赤羽根健治 als Fujitaka Sakuya (voice)

Episoden 65

Les pulsations du réveil

6. Januar 201225m

Hibiki Tachibana faillit mourir sous les coups des Noise durant un concert de Zwei Wing. Kanade Amô, l’une des chanteuses du duo, lui sauva alors la vie en revêtant son Symphogear. Deux ans plus tard, Hibiki découvre que l’incident a laissé une trace indélébile en elle.


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Bruit et dissonance

13. Januar 201225m

Hibiki est invitée à suivre les membres de la 2e division de la brigade de prévention antidésastre pour obtenir des explications sur ce qui s'est passé lors de l'attaque des Noise.


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Se croiser dans la nuit

20. Januar 201225m

Hibiki a promis à Miku d'aller voir les étoiles filantes avec elle, mais son nouveau statut de membre de la brigade de prévention antidésastre l'empêche de vivre sa vie d'écolière tranquille.


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Pluie de larmes

27. Januar 201225m

Tsubasa et Hibiki combattent l'armure de Nehushtan qui s'avère un redoutable adversaire. Hibiki en apprend un peu plus sur le passé de Tsubasa et a de plus en plus de mal à gérer sa double vie.


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Du fond d'un gouffre sombre

3. Februar 201225m

Tsubasa a réchappé de peu à la mort. En soins intensifs, elle se remémore son passé et essaie de comprendre pourquoi elle se bat, en pensant à Kanade. De son côté, Hibiki est la seule à pouvoir sécuriser la deuxième division des affaires spéciales.


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Où les signes nous emmènent

10. Februar 201225m

Pendant la convalescence de Tsubasa, Hibiki s'entraîne dur pour obtenir son Armed Gear afin de vaincre tous ses adversaires. Elle tente aussi d'expliquer à Tsubasa les raisons qui la poussent à combattre.


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Le destin continue de s'acharner

17. Februar 201225m

Chris continue à vouloir battre Hibiki qui se défend comme elle le peut. Miku a dû être mise au courant des activités secrètes de Hibiki et leur relation en pâtit.


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Le soleil sans ombre

24. Februar 201225m

Après une nouvelle attaque de Noise, Miku se retrouve à aider Chris sans savoir qui elle est. Hibiki va devoir combattre d'autres Noise pour sauver Miku.


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Le chant d'une guerrière

2. März 201225m

Miku est enfin présentée officiellement à la deuxième division des affaires spéciales. Pendant ce temps, Genjûrô essaie de convaincre Chris de les rejoindre pour combattre les Noise et Tsubasa prépare son retour sur scène.


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Chris dit à Genjûrô qu'elle a entendu que Kadingir était complète. La deuxième division des affaires spéciales doit se renseigner pour savoir comment répliquer, quand une attaque de Noise volants menace la ville.


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Transpercer la Lune

16. März 201225m

Lydian est attaquée, et Hibiki et ses amies font tout ce qu'elles peuvent pour sauver le plus de monde possible des attaques de leur ennemie qui est maintenant identifiée.


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23. März 201225m

Chris s'est sacrifiée pour tenter de détruire Kadingir, mais Hibiki et Tsubasa n'ont pas dit leur dernier mot. Le combat continue pendant que les survivants de l'école tentent d'aider les combattantes.


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Les étoiles filantes tombent, brûlent, meurent et...

30. März 201225m

Les trois Symphogear se liguent contre leur ennemie pour un combat à mort et la survie de la Terre.


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La fille de Gungnir

4. Juli 201325m

Après avoir protégé un convoi de l'attaque de Noise, Chris et Hibiki sont en retard pour le nouveau concert de Tsubasa, en duo avec une nouvelle chanteuse nommée Maria.


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Force et mensonge dans le cœur

11. Juli 201325m

Une nouvelle menace plane sur le monde après l'annonce de Maria pendant son concert avec Tsubasa. Une organisation mystérieuse annonce pouvoir contrôler les Noise et donc vouloir diriger le monde.


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La vie semble avoir repris son cours à l'école Lydian, même si l'organisation Finé menace le monde. Après une enquête de la seconde division, les filles tentent d'attaquer le repaire ennemi.


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Mon chez-moi

25. Juli 201325m

Après en avoir appris un peu plus sur la réincarnation de Finé, les filles doivent affronter Kirika et Shirabe qui tentent de trouver de la nourriture pour Nephilim.


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Sérénade ensanglantée

1. August 201325m

Shirabe et Kirika tentent de s'incruster dans le concours de chant de Lydian. Pendant ce temps, Maria a quelques états d'âme concernant les attaques d'humains.


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Un miracle – C'est une chose cruelle

8. August 201325m

Après le combat contre Néphilim, Hibiki ressent les effets de Gungnir qui fusionne de plus en plus avec son corps.


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Quand tu ne peux plus être toi-même

15. August 201325m

La fusion entre Gungnir et Hibiki s'accentue. Le docteur Ver tente de donner plus de force à ses protégées pour qu'elles puissent battre Hibiki malgré sa puissance décuplée.


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Après avoir avancé dans ses recherches, le groupe Finé tente d'activer le Frontier pendant que la seconde division essaie de convaincre Hibiki de se ménager.


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L'histoire d'un héros

29. August 201325m

Le groupe Finé tente de se rapprocher du gouvernement américain, mais les choses tournent mal. Pendant ce temps, Chris essaie de se rapprocher de Tsubasa, mais celle-ci n'a pas l'air d'apprécier.


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Compte à rebours jusqu'à la perte

5. September 201325m

Le combat s'engage entre les partisans du FIS et la seconde division. Les amies d'autrefois s'affrontent et se déchirent.


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Destiny Arc

12. September 201325m

Le FIS a réussi à activer le Frontier et à le faire émerger. L'armée américaine et la seconde division doivent faire face à une puissance inégalée.


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Lance d'attaque

19. September 201325m

Pendant que les filles se battent entre elles, le docteur Ver continue à manipuler tout le monde pour son profit personnel.


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Au loin, ce jour où les étoiles sont devenues musique

26. September 201325m

Le combat contre Nephilim est engagé. Tout le monde lutte pour sauver la Terre.


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Épisode 17

14. Dezember 20133h 2m

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Murderer of Miracles

4. Juli 201525m

After the frontier incident, everyone who knew the circumstances believed the Noise were gone and the pain they caused was at an end. But a new conflict approached unseen. In the Yokohama Harbor Oosan-bashi Pier, a new pattern is detected that is similar to the Noise. A combat group wielding mysterious technology stands in the way of Hibiki and the others. When she hears of this enemy of unprecedented strength, Tsubasa hurries back home from England. But the Symphogear users see no opening to counterattack and are forced into a difficult fight. In this situation of extreme disparity, the battle for the song that will end the world begins.


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Before I Destroy the World

11. Juli 201525m

As Hibiki tries to reason with Carol, refusing to don her Symphogear, Chris comes into contact with another Autoscorer, Leiur Darahim. When a second enemy attacks, Chris is able to escape harm thanks to a girl named Elfnein, who reveals she comes from a world of alchemy. Meanwhile, Carol tells Hibiki that destroying the world is task given to her before retreating, leaving Hibiki shocked with thoughts of her own father before passing out. Meanwhile, as Tsubasa and Maria attempt to flee from Phara, Maria suspects that Tsubasa is the one being targeted, lamenting how she herself has been forced by the government to pretend to be an agent. Both Tsubasa and Chris are soon put into a pinch when their opponents summon Alca-Noise, a new breed of Noise that has the power to destroy their Symphogear armor.


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Twilight of the Wielders

18. Juli 201525m

With Tsubasa and Chris' Symphogear destroyed by the Alca-Noise, Shirabe and Kirika, despite being hindered by being unable to use LiNKER, step in to help Chris and Elfnein escape safely while the enemy dolls, having completed their mission, retreat. Later, after Tsubasa and Maria return to Japan, Elfnein explains Carol's motives to the others, presenting them with a relic known as the Dwerg Dain. The next day, as Hibiki and her friends are confronted by the third Autoscorer, Galie Tuman, who summons more Alca-Noise, Hibiki, who had been conflicted about using Gungnir to fight, suddenly finds herself unable to sing the chant needed to transform.


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Gungnir, Once More

25. Juli 201525m

As Hibiki and her friends are forced to flee, Maria arrives and uses Hibiki's relic to fight off the Alca-Noise with her Black Gungnir armor. Galie fights back, but Maria loses sync with the relic before she can destroy it, retreating instead. Wanting Hibiki to be able to sing again, Miku takes her on a walk to try to help her remember the reason she sings, only to come under attack by the fourth Autoscorer, Micha Jawkan. Pushed into a corner, Miku reminds Hibiki of all the people she saved with her power, giving her the resolve to transform once more. However, she is caught off guard by Galie's illusions and is dealt a critical blow to her relic by Micha. Determined to save Hibiki, Tsubasa and Chris prepare to go along with Elfnein's plan to counter the Alca-Noise; Project Ignite.


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Edge Works

1. August 201525m

A week later, as Hibiki is still in a coma following her battle with Micha, Elfnein works on upgrading the relics with her Project Ignite, briefly experiencing some of Carol's memories of her father. When Alca-Noise start attacking generators in an attempt to cut off the base's power supply, Shirabe and Kirika steal some LiNKER and go into battle in order to buy Elfnein some time, coming up against Micha in the process. As both Shirabe and Kirika's relics are destroyed by Micha and her Alca-Noise, they are saved by the arrival of Tsubasa and Chris wielding their new and improved Symphogear armor.


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Drawn Blade

8. August 201525m

Using their enhanced Symphogears, Tsubasa and Chris manage to withstand the effects of the Alca-Noise. Just then, Carol appears, using the Faust Robe of Daurdabla relic to transform into an adult form which uses her own memories as fuel for her power. Pushed by Carol's attacks, Tsubasa and Chris activate their relics' Ignite Module, in which they must fight their own impulses in order control the raw power previously seen in Hibiki's beserk form. As the two struggle to face their own burdens and regrets, they manage to snap each other out of it before they lose control. With her relic repaired, Hibiki joins the others and encourages them to try the Ignite Module once more, this time managing to overcome it and enter new forms that have the power to fight back against Carol. Having burned up the memories of her own motivation, Carol taunts Hibiki about her own cursed memory before using a capsule to burn herself to ashes.


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After Maria, Shirabe, and Kirika's relics are repaired by Elfnein, everyone is sent on a training camp at the beach in order to master the upgraded Symphogear. Just as they are enjoying themselves, they come under attack by Galie, who appears to be acting without Carol's orders. Determined to prove her strength, Maria attempts to activate the Ignite Module against her, but ends up going berserk instead and winds up losing. Lamenting her defeat, Maria spends time with Elfnein, where they are once again confronted by Galie, with Phara using the distraction to sneak into their base to obtain some data. With Elfnein echoing her own advice to stay true to herself, Maria finds strength in accepting her own weakness and overcomes the Ignite Module, using her new form to defeat Galie. Later that night, as Hibiki and Miku make a run to the convenience store, Hibiki is shocked to see her father is one of the clerks.


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The Courage to Face It

22. August 201525m

Hibiki meets up with her father but refuses to hear him out, feeling he hasn't changed since the day he left her family amidst all the harrassment she faced following the ZweiWing incident. Joining Shirabe and Kirika on a mission to defeat some Alca-Noise attacking some underground conduits, Hibiki's anger towards both her father and herself puts her at a disadvantage against Micha, prompting Shirabe to step in to protect her and Kirika. As Shirabe and Kirika end up arguing with each other following the incident, Genjurou determines Micha's purpose was to download conduit route data to locate hidden entrances. Later, Leiur attacks the HQ while Micha targets Shirabe and Kirika, who learn that the reason they were arguing was because they didn't want to become a burden to each other. Realizing that people get mad at them because they care, the two activate their Ignite Modules and combine their strengths to defeat Micha. Meanwhile, Carol reawakens in a spare body, able to see what the enemy is doing through Elfnein's eyes.


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The Middle of a Dream

29. August 201525m

Learning that the Autoscorers may be targeting two locations at once, Chris, Shirabe, and Kirika go to the Undersea Dragon's Palace, where many relics are sealed, while Tsubasa goes with Maria to her family's mansion, where she is met with disdain from her father, Yatsuhiro. Tsubasa soon comes up against Phara, who overwhelms her with her ability to destroy anything defined as a sword before destroying her family's keystone. Afterwards, Tsubasa explains how the decisions of her grandfather, revealed to be her biological father, left her in a poor relationship with Yatsuhiro. When Phara attacks again later that night, she receives encouragement from Yatsuhiro to focus on her own dreams, showing that he had always cared for his daughter, allowing her to overcome her own definition as a sword and defeat Phara. Meanwhile, Chris' team confront Carol and Leiur to stop them stealing a relic, only to suddenly come up against Dr. Ver.


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It's so Cruel, But...

5. September 201525m

With Shirabe and Kirika unable to bring themselves to attack Ver, since he is the only one who can produce LiNKER, Chris is scolded for using her ability recklessly in trying to stop them. Meanwhile, Carol reveals to HQ that she had been using Elfnein as a mole without her knowing, while Tsubasa and Maria learn from Phara that Carol's plan is to make the wielders use Ignite Modules on the Autoscorers. Unaware of any of this, Chris, reminded of the warmth she had been seeking by Shirabe and Kirika, activates her Ignite Module and works with the others to fight back against Leiur, after which they retreat back to HQ and prepare to fight against Leiur's giant form.


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It`s All Right. Everything Is Just Fine

12. September 201525m

Chris manages to destroy Leiur while Elfnein gets injured protecting one of the staff from the damage caused by her attacks on HQ. Meanwhile, Hibiki meets up with her father again, telling him he needs to be the one to take the first step in getting their family back together. Just then, Carol's Chateau appears in the sky, powered by both the cursed melodies gathered by the Autoscorers and the assistance of Ver. After deeming Ver of no further use and seemingly dispatching him, Carol turns her attention towards Hibiki, knocking away her relic. While seemingly running away in fear at first, Hibiki's father manages to distract Carol long enough to retrieve Hibiki's relic, helping Hibiki realise that he had always been protecting her in her own way. Hibiki is soon joined by the other wielders as they get her father to safety and once again confront Carol, as she uses her relic's Burst Mode to resonate with the Chateau as it spreads a photosphere across the entire planet. While Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris fight against Carol, Maria, Shirabe, and Kirika head inside the Chateau to try and shut it down, where they suddenly find themselves in the presence of Nastassja.


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19. September 201525m

Maria's group flee from the fake Nastassja before them and come across Ver, who leads them to the Chateau's center. While Maria and the others face against the Chateau's defense, which takes the form of their past sins, Ver rewrites the Chateau's program with support from Elfnein in order to stop the disintegration, with the Chateau exploding with everyone still inside as a result. As Carol laments her failed plans, Elfnein explains what her father really wanted was to bring harmony to the world and give the world forgiveness. Refusing to accept this, Carol prepares to burn away all of her memories to exact her revenge, prompting Hibiki and the others to fight back with the Ignite Modules, releasing all of its safeties to try and match Carol's output. When this proves to be insufficient as well, Maria and the others arrive and combine their powers with everyone, using Carol's own phonic gain to surpass the Ignite Modules' limits and unleash their true form.


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Believe in Justice, and Hold It Close

26. September 201525m

Believing miracles were the thing that condemned her father to death, Carol spreads Alca-Noise across the city, the Symphogear wielders, sensing that Carol is feeling alone, fight against them. Just then, Carol prepares her ultimate weapon, a giant metal beast, but Hibiki, supported by her friends and her Armed Gear, powers through to defeat it. Just as the beast is about to explode into a miniature sun, Hibiki reaches out to save Carol, who finally remembers her father's goal; to help people understand each other. Three days later, as Carol's whereabouts remain unknown, Hibiki laments over not being able to do much for Elfnein's declining condition, but Miku gives her some support. Later that night, Elfnein is approached by Carol, who appears to have lost all of her memories, stating her desire to live and merging with Carol to become one. Afterwards, Hibiki rekindles her relationship with her father and helps their family reunite, while Elfnein becomes a member of S.O.N.G., who analyze the data left behind by Ver.


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Épisode 01

2. Juli 201725m

Il s'agit de la quatrième saison de l'anime Senki Zesshou Symphogear.


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Last Resort

9. Juli 201725m

The Bavarian Illuminati has struck at SONG in a small South American country. It's up to the Symphogear weilders to fight them off and gain time for the non-combatants to escape.


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The Horoscope Drawn by Gears

16. Juli 201725m

The Bavarian Illuminati has followed SONG to Japan, and has a powerful new kind of Alca-Noise that they're using to trap the Symphogear weilders. Can they escape?


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Gold Making

23. Juli 201725m

SONG brings the Valverde documents to a secret base dating from World War 2, but the Illuminati tracks them there as well.


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Risking Your Life in a Fictional Theater

30. Juli 201725m

Adam, the controlling director of the Illuminati, has used a powerful alchemic spell to destroy the Kazanari Organization's base. Now it's up to SONG to deal with the fallout.


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Emerging from the Deathbed

6. August 201725m

The goal of the Alchemists is revealed as they try to stop the Symphogears from halting their march towards a more perfect world. Their final goal? The lunar ruins.


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Arcana No.00

13. August 201725m

Shirabe and Kirika engage the Alchemists while the remainder of the team searches for a secret item that will allow them to use their Ignite Modules.


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Between the Past and the Future

20. August 201725m

The Wielders find the Fool's Stone, and can now use their powerful Ignite modules against their alchemist foes. Cagliostro is the first to challenge them and their new power...


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Blue Rabbit

27. August 201725m

The group trains so that everyone can pair with any other team member and use their powerful Unison attacks. But Shirabe is having trouble pairing up with anybody but Kirika, because of her inability to trust others.


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Symphogear Live 2016 Digest

3. September 201725m

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An Tiki Tira

10. September 201725m

With what they've learned from the shrine, the Symphogear Wielders now know the full extent of the Illumanti's plan: they're going to use an ancient gate to summon the power of a god. Only one person can stop them: Hibiki, the "God-Killer".


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Pinnacle of Divine Might

17. September 201725m

The power of stars descends on Tiki. Despite the best efforts of the Symphogear Wielders, and some unexpected help, she completes the ritual and becomes a divine weapon.


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24. September 201725m

The divine power chooses Hibiki as its vessel. To stop the worldwide disaster she could cause, the U.N. initiates a wide-scale attack on Japan.


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Every Time Tears Overlap, the Reality Proven Is

1. Oktober 201725m

Adam throws aside his pride and beauty and assumes the form of a huge monster. It will take the power of all six Symphogear Wielders to bring him down.


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Symphogear Live 2018 Digest

3. März 201825m

The Symphogear Live 2018 was an event that was held in Musashino Forest Sports Plaza on March 3, 2018 to March 4, 2018. A commemorative event in Senki Zesshō Symphogear XD Unlimited ran from February 25, 2018 to March 8, 2018, featuring each main character's battle song from AXZ as well as their group songs.


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Hibiki et Miku sont en train de savourer un moment tranquille quand une explosion se produit non loin de la fête foraine où elles se trouvent. Cela leur rappelle le combat contre les Illuminati de Bavière.


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Le jour où les cieux se sont effondrés

14. Juli 201925m

Le SONG doit laisser les États-Unis s'occuper du corps qu'ils ont récupéré dans les glaces. Il est temps pour Tsubasa de préparer son grand retour sur scène.


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Penny Dreadful

21. Juli 201925m

Après la catastrophe pendant le concert, les membres du SONG doivent comprendre qui est leur véritable ennemi, les rescapés des Illuminati ou une autre force plus dangereuse encore.


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La fleur s'appelle amalgame

28. Juli 201925m

Hibiki aurait bien envie d'aller faire un karaoké avec ses amies, mais les Illuminati n'ont pas dit leur dernier mot. Il va encore falloir se battre.


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Un secret enfoui au fond de mon sac

4. August 201925m

Après la prise de contrôle du SONG par le gouvernement, les Symphogear se retrouvent en congé forcé. Mais les Alca-Noise ne sont jamais bien loin !


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11. August 201925m

L'enquête autour de la disparition d'Elfnein et de Miku est en cours. Pendant ce temps, les Noble Red tentent d'activer le bracelet.


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Couper net les fils emmêlés

18. August 201925m

Elfnein a enfin une idée des projets des Illuminati. Tandis que les Symphogear affrontent le monstre qui s'est matérialisé, Elfnein tente de défendre sa vie.


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25. August 201925m

Carol tente d'affronter le pouvoir divin en associant le Château de Tiffauges et la puissance maximale des Symphogear. Cependant, il y a d'autres ennemis à combattre.


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I am a father

1. September 201925m

Après un début de combat contre Shem Ha, Hibiki retourne chez son père, assignée à résidence. L'enquête concernant le patriarche Kazanari est sur le point d'aboutir.


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Pas d'une vulgaire couleur rouille

8. September 201925m

Les Noble Red reviennent bien plus en forme pour attaquer les Symphogear. Malgré tout, le Song s'allie aux États-Unis pour se défendre contre la puissance de Shem Ha.


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Au commencement était la parole

15. September 201925m

À peine ont-elles compris où elles se trouvaient que les filles se font attaquer par le système de défense de la base.


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Le chant du cygne des valkyries

22. September 201925m

Le combat sur la Lune est sur le point de prendre fin. Il n'y a toujours pas de solution pour le retour sur terre. Pendant ce temps, la résistance s'organise pour vaincre Shem Ha.


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Écrivons l'histoire avec la lumière que même Dieu ignore

29. September 201925m

Le combat se poursuit entre Shem Ha, la puissance divine, et l'humanité, dont l'union fait la force.


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Original short episode featuring characters in super-deformed style. Bundled with Blu-ray/DVD volume 3 of the anime.


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Original short episode featuring characters in super-deformed style. Bundled with Blu-ray/DVD volume 4 of the anime.


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Original short episode featuring characters in super-deformed style. Bundled with Blu-ray/DVD volume 5 of the anime.


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Original short episode featuring characters in super-deformed style. Bundled with Blu-ray/DVD volume 6 of the anime.


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