

26 Oktober 201825m

Team GROUP captures a blackmarketter for questioning who is later killed by an esper wearing a steel helmet. Etzali investigates the blackmarketter's home but a black ops team arrives. Etzali disguises himself as one of the operators but not before leaving some clues to his team. GROUP learns the blackmarketter sold a weapon to a sniper named Sunazara whose target is Monaka and Accelerator stops the assassination attempt after Awaki teleport him to Monaka's location. GROUP soon learns the assassination attempt was a distraction for another darkside team named SCHOOL, lead by the 2nd Level 5, Teitoku Kakine, and their real target was the particle engineering laboratory. To further complicate matters, the other teams like MEMBER, BLOCK and ITEM are getting involved as well. Meanwhile, the former Skill-Out Shiage is now working with Team ITEM, led by the 4th Level 5, Shizuri Mugino and her teammates, Rikō Takitsubo, Saiai Kinuhata and Frenda Seivelun, who treat Shiage with no respect. Learning about Monaka's assassination attempt, ITEM reazlies SCHOOL's real goal and heads to the particle engineering laboratory only to fight with the steel helmet esper. Despite killing the esper, Teitoku escapes with the device he stole, forcing ITEM to split up while Shiage runs away from SCHOOL's Pink dressed Assassin. Elsewhere, GROUP learns Team BLOCK is planning to steal Biological weapons from the city's virus vault but Etzali reveals the vault is a decoy as their real target is Satellite control center which controls the Hikoboshi 2 orbital laser weapon in space. Accelerator heads to the Satellite control center alone to fool BLOCK that they are falling for their trick.

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Dark Matter

2 November 201825m

While Kazari takes a lost Last Order home, Accelerator arrives at his location and faces Saraku, a teleporter of MEMBER and defeats him after realizing Saraku can only teleport behind his opponents. Elsewhere, MEMBER's leader "The Professor" confronts Teitoku only to be killed by the latter after using his power, Dark Matter. Meanwhile, BLOCK starts their real goal, to shut down the city's surveillance system and help 5000 mercenaries invade the city. However, one of their members is actually Etzali in disguise, who alerts the city's drone helicopters to head to their location and stop the mercenaries. Despite their heavy loses, the remaining BLOCK members, Saku Tatsuhiko and Megumi Teshio, continues their next part of the plan, bringing the mercenaries to Academy City's detention facility and kidnap Awaki's gang to use as leverage to make her help them enter the Windowless building and kill Aleister. GROUP heads to the detention facility where Accelerator stays back to hold off the remaining mercenaries while Etzali faces off against Xochitl, a MEMBER agent and his colleague from the Aztec organization who has come to Academy City to kill Etzali for treason. Tsuchimikado and Awaki confronts Saku and Megumi trying to free Awaki's gang but Megumi kills Saku for endangering the hostages and decides to forcefully get the information from Awaki instead. Despite Megumi knocking out Tsuchimikado, Awaki is able to defeat Megumi after getting over her trauma of teleporting herself. With the hostages safe and Etzali saving Xochitl's life from the grimoire she was using, GROUP heads back home. However, Teitoku arrives at ITEM's apartment after torturing Frenda for information.

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9 November 201825m

While Hamazura is out running errands for Mugino, SCHOOL stages an attack on ITEM. When Mugino runs from Kakine, Takitsubo offers to protect Hamazura, but ends up needing his help instead. Kakine issues a challenge to Accelerator.

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The Third Level

16 November 201825m

Itsuwa reveals to Tōma she has come to Academy City as his bodyguard to protect him from Acqua, who is now targeting him for ruining God's Right Seat plans. While Itsuwa's Amakusa comrades watch from afar and plan to have she and Touma to get close and be a couple, Mikoto is still dealing with the revelation of Tōma's amnesia. Tōma brings Itsuwa to his home, where Index accidentally destroys the bathroom, which Itsuwa decides to bring Tōma and Index to a spa located in 22th District's underground city. After an awkward meeting between Itsuwa, Index and Mikoto in the spa, Tōma and Itsuwa takes a walk at a park. However, Acqua appears, having defeated the rest of the Amakusas, demands Tōma hand over his right arm which contains Imagine Breaker. Tōma and Itsuwa tries to fight back but are unable to hit him due to Acqua's Saint powers. After beating Tōma to a pulp, Acqua gives him one more day before he gets his right arm while Itsuwa feels guilty for failing her mission.

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Saint Breakout

23 November 201825m

With Kamijo unconscious, Itsuwa is guilt-ridden, and receives a pep talk from Tatemiya. As Orsola researches Acqua's past, the Amakusa Church members make their stand against Acqua, at which Itsuwa reveals their new secret weapon.

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Holy Mother Veneration

30 November 201825m

Kanzaki battles Acqua under Academy City, but finds herself overpowered by his might. Mikoto runs into Kamijo after he sneaks out of his hospital room. Kanzaki works with the Amakusa Church members to find a way to beat Acqua.

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Sky Bus 365

7 Desember 201825m

Itsuwa and Kanzaki both up the ante in their pursuit of Kamijo. Index and Kamijo are summoned to Britain to deal with a magic issue, but while en route, their jet falls victim to a terrorist plot that threatens the lives of everyone aboard.

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British Labyrinth

14 Desember 201825m

After being escorted to London, Kamijo and Index have an audience with the queen and three princesses to discuss the threats facing Britain. Upon dividing into separate teams, Kamijo assists with tracking down the members of New Light.

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21 Desember 201825m

As the coup continues, even the sisters of the puritan church are targeted, while the queen and princesses find their lives in danger. Index analyzes the evidence of the Eurotunnel blast. Knight Leader is confronted by a former colleague.

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Curtana Original

28 Desember 201825m

Acqua and Knight Leader continue their fateful showdown in the forest. Princess Carissa reveals a devastating new technique using Curtana Original. When Kamijo and Index's lives are endangered, an unexpected ally comes to their rescue.

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11 Januarie 201925m

Kamijo, Kanzaki, Index, and Vilian head toward Buckingham Palace to stop Carissa. The palace is bombarded from the floating fortress Coven Compass, and others join the battle when Carissa calls in her own cruise missile strike.

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Spark Signal

18 Januarie 201925m

Accelerator and the other members of GROUP are assigned to eliminate the members of Spark Signal, a terrorist group which has taken hostages. Hamazura and Kinuhata find themselves on the run when they defy the city's higher-ups.

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The Governing Board

25 Januarie 201925m

Hamazura desperately tries to rescue Takitsubo when the building she is in falls under terrorist attack. Stephanie hunts down Kinuhata to exact revenge for Sunazara. Accelerator seeks out assistance from an unlikely benefactor.

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1 Februarie 201925m

Técpatl and Unabara square off in Shiokishi's chambers, while Accelerator and Sugitani face each other in the hallway outside. Kinuhata discovers the true reason for the current assault against herself, Takitsubo, and Hamazura.

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The Alliance of Independent Nations

8 Februarie 201925m

Tensions escalate as Russia threatens military action against Academy City, while French sorcerers storm the English Channel. Kamijo and Lessar's search for Sasha Kruezhev leads them to the Elizalina Alliance of Independent Nations.

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Misaka Worst

15 Februarie 201925m

After dealing with the sorcerers at the Russian airbase, Accelerator has a Misaka clone skydive down to confront him. Vento challenges Fiamma while Kamijo and the others watch on. Hamazura gets some disturbing news from Digurv.

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A Reason to Protect

22 Februarie 201925m

Kamijo begins second-guessing himself after Fiamma's rebuke. Hamazura fights to protect the village from privateers. The fighting between Britain and France ramps up. Accelerator lashes out at Kamijo over Last Order's condition.

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The Star of B'Tselem

1 Maart 201925m

Accelerator begins finding clues about the parchment he is carrying. Hamazura and Digurv find an unexpected ally in Acqua. Takitsubo receives some welcome news from Elizalina. Kamijo and Lessar attempt to infiltrate Fiamma's base.

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Angel Power (Gabriel)

8 Maart 201925m

Kamijo runs into Sasha Kruezhev, and he continues to formulate a plan to stop Fiamma. Hamazura and Takitsubo discover an imminent threat to Digurv's village. The archangel Gabriel rains havoc upon the Russian and Academy City forces.

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15 Maart 201925m

As Kamijo and Sasha look on, Hyoka rushes in to stop the archangel's rampage. Accelerator joins the battle as well, with a newfound purpose. Acqua has his own strategy to weaken the archangel's power, though at great cost to himself.

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List of Prohibited Books (Index)

22 Maart 201925m

Kazakiri advises Accelerator about the song Index once sang to treat Last Order. Hamazura has a surprise encounter. Lessar offers a proposition to Sasha. The long-awaited showdown between Kamijo and Fiamma takes a drastic turn.

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29 Maart 201925m

Hamazura must defend the members of ITEM against a new threat from Academy City. Accelerator acquires the final piece of the puzzle to a cure for Last Order. The showdown between Fiamma and Kamijo becomes even more intense.

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Son of God

Season Finale
5 April 201925m

An overjoyed Accelerator gains a new perspective on the world. The duel between Kamijo and Fiamma concludes, and the doomed Star of B'Tselem begins its crash landing. The ITEM members are tracked down by an old acquaintance.

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